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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💲The Billionaire 🚬

😈Boys 🖤

Club 🔞

(Stuck with a billionaire)

THEME: Stuck with a billionaire.


Like, before reading, don’t forget to drop a
comment and let us know what you think.

Note: this is a dark romance!!

❤️‍🔥 EPISODES 43 & 44❤️‍🔥


“What did you just call me?” Kim walked
forward but Jackson pulled her back by her

“Seriously, you wanna do this?” Jackson asked
unbelievably “Weren’t you the one that was
sobbing cos you didn’t want Momma Kim to
know that you got in trouble again,” He added

She hit his hand away then frowned.

“She called me names,” Kim protested.

“Look up,” Jackson said and she did, her brows
flickered with shock as she saw Mrs
Washington watching them from the balcony

“Had the woman been watching?” She thought
silently now staring at Jackson.

Oh, no!

She looked up again but Mrs Washington was

“Momma Kim, I’m a good kid,” she ran into the



“No, no way. Randy is my son and there is
nothing anyone will say that will make me hand
him over to Harrison, Never!!” Audrey slammed
her fist on the desk enraged.

“You need to calm down,” an official said.

She’s currently being interrogated by Harrison’s
Dad and two investigators.

“You calm down, okay? Y’all should be the ones
to calm down,” she spat, pointing at their faces
one after another.

“Ms, do you know that wh@ťěver you’re saying
here today will be held against you in the court
of law?” An officer said, trying to make her stop

“f-__-k your court! f-__-k your law! Randy is my
son. Even if you hold a gun to my head I would
rather take that bullet than let anyone take him
away from me, not while am still breathing!” She
stood up.

Harrison also stood.

“I won’t let you take my son away, but if you
think you have a death wish try touching him,”
he said but Audrey ignored him.

Walking outside, she spotted Harrison’s Mom in
the waiting room, and without a second
thought, she went in there and grabbed Randy
by his arm.

“Let him go,” Harrison grabbed his other hand
but she was fast to pull Randy behind her.

“Are you out of your d@mn mind,” he raised his
hand to slap her but she caught his fist in mid-
air, shocking the hêll out of him.

They both engage in a stare-down, their heated
gaze could break a glass at this rate.

“You’re trying to wreck me until you break me
but you cannot!!” Audrey said, staring directly at
his soul.

Harrison swiftly wiggled free, slapping her hard
across the face and almost immediately she
returned the slap. On both cheeks.

“How dare you slap my son!” Harrison’s mother
slapped her instantly, knocking her face to the

Everyone held their breath, watching as Audrey
kept quiet without saying anything.

“How dare….” The woman was still saying when
suddenly, a loud smack landed on her face, and
five fingerprints appeared on her cheek, leaving
red marks.

Everyone in the room gasped.

“Y’all have taught me all your lessons, All of it!
Trying to love this family is like finding a
thousand question marks etched in black gold.
Well, I’m done! f-__-k y’all!!! Y’all have brought out
the worst in my shadow and now I’m done
fighting for peace!!” She yelled, raging
cascading through her like a snowball, rolling
down the mountainside.

The room was silent.

She grabbed little Randy, shoving Harrison’s
Dad out of the way, then stormed out of the

By the time she got outside Khalid’s driver
opened the back door and she went in.

Khalid sat next to her, not saying a word as she
continues sniffing. He’d seen everything, he had
no idea that she was fighting custody.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Khalid suddenly asked,
trying to start a conversation.

She was silent.


“Why did you follow me??” She asked instead,
turning to his direction with rage in her eyes.


Khalid checked his phone again, trying to track
Audrey but couldn’t cos her phone was switched

He sat inside his car In front of the hospital,
checking his wristwatch over and over again.
He’d been here for like 30 minutes now.

It was her free period and she left without telling
him where she was going to, it bothered him so
he followed her down to this hospital without
her knowledge.

“Sir, she just walked out,” his driver information

“Find somewhere and park, I need to know why
she’s here,” He instructed.

f-__-k, he was curious. What was she hiding?

In the next minute, they were inside the hospital.
The nurses at the front desk looked at them. He
was still handsome even in a wheelchair.

“May we help you?” A nurse asked.

“I’m looking for my girlfriend, she’s a drug addict
and she just came in here. I’m scared she might
hurt someone,” he replied making a worried

They led him to the computer room and he
pointed at Audrey, they led him to her mother’s
hospital ward.

“What are you doing here?” Jason asked, he
håtê this guy.

“That woman, who is she?” Khalid looked at

Jason could see the confusion in his eyes, he
looked clueless, surprised as though he wasn’t
expecting to see the woman.

Truly, Khalid thought she had another hidden
child but now…. d@mn! He didn’t know what to
think again.

“Patient documents are confidential,” Jason
said, walking in with two other nurses.

Khalid followed, he watched as Jason checked
the sleeping woman and when he was done he
gestured for Khalid to leave.

“Just one moment,” Khalid said

“You want me to call security??”Jason asked
rudely, there was no way he was leaving Khalid
in here.

“Doctor Jason, there is a VVIP emergency,” A
nurse ran into the ward.

On hearing that, Jason left with the nurse.

Khalid sighed after he left, he continued staring
at the woman, oxygen cost so much per hour.
How long has the woman been here? Was
Audrey the one paying for it?

No wonder why she has no good dress or heels,
she always wears the same old clothes that he
chooses to ignore even though he doesn’t like

“Are you lost?” Was the first word he heard.

“Good day Ma’am,” he said gently.

“Is it a good day? Who are you? Is Audrey
okay?” The woman asked.

Not even a single hair was on her head.

“Nah, I’m her boss from work, I saw her come in
here and I wanted to know why,” he replied

The woman opened her mouth to talk but she
began couching instead.

“Oh, she always comes in every day, she’s a
good kid,” the woman mumbled.

“Is she your daughter?”

“Why not ask her, I thought you’re her boss,” the
woman returned the question.

Khalid nodded.

“I emm… I will, can you please tell me where to
find her?”

“Yes, she’s been called in for questioning, they
want to take Randy away from her, please help
her. She might be acting tough but she’s not.
Please don’t let them take King Randy,” the
woman replied, blinking back tears.

“Where can I see her???”


“You’re stalking me now,” Audrey looked at him.

“Nope, was curious. Why didn’t you tell me
about this custody fight?” He asked and she
looked away.

“What will you do with that information?”

He scoffed unbelievably, he thought they were
friends, he thought they were in good times and
she’d be free to open up and tell him about
herself. Guess he was wrong!

“Who is that woman in the hospital and what’s
your relationship with her?” He asked

“Stop the car!!” She suddenly shouted.

He glanced at her shocked.

“I said stop the d@mn car, now!” She demanded
and the drive halted.

Audrey carried Randy but Khalid restrained her.

“Where are you going?”

She forcefully wiggled free from his hold,
alighting from his car with Randy in her arm.



“So, when should we start?” Vincent asked,
dropping the full popcorn bowl on the table.

They are currently in the cinema room.

“You should practice this first,” Kourtney gave
him the journal with her.

He took it then read through it, he glanced at her
and then back at the book.

“Okay, kissing no touching, I can do that,” he
mumbled as he gently dropped the journal on
the space beside him.

She gulped emptiness while playing with her

“Are you taking the lead or should I go on with
it?” He asked, pretending not to notice how
badly she was shaking.

Seeing that she didn’t reply, Vincent moved
closer, tilting her head forward, he leaned in and
She closed her eyes, waiting for him to claim her
lips but he didn’t.

Kourtney opened her eyes only to see him
staring at her with a sinister smile.

“You’re beautiful, hope you know that?” He
slammed his lips on hers. Kissing her hungrily.

She didn’t respond, she just sat there and
allowed him to have his way with her.

This was different from what he gave her that
night. Does that mean he’s a good kisser? Had
he truly drank a little too much like he claimed?

There is only one way to find out.

She opened up and he th-ru_st his tongue
desperately into her mouth as if f-__-king her with
his tongue. He licked and sucked, tasting her
like he couldn’t get enough, she didn’t know
when a Mõ@ɲ escaped her lips.

f-__-k! He is definitely a pro.

Slowly she reciprocated his kiss, pulling him
closer by his collar and gently tangling her
hands around his neck. Moaning slowing.

Vincent slid his hand under her dress, pulled up
her bra then grasped her n*ked brêâst in his
large palms, she quickly disengaged from his
kiss, painting heavily.

Their lips were swollen and reddish.

“We haven’t gotten to that stage yet,” she said
breathlessly while avoiding his gaze

He nodded.

f-__-k! He was hard like rock. What he truly
wanted was to bend her over and f-__-k her until
she realize how good he was.



“So, at the get-together tomorrow night that’s
when we will carry out the plan?” Scott asked

“That is correct, have gotten everything you will
need” Lady Malary replied.

She had an ice bag placed on her cheek.

The front door opened and both she and Scott
looked in the direction of the door only to see
Delilah walking in.

“I want to twist her neck, how dare she?” She
threw her bag on the couch, slumming down on
the other couch.

Lady Malary and Scott exchange glances.

“What happened?” They both asked at a time.

“A girl, I thought Audrey was the only problem
but now there is another, she humiliated me
today and I want her down, call the boys,”
Delilah spat.

“They were found dêâd, their body was sliced
piece by piece and dropped by the roadside,”
Scott replied

She gave him a suspicious glare and he pulled
out his phone, scrolled through the gallery then
stopped at the picture.

“Here,” He showed it to her and Delilah quickly
covered her mouth, running to the bathroom to
throw up.

“Who the f-__-k did that?” She asked, rinsing her
mouth in the sink.

What she was was beyond human knowledge,
even goat meant haven’t been sliced the way
their body was.

“And the twins? You’re still keeping them busy
right, cos we strick tomorrow night,” Scott said,
more like a question.

“They are under control, I just need to add more
fuel to their burning fire…”



“So, you’re saying I don’t have a say in this?”
Khalid asked over the phone.

He’s currently speaking with his lawyer.

“This is another man’s child, not yours. Both
parents have 100% right on this boy but you
don’t have any,” his lawyer replied from the

“f-__-k!” He roughed his hair, staring at Audrey
who’s standing on the bridge, Even though he
couldn’t make out the look on her face cos of
the distance but he could tell that she was in

He wanted to help her, why the f-__-k will his
lawyer say he can’t help her?

“But there is a way for you to have right,” his
lawyer suddenly said as if reading his mind.

“How?? I will double your payment do anything,”
he said desperately.

“She has to give you the right,”

“What… What!!!” He didn’t get it.

“You two have to get married, and it must be
real in the eyes of the people and before the
law. Your marriage has to last for at least 2
years even though it’s not real, anything less
than 2yrs will make the case more difficult than
it already is,” His lawyer said

“Why do I have to marry her? Can’t it just be
done without marriage?”

“Let’s say, If you talk now no one will listen cos
he’s not your child and you have no right over
him, but if you’re married to his mother everyone
will listen, Including the judges, you’ll set
boundaries and the child’s father will listen
because you are in charge,” his lawyer

“This sounds interesting,”

“It is Indeed! You have enough resources which
prove that the child’s future is guaranteed and
leaving the child with you and his mother will be
the best option,” his lawyer added

Khalid smiled, all he needed right now was to
convince her to marry him, but can he really do
that? She won’t even kiss him. Always declining
the idea of s*x

Was it because of his current condition? If only
she knows.

The smiles on his vanished when he glanced in
her direction again only to see her with Lorenzo,
he seemed to be soothing her cos his hand was
on her face.

He clenched his fist tightly as rage began to
build walls inside him.

Meanwhile, Audrey smiled dryly then looked up
at Lorenzo.

She wasn’t actually expecting to see him here,
all she wanted was to be alone.

“Momma, I’m hungry,” Randy said cutely and
she looked at him.

“You’ll eat once we get home,” she stroked his
hair tenderly.

Lorenzo made to touch him but Randy hit his
hand away then frowned.

“He’s not used to seeing different faces,” Audrey
said calmly and he nodded.

“I see, umm… Are you busy next tomorrow?” He

“Not too sure, but why?” She asked confused.

“Was wondering if you would do me the honor
of being my date to our family gathering?” He
said more like a question.

A disappointing look flickered across her face

“It’s okay if you can’t make it,”

“I’m sorry, Enzo, I would have loved to, but I
don’t want to give you wrong impression,” she
replied as if passing a message.

“You’re coming with Khalid?” He knowingly
asked and she nodded.

Even though his mind was telling him she
would come with Khalid, he wanted to be sure.

“He’s the boss,” she replied

“Let’s go Audrey,” Khalid shouted even though
he was close to them.

They turned, surprised to see him right behind
Audrey, his gaze was fixed on Lorenzo with his
lips trembling as if waiting for Lorenzo to


Lorenzo stood there staring at her back as she
walked down the street with Khalid.

He turned around only to see a stranger staring
at him with a broad smile.

She looks between 20 or 19, her skirt stopped
under her b*tt and her crop top was more like a
net cos he could see her Ɲīpplës from her dress
as she smiled sheepishly at him.

“Hey, I’m Rainbow….”

TBC 😁😀😍💖

As e dey hot 🥵🥵

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