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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??The Billionaire
And His Therapist??
{His Dark Desires……?}



By: Midnight Flames✍♡


She smiled at Mrs Fiona, “You look lovely today Mrs Fiona.” she complimented.

“Thank you, Lucille. I feel like am finally getting my life back on track” her face glowed with happiness, it’s been so long since she felt like this.

When Lucille started therapy with her two months ago, she looked pale and so void of life. At first, she refused to open up stating she had done something so horrible and wrong. But after a few weeks, she began talking, looking forward to their sessions.

Her marriage was on the verge of collapsing and from the description she made of her family and husband, the family are in dire need of family therapy. Lucille had suggested it every single session but she always dismissed it.

“It’s Karma Lucille, I know what I did and now I am paying dearly for my mistakes and no amount of therapy or money can fix it.” she always said, Lucille often wondered what this sweet woman had done to warrant this kind of karma.

Her husband and her fought every single day, they had two kids: one had gone into drug dealing and the other ran way as soon as she turned sixteen. The family were torn apart. Till this session, Fiona had still not told her what she had done.

“It is something that has cost me dearly, something I deeply regret all my life until my dying day” she always spoke in riddles but wh@ťěver she had done was so terrible that she couldn’t discuss it.

“Am glad Mrs Fiona, you deserve to be happy don’t let anyone tell you otherwise….”

Fiona shook her head sadly, “I don’t–”

“Don’t let anything you’ve done in the past dictate how you live now. . .” she takes her hand holding it gently. “you are a good woman and you deserve to be happy.” she said firmly.

Tears brimmed her eyes, “thank you” Lucille nodded, stood up from her chair and hugged her. “I love you Fiona even if you say no one does.” She meant everyday, these two months they’ve gotten really close. There is a special bond between them; Lucille admired Fiona for her strength to keep going and moving no matter what. Not many people have that.

She pulled away. “I’ll see tomorrow….” Fiona nodded and took her leave. She sighed and rounded her desk, switching off the light, gathering her books.

The door clicked open and her assistant entered in, “Glad your done for today.” She said with a sigh, Lucille shook her head gently; Stacy admired her work and persistence towards her clients but, a little too much of persistence.

Lucille arranged her books on the end of the table, her files on the other, satisfied with the neat work she carried her brown flight bag and walked out of her office. She said her goodbye to Stacy, glancing at her watch she sighed in relief seeing as it was 3:20pm as she still had sometime left to run some errands.

Lucille hands the chubby taxi driver a twenty dollar bill, “thanks” he said before driving off and she proceeds into Greg’s shopping mall. She had only a few things to get.

A red shopping basket in her hand, she strolls down the isle. Picking a spaghetti, macaroni and two bags of chips as she lowered her head to put the things in the basket, someone bumped into her making the items fall.

“Am so sorry!” The female voice with a light French accent.

“No, it’s okay.” Lucille bent picking up the items, not bothering to lift her head to see who the person is. With all the items safely in the cart, she looked up to see someone she never thought she’d see again.

“Mrs Monet….!” She almost yelled in shock, a smile graced her lips as she immediately embraces her.

“Lucille…! Oh, look at how you’ve grown.” She says, rubbing her back gently, after a brief moment, they pull away.

“Am so happy to see you”

“As am I.”

“How have you been?”

“I’ve been alright. . . .doing just fine.”

* * * * * *

Mrs Monet smiled once again, Lucille standing before her was well. . .too good to be true. She never thought she’ll see her again after she and her son parted ways all because of that good for nothing woman.

She scowled unknowingly, Claire Martin had managed to ruin everything good in her son’s life including destroying a beautiful friendship.

“How is Dominique?” Lucille thought she’d never ask that question again. But curiosity got the better of her.

Mrs Monet (Becky) looked up in surprise. “He is–” she didn’t whether to lie or answer honestly. After all, her son almost committed suicide because of Claire and then deemed all woman (with the exception of her and his sister of course) simply frauds. Fortunately, they had found him just in time or else her son would be no more. He did not attempt it again but he had become closed off.

And all attempts to help him recover deemed futile. He had chased away his therapists. “I do not need a therapist. I am fine and alive and that is all that matters.” He always defended.

“Are you okay?” Lucille’s gentle tone broke her out of her reverie.

“Yes, I am fine.” she sighed “but truth be told, Dominique isn’t” she admitted.

Lucille expression changed to that of worry, once Becky saw her crestfallen mood. “No, no, he is alright, hale, healthy but honestly he hasn’t been himself.” she clarified.

Lucille appeared relieved. Becky continued “a lot of things happened in the past years. Some good, some bad and well the bad things changed him.”

She could understand, she is a therapist after all and she could fully decode what Mrs Monet was trying to tell her. “Is he in need of help” she asked.

Becky nodded. Her son had been so happy but now things had changed, he had changed. “I could help. . . . .I graduated with a P.H.D in therapy.”

“Oh dear!” she exclaimed “I forgot that you were studying to become a therapist. That would be lovely. . . .Thank you Lucille.” She flung her arms around her and Lucille didn’t hesitate to return the hug.

They bid each other goodbye, exchanged each other and Becky had promised to contact her. As she left, Lucille wondered what could’ve happened.


Lucille never thought that she’d run into Mrs Monet today and get hired to be her son’s therapist. She sighed and sat down on her red L shaped couch; removing her nude pumps.

She removed the few buttons of her blouse and placed her bag on the floor. It’s been a long day and all she wanted to do right now is get some sleep. But with the events that took place today, she doubts if she’ll be able to sleep.

Been a therapist wasn’t easy but it was surely worth it at the end to see her patients finally recover and start a new journey in their life’s. Orphaned at the young age of three, things weren’t easy for her growing up. Lucille can still remember the haunting memory of her childhood.

Things weren’t always that way; they had been a happy family, that was until her father had found a another woman– a better woman (in his words). She could still recall holding unto his legs tightly and begging with tears flowing down her cheeks. “Daddy! Please don’t go!” She pleaded.

But her father turned deaf ears and had flung her harshly at the door of their house. Her mother was devastated and had turned to drinking to numb the pain. Fortunately, she was never abusive or insulting, she just cried herself to sleep at night but it still hurt to see her mother broken.

Few weeks later, her mother had recovered although she still drank but was at least sober enough to take care of her and then all of sudden everything, every progress her mother made gone in just one crash.

She was taken to an orphanage where it was a survival for the fittest and she wasn’t among the fittest. Hell, she wasn’t even among the fit, she was just Lucille.

And with that satisfactory, it was no surprise that she quickly offered to help Dominique. Judging with the way Becky spoke, he had been through something really terrible and she only hoped that she could do her best to help heal him. Dominique Monet, successful multi billionaire, cold, ruthless and her ex best friend.

Getting a scholarship to West high was the best day of her life. She had planned everything out, keep her shoulder down, her profile low and excellent grades.

She didn’t count on meeting him nor becoming his best friend and later falling in love with him but (hey) the heart wants what the heart wants. But sometimes the heart doesn’t always get what it wants and as they say: if you love someone then you’ve to let go.

She sighed once again and then stood up, with her shoes in her hand and the bag in the other as she walked to her bedroom. The walls painted light blue, the room is wide and spacious, purple curtains and a queen sized bed.

She proceeds to remove her clothing, putting on a large grey T-shirt. Wh@ťěver happened between them is in the past and although he hurt her, she has made it her mission to help people heal and she wasn’t going to back down now.

Ever since her father had abandoned them for another woman and her mom fell into depression and then died. The events taken place during her childhood was enough to end her life but Lucille had seen her mother struggle to recover. It wasn’t easy for her but she pushed through because of her and Lucille couldn’t be more grateful.

If her mother didn’t fight then maybe she wouldn’t be the person she is today. Her mother had inspired her to keep going no matter what but all her efforts gone in just one crash.

She cried day and night wondering if she was a curse. Her father had been a good man; he was loving, protective and supportive, until the fights, screaming and after a while he stopped coming home.

She wasn’t even sure her parents got divorced, all she knew was that he had packed his bags one night and despite the pleading and begging. He left. They were heartbroken.

She touched her face and noticed that tears were flowing down. She shook her head to forget the haunting memories. A new start, a fresh beginning, that was on her mind the day she left the orphanage.

And she was glad, truly it was a new start and a fresh beginning. Leaving the past behind felt amazing and she wanted others to feel that way and whether the person had done her good or bad, Lucille vowed to help anyone in need even if it means helping the person that hurt her.




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Written by: Author Midnight Flames✍?

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