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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💲The Billionaire 🚬

😈Boys 🖤

Club 🔞

(Stuck with a billionaire)

THEME: Stuck with a billionaire.


Like, before reading, don’t forget to drop a comment and let us know what you think.

Note: this is a dark romance!!

❤️‍🔥 Final❤️‍🔥



“Who let the dogs out? Khalid, throw that dog out of here!” Mr Washington ordered.

Bush smirked.

“And who are you calling names? Huh?” He roared, pulling the trigger.

Mr Washington squat down instantly and the bullet flew past him, hitting his empty chair behind.

Ricky pulled his forearm, $h00ting at Bush and the bullet hit his arm making him drop his gun, Khalid rushed forward and restrained him.

“How dare you?” Mr. Washington smacked him hard across the face.

Everyone gasped.

“I say how f-__-king dare you?” He smacked him again, coursing his mouth to bleed.

“Washington!!” An elderly man called.

“The penalty for his actions is death,” Washington turned to them, his eyes burning with fury.

“No, he shall be stripped off his title and Wolves name, he he’s no longer one of us,” Mr. Washingtons father said.

Mr. Washington looked back, all eyes were on him.

“Mio Angelo,” He called instead.

Mrs. Washington walked out and met him at the center of the hall, without saying a word, he began walking out and she followed.



“Who dropped this magazine here?” Lady Malary screamed.

A maid came running to her instantly.

“How dare you? How dare you bring me something that reminds me of her?” She spattered pointed at Mrs Washington’s pic.

The maid lowered her head.

“Ma, you requested for a magazine, I didn’t know that she will be in it….”

“Just look at her, after all this years she looks the same. Listen to me,” Lady Malary gripped the maids clothes, pulling her closer.

“Never let anyone take what is yours, do you hear me! You’re pretty and young, go for your man and hold him tight, don’t let anyone take him away from you if not you will end up like me, alone with nothing. No one to love and care for, do you hear me?” She said shaking the maid.

“Ma, your grip is becoming tight,” she maid said.

“Do you see how pretty and young she is, she took it all from me…. Washington was .. argh!!! My chest!! Ahhh!! ARGH!!!!” Her grip on the maids clothes loosen and she fall to the floor.

“Ma’am, ma’am can you hear me? Ma,” the maid called.

“What happened?” A bodyguard walked over to them, he glanced at the maid before staring at Lady Malary.

“She’s dead,” he announced, after checking her pulse

“She can’t be, she was just…”

“She had a heart attack, call an ambulance”



“You want anything?” Khalid asked and Lorenzo glared at him.

He was still in so much pain, he’d hurt his knees during the fall but he didn’t give in to it.

“I’m going out,” he replied.

“Where? You need to rest, there is still more to come….”

“I said I’m going out, thank you very much,” Lorenzo shove him out of the way as he walked past.

“Can I at least know where you’re going?” Khalid asked calmly and Lorenzo looked back at him.

“At Audrey apartment…”

“If you’re going to see Kim then she’s here with Mom,” Khalid said, cutting him off.

Without responding, Lorenzo walked away.


“How do you get that woman to talk freely?” Audrey asked, watching Mrs. Washington leave the room to get Randy who’s playing with Blue and Grey.

Kim smiled.

“Tell me, have worked here for weeks but she never say a single word to me, okay, Maybe she did on my first day but that’s it,” Audrey added and Kim smiled widely.

“Come on,” Audrey nudged her shoulder.

“I’m serious, I’m beginning to think maybe she doesn’t like me,” she added and Kim burst out laughing. She laughed so hard that Audrey hit her head playfully.


“Okay,” Kim laughed harder and Audrey stood up, she made to walked away but Kim pulled her back.

“It’s nothing to be upset about, sometimes talking to her is like me speaking to myself, but don’t worry about her,” Kim waved a dismissive hand.

“How can you tell me not to worry when I’m dating her son, what if she doesn’t like me?”

“If she didn’t like you, you won’t be here and King Randy won’t be playing with her grandkids,” Kim said and Audrey looked at the long hallway.

“It’s nothing, you see…” Kim began explaining how they met at the church and by the time she was done Audrey couldn’t believe it.

“Momma,” Randy shouted, running towards her with Mrs. Washington who stood three feet away.

“Thanks ma’am and I will be going now,” Audrey said softly and Mrs. Washington nodded.

“Momma Kim,” Kim moved closer to hug her

She tilted her head to Audrey who was watching and winked at her, Audrey rolled her eyes.



Out of the bar came Bush.

He looked around for his car but it was no where to be found so he began walking down the road, suddenly a black BMW came speeding his way and before he could know it, the car ran Into him.

Knocking him up, he landed on the car bonnet and the drive stepped out.

dressed in all black from head to toe. He walked over to Bush and squatted.

“Hello, little Uncle,” Came Mr Washington’s voice.

“Y…. You hit… Me?” Bush stuttered, blood rolling down from the corner of his mouth, his head bleeding.

“Yes I did, and guess what? Veronica is still my wife.” Mr Washington smiled dangerously.

“H… How could you? I will report you….”

“Report me for trying to take away my life all those years, seeing that every of your plans failed you went for my children, is that it? Your mistake was going after my wife?” Mr Washington pulled a gun out of his pocket, playing with it.

“She already told you that she kissed me…”

“Veronica doesn’t like kissing, she prefer neck kisses… You didn’t know that do you? Hahah!”

“You took her from me, I trusted you…”

“Where were you when she was being bullied? Huh? What did you do when she was in Misery????


A small community in the country side<

Young Washington of 21 years old was in the limo with Bush besides him when he saw a group of people gathered around.

“Stop the car,” he suddenly said, staring out through the window.

“Washington, you said you came to see grandpa,” Bush reminds him.

“Yeah, but those people, what are they doing?” Washington asked, heart pounding.

“I dunno, but will go and Inquire,” Bush opened the door but Washington stepped down.

“What are you doing? You can’t be seen mingling with them? You’re the heire of to the Wolves empire,” Bush pulled him back.

“What if it’s Veronica?” Washington asked desperately, though he wished it wasn’t her.

“It’s not her ..”

“How will you know?” He yelled, shutting Bush up.

Bush took I’m a deep breath and Washington did the same.

“Listen, don’t get me and your gaurds in trouble, okay? You can’t be seen with this people. They are supposed to worship the ground you step on so just stay here and I will go…” Bush was still saying when Washington pushed him out of the way.

“Screw worship, I’m no God but only a man,” Washington cursed out loud.

He pushed himself into the crowd but immediately the villagers saw him they began making ways, avoiding him like a plaque.

“She’s a wîtch, she sent Washington away cos he proposed to me,” Malary shouted at the center of the crowd.

“We should throw her away,” a girl said.

“No, we should cut her body piece by piece,” another girl added.

“She’s evil,” another added.

“Yes, she reported to his father that why they sent Washington away…”

“No body sent me away,” Washington finally said when he couldn’t take it anymore.

They gasped upon seeing him.

He stared disappointedly at Malary who’s looming over Veronica, Malary quickly shifted back from her.

“If you wanted to fight why not fight her alone?” Washington said, fist clenched tightly as he willed himself to stay calm.

“And what made you think she can fight me?” Malary asked with an eye roll.

“How should we know if you two don’t wrestle?” He replied and Malary kept quiet.

“I thought you all were her friends?” Washington asked, staring from one person to another.

🗣️ Malary said she’s a wîtch

🗣️ Yes, she said Veronica told your dad about your marriage plans.

🗣️she said Veronica practice black magic.

🗣️ She said, she’s the reason why they sent you away.

“And you all believe her?” He asked infuriated

They all kept quiet.

“I was never born here to begin with,” He yelled before turning to Bush.

“Do you know about this?” He asked

Bush was silent.

“DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS!!” He roared, stepping closer.

“There was nothing I could do, she’s just a common girl!!” Bush fired back, damnit. He have heard enough.

“How long has this been going on?” Washington asked

Bush shook his head sideways.

“Look Washington….”

“How long!!!”

“Ever since you left,” he replied and Washington’s eyes widened.

“For 6 years, she have been treated this way and you let them, I thought you said you loved her…”

“I do! Okay! I really do but rules are rules, she’s a commoner and shouldn’t be seen with me, you and I Knows no one can go against the Wolves rules,” Bush yelled back, trying to make a point.

Without feature argument, Washington began running after Veronica who sneaked out when Malary and her crew got distracted.

“You can’t!!” Bush pulled him back.

Washington forcefully took his hand from him

“Washington, there are rules and neither me or you can break it, you haven’t even see grandpa but you want to run after a common girl….” The last part which was (common girl) went back Into Bush’s throat as Washington punched him hard on the mouth.

“Screw the d@mn rules,” he took off.

Veronica was close to her house when she heard her name from behind, she Increased her speed, not looking back.


” Veronica wait!”

“I don’t want any trouble,” she shouted, still running away.

“It’s me, Washington!”

“I know, why have you come back?”

“Cos you asked me to,”

“I said 10 years not 6,”

“Veronica, stop running I’m getting tired,”

“Stay away from me, I don’t want any trouble…”

“Veronica, stop this minute or I’m reporting to my grandpa that you called me worthless,” he thr_@tened and she stopped on her tracks instantly.

“Please, I don’t want any trouble”


“You witness all her suffering and did nothing to help and now that she’s my wife you want to create trouble between us?” Mr Washington scoffed.

“You don’t know me too well brother,” he lowered his gun.

“Washington…..” He pulled the trigger, $h00ting Bush three times consecutively before raising to his feet.

“Your mistake was coming near my wife,” he walked back to his car and zoom off. Minutes after he left the cops arrived.



Bush has been buried, same as Lady Malary, Vincent and Kourtney got married.

Audrey was dressing up when she heard a knock on her door, Kim wasn’t home so she walked over and opened it.

“Harrison,” she called

He gulped emptiness.

“Audrey, who is that?” Khalid asked from behind her.

“Hey, man,” he called after seeing Harrison then he held her waist, pulling her to him.

Harrison stared at their closeness but said nothing.

“I emm… Can we talk?” He asked, staring directly at Audrey.

“Sure,”she replied and Khalid kisses her earlobe before bitting it.

“Ouch,” she hit him playfully and he laughed.

“Why do you bite me?” She pouted cutely and he kissed her lips, she tangled her hands around his neck then jump on him, tangling her legs around him as they deepen the kiss.

“Can you two wait until I’m gone?” Harrison asked jealously.

“Why should we?” Khalid asked

“Yeah, sure,” Audrey disengage from the kiss, making him frown.

“You’re not being fair,” Khalid complained and she kissed him again.

“I love you skinny wîtch,” he pressed her head on his chest, inhaling her sweet hair shampoo scents.

“I love you more, I wish I had meet you earlier, Randy would have been yours…”

“He’s still mine coupled with his siblings?” Khalid touched her belly and she smiled.

“So, Harrison, I would have invited you to our wedding but we want to do it the way my parents did theirs, just the two of us and our loved ones, like my twin and his girlfriend,” Khalid said.

Harrison gulped emptiness.

“That’s…. Th… I mean, it’s a good news,” he stuttered and swallowed again.

“So, why have you come?” Khalid asked, settling down on the couch with Audrey on his lap.

“It’s about Randy…”

“What about him,” Audrey became alarmed instantly.

“Listen Audrey, I don’t wanna fight you. I mean everything knows the Wolves family is rich enough to cover murder. I just want to keep in touch with my son, I will pay child support, all I’m asking is for you to let me be in his life,” he said

Audrey looked at Khalid.

“It’s your call,” he kissed her nose

“Please, I just wanna be part of his life, that’s all I’m asking,” He added, desperately.


“Okay,” Harrison sat up straighter.

“I mean, he’s your son, I can’t hide him. But you’ll need to go through a few process before you can fully spend time with him,”



“So, I painted this walls pink and I planned on changing the name from THE BILLIONAIRE BOYS CLUB TO THE BILLIONAIRES CLUB, what do you guys think?” Kim asked

“Are you out of your mind?” Knight yelled at her.

“Hey, it’s really nice…”

“This is men’s Club, we talk about business and how to help each other and then how to make women…” Lorenzo stepped on him from under the table as if knowing what Knight wanted to say.

“You talk about what else?” Kim asked suspiciously.

“Business and this place is not for you! I make billions in a year so tell me do you?” Knight asked infuriated.

Damnit, he doesn’t like the fact that Lorenzo always brings Kim along as though she was his handbag.

“Well, for now I have no business but I have this,” Kim took her purse, taking out the black card Mrs. Washington gave her.

“Limitless Black Card,” Jackson’s eyes widened “where did you get that?” He asked and took it

Lorenzo also sat up

“I heard limitless Black Card,” Khalid walked in with Audrey by his side.

“Oh gwad, another woman!” Knight groaned.

“Guys what’s happening, sorry I’m late, her big belly won’t let us prepare fast,” Vincent walked in with Kourtney.

“Okay, okay, okay!” Knight stood from his chair, pacing around frustratedly.

“At this rate I’m losing it. Three women! Three f-__-king p**sy….”

“Watch it!!” Both Lorenzo, Khalid and Vincent all yelled at once.

“They are actually four,” Jackson said waving at Alice who’s just coming in

“No, someone should mûrdêr me,” knight shouted and sat back down.

There were only six chairs so, everyone sat in their partner’s lap except Kim who sits on Scotts open space.

“I can’t believe this, I cannot!” Knight grumbled.

“This is my Moms card, V. W Wolves. Where did you get it?” Khalid asked

“She gave it to me,” Kim smiled.

“She never give it to me when I wanted it,” Kourtney mumbled.

“I will give you mine though is not limitless,” Vincent said, looking up he met Lorenzo’s hard gaze

“Someone’s sister is sitting on your lap too so leave them alone,” Kim whispered into his ears.

He took in a deep breath then close his eyes as he counted from 100 backwards.

“Just because you have a limitless black card doesn’t make you a billionaire,” knight said

“Are you kidding?” Khalid looked at him.

“The money in there in bigger than the money in both me and Sâtân account combined,” he added and everyone gasped.

“I should return it,”

“You should!” Audrey shifted her waist.

“So, guys, we want our own club, over there.” Kim pointed at the other corner.

“We will be called the billionaire girls…”

“Ha, billionaire girl,” Knight rolled his eyes” The billionaire girls my foot,” he hissed.

“That’s a good idea,” Lorenzo said Im support.

“Thanks love, we have the billionaire girls club, if you support raise your hand,” before Kim could finish every one raised their hands expect Knight.

“Unbelievable,” he shouted frustratedly.

A gaurd walked in, going straight to Lorenzo. He handed an envelope to Lorenzo before walking out.

They all exchange glances before Lorenzo opened the envelope.


he read out loud then smiled.

“Bring it on!” He smirked dangerously.

“We are the billionaires club!”


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