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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Teddy Tiffin is a criminal!!!’ the voice shouted, echoing loud and clear.

Just like Leslie, Teddy rushed out of the hallway, and Jennifer followed him immediately, but before she could get to the park, he already drove off.

She stopped on her tracks, breathing heavily as sweat appeared on her skin. What the heck just happened?

?️ Unbelievable! He went to jail?

?️ What’s a criminal doing in SRC?

?️ Should I just change schools? How can I attend same school with someone who once spent a year in jail?

?️ Angela Salvador, you should know her

?️ Of course! Isn’t her dad the rich investor?

?️ Heard she fell from a rollercoaster, does that mean he pushed her?

?️ Does it make sense? How would he push his girlfriend?

?️ Who made the announcement?

Within a minute, students surrounded Jennifer, choking her with questions about what just happened, but what’d she say?

Teddy once went to jail? He never told her that part.

Wait…back then in Dubai when he said The Mayor allowed him to attend the school despite his records? Is this what he was talking about?

She pushed away the students around and ran into her car, driving out of school too.


Aaron, Vance and Seth ran into the announcement room at once, but whoever made the announcement was already gone.

“f-__-k! Who could that be!” Seth punched the desk.

“I’m gonna ki|| whoever it is, I swear down! He got over it but this darn person decided to ring the f-__-king bell!” Aaron shouted.

“We can just check the camera footage, there’s a camera in here” Vance said, and they all looked up at the camera at once.

They rushed out of the room together, barging into the power room of the cameras.

“The footage of ten minutes ago” Aaron told the operator.

“In a jiffy” the man replied, clicking some buttons on the system.

They lined behind him, so anxious to see who it is, then the footage came up.

They clearly saw how the person entered the announcement room, but he’s hooded. His wore a face cap, and at the same time, his head was covered with a black hood, so his face was hidden from the camera.

“$h|t!” Aaron hit the desk, scaring the man.

“Wait…the hood he’s putting on, it’s same with the one I bought yesterday, and according to the attendant, there are only two of it in Manhattan, and I bought one, so I guess this @$$h0le bought the second one, we only need to go to the store” Seth suddenly said, and they all rushed out of the room again, only to meet Pascal in front of it.

They ignored him completely, but he ran after them.


“Shut it Kiss! You think you have the right to talk?” Aaron glared.

“I swear i wasn’t thinking when…

“You weren’t thinking? How could you make a bet on a girl? How could you play with a girl’s heart like it’s a doll bastard!” Aaron shouted.

“I couldn’t resist! Fine I know I did wrong, but…but…” Pascal stopped, and Seth smirked.

“Why don’t you continue? Cat’s got your tongue? You humiliated her! How do you expect her to walk the campus when the whole SRC knows you f-__-ked her with a bet @zzhole!” Seth snapped.

“I’m at fault too, for the record, but I swear I thought he was joking, never knew he’d take it serious” Vance said quietly.

“How is it your fault when he made the bet himself? Kiss has always been a motherf-__-ker, Should I start counting the number of girls you broke their hearts after f-__-king them? Right from highschool you’ve always been like this! But this one… I’m never gonna forgive you, Ďïčk!” Aaron snarled and walked out.

“I was once a lady-ki||er too, but I stopped when I felt the need to, but bro, you overdid it this time, and I h@ťě you for that” Seth said and left too.

Vance looked at Pascal and sighed. “I hope she forgives you”

He left afterwards too, and Pascal punched the wall in frustration, hurting his knuckles.

“f-__-k!!” He screamed, leaning on the wall as tears of regret came out of his eyes.


Immediately Leslie’s car pulled up at the driveway, Miranda’s car pulled up too. She has been following her from school actually.

They came out of their cars at a time, and Miranda ran to her.
“Leslie!” She held her back, and Leslie sniffed as her tears continued.

Her face is completely soaked, and more is still falling from her red regretful eyes.

“Leslie I’m sorry” Miranda held her face, and Leslie cried more.

“You warned me, but I didn’t listen, Jenn warned me too, but my foolishness took away my hearing, I’m so stupid Mira, I’m so idiotic” she sniffed, and Miranda hugged her, crying too.

“I’m so sorry, you’ll get over it baby, just gather yourself together ok? You’ll be fine”

“How do I step into the campus from now on? How do I walk SRC? Mira how do I?” Leslie cried again, and Miranda hugged her tighter.


Teddy came out of his car in front of the house and rushed in, walking past Mr Tiffin in the living room.


“Teddy!” He called after him.

He rushed upstairs and entered his room, locking the door before sitting behind it.

He buried his face in his knees, crying profusely.

Memories of his hellish term in jail came flooding.

The jailhouse is rowdy as it always is after their labour. The inmates are just returning to their cells.

Teddy was the last person to come in in his cell cos the others left their works undone, and he did it all

He was sweating so much, and his palms are bleeding as a result of excessive weeding.

The thugs in his cell were already waiting for him when he came in, and they welcomed him with their mean glares as usual.

“All done without remnants?” The cell boss asked, and he bowed in reply.

There’ll be obviously no food for him since they always share his food amongst each other.

He made to sit…

“Today is a good day, we left some drink for you for a job well done” the boss said, lifting a bowl of juice for him.

“Take it, it’s your reward” he said, and Teddy took it with shaky hands, but immediately the smell hit his nose, he knew what it is immediately.

It’s urine, the combination of their pees .

“Drink it up” the boss said, and Teddy dropped it instead, making the urine spill away.

“How dare you waste what we worked hard to give you ingrate! Get him!” The boss ordered, and all the five hefty thugs grabbed him immediately.

They kicked, slapped, punched, marched,…did all the dirty things there is to him till he bled from all the holes in his head. His blood splashed greatly on the floor.

He was almost unconcious before they stopped, but it wasn’t over, they took him into the bathroom and opened the toilet seat.

“Dip his head inside” the boss ordered, and the thugs began forcing his head in.

“No!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Teddy screamed with all the energy he has left as hot tears trickled down his face.

“Ahhhh!!!” Teddy cried out loudly as the memories kept coming,more and more.

“Teddy!” Mr Tiffin called worriedly outside, banging on the door.

“Teddy are you ok? Teddy!”

He was interrupted by the stopping of another car outside, and he immediately rushed to check who it is.

He opened the door to meet Jennifer, and he blinked.

“My name is Jennifer Sanders, and…

“Tanya’s daughter?” He interrupted.

“Yes,, and Teddy, Teddy is…

“What’s wrong with my son? He wouldn’t answer me, he’s only crying in the room” Mr Tiffin interrupted again.

“Someone announced it in school” Jennifer said sadly, and Mr Tiffin gasped, getting it immediately.

“The.. the… jail…

“Yes” Jennifer replied, and Mr Tiffin almost fell, but Jennifer quickly held him.

“Sir, please …

“He was already getting over it, why must anyone uproot his sad memories again? I was already getting back the old cheerful Teddy, must they always hurt my boy? Hasn’t he suffered in jail and guilt enough? Hasn’t he? My…my boy…” he began crying too, and his hands began shaking.

Jennifer quickly held him.

“Sir, please…

“Do you know what he went through in jail? You probably don’t know the hell he saw in there, he went through a volcano, he saw…hell” Mr Tiffin cried again, wiping his tears.

“You should leave, I’ll handle him” he said.


Before she could finish, he was already leaving for the stairs.


“Kiss!!!!” Kitty screamed when he came in.

She’s in the living room with Anita, watching a soap opera.

Pascal didn’t bother to carry her and give her a kiss as usual. He remained gloomy till he began climbing the stairs.

“Kiss…” Kitty muttered, but she continued ignoring her.

“Master!” Anita ran to him and blocked him, and when she saw the tears in his eyes, her eyes widened.

“Master, what…

“I wanna be alone, take care of Kitty” he muttered and slightly pushed her out of the way before rushing upstairs to his room.

He got his phone immediately and dialled Leslie, but she’s not picking as it has been…

Why would she pick? Does she have any reason to talk to a $cvm like him?

He threw his phone on the ground and fell on the bed flatly as headache crept into his head, tears crept out of his eyes.


Numerous reporters and big shots from other companies were already waiting in front of the skyscraper when Mr Sanders car halted, and he came out with Tanya.

Cameras did their job as they smiled at each other before starting to walk to the entrance which was barricaded with a white ribbon.

They began receiving flowers when they got to the middle, and congratulations from partners.

?️ Congratulations Mr Sanders

?️ It’s a great feat to have you here

?️ Success from day one

?️ Congrats!

Till they got to the ribbon, it kept coming, and Tanya’s secretary passed them the scissors.

Together with Tanya, Mr Sanders cut the ribbon, and a loud round of applause followed as cameras began clicking again.

“Shall we?” Mr Sanders said, and they entered together.


Cindy sat quietly in bed, staring into space like she’s mute.

She’s wearing the hospital uniform, and she looks so sick and miserable.

Veronica entered the ward and sat beside her, she began stroking her hair.

“You still won’t talk to me? Are you gonna continue like this? Huh? Titus is not here anymore so let it all out on me, you know how much I love you, mmm” she smiled, but Cindy kept staring, not making a sound.

“Cindy, stop this huh?” Veronica smiled again, caressing her face this time.

Cindy pushed her hand away, and she stood.


“Stop talking to me!!!! Your voice is irritating!!!!! I don’t wanna hear your voice!!!! Bring my dad to me!!!! Leave me alone!!!” Cindy screamed out at once, startling her.

“Cindy!” Veronica held her shoulders, but Cindy grabbed her hand and bit it so hard.

“Arggggg!!!!” Veronica screamed, rushing away from her as her hand bled.

“Stay away from me!!!! Don’t come closer!!!” Cindy screamed, standing in bed, then she grabbed the pillow and threw it at Veronica.

“I thr_@tened Alexa to ki|| Jennifer, I told my dad to ki|| her for me too, I did it all!!!” She shouted and began laughing like a maniac, scattering her hair.

“I’m the great Cindy McDonnell anyways, Cindy McDonnell!!! Yes!!!!”

“No…no doctor! Doctor!!!” Veronica ran out of the ward.


Mayor stood in the middle of his study, his back visible as he watched the opening of S-STYLES on his phone.

He threw the phone away angrily afterwards, breathing so hard.

“I own Sunrise, and no conglomerate have the right surpass it, now I have two people to take care of” he smirked, and his secretary came in.

“You called me sir”

“Find me a truck driver” he ordered.

“Yes sir”


“So…are you gonna go back to The Knights for real?” Danielle asked as Micheal played with the kids in the corridor.

“Of course he’s going” granny Edgar replied from behind them.

“Can’t wait to see you on magazines and TV as Micheal” Danielle said, and he got another beep on his phone.

He has been getting the beeps since 8, but he hasn’t checked.

He finally checked, and his eyes widened immediately he saw what’s trending about Leslie and Teddy in the blog, especially Teddy.

He spranged up immediately.

“I’ll be right back!” He said, rushing out.


“I bought this hood here yesterday” Seth said to the attendant in sight.

He’s in with the guys already.

“Yes, I still remember, Knight Seth” the girl smiled.

“Another person came to buy the second one yesterday, right?” Aaron asked.

“Oh…yes… he’s…” The girl stopped and blinked.

“He’s who? My bestie’s happiness is at stake here!” Aaron shouted impatiently.

“He’s… the son of the…most popular real estate dealer…

“Wait… Cross Higgins?” Vance asked.

“Yes…” The girl replied.

“He’s Jennifer’s ex” Seth said.

“That bastard” Aaron stormed out of the store with the rest.


“Today can pass as my happiest” Tanya laughed as she can in with Styles.

“Me too, I think we’re moving to an island soon” he replied, and she laughed before hanging her arms on his neck.

“Aren’t I so lucky to have you? Bad boy?” She giggled, and he gave her a peck.

“Me too” he winked, and they laughed, but then they heard sobs from upstairs.

“What was that?” Styles said, and they rushed upstairs together, only to find Jennifer crying in her room, staring at her phone as she did.

“Baby what’s happening!” Tanya rushed to her.

“Princess! Why the tears I h@ťě this!” Styles joined her, and when they saw phone screen, they were shocked.

She has been texting and calling Teddy, but he’s not picking nor replying.

“He must be very down right now, I want to stay beside him and comfort him, but he’s not even giving me the chance, is he gonna break up with me? I really don’t care if he once went to jail, I love him so much nevertheless, I don’t care!!! I wanna stay with him and bear the pains with him!!!” She cried harder.

Her tears filled her phone screen already, and more kept falling.


Tanya was about to talk when the door opened, and their eyes widened when Teddy himself appeared.

“Girlish Teddy?” Styles said.

“Mr handsome” Tanya muttered, and Jennifer dropped her phone quickly.

She rushed down from the bed and ran to him, jumping so tightly on him as she wrapped her legs and arms on him.

“I’m sorry, didn’t mean to ignore you” he whispered, holding her tightly to himself.

“I love you so mad, and I don’t care about your past, I’ll bear your pains with you and make you happy from now on, please don’t shut me out again, ever” she cried on him.

“I promise, and I love you more, Jenny” Teddy closed his eyes as he hugged her back, remembering Michael’s words some minutes ago.


“I’m here babies!!!” Cross shouted as he got to the middle of the crowd where girls surrounded him.

?️ Crossss!!!

Screams of his name took over the club, and he grabbed a bottle of champagne which he popped extravagantly, pouring it on the girls.

“Heard you broke up with Solar too!” a girl asked loudly.

“Sure! I got tired of her just like Jennifer!” He replied loudly too, and that was met with a punch on his face.

?️ Ohhh!!!!

Everyone shifted back, and eyes widened when they saw three Knights. Aaron, Vance and Seth.

Girls started gasping.

It was Aaron who punched him actually.

“What the f-__-k! Aaron Walker?” Cross gasped with bleeding nose.

“Yeah, and that’s why you won’t be able to walk again after tonight, how dare you hurt my Ted!” Aaron spat, and before Cross could get it, he punched him again, and he bled more.

Cross tried returning it, but Aaron dodged it by bending, and immediately he stood straight, he kicked Cross on the face.

Cross fell , hitting his head on the counter before landing on the ground.

Aaron kicked him hard on the tummy this time, and he rolled to the middle of the dance floor.

“Arggggg!! f-__-k!!” He cried.

Aaron picked a bottle of whiskey and poured it all on him before slapping his wet face.

“Paa!” The sound came as blood splashed out of his nose.

“Arggggghhh!!!!!” Cross finally screamed out, and he received another slap immediately.


“Daddd!!!!!” He cried out.


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