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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??The Billionaire
And His Therapist??
{His Dark Desire………..?}


By: Midnight Flames✍♥



Peter was desperate, having not paid rent and swimming in debt he had no choice but to seek the help of his boss. He had worked for five years as a cleaner at the Monet industries. He had never come in close contact with his boss but today he had to risk it all.

The Monet industries paid well that was for sure but his family had made the pay look so small and meaningless. Having spent almost everything trying to cater for the needs and wants of his family – and still they couldn’t appreciate him instead they stole his savings.

Peter did not know who took it, all he knew was that the morning he had woken up to find both his son and daughter gone – the money had magically disappeared. He wanted to cry, to hit everything in sight until he bled to death.

He had a good home, a loving wife and two beautiful children and he threw it away for sêx. . . . how – how on earth could he be so stupid. He had a great life, although they didn’t have much but they were comfortable. Dianne was an amazing woman, she was kind, loyal and caring and yet he still wasn’t satisfied. He regrets the day, he allowed Fiona – her best friend stay in his home, he regrets not kicking her out the minute she overstayed her welcome and worst of all for falling into her trap – allowing himself to be seduced easily.

And now here he was broke, in debt and desperate. Being a janitor at the Monet industries had it’s perks, he befriended some high officials and so it was no problem that one of them had agreed to help arrange a private meeting with Mr Monet to seek a loan or an advanced payment.

He was surprised and ecstatic that Mr Monet had agreed. The plan was simple, get a good loan, pay back the money in due time and settle his debts and with the reminder – he was going to leave Fiona. The minute he left, he knew he was going to be free — free to look for his wife and children. He would crawl on hot coal begging them to forgive him. It was going to take time and he only hoped that it wouldn’t be too late by then.

What he didn’t plan on was seeing Lucille again, he immediately recognized her sweet angelic voice when she had stated to leave – flustered. It had to be a sign, after twenty years he has finally found her.

“Lucille….” He stood up from his seat and engulfed her in a tight hug. Lucille stood still as a statue, she couldn’t move nor speak. He pulls away slowly, tears of joy streaming down his cheeks, seeing that she wasn’t moving – he held her shoulders and shook her slowly. “Lucille….”

“Don’t touch me!” She jerks back, her tone harsh. Finally able to comprehend that her father is truly here, all she could feel is anger.

“Lucille….” He tried to touch her once more but she slaps his hand off.

“Don’t you dare touch me!” She breathes deeply, trying to calm down but she couldn’t. . . . all the hurt and anger she had buried deep inside of her resurfaced. She looked at him – glaring.

“What are you doing here?” Peter wanted to ask her the same thing but he had not right. . . considering he just saw her after twenty years.

“M-Mr Monet is my boss.” He gestures towards him. Dominique stood in front of his desk, deciding not to interfere in her personal matters but he is shocked to find out Lucille has a father. . . .all her life she had always said she is an orphan.

Lucille sighs and picks up her bag, “I’ll take my leave.”

“Lucille, please wait. I know I’ve not been the best father to you but I swear I regret everything. . . . I was stupid Lucille, please forgive me.” He pleaded, after all this is his only chance to make things right.

“It’s too late,” for years she had longed for this and now, it just too late. So many things had happened in the last twenty years – – things he couldn’t fix.

“So many things had happened–”

“No….. I know. . . but please give me a chance to make things right again with you, your mother and–”

“HOW DARE YOU!! How dare you think of making things right with the woman you abandoned and left to die!!” Lucille screamed.

“No….. I never meant for her” he stuttered.

“She’s dead…. After you left, she turned to drinking to numb the pain.. And when she finally recovered, we had gotten into a fatal accident. She sacrificed her life to save me and you — where were you….?” The anger that she had buried inside her had been unleashed.

Peter staggered back, his eyes darting around the room. Dianne was gone, he couldn’t believe it. His eyes moved to Lucille wide in panic, “w-what about her brother?” He asked.

“Brother…. What are you talking about. I don’t have a brother.” Lucille wouldn’t believe anything he said, but why would he lie about a sibling.

“Oh my goodness, Lucille. Your brother – Daniel,” his eyes searched her for any glimpse of recognition, he found none. “Oh My God. You don’t remember” he rushed to her and gripped her shoulders tightly. “You’ve to remember Lucille, your brother – Daniel. Oh God, this is all my fault.” He wept.

Lucille pushed him away, glancing at Dominique she left the room. Peter fell to the ground weeping like a child. His wife gone, his daughter despised him and she couldn’t remember her own brother.

“What have I done.” He laments. Dominique walked to him and held his shoulders.

“I think you should leave. You both aren’t in a good mood right now to talk.” He advised, Peter nods and walks out. Dominique blew out a breath, stunned by the confrontation. He knew he had to comfort Lucille – for today, he was going to be her therapist.


Fiona straightened the length of her blue flora dress as she heard the door open. She had cleaned the house neatly and arranged a beautiful meal on the dining table – she is going to fix things.

Gently arranging her hair neatly, she walked hurriedly to the parlor eager to receive him. “Welcome.” She greeted with a smile but it slowly faded seeing Peter staggering into the room as if drunk, his eyes red and swollen.

“Peter!” She rushed to his side as he fell on the couch. “Are you okay?” She asked worriedly.

“She’s gone” he said, his voice cracked. “She’s gone and it’s all my fault!”

“Who?” At the question, Peter burst into tears once more. Fiona carefully placed his head on her shoulder as he sobbed.

“Dianne is gone, she’s dead and it’s all my fault.” Fiona didn’t say anything rather, she kept on stroking his hair in comfort.

“It’s going to be okay.” She consoled, the only question swirling in her mind – – how did he find out. Slowly, Peter lifted his head from her shoulder to see that not a single tear had dropped from her eyes. He stood up abruptly as if burned by her touched.

“You…. H-how can you be so cruel. Have you no sympathy? She was your best friend, she loved and cared for you more than anything. And yet, you’ve no sympathy in your eyes as I’ve just broke the news of her death.” His words laced in anger, he brawled his shaking fists trying to calm himself before he’ll something he’ll regret.

Fiona stood up and faced him, her eyes wide in sheer panic. “Peter…. You cannot control how I feel. Of course, I am sad to hear that she is gone but—”

“But. . . . but what, you were her best friend, she took you in when you had no one. You–” Peter’s eyes suddenly widened in realization. “You ki||ed her!”

“Peter–” she tried to explain but he cut her off.

“Shut up! Shut up! YOU ki||ED HER!! That’s why your not surprised about her death.” He walked swiftly to her and grabbed her shoulders digging his nails in deep. “You monster, you ki||ed her!!”

Fiona struggled against his hold still rebutting his accusations. “Peter stop!!” She begged but he still shook – spitting h@ťěful words at her. “STOP!!! I DIDN’T ki|| HER!!” Her loud scream made him loosen his grip giving her the chance to push him off.

“Liar….” He states. Fiona blinked the tears thr_@tening to fall. “YOU LIAR!!” Peter yelled once more.

Her whole body shook in rage as she blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “I DIDN’T ki|| HER! YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT HER…. WHAT ABOUT ME? YES I DIDN’T ki|| BUT I WATCHED HER DIE!!” She was breathing heavily by the time she finished.


There was no going back now, she had already blurted out the truth. “I was t-there on the day of the accident. I saw the truck crush them but I didn’t know how she was still alive. I-I watched her bleeding and saw her when she took her last breath.” She admitted, her voice shaky filled with regret.

“Am sorry…..” She sobbed. Peter ran his hand down his face. They just stared at each other in silence for a few minutes. Without another word, Peter walks briskly to the room with Fiona following behind.

“Peter! Wait….. What are you doing?” She asked upon entering the room. Peter doesn’t respond instead he open the cupboard – brings out his box and starts throwing in his clothes.

“Peter, wait! Don’t do this please….” Any attempt made to stop him proved futile, he zipped his box and began to walk out. Peter couldn’t look at her face, she could’ve saved Dianne – if not for her but for the sake of his children but no, she left her best friend to die.

“Peter please, no! Don’t go!” It was already too late as he walked out and slammed the door shut. “Coward!!” She screamed falling to the floor sobbing.






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