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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💲The Billionaire 🚬

😈Boys 🖤

Club 🔞

(Stuck with a billionaire)

THEME: Stuck with a billionaire.


Like, before reading, don’t forget to drop a comment and let us know what you think.

Note: this is a dark romance!!

❤️‍🔥 EPISODES 67 & 68❤️‍🔥


“Good, go now!” She instructed, watching as the car zoomed off.

Shortly after the car left Jason ran out of the bar, he glared at Amelie who had a dangerous smile on her lips but immediately she saw him, she acted as though she wasn’t staring into the road a while ago.

“Have you seen Audrey?” he asked, and she shook her head negatively.

“No, why?” she replied but he looked around.

“Are you sure?” he asked again, and she shrugged.

“What? Why are you making it look like I know where she is? I came to get a drink not guard her,” Amelie snapped before walking away from him.

Jason ran back into the bar in search of her. Her things were still on their table including her phone. He packed up her things and her phone began ringing at that moment, he glanced at the screen wondering if he should pick it up or not.

Audrey was drunk, there’s no way she would have gone home by herself, okay maybe she was mad at him for kissing her…. h*ll, she was mad, but she’s not the type to run away from people or troubles.

His instant told him to pick up and he did.

“Hello, Audrey, can we talk….”

“This isn’t Audrey!” he cut whoever it was off.

“What! Where is she?” the person demanded instantly.

“I don’t know…”

“What do you mean you don’t know? What the f-__-k are you doing with her phone?” the person yelled into the phone.

Jason took the phone out of his ear, he didn’t have to answer anyone. He needed to find her first. He rushed out of the bar and drove off, looking around the street for any sign of her but there was none.

As he drove through the street, he began putting the strings together. Amelia was there.

He took a turn, driving straight to Amelia’s house, parking by the lot he jumped out of the car and rushed inside confronting her by the door.

Looks like she’s just coming back.

“Where is she?” he gripped her neck, pushing her back forcefully against the wall behind her.

“Where is she?” he barked

“I… I don’t know what you’re talking about….”

“Don’t think you can play smart with me, where the f-__-k is Audrey?!” he yelled, cutting her off.

She coughed.

“I say where is she? Just a minute after I left to pay for our drink she was gone and by the time I got outside you were staring longingly at a car speeding down the road with that horrible look on your face. I know you, Amelia! I know you had a thing for me, and I know how horrible you can be but what I don’t know is why you’re trying to hurt Audrey knowing that she just lost her mother and has a child to take care of. Trust me when I say if anything happens to her, I will rip you apart!!” he said to her face, and she scoffed.

“Yes! I have her captive Jason! She’s not the one for you!” she fired back and his grip on her neck tightened.

“Don’t you dare tell me what is right and wrong for me…”

“I can and I will!! Why can’t it just be me? She’s not prettier than me, younger than me, curvier than me so tell me why her and not me? Why does she have to steal you away from me Jason? Why…”

“Because she’s calmer than you!!” he yelled

“She’s innocent, she’s not even trying to make people love her, but everyone just does. She listens, she doesn’t judge, she’s compassionate, understanding! She doesn’t yell at me when I do something she doesn’t like, she will simply try to talk about it and make sure everyone understands. She didn’t steal me away Amelia, I love her!! and I know she doesn’t feel the same way, but I feel what I feel cos it’s my feelings. She is a good person with a huge heart and you’re trying to hurt her, but I won’t let that happen, now if you value your life you better start talking else, I will rip your neck off your d@mn body!!” Jason bellowed.

Amelia had a shocked look in her eyes when he finished but she didn’t let that get to her.

“Doing this is only gonna endanger her life. If I die, Audrey dies as well!” she spatted.

Jason pushed her roughly and ruffled his hair. He turned back to Amelia who was still trying to catch her breath.

“Where’s she? Where have you kept her Ɓîtçh!” he growled, and Amelia smirked.

“You have to promise to get married to me if you want Audrey to live,” she said

Jason scoffed.

“You’re Just a delusional Ɓîtçh,” he spat and walked out.

Just then, Audrey’s phone rang in his pocket and he took it out to see the same number saved as “BOSS” calling her, he picked up.

“Tell me she’s with you,” the person said

Jason shook his head as if the person could see him.

“No, man! get the police involved,” Jason ended the call. Watching from his car as Amelia’s car left her building then he trails her.

Jason watched as she made a quick phone call after stopping at a house that looked like an abandoned building. A guy walked out of the house, smiling at her and she followed him in.

Unknown to her, Jason was tracking her.

“What now boss? I thought we were to do the deed and drop her off once we are done?” the one who seemed to be their leader said.

Amelia looked at him.

“Change of plan,” she replied, walking over to Audry who’s been tied to a chair, with her mouth gagged.

She smacked her hard across the face and then yanked her hair.

“Ɓîtçh,” Amelia raised her hand to slap her again but a loud voice from the door stopped her.

“Touch her again, I dare you!” Khalid and Jason were standing at the door.

Quickly she pulled her gun, pointing it towards them. Khalid looked unbothered as he approached her while Jason was a little bit reluctant.

“Get them, don’t let them get any closer!” Amelia shouted, and three of her boys rushed forward.

Khalid docked the first few punches before kicking the guy in front of him on both legs, he twisted himself and the other guy missed his punch, so he grabbed his clothes from behind, flinging him across the room, leaping in the air, he punched the last guy on his face, knocking him straight to the floor.

By now eight of his boys were in the room with them, holding the boy’s hostage as he approached Amelia and Audrey.

“Stay back…” Amelia was still saying but Audrey forced herself out of the chair, hitting her in the face before running towards Jason and Khalid.

The drink had already cleared her eyes.

“You Ɓîtçh!!” Amelia spatted, $h00ting at her.

“Audrey!!!” Jason rushed in front of her while Khalid kicked the gun out of Amelia’s grip with a long kick. It fell to the ground and one of his boys quickly picked it up while the others restrained Amelie instantly.

“Jason! Jason, can you hear me? Jason,” Audrey called falling beside him, she lifted his head to her lap and blood rolled down from the corner of his mouth.

He’d taken the bullet for her.


“Audrey, my love,” he whispered weakly before closing his eyes.

“No!! No Jason come on, Jason!!” she called shaking his body.

Khalid came forward and checked his pulse, he looked at Audrey who was sobbing. Reaching down he held her hand and gently pulled her to his side.

“I’m sorry that you lost Romeo,” he said softly.

“No, he’s not…. is he?” she asked in a cracked voice.

Khalid hugged her tightly.

“he will be remembered…” Before he could finish, Audrey pushed him away.

“This is all your fault!!” she scolded, moving away from him but he held her back.

“Audrey, I’m sorry…”

“You couldn’t tell me if you had told me I wouldn’t have gotten drunk in the first place and… and….. and..” she began stuttering.

“I’m so sorry skinny witch, I got addicted. I swear I never meant to lie to you. at first, I did it to get back on my brother but then you came, and everything changed. I was afraid telling you meant letting you go cos you will stop taking care of me, I didn’t want that, that’s why I keep faking it till it gets this fair.” he moved closer

He’d expected her to move back but she didn’t so he cupped her cheeks.

“From the moment I saw you at that restaurant I knew that you were the one, when you called me a crîmînàl and accused me of being my brother, when you hit my head like a kid and let me touch you in the bathtub, I know everything has changed. I crave to hold you everyday, my soul aches when you’re not close and I can’t breathe when you’re not near. I need you like I need water, without you my life will be incomplete…… that is why I lied! I lied because I fell for you, and I was so afraid you might not see me the same when I’m without my wheelchair and let go. I don’t want to let go, I need you so bad that I lied to everyone including myself, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he confesses, pouring out his soul body, and mind.

In those eyes, she could see nothing but sincerity.

“I love making fun of you… because it makes me happy, and I love that you don’t get mad when I do and that makes me happy too, I was….” she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him so tight he felt as though she wanted him to absorb her.

“Thank you for loving me,” she whispered.

“No, thank you for coming into my life,” he kissed her hair before stroking it tenderly.




“As you both know, I’m close to mid-age and I have decided to hand over power and rest, I need to have fun with my wife which is nobody’s business,” Mr. Washington said staring from Lorenzo to Khalid.

They were both silent, so he continued.

“Lorenzo I’m afraid you won’t be taking overpower…”

“What!!” Khalid let out, not that he was surprised but he thought his father would make an amendment.

“There are thousands of women out there, but you choose a wolves woman…”

“Father I was råped, I was drvgged and taken advantage of….”

“None of my business,” Mr. Washington cut him off.

He stared longingly at Khalid before speaking.

“Khalid, give me a legitimate child and power will be passed over to you,” he said.

Khalid looked at Lorenzo who was silent, his face down as though he had been beaten. They both know Lorenzo has been working his whole life for this. This wasn’t his kind of thing, he didn’t like being worshiped like the god of Egypt, but Lorenzo loved being in charge.

“I don’t want it, I forgive him for doing what he did to me,” Khalid said

“It’s not a choice, it’s a duty,” Mr. Washington reminded him.

“I can’t and I won’t take it, Lorenzo might be my twin brother, but it’s his right, he came out first…”

“He has lost all right! If you don’t take this then it will be passed down to your sister who will give me a legitimate child and you two will bow at her feet or you will lose the family name for good,” Mr. Washington’s tone was cold, leaving no room for argument.

Their eyes widened in shock, but Lorenzo quickly maintained his composure, leaving the room.

“You can’t be serious Washington, Kourtney is a woman, and a woman has never ruled the empire,” Khalid said, his eyes still widening

“Then she will be the first,”

“She’s pregnant and not married…”

“Well, her wedding is in two days,” Mr. Washington replied cutting him off.

The man doesn’t give a shît.

“f-__-k!!” Khalid stormed off.


7:12 PM

It was past visiting hour when Harrison’s dad went to visit him in prison. Harrison was escorted out by an officer.

“Get me out of here Dad, please,” he pleaded, settling down on the chair opposite his father.

His father sighed.

“The judge is currently on Audrey’s side, I have arranged the money, but I want you to settle things out of court,” he said

“What? Randy is my son…”

“I know but we don’t have enough evidence, your lack of parenting has put you in jeopardy and it will be nice if you settle with Audrey out of court,” His father suggested.

“So, what do you suppose I do?” Harrison asked calmly

“Talk to Audrey, let Randy stay with her and you can go visit him whenever you please, you can take him out and bring him back home early. Pay child support and be a good father,” His father suggested.

Harrison stared at the wall before looking at his father.

“Do you think she will accept?”

“She’s a good girl… I’m not sure but I think she will, just talk to her,”



“Hey,” Kim called out softly, as she approached Lorenzo who has been standing by the window since he returned from his father’s study.

“You, okay? You seem kind of odd this evening.” Kim said behind him, but he was silent.

Lost in deep thoughts.

“Do you mind telling me more about that place you took me to last night?” she asked, walking closer to get a good look at his face and when she did, he looked different.

“Hey, what happened?”

“We need to talk,” Khalid walked in

“I don’t wanna talk,” Lorenzo began walking away

Surprisingly Khalid didn’t come alone. He came with Audrey.

“Where is Randy?” Kim asked upon seeing just her.

“With Khalid’s mom, she asked if he could stay with her and I left him there,” Audrey replied

Kim stared at her for a little while before speaking.

“Are you two dating now?” she asked, eyeing the direction Lorenzo went with Khalid.

Audrey’s cheeks heated up and she gasped with amusement.

“No way! No freaking way!! You finally got over that Dush bag, come here!” Kim pulled her into a hug.

She hadn’t really seen Audrey after they left the brotherhood yesterday so she wondered if she should tell Audrey about the brotherhood… maybe Khalid already told her… Or maybe he hadn’t.

If she doesn’t tell Audrey their friendship has no meaning, right? But what if…

The loud sound and scream from the room Khalid and Loreno walked into made them disengage from their hug, exchanging glances, they took off at once….



“Boss said we should kick it off with,” A guy said walking in.

The guys around chuckled.

“Boss, sure has good eyes and knows how to keep his boys happy,” Another guy said as he unfolded Amelia.

She looked around her, frightened as she stared from one person to another. A few of the guys before her was shirtless and she could see two behind, striping off their dress.

“Where am I?” She asked

The room was kinda dark.

One of them grabbed her out of the small old bed, pushing her to another person who laughed and pushed her to the fourth guy.

“Stop it, please!!” She shouted as they tossed her around like some toy.

The other person pushed her to the floor and before she could know it, a hand yanked her up, dropping her roughly on the old bed and then loomed over her.

“No, not all of you!! One pers…”

TBC 😁😀😍

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