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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“How dare you!?” Daniel roared at Ashely, but she stood firmly—not flinching nor moving an inch. Not too long, she had made up her mind and decided to confront him. He needed to know that this part was going to led to nothing but destruction.

“I know that you’ve worked your whole life, everything that you have ever done was to find your sister. But…” She took a shaky breath, “she’s gone. And I know your hurt–”

He cut her off sharply, “you don’t know half of what I feel! You’ve lived a perfect life, with good parents by your side and with a loving sibling too!” He yelled, eyes bloodshot red. “I once had a happy life too, if she didn’t betray my mother, then maybe you would have met and loved a normal Daniel.”

“Daniel, I love you… Oh, God, don’t think like that. I know your angry and in pain but please don’t let it dictate your life or control your emotions.” She had closed the distance between them, holding his cheeks as she held his gaze speaking with love and sincerity.

“Oh, please…” He slapped her hand away. “You don’t love me, am fúcked up! No one can ever love me.” Finding out that his sister was no more had made him start thinking differently. He no longer had hope, nor did he believe in love.

He loved his sister more than anything and yet the cruel world still separated them and just when he finally has everything he needs to find her ┄ the money and power. Everything had been for nothing, the only thing that keeps him thriving is the thought of finally finishing off the Dumont’s for good.

“You are pushing me away Daniel. Let me in, let me heal your pain. You cannot win like this.” She took cautious steps towards him and placed her hand on his back, “please just let go, we’ll find another way–”

“There is no other way,” he jerked away from her touch. “Let go, let go, you say… I can’t win like this. Well, let me tell you something— this is exactly how you win! Destroy your enemies before they destroy you.” He looked crazed as if something/someone else had completely taken over.

“Daniel, I will not stand by and watch you destroy everything! You can’t–”

“Then go…” He said lowly, that she almost did not grasp it. . .almost.

“I don’t need you anymore, get out.” He said harshly, “leave and don’t ever come back again.” He sounded so truthful in his words that for a second she almost believed him.

She let out a nervous laugh.

“Okay, I know your angry, we can talk about this tomorrow and–” her words died down as he walked briskly towards her and grabbed her arms tightly.

“Get out… I never want to see you again, you are nothing but a waste of my time.” Tears brimmed her eyes and as she looked into his, she couldn’t recognize him anymore. There was no sadness in his tone and his eyes only shone with h@ťě.


“GET OUT!!” He shouted and pushed her away, luckily not hard enough. He turned his back on his unable to stand the pain in her eyes.

“Do you really want me to leave…?”

No! He wanted to scream but held his tongue, “yes.” He clenched his fists tightly as he heard her footsteps and finally the door slamming shut.

He fell to the ground and sobbing. Now, he has lost everything—his sister, his mother and the love of his life. The only thing his life has meaning to is destroying the one’s that ruined his life.

“Boss…” Damien called out. Daniel wiped his tears harshly and stood up. Damien wanted to so badly shout to Daniel that Ashely was walking away, she was leaving his life and she is the best thing that ever happened to him.

But he knew when to pick his fights, he knew the words he wanted to say would put a bullet through his skull in less than a second. “Gather my best men, we are going to pay a special visit to my dearest dad.” Damien nodded and walked out leaving Daniel in the room smiling manically.


Peter sighed as rubbed his temples tiredly. Although, the peace he had now was worth every work. He now lived in a small one bedroom apartment, still working at the Monet industries to pay off his debts and hopefully see Lucille again.

Seeing her at his boss’s home, he was sure they had a personal relationship together and was hoping that she would one day visit the office. He still had to convince her that she had a brother — who might be alive and going through God knows what.

Might be alive. . . .he bowed his head in shame at that thought. He did not even know whether his son had survived the accident, he should’ve asked Fiona.

Fiona: time and time again, he asked himself, wh@ťěver did he see in that scheming, conniving bîtch. The next time, he’d see her face again– strangling was the only cause of action to take.

A hard knock interrupted his thoughts, he stood up and walked to the door and without checking who it is through the peep hole, he opened the door only to be met with a gun pointed directly to his head.

“Move.” The man commanded as he pressed the weapon deeper into his skull. Peter raised his hands up in surrender and walks back into the room—shock filling him as five armed men, all dressed in black suits enter his room.

They could only be part of the Mafia but why would the Mafia be after him. The only debts he had to pay off were loans from friends. He’d never engaged in gambling or any illegal way to make money.

“Sit.” The same man orders and he complied.

“Drop your gun Damien…” His voice cold, calculating and authoritative. For sure, he was the boss. Damien immediately dropped his gun and parted ways for the boss to come in view.

“P-Please I-I didn’t do anything… You’ve to believe me.” He pleaded.

“I wouldn’t believe a word that came out of your mouth even if God sent you.” Peter looked up and froze. His eyes — brown, dirty blonde hair and a sinister smile on his face. He hadn’t changed, Daniel still looked like his father even after all these years – and that is what sickens him the most.

“D-Daniel.” He stammered.

“Hello father…”






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Thank God! I managed to finish up this double suspense filled chapters?. A lot of readers were not taking Daniel seriously but he has gone through bad things if not worse than Lucille ??.

Any ship names for Dominique and Lucille❣️❣️❣️❣️

A silent prayer?????? for Peter ☠️?.

Do not type *next* *wow* *interesting* *hmm* *thanks* *nice*. You type any of these and more and I’ll ban you❌. This was supposed to be tomorrows chapter but I’ve posted it today.?


Do you think Daniel is going too far? ?

Will Peter reveal that Lucille is alive? ??

Why did Claire come to see Dominique? ?

I want to see massive long comments and shares, it’s mostly me sharing and if you doubt it?: search and you’ll see most of the shares are under the name Flames?.


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