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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{He’s a segz freak

She’s crazy}

By Mhiz Topzy and Anny Oluchi

Genre-Billionaire romance

Not edited expect some errors



“Why don’t you just do something that will make
Lious h@Ε₯Δ› her instead of ki||ing her,”Florence
said immediately Lia asked the guard to ki||

“And what other thing will make lious h@Ε₯Δ›
her?”Lia asked curiously.

“Like setting her up with her ex boyfriend,
“Florence replied and a smirk immediately form
on Lia’s face.

“Such brilliant idea florence,you go and tell the
guard to abort,”Lia said to one of the guards.
The guard left immediately to get the other
guard who was asked to ki|| Ella.

“I need you to do something else for me,”Lia
said to the guard.

“And what is that ma’am?”He asked.

“I want you to contact Ella’s ex boyfriend,”Lia

{At the Medina’s Company}

“Good morning Sir,”Vera greeted Clark
immediately she step into his office, Clark
replied her greeting by nodding his head.

“Seriously,”Vera muttered to herself.

“What are my schedule for today?”Clark asked

“Why were you not at the party last night?”Vera
asked ignoring his questions.

“And what party is that?”Clark asked

“The Maxwell Company had there five years
anniversary party last night,”Vera replied.

“The Maxwell,”Clark muttered repeatedly.

“All the richest tycoon in the world attend it,the
party was one in a million,I wonder why you
didn’t attend, didn’t you get an invitation?”Vera

“I have no business with the Maxwell,”Clark
replied coldly.

“you just being arrogant as usual,”Vera said.

“Wh@Ε₯Δ›ver,”Clark replied.

“That why you don’t have any friends because
you don’t associates with people and that why
people do talk bad about you, you are just
arrogant, cold-hearted,”Vera said and clark just
stared at her.

“Let them wh@Ε₯Δ›ver they want say,”Clark replied
coldly as he glare at her.

{At the Maxwell Company}

“What are my schedule for today?”lious asked.

“You have a meeting with the owner of B&G,
“Ella reported.

“Thank you for taking care of me,”lious said.

“It nothing,”Ella replied.

“It my treat today,”lious said and Ella smiled.

“Don’t blame me if eat much,”Ella giggled and
lious scoffs.

“If you want to eat all the food prepared then
you can have them all,”lious replied.

“Am not a glutton,”Ella said.

“I didn’t say you were a glutton,”lious replied.

“Then what did you mean?”Ella asked.

“Am ready to spend any amount on you,”lious
replied and Ella blushes.

“You look cute when you blush,”lious said.

“I didn’t blush,”Ella replied and lious scoffs.

Suddenly Ella’s phone rings interupting their
conversation, Ella took a glance at her phone
and hiss when she saw who was calling her.

“Is there any problem?”lious asked.

“There is none,”Ella replied then her phone
number rings continuously but she ignores it.

“Then why did you ignore the call?”lious asked

“It because picking the call isn’t necessary,”Ella
replied as she arrange the files on his desk.


Ella quickly picked up her bag from her desk as
she shove the file on her desk.

“Why the hell is he calling me huh?”Ella bit her
lower lip as she ignored Kennedy call.

He have been calling her all this while but she
turned him down.

Ella unlock her phone when she saw his

~meet me at peak high hotel, I have a message
to confirmed about you and if you want Lious
to be alive then come over~ the message read
as Ella smashed her phone to the wall with her
hand on her head.

“I have no choice than to go meet him cause I
have to save lious life or he will be ki||ed!”Ella
roughed her hair and immediately billed her
sandal as she arranged her dress.

Ella walked down through the elevator as she
entered her car and drove off.

***Peak high hotel**

“Ella…” Kennedy smile as he saw her walking
towards the receptionist through the CT scan.

I quickly ask for his room number and walked
into his assigned room when I pushed the door
opener and walked in with annoyance.

“Kennedy what the hell did you want from me?
What are you trying to do?…” I ask with
trembling voice as I avoid his gaze cause I know
he want to take advantage of this situation to
hurt me but can I?

“Are you done with your nag and
shout?”kendeny ask as he walked to the door
side and closed it.

“You better not play with me!”. Ella yelled.

“And am not here for that?…” He said and I blink
my eyes in suprised.

I have knew Kennedy for years now, he is a segz
freak that will never changed and I h@Ε₯Δ› him for
that! We break up cause he cheated but right
now he is not trying to pull that puzzle up.

“And what for?”.

“To let you know that Louis will be dead
anytime soon and you have to find a way to
save him.” He replied and my jaw fall.

Is he telling me the truth or lieing to me?

“I know he will say am lying but the truth is that
am might be that lier you’ve known for years
now but no more… Sip in some drinks to calm
your nerve”. He said arrogantly as he picked up
a glass of drink which he gulp down hurriedly.

“No… Am not here for drinks or to calm nerves”. I
said crossing my leg to the chair.

“Okay… Then I have nothing to say to a naive
lady who can’t calm her nervousness”. He said
and stood up about to go when she hold his

“Okay… I will do just as you said if only that can
save Louis”. She replied awkwardly.

“Okay!”. She took the drink and sip from inside
making him feel at ease.


***Twenty minutes later**

“I want you… I want that thing in between your
legs**”. Ella said gibbishly.

“Wow… The drug really worked well on this fool.
.. Lia was right… Hehe”. He smrik as his hand
trail to her waist.

Of course he drvgged her with the segz urge
increase, which can only be calm after twenty
four hours of use.

“f-__-k me!… Make me scream your name… K.E.
N.E.D.Y”. She stressed his name as she lock her
lip with his own.

Kennedy quickly turned on the camera as she
kissed him.

His hand moved to her zip as he unzipped it,
making her B-__-bs come to view as it rubbed his

“Make me scream your name…” She pout her lip
as Kennedy raised her up to his waist level.
“Louis now you will be mine or you are gonna
die!”. Lia smirk as she watched the scene from
the distance.

“Wow… I know Louis won’t love a lady who
fivked around and besides he might find her
dead… Who knows?”. She pout her lip and sip
from the soda drink beside her.

“Ma’am a lady is here asking after you!”. Her
gaurd bowed and she smirk raising her index

“It Florence”.

“Let her in”. She said shutting down her laptop.

“Florence is everything set?”. She ask and
Florence raised her eyes and smile.

“Okay… Get the men ready for their work cause
we will have to put an end to that Ella girl and…”

{Louis pov}

“Kennedy must be joking… He think he can toy
with ella and go Scot free?”

I actually noticed he kept calling Ella and also I
noticed ella was stressed out.

Of course not

I quickly pick up my car key and hurried outside
the building as I ordered my men too.

I used the tracker to confirm her location. I
placed a tracker in her bag without her knowing.

“Sir… It Pearl High hotel… That where Kennedy
and Ella is”One of his guard said and lious
raised his jaw.

“Okay… We are supposed to be there before
anything else happened”

With those words from him, he worked out of
the office and drove off.

“Please be save Ella,”lious said to himself as
they drove off to the hotel hurriedly…..

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