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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??The Billionaire
And His Therapist ??
{His Dark Desires……….?}


By: Midnight Flames ✍?♡




Things had gone back to normal, Lucille had returned back to her normal life and job – she also started therapy to free herself from the dark clutches of the mistress’s hold on her mind and memories.

When Lucille had gotten back home after that day, she and Ashely talked about her relationship with Daniel. Ashely had told her everything she needed to know – apologizing for not telling her the truth earlier. Lucille had accepted her apology.

Ashely had moved out, after all she had only stayed because she wanted to keep a close eye on Lucille and now that she is reunited with her brother again, there was no need to overstay her welcome.

Daniel had been sending flowers and apology notes to Ashely – and he was getting nowhere close to winning her over. She had either tore them up or simply flung them away, she wasn’t going to welcome him back into her life that easily.

Fiona and Peter divorced, there was no need staying in an unhealthy and suffocating marriage. True to her words, Lucille had sent Fiona every dime she had paid for the therapy. Peter and Monica had surprisingly patched up their relationship, he was already a horrible father to Daniel and Lucille – he didn’t want to lose Monica too. Fortunately, Monica had accepted his apology – there is no point in holding a grudge – she had learnt that from her stepsister.

Jason had left home – this time to find himself, refusing to speak or associate with his mother and wasn’t ready to know his real father. . .yet.


Dominique rubs his temples in frustration at the pile of paperwork in front of him. It’s been a week since he set his eyes on Lucille and to say it hadn’t gotten to him would be an understatement.

He missed her — their conversations, her smile, her warmth and touch — if that wasn’t love, he didn’t know what was. Of course, he is madly in love with Lucille. It’s been a week since he last saw her and he missed everything about her… You’ll never know what you’ve until it’s gone.

He sighs, thinking aback to her confession on the night of the Gala. ‘because I’m in love with you! I’ve always been in love with you!” She had always been in love with him, that means: all through their friendship she had harboured feelings for him and he–

“What have I done!?” He yells, running a hand through his hair. How did he not see it, all this while? The way she looked at him, during their highschool days and how she had been hurt everytime he had ditched her to spend time with Claire.

How could he have been so oblivious to her feelings? And now–

“Son?” His father’s gruff voice sounded through the door. “Are you in there?”

“Yes…” He replies. The door swings open, his father steps inside. He looks around his office and shakes his head in disappointment.

“Your still sulking,” he comments, taking a sit on the black leather couch.

“Am not sulking.” He snapped back.

“Son, when are you going to stop living in fear?” When Dominique had broken the news to his parents – about Lucille quitting, they were shocked. She had been the only one to get through him, they had never seen him happier during the weeks she spent here as his therapist.

His mother was angry and had pushed Dominique for answers on why Lucille had suddenly quit. Until, he had blurted out that they were in a relationship and well. . .it ended.

“When are you going to admit your in love with her? When she was around, you were glowing and now, your back to your brooding self again.”

“I know I’m in love with her dad but am sacred, you saw what happened with–”

“That wasn’t love,” he interrupts. “You were never in love with Claire, it was just an infatuation, a crush and you took it so seriously that she manipulated you. Don’t confuse that with what you feel for Lucille.”

“I know… I’m in love with her but–”

“Not buts’ son, if you love her then what’s stopping you from being with her. You’ve been here for the past week, couped up in your home office – sulking. If you love this woman, then tell her how you feel.”

He sighs and continues, “I know your sacred but just think about not having to see her again, about her moving on and forgetting about you.”

Dominique gulped as fear gripped him – the thought of not seeing Lucille again, sent his heart racing with fear.

“That’s what I thought. Don’t allow fear rule your life, you’ll find out it can be a great hindrance to you not fulfilling your destiny in life.” He smiles, “you’ve always been fearless. Fear didn’t stop you from reaching the top, Claire left you at your lowest point and although you broke down, you still found the strength to carry on.”

“And look at where it got you today,” he gestures towards his lush home office. David’s expression turns calm, “don’t let fear be a hindrance to your life. There is so much you can accomplish without it.” He stands up and walks out leaving Dominique to ponder.


Lucille sits on her green chair, in her office filling paperwork. Her square glasses perched up her nose, head buried in her files. After the dust had settled, she has been repeatedly throwing herself into work to rid her mind of the person constantly plaguing it — Dominique.

She couldn’t get him out of her head. Her mind always wandered to him, what was he doing? Is he with Claire? Is he even thinking about me? Although, she works harder now, even when there is no need to but no matter what she couldn’t get the thought of him out of her mind.

“Lucille…” She looks up to see her assistant – Stacey staring at her with worry.

“Yes.” She replies, removing her glasses and set it on the table.

“Just wanted to inform you that it’s time.” Stacey says in rush. Lucille furrows her brow and then checks the wall clock, her lips seal in annoyance seeing it is already 3:00pm.

“Thank you. You can leave.” She snapped. Although, she has got a lot of work done – it still didn’t change the fact that she still thought of Dominique and had no idea how to stop…

The chair scrapes as Lucille stands up and proceeds to gather up her files, placing the finished one’s neatly stacked on her desk and taking the unfinished one’s home. She passes through the quiet lobby, seeing everyone was gone including Stacey.

She walks out the glass door, nodding to the security guard standing by and troops to the parking lot, just as she is about to unlock her vehicle… A voice calls, “Lucille.”

She turns, mouth parts in shock seeing Claire standing by her side. “Claire? What are you doing here?”

Claire sighs, “I came to apologize, that night that you saw me and Dominique–”

Her anger resurfaces, “don’t bother. If you came to warn me to ‘stay away’ there is no need, he’s all yours.”

“No! I came to tell you that it wasn’t Dominique’s fault, I was the one who kissed him – he didn’t even kiss me back. I’m sorry, I was jealous.”

Her apology shocked Lucille, “did Dominique send you here?” That is the only reason she could think off, that would make the arrogant Claire Martin apologize.

She shakes her head, “no… I-I,” she takes a deep breath and steps closer. “I-I saw the way he looked at you that night, he never looked at me like that. He really loves you and I came to clarify things because I don’t want to cause any unhappiness in Dominique’s life anymore.”

“It was bad enough that I had betrayed him and I don’t want to ruin the only chance at happiness again…”

Lucille smiles, “you’ve changed.”

“Yeah, being mean, nasty, selfish and greedy gets you nowhere. I’ve learnt my lesson.”

“I’m really happy for you Claire and thank you for coming to clarify things.”

“Please, don’t give up on him. He’s a good man and I know he’ll be genuinely happy with you.” Lucille smiles sadly at Claire’s words.

She releases a breath, “thank you, I wish you the best of luck in life.” She says and gets into her car. Claire waves happily, watching Lucille drive off. She felt good that she must have fixed the bond between them.

But as Lucille drove off, tears brim her eyes knowing that Claire’s wishes will never come true. Remembering his words that night, ‘I just can’t love you’ he couldn’t love her no matter what and she had to do everything possible to forget about him.



“NO! NO! LET GO OF ME!!” The mistress shrieks loudly but the officers still cuff her down. With the help of the children, Damien had finally found concrete evidence against her to lock her up for at least thirty years.

It turns out – the mistress had been using the money donated to the children for her own benefit. From the day she opened the orphanage and started receiving donations and gifts – all the money had been used to sponsor her drug addict son and the rest for her personal use.

Damien had used Daniel’s connection to find her records and convince the matured-minded children to testify against her. They had spoken without fear when they lodged the complaint to the police — showing their minor bruises as proof.

Damien had also showed the details of the girl that died under the mistress’s supervision, that is also another incriminating evidence which is punishable with a life in imprisonment sentence if found guilty.

“NO! PLEASE!!” The children wore bright smiles on their face seeing their abuser being apprehended. They gathered together, watching her struggle. Immediately, evidence was produced – the news spread like wildfire – people, especially the wealthy had to come to donate more and this time under the supervision of a kind hearted woman.

The Lady stood behind them, wearing a stoic expression as she watched the mistress being shoved into the back of the police vehicle. She couldn’t believe that, this woman who the town had praised for a long time was actually the devil in disguise.

The lady – Maria had a long way to go to earn the children’s trust. They have been apprehensive ever since she had been assigned to them by the government agency. She only hoped that with time, she could heal their wounds.

“Good riddance.” Damien comments, watching the police vehicle drive off with a deranged woman. The truth finally came to light and the children were finally free from the devil’s clutches.

Hearing what the mistress had done to orphaned children even to the point of ki||ing one – the people are demanding for her head and the government has taken precaution by sending their agents to investigate as many orphanages – possible.

No matter what. Your wicked deeds won’t remain hidden forever and when they do come to light, you’ll face the consequences of your actions.






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Getting to the end of our story!? hope your ready for our next one: Enemy Lover??



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