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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{THE thr_@t}

“Pushing a girl that way is animalistic” the familiar voice said, and Jennifer’s eyes widened on his chest.


She looked up painstakingly slow, and her eyes met with his angry eyes, the eyes of the same guy she met on the night of her heartbreak, Teddy!

He was looking at Cross angrily as Solar helped him up, and his right arm is still around her, holding her still.

“Stony face” she mumbled shockingly, and he turned his face to her, finally releasing her from his grip.

“Are you f-__-king crazy?” Cross shouted, rushing to him.

“What? You wanna punch me back?” Teddy said boldly, and Cross locked his shirt in the front just the way he did to Jennifer.

“Who the hell do you think you are? Who’s your effing father in this Manhattan! Who’s your father!” He gnarled furiously, his voice laced with rage as he shook Teddy violently.

“Let go of me” Teddy said calmly.

“To hell with you f-__-king $cvm!” Cross spat and threw a punch at his face.

Jennifer’s eyes widened as it met his jaw, and his face got wounded.

“Teddy!” She gasped, rushing to the scene, but before she could get there, Teddy returned the punch, and the hit made Cross crumble on the ground again with a bleeding mouth.

“AHH!!” Cross cried out on the ground.

“I just can’t stand it when guys hurt girls” Teddy muttered slowly, and Jennifer suddenly grabbed his hand, pulling him away from the spot.

He carried his bag from where it fell on the ground and followed her till they got to the car park.

She made to pull him into her car, but he broke free from her immediately.

“Your face is wounded, let’s get it treated” she said.

“I’ve had bigger wounds, this means nothing” he replied, and she sighed.

“Why did you do it? Why did you fight for me and…

“I didn’t fight for you, I did it cos I wanted to, not because of you” he interrupted, and she blinked.

“Ok fine, why were you at the park?”

“I frequent the park, it’s my second home” he replied, and she nodded.

“You still have tears on your face” he said.

“Oh!” She gasped, wiping the traces.

“I know it’s hard to get over a loved one, but that shouldn’t apply to a jerk like him, you should move on” he said blankly and started leaving, but she quickly rushed to pull him back.

“I’ll pay you back, eat dinner with me” she said.

“I don’t want to, seems I always get in trouble around you” he replied flatly, and she pouted.

“It’s just dinner in a restaurant, I’ll feel bad if you turn me down. I know you h@ťě company, but I really wanna eat something with someone right now and you’re the only available person, don’t be like this and…

“Fine, Enough of the news” he sighed, and she smiled, opening her car door for him.

“Guys first” she said sweetly, and he entered the car after giving her a short glance.

“Yes!” She jumped and entered the driver’s seat. Sam didn’t come with her, so she drove out of the park.


Aaron is currently in the dinning room, eating his dinner of spinach pasta alone on the long, wide dinning table.

His face looks sour, and hatred is attached as he ate each forklift, feeling so lonely.

He got his phone and went to The Beautiful Knights group chat, but none of the guys are online.

Pascal must be busy f-__-king, and Vance must be busy playing games or staring at nudes on his phone as usual.

He dropped his phone and took his fork again, and instead of eating, he started stabbing the pasta with it.

It started slowly, but at the thought of Alex and Alexa and everything happening right now, the stabs became frequent, and he suddenly placed his right palm on the table.

The next stab landed on it, and the fork dived right into his palm.

“Master!!!” The maids screamed when he began bleeding profusely.

His lips began quivering, and his brows flattened as he smirked with the left side of his thin lips.

“What do you think you’re doing!” Mayor shouted, coming downstairs.

He’s an handsome man in his early fourties, and Aaron’s face is right on his own, the resemblance is insane.

He rushed to Aaron and took his bleeding hand quickly, then he faced the maids.

“Call my secretary and get him to the hospital, right now!”

“And who says I’m going to an hospital? I don’t need it!” Aaron shouted.


“What’s the essence of richness when it feels like I’m all alone in this damned big house! You won’t even let me see my own mother! It’s been ages since I set eyes on mum! Bring her back!” He shouted again.

“So… This is about Regina?” Mayor heaved, and Aaron stepped closer, his face in front of Mayor’s since they’re of the same height.

“Bring back mum! I want mum back! Let me see her again! Can’t you do that for me?” He softened his voice.

“It’s only right if Regina is out of your life” Mayor replied.

“Don’t give me that crap!” He shouted, going for the flower vase on the center table.

He grabbed it and smashed it on the wall, the trail of his blood following him around.

“I wanna see my mum!!!” He screamed.

“Get his hand treated” Mayor told the maids and started going back upstairs.

“Dad! Dad answer me! f-__-king answer me Mayor! Dad!!!” He screamed after him, but no answer.

Aaron leaned on the dinning table, breathing hard as his palm continued bleeding.

The doorbell rang, and one of the maids rushed to open the door.

Veronica stepped in, and when she saw Aaron’s hand, her eyes widened.

“Aaron what’s up with your…

“Don’t dare talk to me!” He glared and rushed upstairs.

“Where’s the Mayor?” Veronica asked.

“He’s in his study” the maid beside her replied, and she made her way to the study immediately.

She got to the door and painted her lips with a deeper shade of red lipstick, then she smiled at herself in her mirror before returning it to her purse.

She walked in and met him reading a book while sitting sturdily on his favorite chair.

“Veronica?” He looked up immediately, and she smiled.

“Sorry for the late visit, my schedule is quiet tight”she smiled, sitting her @zz on the couch in front of him.

“I’ll tell the maids to bring you wine” he made to stand…

“No, I’ll just go straight to the point” she replied, and he rested back.


“Jennifer Sanders, have her leave the school” she said, flapping her black hair behind. She moved her hips seductively on the couch.


“You saw how she embarrassed my daughter at the orientation, shouldn’t that be enough reason?”

“I don’t think I’m in for this chat tonight, you should go home” Mayor replied to made to stand, but Veronica was faster.

She stood and walked straight to him without taking her eyes off, then she climbed the couch with him.

“What are you…

Her lips already captured his before he could finish. She kissed him Ɓîtçhily, digging hard into his surprisingly soft mouth as she began unbuttoning his shirt.

Unknown to them, Aaron has been watching from the slightly opened door, and he’s currently making a video.

Veronica took Mayor’s hands and placed them on her chest, forcing him to press her soft Břě@šťs as she kissed him harder.

Mayor came back to his senses in a flicker, and he quickly broke the kiss, then he stood fast.

“What did you just do! You think I’ll give in because of that? You’re the largest shareholder Veronica, so self respect should come with that” he said sternly and picked his book, storming out of the room.


The expensive resturant has rich looking kids and adults inside as expected. There are five floors, and Jennifer booked a seat on the third.

Teddy was looking around in astonishment as he walked behind her.

How can a resturant be so flashy? Are the expensive decorations really necessary???

He was still busy feeding his eyes when Jennifer entered the elevator.

“Teddy!” She called out, pressing the button to stall time.

He rushed into the elevator with her, and she smiled.

“Thanks for coming with me”

He looked at her, and she smiled again, her eyes landing on his necklace.

“I love your necklace, it’s gorgeous. Who gave it? Your girlfriend? Do you have a girlfriend? Oh I guess no one would date a Stony face like you, but you’re handsome anyways, so…

“Please… Can you stop talking?” He faced her, and she smiled as the door opened, and they stepped into the floor.

Their server was already waiting, and the young man directed them straight to their seats.

They sat facing each other, then she picked the menu.

She scanned it for a while, then she hissed out.

“I don’t know what to eat” she pouted childishly.

“Are you expecting me to pick for you too?” He said, and she nodded.

“Dream on” he replied, and she laughed.

“I’ll have chicken fried steak, and my favorite wine” she said, and the server left to get it.

“So you don’t have a girlfriend?” She faced Teddy.

“Can we not talk about it?” He replied uninterested.

“Fine” she smiled, and her orders arrived.

It came in three plates, filling the whole table together with the wine and cups.

“Let’s eat” she said, picking her fork.

“I didn’t come here to eat” he replied, and she sighed before dropping her fork.

“If you’re not eating, then I’m pouring then in the trashcan” she said.

“Suit yourself” he replied, and she really stood and grabbed the plates, going for the trashcan.

“Stop!” He shouted, and she smiled before turning back.

She settled them back on the table, then she sat back too.

He picked his fork slowly.

“I’ll eat just a little” he said.

“I’ll appreciate” she smiled, and they started eating.

Jennifer’s mouth is currently wide as she stared surprisingly at Teddy who has a cup of wine on his lips.

“You said you’d eat just a little” she muttered, and he dropped the cup beside two empty plates of steak.

He ate two full plates, and Jennifer ate just one.

“Guess I was hungry, sorry” he replied, swiping his tongue on his lips.

“You’re a foodie!” She laughed, grabbing her bag.

Immediately Teddy stood from his chair, he bumped into someone, and his eyes widened when he saw who it is.

Mr Salvador, Angela’s dad!

The usual venomous look formed on his face immediately their eyes met, and Teddy shifted back.

“So after ki||ing my daughter, you have the nerves to come on a dinner date with another girl, seriously?” Mr Salvador said angrily, going closer to him.

“What’s … Going on” Jennifer wondered in confusion.

“How dare you murderer!” Mr Salvador shouted, grabbing Teddy’s collar immediately.

“You ki|| my daughter only to date another girl? Do you think you deserve happiness? You don’t deserve it you wicked thing! How the hell do you sleep at night after wasting my daughter’s life on they rollercoaster! How!!!” He demanded.

“I’ve not been happy too! I’ve been paying for the sin of making her ride the rollercoaster even when I knew she had fears for it! I haven’t been sleeping!” Teddy cried.

“Liar!! Bring back my daughter!! Bring Angela back!!!”

Jennifer finally stepped in, breaking his grip on Teddy.

“Let’s go Teddy” she said, taking him out of the floor

They rode the elevator downstairs, and they got in her car together.

He was crying throughout the drive to the mansion, and Jennifer felt bad throughout since there’s no way to console him.

What’d she probably say when she’s confused?

If she hadn’t forced him to the resturant, this wouldn’t have happened, and she’s feeling so guilty right now.


Being the most popular pastry shop in Manhattan, it’s always filled with rich customers cos of their rich pastries.

It’s mostly crowded at nights like this, and it’s like any other nights tonight as Cindy’s car stopped in front of the shop.

She came down with her buds, looking resentful and feisty as she led the way in.

They all stood by the door, watching the crowd with pure disgust on their faces.

“Eew! Can we really eat their pastry tonight?” Seven said.

“Looks like we’d have to change location” Vernon replied, but Cindy walked straight to one of the servers.

She brought out a bail of cash from her bag and threw it at her face.

“Cindy McDonnell will always have her way, babe” Vernon smiled, wrapping his arms on Seven’s waist as they watched the show that’s about to take place.

The money fell from the face of the server to the ground, and Cindy raised her face.

“Send every single soul in this resturant out” she ordered.

“Why would I do that? You think throwing a bundle of cash on my face will make me stoop low?” The server said, and Cindy scoffed.


“Go read your books ok? I don’t have your time” she smiled and even stroked Cindy’s hair.

“Becca what are you doing!” The boss rushed out, and the server faced him.

“Can you believe she threw cash at my face and…

“So what? You should have done wh@ťěver she wanted! You don’t know her?” The boss said.

“Huh?” Becca blinked.

“She’s the daughter of Veronica McDonnell, chairwoman of Elite!” The boss said, and her eyes widened, but before she could get it together, Cindy slapped her across the face, and her cheek turned red immediately.

“That’s for disrespecting me!” Cindy smirked, slapping her again.

“And that’s for touching my hair!” She said, and tears fell from Becca’s eyes.

“I want everyone out of this shop, now!” Cindy ordered the boss.

“Of course miss!” The boss said sheepishly and rush to the crowd of customers.

“We’re closed for today! Please leave everyone!”

“What!” Most of the crowd retorted.

“We’re closed! Go away!” He shouted, pushing them away.

They started going out of the resturant till it became vacant.

“Disinfect all the tables, and fire this Ɓîtçh here” Cindy ordered again, and Becca quickly went on her knees.

“Please don’t! My mother is sick in the hospital! I take care of her with my part time gigs please don’t fire me! I’m sorry for being rude just pardon me this once! I’m so sorry!!!”

Cindy faced Seven and Vernon, and they smiled at each other, then she spat on the floor.

“Lick my spit, then I can reconsider” she said, and Becca looked up quickly.


Cindy smiled and sat on the cleaning table with her friends. Becca began crying, staring at the spit.

“Fill this table with pastries!” Vernon shouted.

“Sure! One minute!” The boss replied from the counter.

“You said your mum is gon take care of Jennifer, so what are we here to talk about?” Seven asked.

“Teddy, he turned me down” Cindy replied, placing her legs on each other.

“What!” Vernon and Seven chorused.

“But I’m gonna make him regret it. He’ll pay for it by licking my p@zzy” Cindy smiled, getting wet just by the thought of it.


Jennifer finally arrived, and Teddy left the car without saying a word to her.

She came out of the car and tried rushing after him cos he’s still crying, but he went in already.

She sighed and bit her lip.

“I’m always causing him trouble” she muttered sadly, going back into her car, then she saw his necklace on the car floor. It must have fallen.

“Wait … Does this belong to the Angela girl? And she’s dead?”


Teddy met Aaron by the door immediately he entered, seems he has been waiting for him. His wounded hand has been bandaged.

“Where the hell are you coming from by this time? You think this is your father’s house that you can step in anytime?” He questioned, not minding the tears on his face.

Teddy sniffed and started going in without replying, but Aaron blocked him and pushed him back.

“I asked where the hell you’re coming from!”

“I’ll tell you tommorow morning, please let me go” Teddy cried slowly, and Aaron slapped him piercingly immediately.

“You don’t make the rules here, I do” he muttered as Teddy held his face

The doorbell rang, and Teddy went to open the door.

“Jennifer?” He said, and she raised his necklace.

“You dropped this in the car”

He quickly took it from her, and Jennifer noticed the redness on his cheek. He obviously got slapped.

Aaron appeared with a smirk.

“Wait … Don’t tell me it’s what I’m thinking, are you two dating? Huh?” He scoffed, raising his hand to slap Teddy again, and that was when Jennifer came in fully.

She stood in front of him boldly, occupying their middle .

“I dare you to slap him again, and I swear to gawd, I’ll wound you”


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