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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??The Billionaire
And His Therapist ??
{His Dark Desires………?}


By: Midnight Flames ✍?♡



“What have I done!!” Lucille screams into her pillow. Wearing an oversized pink hoodie, fluffy white slippers and her hair tied in a messy bun. She was embarrassed, how could she have kissed Dominique. . . .so boldly?

How was she going to explain that it was an accident, nothing but a mistake. But she couldn’t deny the fact that the kiss was amazing. It made her tingle everywhere and her heart skip a beat. She has not felt that ever since high school and then and there. . . . . Lucille knew she was falling in love with Dominique again.

And she couldn’t. The last time she put her heart out there, it had returned back broken. Loving Dominique is like a child asking for a candy he/she can’t have. Not to mention the fact that he was still madly in love with Claire. Lucille couldn’t risk it again….. Couldn’t risk her heart again and she knew just what to do.


Dominique laid on the lounge seat waiting for Lucille. He was very eager to see her after yesterday’s sizzling kiss. The door opens as she walks in dressed in an office causal – a black pencil skirt and matching blouse.

“Good morning Mr Monet.” Her tone strictly professional. Her face stotic, void of any emotion.

“Good morning Lucille.” Dominique wasn’t going to be playing along to that professional facade.

“It’s Miss Dumont.” She drops her bag on the desk and folds her hands across her chest. Her eyes narrowed at him. “I would very much appreciate it that you call me Miss Dumont.”

“And would very much appreciate it if you drop the professional facade.”

“I am nothing more than your therapist.” She defends.

“Oh really….. Are therapists supposed to kiss their boss?”. Lucille’s cheeks turned pink.

“I-I was drunk!”

“Right….” He drawled with a teasing smirk on his face. Lucille wanted to smack the smug look on his face.

“The kiss. . . .was a mistake.” She states and Dominique could not fail to hide the hurt in his eyes. He stood up abruptly and closed the distance between them ready to prove to get that the kiss was something more.

Not wanting things to escalate further, Lucille quickly took her seat. Dominique sighed before taking his. There was an akward silence in the room before Lucille clears her throat breaking it.

“Do you ever consider getting closure from Claire?” She questioned.

“No.” He simply answers.

“Mr Monet, in a genuine relationship – before two people can really move on is when they communicate on why the relationship didn’t work in the first place.”

“But, Claire and I were not in a genuine relationship. The only person who invested everything in our relationship was me.” His words laced in anger.

“I know. . . . And that’s why you need closure. You were genuine and am sure you wonder oftentimes, why she did what she did.” Lucille explained.

“She lied, stole and cheated on me. That’s all the closure I need.” He stated as a matter of fact.

Lucille sighs, thinking of how she is going to explain to Dominique on why closure is very important in a relationship. “Can we not talk about this,” he told her. She nods knowing the subject was re opening deep wounds.

“You’ve a good heart D- Mr Monet, don’t let anyone tell or convince you otherwise. They are still a lot of good women in the world. You just need to get out there and find them.” Dominique smiles actually believing her words. They are still good women out there like – Her.

Clearing a throat, she stands up. “Well, that is all for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.” As soon as she grabs her handbag to leave, thunder booms and lightening strikes and in a second, the rain falls down.

“Lucille, the rain is falling heavily. You can’t possibly go out there.” She turns deaf ears as she briskly makes her way to the door. Lucille was determined to not let a little rain get in her way – she’d just managed to avoid talking about the kiss and maintaining a professional relationship with him and now a storm was going to ruin everything. . . . Héll no!

The rain poured down heavily as she walked out instantly wetting her clothes. Lightening flashed at every turn and Lucille knew she couldn’t even take a cab home and left with no other choice, she turned back only to meet Dominique – a smug look on his face as he held out a towel for her.


An hour later, Lucille had taken a warm bath and wore his black shirt. She came downstairs, seeing Dominique already there – wearing a white polo and a black jogger. The simple wear made him look handsome.

Dominique turned his attention towards Lucille. His black shirt fit her perfectly, just stopping by her knee showing her long legs that he could imagine wrapped around him as he th-ru_sts into her.

He groaned feeling his pants getting tighter, unable to control himself anymore. He stood up slowly and began to stalk toward her.

Lucille whimpers backing away from Dominique slowly, he was looking at her as a predator watchs it’s prey. Although she was wearing his thin black shirt that reached her knee and was in no way transparent, she could feel his hot gaze piercing through her as if he could see right through the cloth.

“Come here Lucille” Dominique growled lowly, he didn’t know why he was so possessive about her, she is just his therapist nothing more nothing less.

Lucille had always been so innocent and over the years, it didn’t change a bit. She was still that shy girl he knew back in the day except that shy girl was now a segzy curvaceous woman waiting to explored by the. . .right man.

She shook her head and continued to back away, he is her client, she is supposed to be heal him from his heartbreak but with the way he had been with her these few weeks she highly doubts if this man is the same man that tried to commit suicide.

“Wrong move” he replied and quickly strode to her making back away faster, only when her palm did hit the wall did she know what he meant by. . . .wrong move.

He caged her protectively, “why do you chose to run away from me Lucille” he hands reached up to caress her cheeks slowly.

“Dominique please……I am your therapist, you cant- shouldn’t be doing this” she shivered involuntarily when his hand began to trace her leg sensually.

He backed up instantly and ran his hand over his dark curly hair, he then turned to her. “Don’t you think I know that Lucille, that this relationship should be strictly professional…..”

“But I cannot control the way I feel about you” Lucille’s eyes widen in shock,

“No….! It’s not love, it is simply lust. Lust….. I just want a taste Lucille and then we can go our separate ways” he said it like it was no big deal but it was a very big deal to her.

It was like a bucket of cold water had been poured over her, Her body……that’s what he wants to use her for. Who does he think he is?

“If you think that I am one of those lose women that will just jump into your bed because of money or power—”

“Oh…. I know you are not one of them my sweet Lucille but we’ve a problem……. You’ve seduced me and I plan to have you in a bed one way or another”

Lucille glared at him “Seduced you! I did no such thing and I’ll never ever sleep with you!” She yelled.

“We’ll see….” His tone held a promise, one he was not going to break after all Dominique is a man of his word.

Lucille glared one last time before she tried to walk past him, before she could he grabbed her arm and spun her to face him.

There was no distance between them this time, Lucille could feel his hard muscular body and Dominique could feel her Břě@šťs pressed against his chiseled chest.

Her strawberry honey scent filled his nostrils making his Ç0çƙ harden in his pants, Lucille is different, very very different. So far she has made him feel things that he swore he would never feel again.

Every fibre in his being wants every inch of her: tasting her pink plumb lips, spread out for him as he tastes her, legs wrapped around his waist as he plunges into her, on her knees pleasuring him only him.

“Let me go” she struggled against his hold but it only made his pants tighter. With one tug, he pulled her closer and slammed his lips on her.

She gasped in surprise placing her hands on his chest she tried pushing him of but with each push his hold tightened.

She tried to fight it, tried to ignore the sparks between them, tried to ignore his musky scent clouding her senses but she couldn’t, not being able to fight it anymore slowly she begins to move her lips on his kissing him back.

His hand moves to the back of her neck holding it firmly as he deepens the kiss, the other traces her neck down to her hips and then rests firmly on her @zz squeezing it.

She gasps and he takes it his chance, he th-ru_sts his tongue into her mouth, tasting her, devouring her completely and when her tongue meets his, they battle for dominance; in which he wins.

Her hands move to grab his soft hair tugging on it as they continue to kiss passionately, Dominique has never felt this way before especially with just a kiss, the way their lips molds into each other so perfectly.

He breaks the kiss both panting heavily, If this is what kissing her feels like then she was only his to kiss. He touched her now swollen lips. “You are mine Lucille, only mine. . . . .”

Claire stood in front of her glass window watching the rain pour down heavily. It gave her a sense of relief, he wasn’t going to come back today – and that was all that mattered. Her heart skipped a beat hearing the car honk outside and seeing the car headlights, her worst fear had come true.

She quickly closed the window and as fast as her feet could carry her – ran upstairs. By the time she had reached the first floor of the mansion, the door opens and footsteps could be heard.

“WHERE IS SHE!!!” Ethan booms, his fists clenched tightly. Claire covers her mouth as she hides at the bed, tears already streaming down her cheeks.

“There you are…..” She looks up, her face goes pale, her eyes widen in horror. Ethan stands there with a sick smile on his face.

“You bîtch!!” He grabs her tightly and slaps her hard across her face. She falls to the ground sobbing.

“Please… Please…” She begs but he pays no head instead he begins kick her as she lays flat on the floor. Ever since they had betrayed Dominique and instead of his downfall like they expected- he had become more successful fueling the fire to Ethan’s anger and Claire had been his transfer of aggression.

“Stupid bîtch! This is all your fault!!” He spat and walks out leaving Claire laying on the floor – battered and bruised up. Her eyes drop and the only thing she sees before everything goes blank is- Blood.






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