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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??The Billionaire
And His Therapist??
{His Dark Desires………?}


By: Midnight Flames ✍?♡



“Your mine Lucille… Only mine.” He strokes her cheek, a possessive look in his eyes. Lucille stared at him, breathing heavily, her eyes filled with lust. Dominique could see that by the look in her eyes, she wants him as much as he much as he wants her.

“As much as I do want to take you – make you mine, leave you breathless wanting more…..” With each word spoken, Lucille wanted to badly tell Dominique to do what he wants with her — that she wants him just as much.

“But I want you to come to me. I want you to come to me willingly, only then will I fulfill my darkest desires with you.” His tone husky and promising. Lucille mouth parts, speechless at Dominique’s words. He kisses the top of her head and walks away.

Lucille holds her chest tightly, she couldn’t believe she had succumbed to Dominique’s seduction. His words, touch, warmth, made her feel butterflies, sparks, blushing like a teenage girl. She swore to never feel anything for him again and now her walls were tumbling down but no. . . . .she couldn’t give up, not without a fight, she had to resist him – she had to resist his seduction.


Ashely could remember the first time, she had met Daniel in highschool. He was a bad boy, quiet and was always angry. Everyone had judged him without even saying a word to him and she had decided to take on the challenge of getting to know him.

He had infuriated her at first, frustrating each and every effort. But, she had managed to get through him and ever since their first kiss on graduation day, they have been inseparable ever since.

“Boss Lady!” A man ran to her frantically. She was in Daniel’s mansion — in his room, after they had met at the club and spent a passionate night together, she had come here to spend the night. “Please… Please… The boss… His…” The man couldn’t form a simple sentence, sweat running down his face, he was practically shaking like a leaf.

Ashely didn’t need to be told that something bad happened. She rushed to her feet and bolts out of the room, the man following behind. As she neared Daniel’s office, the men automatically gave way for her. The men already knew who she was and Daniel had commanded their respect to her. Ashely was well aware of why the Mafia was created in the first place.

“NO!!” she heard a thunderous shout followed by glass shattering. She enters in — glass broken on the floor. Damien stood at the far corner, his head lowered in shame as he clenched a brown file in his hand.

“NO!!” He screams again, “it’s not possible….!” Daniel ran his hands through his hair in frustration and anger.

“Daniel…. W-what happened?” She step towards him slowly.

He faces her, eyes red “she’s dead.” Tears flowed down his cheeks. Ashely dashed to him and embraced him tightly. He sobs like a child on her shoulder.

“How did it happen?” She asked softly. She is well aware of his sister- lost in a car accident years ago. Daniel joining gangs and creating the mafia. . . everything is to find her and now that she is supposedly dead, everything was invain.

“We had finally tracked the location of the exact orphanage the police had taken her to. On getting there, we had spoken to the woman in charge and it turns out, she had fallen into a well years ago and died. We had even seen the dead body to confirm it.” Damien explained and proceeds to hand over the file to Ashely.

She releases Daniel and takes the file and truly as she opens it there is a picture of blond hair girl, her body twisted and disfigured, at the right – her details listed there. Ashely covers her mouth in horror, she looks at Daniel – who is shaking in fury.

“They’ll pay….” Is the only thing he repeats. After Daniel orders everyone to leave except Ashely, who stays and comforts him. Although, she couldn’t understand his pain but she knew how hard it would be if she lost Dominique.

She held his tear stained cheeks and kissed him, their lips move in sync, bodies pulled closely to each other. Daniel finds comfort in her arms and the taste of her lips against his. They pull away breathing heavily.

“It’s going to be okay…. We can bring her body here and bury her peacefully.” She suggests. Daniel couldn’t have found a more supporting partner. He nods agreeing with her.

“But I’ll avenge her death.” Daniel has never told Ashely about his past, it is a touchy subject and she herself understood that it was hard for him to talk about it.

“I’ll support you but please don’t take anyone’s life.” Daniel sighs, if it where up to him, he’d put a bullet through Fiona’s skull by now.

“Okay.” She hugs him briefly. “Damien!!” He calls out and immediately Damien rushes to his side.

“Yes boss.”

“Find out everything you need to know about Fiona Dumont, her past relationships, who she sees, where she works. I need everything. Do you understand.” He commands.

“Yes, boss. I won’t disappoint you this time.” Damien is his most trusted man and he was sure he wasn’t going to let him down.

“Good.” He moves to his chair tracing the table with his fingers, “it’s time I finish what I started.”


“Good morning Sir.” A lady greets as Dominique enters into his company. Dressed in a black suit, his jet black hair styled impeccably, paired with a dark shade. The employees greet as Dominique walks by and into the elevator.

MONET INDUSTRIES is the most successful company in France. Dominique had worked hard to build the company, taking risks and making wise investments. Everyone knows about his industries and people did do anything to get a working position there. The elevator dings and Dominique steps out. Currently, he is in the top floor of his office, only the important officials are allowed here.

“Good morning sir.” His assistant – Cynthia greets as she walks along side him, holding a tablet in her hands.

“What is my schedule for today?” He questions. Cynthia clears her throat nervously.

“….Ummm, sir, before that you’ve a visitor in your office.” She informs.

“Who is it?” He stops for a moment, turning to face her.

“A lady, she was adamant on seeing you, saying it is very urgent.” Dominique raises a brow but doesn’t say more, he dismisses Cynthia and walks briskly to his office – not slowing down for a moment.

He barges in and immediately his visitor stands up. All breath cease as he comes face to face with Claire – dressed moderately but her face caked with make-up. With bags underneath her swollen eyes which seem to have lost colour.








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