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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💲The Billionaire 🚬

😈Boys 🖤

Club 🔞

(Stuck with a billionaire)

THEME: Stuck with a billionaire.


Like, before reading, don’t forget to drop a
comment and let us know what you think.

Note: this is a dark romance!!

❤️‍🔥 EPISODES 39 & 40❤️‍🔥


“Get the f-__-k away from my girlfriend,” Dominic
pushed Jackson from behind and he staggered,
colliding with Kim and they both went down
with him on top of her.

For a moment Kim got a look at him.

“Get off her!!” Dominic yelled and Kim pushed
Jackson away as if coming back to her senses.

“What the f-__-k! Who the hack are you?”
Jackson asked trying to keep his cool in check.

“I’m the boyfriend of the girl you’re flirting
around with,” Dominic replied possessively, and
Kim scoffed.

He must be d@mn out of his mind to think of her
as his girlfriend, such guts.

“Look man, why the f-__-k will you push me for?
You don’t even know who the f-__-k I am and you
pushed me? For real?” Jackson said obviously

Dominic scoffed, looking around before turning
to Jackson.

“You wanna let her go in the hard way, huh?”
he asked

“f-__-k you n_gg@…” Jackson was still saying
when a punch landed on his jaw.

He returned the punch instantly and Dominic
dodged but Jackson’s punches were relentless.
Dominic pounced on him and they both went

Kim on the other hand already stopped a taxi
and got in, Rainbow ran after her immediately
after she saw her leaving, but Kim ordered the
taxi driver to move, and he did.



Audrey just finished preparing Khalid’s bathing
water and she stood there staring at his
bathtub, in a few minutes from now he’s gonna
walk through that door and demand that she
take off her dress. f-__-k!

“You ready for our skinny dipping?” Khalid’s
voice came through the door, and she felt her
whole body stiffen.

She closed her eyes to collect herself and by the
time she opened them back he was right in front
of her, seated in his wheelchair, his chin raised

“You don’t have to do this now if you don’t
want to,” he said to her shock.

Audrey shot him a confused glare.

“I don’t?” she asked to be sure.

He smiled.

“Never will I ever make you do what you don’t
want to do,” he replied.

“You won’t ask me to have s*x with you?”

He touched the warm bath water, gently
scooping a little quantity into his hand before
letting it drop.

“Not if you don’t want to, you can go now, I will
take care of myself,” he said, shocking her even

What happened to the other Khalid cos this guy
is definitely not him.

“And get ready we are going out,” he added the
last part making her pause by the door, Audrey
nodded without looking at his face then walked


Vincent is seen walking through the long
passage when a hand pulls him into a room,
with a swift move he had the person pinned to
the wall, his right hand raised in mid-air as he
got ready to Strick.

“Wait!!” Kourtney stiffened as she closed her
eyes tightly.

His eyes widened and he gently lowered his

“Kourtney,” he called surprised.

She maintained her posture.

“What are you doing here?” she asked

“Why do you care?” he responded, and she bit
her lips, that wasn’t what she wanted to hear
but, nevertheless.

“You were walking towards my father’s study
and if I hadn’t pulled you in here you might
probably be speaking to him right now,” she

Vincent rested his left hand on the wall above
her head, supporting his weight on it.

“You are very right. I was going to tell your
father about our child which is inside of you,
maybe we could reach an agreement
considering that the mother doesn’t want to
have anything to do with me after she took
advantage of my drunk state,” he replied

She gasped

“You can’t do that,” she panicked, and he

“Yes, I can. I was about to before I got pulled in
here. But if I may ask, why can’t I? princess!”he
leaned in, so close that she found it hard to

She gulped emptiness.

“C… cos you… I mean… cos….” she gulped
emptiness again.

“Cat got your tongue princess?” he leaned in
even closer.

She could feel his breath on hers and she was
sure her breath was hitting him also, her body
erupted with cheers of pleasure as he raised her
jaw, making her look at him.

“Please,” she whispered “My Dad is gonna k*ll
me, my family has too many rules and I’m not
supposed to break any,” she added, her eye
glimmering with tears.

“Why should I listen to you?” he knowingly held
his jaw, as if considering it.

“Please,” she mumbled

“Very well then, we will have to reach an
agreement, you give me romance classes and
I’ll keep my mouth shut,” he offered, and she

Vincent moved back as he tucked his hand in
his trouser then he headed towards the door.

“Think about it princess, tomorrow at my place,
” he walked out.



Audrey laughed so hard, watching as Khalid
threw up, they just finished riding the roller
coaster and he screamed all through.

“What should we try next?” she asked grinning.

“I’m done, we should go,” Khalid drank half the
bottled water and emptied the rest on his hair.

“We are not done yet,” she went behind him,
pushing him towards the beef stand.

Meanwhile, Lorenzo has been watching, he’d
called Audrey earlier, but she gave excuses that
she was going out with Khalid, so he came to

it seems that they were having lot of fun.

She looked free and happy. unlike that Audrey
who always kept herself locked up. He walked
back to his car and drove off.

At that moment Dr Jason came out of his car
looking around, he glanced at his phone then
looked around as if searching for someone till
his gaze landed on Audrey and Khalid.

They seemed to be competing cos Khalid
pushed a shot to Audrey’s mouth making her
drink wh@ťěver was in that small cup, She
looked tipsy but she was still drinking.

Too many bottles of liquor were in front of them
and he Wondered how long they had been doing

He felt his blood blow with rage as he clenched
tightly onto his phone. With trembling fingers,
he dialed her number.

“Hey,” Audrey’s voice came through the

“Audrey honey, where are you? I came to your
place to deliver your morning dose, but you
weren’t around,” he said staring at her as he

“Sorry Jason, I’m a little busy right now,” she

“Busy? Oh, I see. will you call me when you’re
done with wh@ťěver you’re doing?” he asked

“That will be under probability,” she replied.

Khalid made to take the phone from her, but she
hit his hand away and then shifted back from


“I’m sorry Jason, but I have to go, bye.” she
ended the call.



Kim stepped on the accelerator immediately a
black G wagon left the mansion, she followed
whoever was inside it. It took them ten minutes
before the car pulled to a stop and she quickly
jumped out of her car.

“Hey,” she shouted just when Jackson stepped
out of his car. He looked back and then paused
with a grunt.

“You again, what is it this time?” he asked,
eyeing her. “You wanna steal my house?” he

She scoffed.

“First of all, this is not my kind of house, and
second; I wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t ruined
everything for me and third; I never stole your
car, I just borrowed it but you seem to be too
engrossed in your luxury to notice that, but
that’s not why I’m here,” she said, all in one

“Then why are you here,” Jackson tugged on
hand into his pocket, resting the other at the
roof of his car.

“I want you to write an apology letter to
Momma Kim, tell her how sorry you’re for
calling the cops on me and how unreasonable
were,” she replied boldly.

Jackson scoffed. Was she being serious? He
doesn’t think so.

“What makes you think I will do that?”

She glared at him with a challenging look, then
smirked while slowly going close to him.

“That plaster around your nose is smaller
compared to the one that will be wrapped
around your Ďïčk,” on saying that she walked
away without giving him a chance to process it.

Jackson clasped his members then glanced at
her back, he touched his nose then gently
pressed his members.

“What kind of thr_@t is that?” He mumbled

“Hello, sir, I’m Rainbow, was wondering if that
lady is your girlfriend,” Rainbow said walking
over to him.

Jackson glared hard at her.

“Are you insane?” He bellowed and she shifted.

“I was just…”

“Get the f-__-k out!!”



“Arrest whoever did this to my son, I don’t care
if you will search this d@mn city but bring me
that loser!” Mr. Filip barked angrily.

“Sir, we will do our best,” a cop assured him.

Harrison’s body is all bruised up and he looks
pathetic on the hospital bed.

“I’ll make sure she never sees the light of the
day ever again. That is a promise,” Mr. Filip
said to his son.

“Dad, I want her to apologize first then lock her
up later,” Harrison said, his voice weak and

His mother gently strokes his hair.

“And Randy? I told you not to take Randy from
Audrey, but you won’t listen. Allow me as a
lawyer to bring him to you,” Mr. Filip said

“He’s my son…”

“Taking him against his legal guidance’s wish
is kidnapping!” Mr. Filip reminded him

He sat up instantly.

“he’s my son….”

“And you took him forcefully, it’s kidnapping
Harrison! That boy is human. Allow the court to
force Audrey to hand him over to you, didn’t I
tell you that by the time I’m done, she will be left
with just one option? To sign her right as his
mother away and you will have full custody, But
good thing the girl already took him back, we
will see in court…”



Khalid checked on Audrey for the fifth time and
smiled, watching her sleep. He’d pretended to be
drunk so she could go along with the challenge.

He never knew she was this fun, they’d had fun
all day and it was the best day of his life.

He ate everything, a local meal, and

“And what are you looking at? Are you spying
on her now?” A male voice said from behind
and he looked in the direction of the voice only
to see a guy who was none other than Jason.

“And who are you?” Khalid asked.

“That’s not important, what’s important is that
you stay away from Audrey,” Dr Jason

Khalid chuckled.

“You mean Skinny wîtch….” Dr Jason grabbed
his collar with both hands. And he laughed,
throwing his head backward.

“How dare you call her that!! You think it’s
funny?” He roared, tightening his on Khalid’s

Khalid looked down at the helm of his dress
which Jason held.

“Aren’t you a skinny wîtch?” He turned his head
to the side, Jason followed his gaze only to see
Audrey sitting on the bed, watching them.

Slowly, Jason let go of Khalid who scoffed and
drove out.

“Audrey my love, it’s not what you think,” Dr.
Jason said softly, he walked over to her on the
bed then checked her pulse.

“I thought doctors don’t fight,” she said

“He was disrespecting you, he called you a
skinny wîtch without knowing that you worked
so hard that’s why you’re skinny, I wouldn’t have
done that he if wasn’t disrespecting you,” He
replied calmly and she smiled.

“Thank you, Jason!” Audrey mumbled,

“I care about you and I won’t let anyone
disrespect you okay?” He said and she smiled.

Audrey spread her arms, embracing Jason in a

Jason could feel his heart hammering against
his chest as he hugged her tightly.

“Are we having Dinner or what?” Khalid’s voice
came from the door and she quickly disengaged
from the hug.

“Emm… Guys, I will run down the street and get
a ketchup,” Kim peeped through the door.


Kim paid the cashier and hurriedly left the store
only to collide with Lady Malary at the door.

“Are you blind?” Lady Malary slapped her hard
across the face, temporarily blinding her.

“f-__-k!” Kim spat, “You bumped into me,” Kim
said while slowly rubbing her eyes.

“Shut up Ɓîtçh….” That was interrupted with an
ancestry backhand. It’s not learned or taught,
it’s spiritual cos blood was dripping from Lady
Malary’s open mouth.

Both hands clasped her jaw shocked to the core,
never in a million years would it cross her mind
that the person she was seeing right now would
ever raise a hand at her.

“You okay?” Mrs. Washington asked softly and
Kim smiled.

“Momma Kim,” she moved forward to hug her
but a bodyguard quickly stood in the way.

“Stay out of trouble,” Mrs. Washington said,
already walking away.

Lady Malary still couldn’t move, Veronica gave
her a backhand which bruised her mouth. She
will pay dearly.



The table was already set when Kim got home,
Jason left cos he had to save life but Khalid
was still around though he hadn’t said anything
to Audrey.

“I set the table already,” Audrey said gesturing
for her to sit down.

“King Randy,” Kim sat beside him.

Randy rolled his eyes and they laughed.

A soft knock came on the door, and they all
exchanged glances.

“Are you expecting anyone?” Audrey asked,
directing the question to Kim who shook her
head negatively.

“Maybe it’s Jason!” Khalid muttered,
emphasizing the last word.

His gaze met with Audrey and he hissed,
scooping two spoonfuls of Mexican rice into his

“I will go check…”

“No, sit down, I will!” Kim walked over to the

“What if it’s the cops?” Audrey asked

“I hope not,” Kim held the door handle, twisting it
and then pulling back.

The door went ajar and her brows rose in
question and surprised when she saw the least
person she’d expected to see.

But what was he doing here? Was he stalking
her now? Why did he look so much like the one
in a wheelchair inside?

The guy in the woods.

“Hey,” she said awkwardly.

Trying so hard not to shy away. It’s
embarrassing seeing a guy she’d seduced on
her doorstep, She hadn’t expected to meet him

Two feet away, Rainbow was taking pictures of
them. She glanced at her phone screen and

“She can’t always be the one to get the good
guys, I’m taking this one too, I’m done with
Dominic and he’s next….”

TBC 😁😀😍💖

As e dey hot 🥵

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