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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💲The Billionaire 🚬

😈Boys 🖤

Club 🔞

(Stuck with a billionaire)

GENRE: Brotherhood, secrets society, dark romance, ki||ings, singer, dancers, target, rivalry, hatred, lovemaking, pregnancy, betrayal, rape, kidnapping, love triangle, jealousy, craziness, black heart, s*x, and contract.

THEME: Stuck with a billionaire.


Like, before reading, don’t forget to drop a comment and let us know what you think.

Note: this is a dark romance!!

❤️‍🔥 EPISODES 11&12❤️‍🔥


“I’m not a crîmînàl! You’re a witch!!! Skinny wîtch for that matter… Ouch, Mom deliver me from this crazy skinny wîtch… ouch… argh!! My ear… My head!!!! SKINNY WITCH!!” Khalid shouted, riding away with his wheelchair but she held it and pulled him back.

“Miss, the person you’re hitting is my son,” Mrs Washington Wolves finally said.

Audrey paused, she glanced at the woman and then at Khalid before shifting her gaze back to the butler who gave her an unfriendly look again. She looked over to the servants and they all had a scared look on their faces.

“Okay, now I’m fired even before I start,” she mumbled to herself.

“My apologies….”

“Apologize?? Apologize for your uncalled behavior. Get out of my house!” Khalid yelled angrily while pointing at the door, the veins on his neck popping out.

“I’m really sorry, I didn’t know you were the…” She looked at Mrs Washington Wolves then at Khalid.

“The one I’m supposed to care for…”

“Way to go girl,” he rolled his eyes then reversed his wheelchair in another direction.

“You’re fired, get out!” He barked, the sound of his voice made her flinched back in fear. Damnit she’d never seen this side of him.

“You’re hired,” a deep rough voice said by the door, the voice was thick and dark so much that it reminded her of the guy who drank

It was so similar… “Audrey get over it, he’s the crîmînàl, his voice is still the same,” she told herself.

“What did you just say?” Khalid slowly turned around, seeing that his father had a guest with him he didn’t push feature. He just rode away.

“Show her what she needs to know,” Mrs Washington Wolves told the butler then turned to greet her husband’s guests.


“My lady,” Scott stepped into the room, hand crossed in front of him.

Lady Malary who was staring out through the window didn’t spare him a glance.

“How did it go?” She asked as calmly as she could.

He took two steps forward.

“Done, she hasn’t left her house since then but we’re hoping she does so we can strick,” he said firmly.

Slowly she turned around, staring directly into his eyes, he was young and Handsome. Reminds her so much of Washington when they were teenagers.

She’d waited faithful, hoping and believing, at some points she was certain that she was the next Mrs Washington Wolves but that snake in human form betrayed her.

“Do you find him?” She asked, slowly walking towards him.

Scott nodded.

“I made sure he called them yesterday and they invited him for dinner so they could talk about business,” he replied, his gaze shifted to her exposed chest then at his hand that she took and placed on her chest.

“You’re such a good boy,” she praises him.

He smirked.

Once upon a time, Lady Malary was Mr. Washington Wolves best friend, they’d grown up together. She’d expected him to see her differently but he only saw her as a sister… f-__-k, they weren’t related so why can’t he make her Mrs. Washington Wolves.

And that Betrayal was given the honor that was supposed to be hers, the respect and honor she was supposed to get from the wolves family was now given to that BETRAYAL.

“Make sure he confined with me once he’s back,” Lady Malary said Evily.

He smirked with a nod.


Vincent tried Kourtney’s line again for the 26th time and it sent him straight to voicemail. He roughed his hair frustratedly.

He needed to see her, to set things straight, he was drunk the other day and they didn’t have a good time he supposed.

“You okay?” Alice his house help asked, she walked past him and dropped her handbags on the luxury table.

“No, it’s Kourtney, she’s not taking my calls,” he roughed his hair again.

Alice dimmed her eyes.

“Are you sure?” She asked


“Did you do something to her?” She asked again, she sounded a little more uncertain as if Kourtney couldn’t decline his calls.

“I was drunk last week and something happened between us,” he said softly. All he could remember was sleeping with her and it was a vivid image.

“Hmm… Sounds kinda strange, she’ve been carrying a torch for you since I can remember,” Alice let out a breath as she headed towards his kitchen.

“Are you serious?” Vincent followed.

Alice grimiest.

“Yeah, but don’t tell her I told you, she will roast me,” she said

“Even with all my women….”

“Poor Kourtney, well, she didn’t mind, judging by how her brothers made you her watchman, Lorenzo here, Khalid there, it was suffocating and you seem to be the only man close,” she shrugged.

Vincent roughed his hair again, if she took in all the things he had been doing just because….no! He didn’t want to think of her crush, she will get over it besides it’s too risky. She was off limits!

“Call her,” he suddenly said and Alice shot him a glare.


“You heard me, or don’t you have her contact info….”

“Of course I do, she’s my friend,” Alice walked past him to the living room where she left her handbag.

By the time she came back, Kourtney was on the line.

“Baby girl,” Kourtney’s voice beamed from the speaker.

Vincent took the phone.

“Hey, it’s me, Vin, we need to talk,” he said and waited for her response.

When she didn’t talk he slowly removed the phone from his ear only to discover that she hanged up on him, he tried calling her back but it went straight to voicemail.

“What did you do? Never seen her act this way,” Alice took her phone from him.

“I will fix this,” he walked out


Kim woke up and instantly felt a sharp pain in her tummy, she winched struggling to sit up but a hot guy came in just then. She blinked twice but said nothing.

His hair was black and styled backward, he had a tattoo on his right arm, his chest was clean and super hot, and he looked like he just stepped out of a magazine.

“Hey, you okay?” His voice made her stomach charmed and her body quiver. Geez, he doesn’t need to act before he seduces a woman.

“Drink this,” he passed some liquid substances to her. With her gaze still fixed on his face she didn’t budge so he stepped closer and held her jaw forcing her mouth Open.

Her body trembled as heat surged through her, she could feel her Inside melting, and d@mn, she just create a little pool in-between her leg.

Lorenzo moved away from her after making her drink wh@ťěver it was he gave her. She still didn’t move which got him wondering if she was in shock.


It was still a quiet morning in the Washington Wolves household. Mr. Washington sat at the head of the table, his eyes scanning the room as he ate his breakfast.

Mrs. Washington sat next to him, her gaze fixed on her plate, her expression inscrutable. Her husband’s guests, a man in his 40s sat next to her and he seemed a little out of place.

He kept glancing around the room especially at her as if there was something he wanted to tell her.

Kourtney, the baby of the house, sat quietly, picking at her food. The twins were around the tiny table a few feet away with their nanny feeding them.

The only sound in the room was the clinking of silverware on porcelain.

Khalid seethed with anger. He couldn’t believe that his father had hired that psycho, a stranger who he never approved of, did the man not see how she hit his head with a spoon? A f-__-king spoon?

He felt humiliated and embarrassed like he was being treated like a little kid. He shifted in his seat, his eyes blazing with fury. He wanted to say something, to lash out at his father but he bit his tongue. He knew that any outburst would only make things worse.

As the family continued eating Mr Washington Wolves engaged in a business conversation with his guests.

Mrs. Washington Wolves suddenly froze, her heart racing as she felt the man’s hand on her lap from under the table. She shot a nervous glance at her husband, hoping he hadn’t noticed, But he was focused on his conversation with Mr Ambrose. (The guest)

Mrs. Washington tried to extricate herself from the man’s grasp and succeed, just when She tried to focus on her husband’s words the man began caressing her thighs again. His touch was gentle, almost hypnotic, and she felt herself becoming more and more tense.

Mr Ambrose slides his hand upper, nearly touching the fabric of lace pants. She forcefully pushed her chair backward and stood, her husband glared at her and so did everyone around the table.

“Mio Angelo, che cos’è?” (My angel, what is it?) Mr. Washington Wolves voice was stern, his tone demanding an explanation as he spoke in Italian.

She turned to face him, mustering up all the courage she could find. She hoped he hadn’t noticed cos it would be a bigger problem.

“Non mi sento bene,” (I don’t feel too good) she replied in the same Italian, hoping he would take the bait.

He looked at her with concern, his eyes searching hers for any sign of deception. She tried to look as innocent and sincere as possible, praying he would believe her.

Of course, she knows that he trusted her, they have been married for years but if he gets a clue of what his business partner just did…

He rose to his feet, pushing back his chair then he shifted by the side.

“Sit,” his voice was commanding.

She walked over to the head chair and sat down while he moved to hers and settled down.

Mr Ambrose smirked. Possessive, huh?

The breakfast was finally over after what seemed like Forever to Mrs. Washington Wolves.

Ambrose stepped aside to make a quick phone call.

📱 How did it go?

“Not smooth, she’s playing hard to get,” he spoke Into the phone.

📱 Rule no 8 in the Wolves commandments, The wolves wives are not allowed to have an affair even if their husband is dead…

“You know about that and get you sent me here,” He asked, voice raising.

📱Add more pressure, I’m sure she will give in, not everyone abides by that stupid rules of the Wolves family.

“My lady, I don’t think….”

📱Buy yourself some balls and act like a man! If you get caught, rule no 5 will apply to you so be watchful.

“What’s rule no 5?” Ambrose asked

She laughed and ended the call.


Khalid is seen looking around his gym room, he Miss this place, if only he had legs. the thought of that made him brought out his phone, he needed to know if Lorenzo was gone for good.

Suddenly a ball hit his chest, he turned startled to see a little boy grinning cutely at him. If this boy wasn’t Gray then who was he?

“Who the f-__-k are you?” He growled.

The little boy who happens to be King Randy grimiest.

“Let’s play football,” he threw the ball at him again.

“f-__-k off, I don’t even have a leg can’t you see?” He snapped, Randy flinched back at the sound of his voice and how much force he spoke with.

He fell in his b*tt, and next, his loud cries filled the room, Audrey ran into the room at high speed.

“Baby, I have been looking for you all over,” she carried him up then shot Khalid a demanding glare.

“What are you there standing for? Get lost!!!” He snapped nonchalantly.

She dropped her son to his feet, taking a few steps towards him.

“Listen, I know you h@ťě me, probably cos we didn’t….”

“Get out!!!!!!” He yelled shutting her up, his index finger pointing at the door.

She gulped emptiness and nodded, it was her fault, after all, their first meeting didn’t go well nor did their second.


Rainbow called Kim’s line over and over again till her phone ran down, cuddling herself on the couch she wept.

She was so stupid, she would have declined when he pursued her, she could have told Kim, but he said he didn’t love Kim that it was her that he needed, how stupid of her to believe him.

After crying her eyes out she found her way to the bathroom, last week was a week of Misery and this week she will go and find her big sister.

Rainbow was still in the bathroom scrubbing her hand when the power went out and darkness clouded the whole place.

Filled with Fear, panic, and anxiety, she screamed and screamed and screamed, falling to her b*tt, she screamed again horrified, her body shaking with fear of the dark.

Her heart hammering, sweat dripping down her head as she cuddles herself to the corner, shaking with fear. It was as though someone could come in through the window and take her.

She was terrified and needed her big sister.


“Hey,” Kim sat next to Lorenzo as he watched the stars in the sky.

“I’m Kim,” she said softly.

He was silent.

She wondered if she should keep going or just keep quiet but she decided to ask questions since silent won’t get her anything.

“How did I end up here?” She asked, her voice calm but a little bit wavy.

“You were shot by the men looking for me so I brought you here for treatment,” he finally said, still not looking at her.

“Why not the hospital or the paramedic?” She asked curiously.

He was silent.

“Hey …”

“I told you they were after me, should I have left you out there to die?” He asked, shifting his gaze to her.

His green eyes look so beautiful under the moonlight. She smiled wishing she could touch his face, f-__-k, he was handsome. Sleeping with him won’t hurt or will it? She don’t really care, he’s hot!

“Do you have your phone? I would like to call for help,” she said shaking off the naughty thoughts.

“I lost it while trying to get you to safety,” he replied and stood.

She also stood and then followed him.

“Let’s get out of here then? Aren’t you Afraid that wide animals might eat us?” She asked desperately.

He scoffed.

“Can’t find my way out, have walked around and around but still nothing,” he replied walking into the wooden house

The assassins tracked him to the cave and shot it down, he had to run with Kim, deeper and deep into the woods and now he can’t find his way out.


“Stop talking,” he snapped

“Okay, I get it, first you brought me here, and second, you’re giving me attitude, and third, I can’t even talk, really? Don’t you know that talking prevents mouth ordure?” Kim asked glaring at him from behind, her hands on her waist.

He ignored her.

“It’s hot in here, hope you won’t mind me stripping or will you????”

TBC 😁😀😍💖

As e dey hot 🥵🥵

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