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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💲The Billionaire 🚬

😈Boys 🖤

Club 🔞

(Stuck with a billionaire)

GENRE: Brotherhood, secrets society, dark romance, ki||ings, singer, dancers, target, rivalry, hatred, lovemaking, pregnancy, betrayal, rape, kidnapping, love triangle, jealousy, craziness, black heart, s*x, and contract.

THEME: Stuck with a billionaire.


Like, before reading, don’t forget to drop a comment and let us know what you think.

Note: this is a dark romance!!

❤️‍🔥 EPISODES 19 & 20❤️‍🔥


“I remember asking a question, or Would you rather let me paint your face with this new paint called Blood…..”

“Lorenzo,” Mr Washington Wolves called with a warning in his tone.

His wife was still beside him. Lorenzo glanced back at him before shifting his gaze to his mother.

f-__-k! The woman doesn’t know that his hands have been stained by blood, she has no clue that he’s not the son she thought he was and he wasn’t ready to let her see it, not now.

“Let’s go inside Mom,” crossing his hand over her shoulder, leading her into the big mansion.

He will come back for that man, how dare he?


“King Randy,” Kim gushed excitedly as Audrey walked into the house with Randy in her arms, she kept him on the floor then Kim lifted the little boy up.

“You’ve grown so much,” she said

“You were gone for just one week, Kim, he’s still the same,” Audrey rolled her eyes. She dropped her purse on the small couch and then kicked off her booth before removing her jacket and flinging it on the couch too.

“Where have you been?” she asked, walking over to the dining table that had already been set with food.

“Was coming to see you at the restaurant the other day but I got shot,” Kim replied, she sat on the dining then made Randy sit beside her.

“No way, What happened?” Audrey asked, panicking.

“Turns out this cute handsome guy was their target, but they got me, he has to take me along with him as he runs for his dear life,” Kim took a spoonful of the spaghetti into her mouth.

“Good thing you’re safe, didn’t know you could cook,” Audrey complimented, and she shot her a hard glare.

“What am I? Kim Kardashian?” she asked, and Audrey giggled.

“Well, we got lost in the woods and I made out with the hot dude,” Kim’s mouth twitched, and she stuck out her tongue in a funny way.

“With a guy you barely even know?”

“He was super-hot, I couldn’t play the good girl, wanted the Ç0çƙ and I got it. Someone always tells me to go after what I want, and I did, it’s no big deal and to say that I might probably not see him again cos I will be going to Mexico tomorrow,” Kim drank some water and then sat her glass cup back on the table.

“Really?” Audrey’s eyes widened. she’d thought Kim could stay a little longer. She hadn’t really had any friends or roommates aside from Harrison.

“You don’t look too good,”

“I’m gonna miss you that’s all,” Audrey replied with a weak smile.

“it’s just for a month and I will be back,”


five men dressed in all black with the same tattoo symbol could be seen sitting around a table, the back door ding and they turned to see the last person whom they had been waiting for riding in on a wheelchair. All Ç0çƙy and arrogant, he was wearing a blue navy suit with blue jean trousers defying the code of conduct, but he didn’t seem to care. He was none other than Khalid Washington Wolves.

“Late again,” Scott said, more like a question.

“Why blue?” Jackson, the most quiet person in the group asked, glaring at him.

Khalid looked over at Lorenzo expecting him to say something, just anything. He wanted Lorenzo to say wh@ťěver it was so he could lash out, but Lorenzo was quiet.

“It seems to me that some people have been breaking the rules recently and no one seems to question them so why question me now?” Khalid asked as he fixed a challenging look on Lorenzo.

Vincent let out a breath.

“let’s get started,” Lorenzo opened the first page of the big notebook in front of him, female names and states were written on it and each member of the brotherhood has he’s own file.

“Jackson,” Lorenzo called.

“Had 3 last week, I know, I know, it’s pretty poor but I was busy with work, I will make it up,” he replied passing a piece of paper to him.

Lorenzo took it then he began writing down the names.


“Dude, I get it all sucked up, all single mothers, y’all need to see their faces,” Knight laughed evilly as he presented his list.

It kept going round and round till it reached Khalid’s turn, Lorenzo hesitated, not that he was afraid, but he wasn’t ready for trouble.

“Khalid,” he called, his face still fixed on the register.

Khalid totally ignored him. So, he raised his head.

“I remember calling your name?” Lorenzo said, his voice firm and demanding.

Khalid scoffed

“This is not the time,” knight whispered

And with that, Khalid completely lost it.

“So, what, huh? Can’t you see where he kept me? Are you mocking me now, Huh?” slamming his fist against the table, he pushed it back, knocking down the liquor bottles on it.

“After putting me in this situation you’re mocking me!!!” he roared, thr_@tening to get off his wheelchair.

“Khalid, calm down…” Vincent was still saying when Khalid cut him off

“Calm down? He f-__-ked my woman, as if that wasn’t enough he got her pregnant and that wasn’t also enough for him so he came back and took my legs and now he’s f-__-king seating there, all high and mighty asking me about a d@mn record!!” he snared, the sound of his teeth clasping together echos all through the room.

The table was silent, of course, they knew Lorenzo had broken another rule, f-__-king a member’s woman was the first and now beating a member. What exactly was he thinking?

“If you didn’t harm my kids, I wouldn’t have done what I did…”

“Screw you!!!” Khalid cut him off.

“I might be in a wheelchair but I’m not powerless, this battle is not over until I win, you’re going down Sâtân and I don’t care even if it ends with me going to jail,” pressing a button on his wheelchair handle it began moving towards the door.

“Khalid, you can’t leave, we are in the middle of a meeting,” Scott said desperately

“f-__-k this one-sided brotherhood, f-__-k you for saying I can’t leave, you know what? f-__-k y’all, this whole gathering can come and kiss my âss,” he stormed off, not looking back.

“Vin, of all the people you could come rescue me with, why my sister?” Lorenzo suddenly asked, a few seconds after Khalid’s departure.

Vincent gulped emptiness.

“She was already there by the time I got there,” he replied, trying to sound casual.

Lorenzo shot him a suspicious glare.

“What happens to sending her back home?”

“Hey, don’t pin it on me. You know how hotheaded she could be, I tried but she insisted on coming…”

“You should have sent her home!” Lorenzo’s voice raised, fist clenched tightly.

“Guys, let’s take it easy, shall we?” Scott stepped in

Lorenzo won’t know what hit him, he’s busy taking record of all the women they have brine while his sister will be kept safe, never! She’s just safe cos he hasn’t had his way with her, but he will…. Soon!!

“She is off-limit, you don’t want to make me mad Vincent….”

“f-__-k you,” Vincent pushed his chair back and stood straight.

“Who the f-__-k you think you’re talking to? I saved your f-__-king âss and this is what I get?” he fired

“Exposing my sister to danger…”

“And I said…”

“Order!!!” Knight banged his fist on the desk.

Both men stayed calm. Slowly Vincent sat back down while Lorenzo continued standing.

“Vin, keep your Ďïčk in your pants, will you? We still have crazy Khalid out there, we can’t have two members go insane at the same time,” Jackson said.

Vincent signed.

“My apologies Sâtân, was just looking out for you man,” he said gently.


Audrey waved goodbye at Kim who kissed Randy on the cheek, she stood and watched till Kim got into the taxi and they zoomed off.

“I’m gonna miss her Randy,” she looked over to her son who giggled happily as they went back inside.

The doorbell rang

“Did she forget anything?” Audrey wondered and opened the door only to be greeted by a strange girl. She frowned confused.

“May I help you?” she asked, standing right in her doorway.

“Hi, I’m Rainbow, Kim’s little sister,” the girl replied sucking on her lower lips as if fighting back tears.

“Oh, the f-__-ker,” Audrey didn’t know when that left her mouth, but she didn’t regret it.

“Forgive my manners…”

“No, it’s okay, I deserve it,” Rainbow said softly.

“Of course, you do,” Audrey bit her lips, had she just said that out loud?

“Yeah, I do. Can I talk to my sister please,” Rainbow asked as the tears she had been holding came rolling down her cheek.

“Awe, honey,” Audrey whimpered, showing concern. “Don’t cry,”

“I can’t help it, I’m a very terrible sister, I don’t deserve anyone, can I please see my sister? please I’m begging you,” Rainbow pleaded tearfully.

Audrey stood there, watching as tears rolled down Rainbow’s face, did she sob when she was f-__-king around with her sister’s boyfriend? Or she’s just sobbing because the guy has probably left her for another p**sy? What a stupid idiot.

“I’m sorry, she’s not here,”

“I just wanna talk to her, I know she’s mad at me but tell her that…”

“Honey, she’s not here,” Audrey held her shoulders.

Rainbow broke into uncontrollable tears.

“It’s okay sweetheart…”

“It’s not Okay,” she sobbed, falling onto Audrey.



Kim stepped out of the taxi and paid the cab driver. She stared at the large company looming above her head then smiled, she couldn’t wait to see the woman from the church.

After greeting the lady at the front desk she made her way to the elevator coming out on the last floor.

Six bodyguards were guarding a particular door that had PRESIDENT boldly written on it.

“Excuse me miss, how may I help you,” the lady she presumes to be a secretary asked, looking up at her.

“I’m here to see Mrs. Washinton wolves,” Kim replied politely.

The lady glared at her for a few seconds as if she was in the wrong company.

“Do you have an appointment with her?” the lady asked.

She shook her head negatively.

“No, but she’s expecting me,” she lied, of course, she knows how all this company stuff works.

“She’s didn’t make it clear to me but hold on a few minutes,” the lady took the office phone on her desk.

“Your name please,” she asked

“Kim from church,” she replied.

The lady gave her a suspicious glare but said nothing.

After a few minutes, Kim was led to the door that was heavily guarded. A guard pushed it open and she walked in. Her lips curled into a smile immediately she saw Mrs. Washington seated behind the desk, the woman looked different from the one she saw at church.

“You again,” Mrs. Washington Wolves said, her voice low and firm.

Kim smiled and sat down without being told.

“I told you the other time that we were friends,” she said with a shrug

Mrs. Washington was silent.

“Okay, I know you’re older than me and probably have kids half my age or older though I can’t tell cos you look young. Anyway, the point is, can I have your contact info,” Kim leaned closer.

Mrs. Washington Wolves was silent, just studying her.

“Okay, I know it’s inappropriate for a 24 years old girl to be asking for your contact which is a little bit… I dunno but I like you,” She explained, hoping the woman would say something but she didn’t.

Seeing that the woman still didn’t say a word confused her, did she make the wrong decision for coming to see her before leaving for Mexico?

“I wasn’t stalking, I pulled up the footage from church, screenshot your face, and linked it up, turns out you’re a multi-billionaire with sons and daughters, I didn’t check them out though cos I wanted to come see you in person… Ha, not cos of your profile but… oh, I shouldn’t say that. By the way, what’s your name? Sorry, that seems inappropriate too,” she pinched her mouth.

Mrs Washington Wolves still didn’t say a single word, her face blank, making it hard for Kim to see through her.

“I know, I know, this isn’t right considering you’re old enough to be my mum, but I really like you, you can adopt me if you want. I just wanted….”

“Veronica,” Mrs. Washington finally said.


“That’s my name,”


“Do you have a card or something, where I can reach you?” Mrs. Washinton said softly, her voice was soothing.

“Really?” Kim quickly took a pen and a piece of paper from the desk, she wrote down her phone number and passed it to her.

“Call me on Skype, Okay?” she asked excitedly.

Mrs Washington Wolves nodded, just once.

gwad, she wanted to scream with joy, she’s talking to a muti-billionaire. If this woman ever calls her she’s never going offline.



Audrey was absorbed in her phone as she made her way to Khalid’s suite, when she stumbled into something hard. She looked up, a mix of confusion and alarm on her face. How could this be? She was sure Khalid was still in a wheelchair, unable to walk yet. But there he was, standing right in front of her as if nothing was wrong.

Audrey’s heart raced, and a jumble of thoughts swirled in her mind. She knew he was a crîmînàl but how?

Startled, Lorenzo stared at Audrey in disbelief. He’d never expected to run into her here, and certainly not in this context. After all, the last time they’d seen each other was at a bar, where she’d bought him a drink. He’d never thought he’d see her again, okay, maybe he wanted to show his gratitude the day he got ambushed but not in his house.

“It’s…it’s you,” he stammered, unsure of how to proceed. How much did she know? What was she doing here?

She scoffed.

“Okay, time up, show is over, I get it. You have many personalities as a crîmînàl but this,” She scoffed unbelievably. How dare he try to act all innocent as if he doesn’t know her?

“Pardon,” Lorenzo raised his brows.

Meanwhile, Khalid was watching them from the balcony, a long thick pipe in his hand as he….

TBC 😁😀😍💖

As e dey hot

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