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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💲The Billionaire 🚬

😈Boys 🖤

Club 🔞

(Stuck with a billionaire)

THEME: Stuck with a billionaire.


Like, before reading, don’t forget to drop a comment and let us know what you think.

Note: this is a dark romance!!

❤️‍🔥 EPISODES 59 & 60❤️‍🔥


Kim looked at her before shifting her gaze to Lorenzo, she gently lowered her gaze to her belly again unbelievably. Did he just $h00t her?

Without being pushed, she fell heavily backward, her eyes closed with her right hand resting on that particular spot he shot.

“Kimberly, Kimberly!! Untie me!!” Mrs. Washington yelled with watering eyes.

The lady had come to her rescue, she’d tried to get close to her and now her life is in the line.

Before Lorenzo could even think of what he’d just done, Scott was rushing towards him, a knife in his hand. Lorenzo barely had time to react, but he managed to deflect the knife with his gun, sending it skittering across the floor.

Scott recovered quickly, his eyes flashing with rage. He reached for the gun tucked into his belt, but Lorenzo lunged towards him, knocking him off balance.

The two men grappled, struggling for control of the gun. Lorenzo could feel Scott’s breath on his neck, hot and rank. He could feel the sweat beading on his forehead.

Scott’s grip on the gun was tightening, and Lorenzo knew he had to act fast, even though he was being careful not to $h00t his mother with a stray bullet.

In one swift motion, he grabbed Scott’s wrist and twisted it, forcing him to drop the gun. It clattered to the floor, out of reach. But Scott was undeterred. He lunged at Lorenzo, fists flying.

Lorenzo blocked the first few punches, before sending a devastating punch on his jaw which sent him flying to the wall. The impact cracked the wall behind before Scott dropped to the ground.

Lorenzo rushed forward and at that time Scott’s gaze met the gun lying not far from him. He took off and before Lorenzo could get to him he grabbed the gun forcing Lorenzo to slow down his pace.

“Stay back or she die!!” Scott spat, turning the gun to Veronica and Lorenzo.

Suddenly, the door went down and Mr. Washington came in.

He’s actually knocked the door down with his fist, his eyes blazing with rage.

“I said stay back,” Scott opened fire, $h00ting Mr. Washington three consecutive times as the man approached him but he didn’t budge.

Getting close his strong broad palm went to Scott’s neck, pulling him off his feet.

Filled with fear and panic, Scott dropped the gun, truly, he has heard so much about the man but come on, he shot the man three f-__-king times and nothing happened. He should be dead so why was he still standing and holding his neck?

“You wanted to f-__-k my wife,” Mr Washington roared, hitting his head with his own gun and Scott lost consciousness instantly.

“Wake the f-__-k up,” Mr Washington yelled, shaking him aggressively and his eyes flung open.

“Where am I?” Scott asked no one in particular but the loud sound he heard made him lose consciousness again.

Grabbing his leg, Mr Washington flung him to the wall, hitting him so hard that he heard a bone crack.

“Honey,” Mrs. Washington staggered forward.

He looked at her, then at Lorenzo.

“He’s all yours,” he said to Lorenzo, picking up his wife, he carried her in a bridal style.

One of his men carried Kim as they left the building. Getting outside, he gently made her sit in the back seat.

“What took you so long?” Mrs. Washington asked

A bodyguard rushed forward with a first aid kit but Mr. Washington shook his head negatively.

“The cops will be here any moment from now, take them to the hospital…”

“You’re not coming?” Mrs. Washington asked.

“I have unfinished business, it’s high time I set Malary straight…”

“It wasn’t just her,” Mrs. Washington cut him off.

Mr Washington looked at her without saying a word and she figured he wanted her to continue so, she did.

“It’s your second Uncle, Bush!” She replied.

“What? That’s not possible,” Mr. Washington said unbelievably.

What was his wife talking about? His second Uncle has been the one with him since the day his father passed over power. He’d been the one encouraging him to do well.

Okay, maybe they’d fight at some point but they always made up, he’d visited when he got critically ill and his sons had to run their company.

Even when they poisoned him, Bush was there and when his plane crashed, Bush was the first to break the news of his death, but Bush was his friend and family.

He’d always gone with him to Veronica’s house and…

“Honey, you were shot…” Mrs. Washington was still saying but he cut her off.

“I’m wearing a bullet shield,” he slightly lifted his shirt and she nodded after seeing it.

“Are you sure it was Bush??”

“Are you saying I’m blind???”



Jason stared at the closed door and sighed, Audrey wasn’t home, where could she be? She’d told him today was her mother’s funeral and he wanted to be with her all through. why wasn’t she home?

Could she be at work? But it’s still morning. He thought silently while staring at the closed door.

“And who are you?” Dominic asked, walking towards the closed door with Rainbow behind him.

Jason glared at him.

“Hope you’re not here for my girlfriend?” Dominic added arrogantly, both hands stuck in his trouser pocket.

Jason raised his brows In confusion.

“Who is your girlfriend if I may ask?” He asked

Dominic scoffed and gently touched his jaw before returning his hand to his trousers pocket.

“You think you can play good cop, bad cop huh?” he shouted but Jason was silent.

“Listen to me âsshølé,” Dominic grabbed his collar, Jason knocked his hand off Instantly, pushing him backward and he staggered to Rainbow.

Surprised, Dominic moved to punch him but Rainbow stood in the way.

“That’s not why we are here,” she said gently.

“Who the f-__-k are you people?” Jason shouted, getting pissed off.

“My girlfriend is Kim so stay away from her or you’ll get it from me,” Dominic yanked his hand off Rainbow’s hold and stormed off.

Jason watched as they left the building.

“Crazy people everywhere, who let the dogs out??”



“Officer,” Khalid called with raised eyebrows, a little smile at the corner of his lips.

“To what do I owe this visit?” He asked calmly.

He was about going for a second round with Audrey when they heard the doorbell, so they decided to check.

“Maybe it’s cos of the car packed outside,” Audrey said behind him.

“We received a complaint about a woman screaming from this building,” the office said.

“I can assure you office there has been a misunderstanding, no one was screaming,” Khalid replied

“A four year old Randy by name, called and said the woman was screaming….” The cop flipped through the jotter in his hand

“Oh God, Oh God, Oh God you’re Kîllîng me,” the cop glances up after reading from the jotter and Audrey clasped her hands over her face.

“I’m so embarrassed,” she ran inside

“Office, it was just a little misunderstanding…”

“Keep it down,” the cop cut him off instantly.

“If it’s for the voice I will get a soundproof fixed, but if it’s for the duty, I’m afraid you might arrest me now cos I don’t plan on keeping it down, I’m always going up and showing her who is in charge. You know, women like manhandling,” Khalid replied and the cop glared at him.

“You know how these things work, man!” He added tapping the cop on his shoulder.

“Just keep it down,” the cop added and he nodded.


“Why did you call the cops?” Audrey asked walking into the toy room.

Randy was lying on the bed doing nothing when she came in so, he sat up.

“God was kîllîng you,” he replied innocently.

“Honey, God wasn’t kîllîng me, I was just playing an adult game,” she tried to explain

“I play games but I don’t shout and God doesn’t kîll me,” Randy shrugged.

Audrey held her forehead in frustration, how was she supposed to explain this?

“I will take it from here,” Khalid joined them, immediately she saw him, she began walking out and he chuckled.

“Randy, Don’t call the cops again…”

“Momma said, if things aren’t going right, call 911, the police can fix everything,” Randy cut him off even before he could finish.

“Listen, your Mother and I was just playing adult games, it’s really cool,”

“Can I play this game too?” Randy sat up desperately.

“Nah, and don’t call the cops again, god wasn’t kîllîng your mother, it was only a game,” He replied.

“But why was she going ‘Oh God, Oh God, Oh God you’re Kîllîng me?” He asked.

“You know when You’re playing your favorite game and you win, you’ll be like ‘Yeah!” Khalid said and he giggled.


“Or the rollercoaster ride, when you’re riding the rollercoaster you’ll be screaming cos you’re having fun,” Khalid added and he nodded.

“That’s the kind of game,”

“Can I play it please, I’m very good at playing games,” Randy pouted cutely.

“Nah, only I can play it cos I’m good in bed…”

“I’m very good in bed too, you can ask Momma!” He shouted, Interrupting him.

“Huh,” Khalid’s eyes widened, what the f-__-k was the boy talking about.

“I don’t wet the bed or anything, I only sleep and I don’t roll off, I’m really good in bed Mr,” Randy said with seriousness

“You’ll when you grow up, okay?” Khalid asked and he nodded giggling.




“How do I look?” Kourtney asked, staring at the small mirror In her hand.

She looked over at Ricky who’s sitting beside her and he said nothing.

“Ricky, how do I look?” She asked again, now staring at him.

“Same as always,” he replied, taking the last sip of coffee and sat the empty mug on the table.

“Come on, Ricky, I want to look my best, Vinc might be awake before we get back,” she said persuasively.

“My duty is to keep check of you not compliment you,” he stood up, walking over to the door of the cafe, and stood there, waiting for her.

Kourtney rolled her eyes, what a weirdo.



Alice walked into the ward with the package in her hand only to see Vincent sitting on the bed. His mother was feeding him.

“Vince, oh my goodness, you’re awake,” she rushed forward and hugged him.

“Alice, I’m all wrapped up,” he said winching in pain.

She quickly let go of him, tearing up instantly.

“I was so worried, I even went to Kourtney’s house and convinced her to come out but she got caught trying to escape, I’m so happy you’re finally awake,” she hugged him again.

By the time she disengaged from her hug, Vincent was staring at her like a joke.

“Who is Kourtney?” He asked

His mother shot him a glare, and Alice narrowed her gaze at him.

“You don’t remember Kourtney?” Alice asked, her eyes widening.

“Never heard such name,” He replied casually.

“Are you saying you don’t remember me?” Kourtney’s teary voice came through the door.

They all turned in the direction of the voice only to see Kourtney, behind her was Ricky whose face was blank.

“Who are you?” Vincent asked

Kourtney was beyond shocked, she didn’t want to believe what her mind was telling her so she walked to his mother, touching her shoulders.

“Who is this?” She asked

“Take your hands off my Mom this minute,” his voice was harsh and menacing.

The tears she was holding back came rolling down her cheeks, he remembered, he knew who his mother was, and he knew Alice but he didn’t know her.

“You’re awake,” a doctor walked into the ward.

“I thought I was supposed to rest, what are all these strangers doing here?” Vincent asked while pointing at Kourtney and Ricky.

On hearing that, Kourtney ran off in tears.



Lorenzo hasn’t stopped blaming himself for making a mistake, he never missed. Why the f-__-k did he miss a target.

He actually wanted to $h00t Scott’s hand but Kim got in the way, he had no idea that she was gonna knock the gun out of his grip, and now this.

“f-__-k me! f-__-k me big time!!” He cursed himself over and over again as he awaited the doctor’s arrival.

Shortly after, the ER door burst open and he rushed forward to the doctor.

“How is she? Hope there is no damage. Tell me she’s fine, I will pay any amount,” he rushed his words.

He wasn’t the type to panic but right now he was panicking, the lady had risked her life to save his mother and he was the one to $h00t her… f-__-k him!

“The bullet was successfully extracted from her body and there is no contraction….”

“Is she out of danger!!!” Lorenzo suddenly yelled, shocking himself.

The doctor flinched and gulped emptiness before speaking.

“Yes sir, but I’m afraid you can’t see her now, she’s still unconscious and we’re allowing family members only,” The doctor said casually.

Lorenzo roughed his hair, what was this man talking about by family Only? Was her family the one paying the bills?

“I want to see her….”

“I’m afraid hospital policy didn’t allow that, we’ve contacted the cops considering the bullet found in her body,” the doctor explained and walked away.

“f-__-k you Lorenzo, f-__-k you!!!”



“How is Mom doing?” Lorenzo asked, walking into his father’s study.

He’s just coming back from the hospital and Kim is yet to wake up, it was beginning to frighten him.

Mr Washington shot him a dangerous glare.

“I have the right to know about my mother’s welfare,” he added.

“So, I’m now your errand boy….”

“I am talking about my mother!!” Lorenzo yelled, clenching his fist tightly.

Mr. Washington scoffed.

“I owe you no explanation and my wife is none of your business. Now get out!” Mr. Washington Bellowed.

Lorenzo stood his ground, raising to his feet Mr. Washington pushed his chair backward, ready to deal with Lorenzo but the front door opened and Mrs. Washington stepped in.

She paused by the door, staring from one person to another.

“My baby,” she finally called walking over to Lorenzo and cupping his cheeks

Mr. Washington grabbed her hand instantly, shoving Lorenzo out of the way as he headed towards the door.

“You already have a reputation of taking people’s women, try getting yours and see if she can help you, woman thief,” he walked away with Mrs. Washington who was trying to stay back but he pulled her out of the room.

Lorenzo stood frozen, he wasn’t a woman thief, it was Scott who drvgged him and have Delilah rape him. Yes, it’s rape cos he wasn’t himself.

Now he’s gonna live his whole life trying to redeem himself.

“Boss,” One of his boys walked in.

“Have you heard from Khalid?” Lorenzo asked not sparing him a glance as he turned around, walking out of his father’s study and the guy followed.

“Not yet Boss, the car is ready and Scott is waiting,” he replied in a gentle voice.


Lorenzo arrived at the Warehouse with his boys behind him, somewhere already here.

Scott hung from the ceiling, his arms and legs bound by thick ropes. He could feel the strain in his shoulders and back, and the ropes bit into his skin.

The cold stone floor beneath his feet was damp and clammy. He felt a surge of fear as he remembered Sâtân was coming for him.

As Lorenzo walked into the hall, his eyes were cold and hard making Scott wonder what he was up to. he didn’t say a word but his eyes said it all as he stood in front of Scott.

“Get the boiled water and deep his balls in it,” his voice was cold and deadly.

Scott’s heart pounded, he could feel fear rising inside him as he tried to make out what Lorenzo just said. He was still trying to understand that statement when one of Lorenzo’s boys approached them with boiling water.

“No! Sâtân!! Sâtân you can’t do this to me!” Scott terrifying voice came out loud.

“I will make you suffer pain so unimaginable…”

“Sâtân, let’s talk about it… Wait…. Slow down!!! Sâtân it’s me…”

TBC 😁😀😍💖

As e dey hot 🥵

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