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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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★ ~~~ ★

More tears escaped her eyes before he could land, and his eyes widened.



Her tears showered down in handfuls, and Aaron quickly held her face to wipe her tears, but she slapped his hand away, and he got an hanky instead.

He gave it to her, but she ignored it and kept crying like a kid, eventually covering her face with her palms.

Aaron sighed and looked back at Teddy who’s still walking to his seat, then he looked at the slate with him and wrapped his palm on it.

Teddy got to Aaron’s seat and met Seth sitting already, and he smiled.

“You’re my partner? Thought it was Aaron” he said surprisingly.

“I… I switched seats actually” Teddy replied, mounting his luggage before sitting.

“Switched seats with Aaron?” Seth said, looking ahead to see Aaron beside Jennifer.

“Wait… Don’t tell me this is the avoidance that comes after a kiss with your crush, are you doing that childish thing right now?” He said

“I’m not…

“Don’t even tell me you feel nothing for her if you don’t want a punch in your mouth right now” Seth interrupted, and he went silent.

“I saw how you handled her during the kiss last night, the others might not notice it, but I saw the look in your eyes after the kiss” Seth said.

“Seth….” Teddy whispered, and he sighed.

“I’m just saying it cos it seems you’re still feeling guilty over Angela’s death, and it’s not even your fault. If you think you don’t deserve love again, then bro… You’re wrong” Seth said freely and rested back.

“By the way… You’re sitting on the wrong seat” he said, and Teddy quickly checked the slate with him. He’s really sitting on the wrong seat, he’s supposed to be on the seat behind.

“Oh…sorry” he stood and went there to meet Alex.

“You’re my partner? Aww!” Alex gushed when he settled, but no reply.

“Are you ok?” Alex asked.

“Sure, thanks” Teddy replied simply and got his diary.


Miranda finally got to Seth and settled slowly beside him, having her bottom lip in her mouth as she rested back and started entangling her fingers nervously.

“You have nothing to say to me?” Seth asked, and she quickly faced him.


“I took you home after you f-__-king puked on me, and wait… You said you have a big crush on….

She quickly covered his mouth with her palms and closed her eyes.

“I’m so sorry please forgive me! I swear I’ll never drink again! I’m actually a very sweet girl but I just lost it last night… And about the crush…. It’s….it’s actually true” she said in a rush, but the last past came slowly, and she opened her right eye first, so slow.

She saw him smiling, and she opened the second one just as slow before taking her palms away from his lips.

“I’m… sorry” she muttered, her whole face so red already.

No reply came from him, so she faced him slowly.

“You actually look adorable” he finally talked, and her eyes widened.

She went back on her chair with two blinks, and he smiled.

“I… Look adorable?”

He nodded, and she smiled.


“So… About the kiss last night” Leslie said beside Pascal who was busy chatting with a girl on his phone.

“What about it?” He asked, and she blinked.

“What about it?”

“Thought we both wanted it since you kissed me back, let’s just tag it a friendly kiss” he replied, taking his eyes off his phone.

“Friendly kiss?” She asked, and he nodded.

“Yeah, it’s nothing special, right?” He asked, and her fists went folded as he waited for her answer.

“Yeah… Of course! Nothing special” she smiled nervously, and he stroked her hair before concentrating back on his chat with the girl online.

Leslie has a peek at his screen, and when she saw their dirty chats, she felt bad immediately.

The girl even sent him nudes of herself, and when she saw that, she faced the window and bit her lip hard.

She made a fool out of herself on the night of her heartbreak. She shouldn’t have allowed the kiss last night, and now it’s lingering everywhere in her memory, but this guy right here… Is a jerk who cares less about it.


Alexa was sitting alone on her seat when Becca joined her, they’re together.

She sat after mounting her small bag, and she faced her.

“Hey, Alexa”

Alexa looked at her like a nobody and smirked, leaving her greetings unanswered.

“I just said hey” Becca said, and Alexa sighed before facing her.

“Must I answer? And are we close? Ion even know you so shut your goddamn trap and move on!” She shot, and Becca smiled.

“You’re still as bitter and h@ťěful, Alexa O’Brien”

“What! Did you just call my full name?” Alexa gasped.

“What? Are you scared? You have a skeleton in your cupboard to protect?” Becca smirked.

“What are you talking about?” Alexa glared.

“You should have died since long ago, and not just ordinary death, a hurtful painful one. You should have been long gone for doing that to him, I’m talking about that young boy in your elementary school, the one you pushed down the stairs, and he landed in a coma for three good years cos he hurt his head so badly, are you even human?” Becca glared h@ťěfully, and Alexa shifted back on her chair shockingly.

“Who the hell… Are… Who’re…

“Hey!” Cindy’s voice interrupted them, and they both looked up at a time .

“You didn’t forget about our deal, right?” Cindy said, winking at Alexa before leaving with Seven.

Vernon walked past afterwards, and he smiled secretly at Becca who instantly returned it.

“See you in Dubai” he mouthed, and she nodded.

“How did you know! Who the heck are you! Where’d you come from!” Alexa asked immediately, and Becca faced her again.

“I’m not interested in telling you that, but yunno what? If anything happens to Jennifer Sanders, I’ll ki|| you with my own hands” she smirked, and Alexa’s eyes widened again.

“We’re taking off in few minutes! Make sure your belt is fastened and clipped tightly, and your phones on flight mode!” An attendant announced, and everyone started doing that.

Jennifer wiped her tears quickly, and she started getting scared, shaking obviously.

She actually has aerophobia. She fidgets at any take off.

She clasped her hands together, wishing Teddy is here right now to at least hold her hand and calm her.

Aaron noticed her fear and fixed his eyes on her as they started taking off, and she shook more , holding her breath and closing her eyes.

He suddenly grabbed her hand, interlocking it with his own, and she looked at him.

“Don’t try to remove it, I won’t let go” he said, and she swallowed hard as he began caressing the back of her hand slowly.

She started calming down, and he smiled as her head went back on her headrest.

He kept holding the hand, smiling at the contact. Even if he could only get this close to her today, he’s fine with it.


“Nanny, should I curl my hair?” Kitty asked as Anita brushed her hair in front of the mirror.

“Curl? You h@ťěd curls, and even master Pascal prefers you hair straight and smooth” Anita replied.

“But I hear it makes girls look cuter, I really want to look cuter today” Kitty pouted

“All because Bristol is coming over? Puppy love huh?” Anita smiled.

“When a girl likes a guy, she does everything to get noticed, right? ” Kitty replied.

“Of course, but don’t overdo it” Anita replied, bending over to kiss her hair.

“I won’t” she smiled.

“Do you like him so much?” Anita teased.

“I know I’m a sickler but I can still recognize my own feelings. I’m young but I read a lot of romance books, and they all taught me what love looks like. I learnt a lot from my playboy of a brother too” she smiled.

“Aww! You’re all grown up” Anita laughed.

“Thanks for saying that nanny, so what should I wear? The pink net gown gown or the flannel white?” Kitty stood.

“The pink looks better, I think” Anita replied, bringing it out.

She started dressing her up.

Meanwhile, Bristol’s wine coloured car halted, and he came out all smiles before facing his driver.

“You can come pick me up tonight” he said.

“Alright master” the young man nodded, driving away.

He rang the doorbell, and Kitty’s eyes widened inside.

“He’s here nanny!”

Anita quickly zipped up for her, and she rushed downstairs.

She almost fell by the stairs, and she threw the door open when she got there.

“Hey! You look cuter” Bristol smiled, and she hugged him surprisingly.

“Ok….” He smiled, hugging her back.

It was so long that she doesn’t even wanna break it, till he did…

“You look cuter…too” she said, smiling with all her face.

“Hey Bristol!” Anita came downstairs.

“Anita hi!” He waved, and Kitty grabbed his hand.

“Come, lemme show you my room!”

She took him upstairs, and immediately she opened her Barbie-themed room, his eyes widened.

“Whoa! It’s beautiful!”

“You think so?” She asked, pulling him in.

“Sure, fits your personality” he replied, and she smiled

“What’s your room theme?”

“Nothing much, just pictures of my favorite singer…”

“Who’s he?” She asked.

“He? She’s a female” he replied, and she faced him.


“Yeah, Nickiminaj” he replied.


“Yeah, I love her backside more than her songs actually. I love girls with big booty” he replied, and her arms dropped immediately.

She imagined her almost invisible @zz beside Nickiminaj’s, and her heart broke. She’s nowhere near her, and tears came out of her eyes.

“What! Kitty!” Bristol gasped shockingly, and she ran out of the room.

“Kitty!!!” He ran after her.


The students landed an hour ago, and they spent the one hour in driving to Palazzo Versace.

The hotel is one of the most expensive, and the school booked it only because of that.

They came in a bus, and immediately they came down in front of the hotel, Becca smiled widely.

Finally she’s in Dubai, and it’s obvious it’s gonna be the first and last time she’d be stepping in this place, unless she gets rich overnight.

She planned so explore every part of the city throughout her stay here, and she’d do just that

Teddy wanted to smile too, but his hurts didn’t let him.

This is his first time in Dubai too, but it’s sad that he’s in sadness.

“You don’t deserve happiness!” Mr Salvador’s words hit him so hard, and his face fell.

He looked away from the luxurious hotel, and his eyes fell on Jennifer.

He caught her staring at him, and he looked away quickly, cursing himself inwardly.

The hurting look on her face hurts him too… Like hell.

Alex and Alexa sighed at the same time, and they faced each other.

They’ve been here countless times with their late date when they were still rich, and it feels so sad to attend as scholarship students right now.

Alexa looked at the right, and her eyes met with Cindy’s.

“The deal” Cindy winked, and she turned to the left to see Becca.

Becca glared at her and crossed her palm on her throat, meaning “I’ll ki|| you of anything happens to Jennifer Sanders”

Alexa swallowed hard.

Aaron was looking at Jennifer, wishing he’s the one she’s looking at instead of Teddy.

Leslie is regretting the kiss last night.

Vance is alone, still hating Seth.

Seth and Miranda are together, and she’s smiling while he stared into space.

Everyone has one thought or another in their minds as they stared at the hotel.

It’s gonna be a long week of dramas for sure, and everyone is surely looking forward.

They finally went into the hotel, taking their keycards at the reception.

Everyone is free to share a room with whoever they wish to, so it was easy.

The Knights took a room at the topmost floor, and they’re the first to enter the elevator.

Teddy and Alex took a key.

Ride Or Die took a key too.

Cindy and Seven.

Vernon stayed alone.

Alexa took her keys, hoping to stay alone.

“I’m sharing a room with her” Becca told the receptionist.

“Sure” the woman replied, and Alexa’s eyes widened.

“Let’s go, need to watch you 24/7” Becca smiled knowingly at her before leaving for the right elevator.

“Not coming?” Becca said, and she walked slowly into the elevator with her.


“OMG! Wasn’t expecting this place to be so spacious!” Miranda screamed when she entered their room with her friends.

Jennifer sat dejectedly on the wide king-sized bed, looking weak.

“Aww! We can stare at the beautiful city from here!” Miranda ran to open the blinds, and when she beheld the colourful streets…

“f-__-k! Babes this is it! I love this place! Leslie which hotel did we stay when we came to Dubai last year?”

“Armani hotel” Leslie replied slowly, staring into space.

“Yeah, but I love it here more, I can’t wait to visit Jumeirah Zabeel Saray!” Miranda gushed.

“For what?” Leslie muttered.

“The spa baby! Talise ottoman spa!” Miranda replied.

“Oh…” Leslie replied, sitting on the bed too.

“Wait! What the hell is up? Jenn you’re not talking, and you Leslie… You’re only talking absentmindedly” Miranda suddenly faced them.

“Kiss said our kiss was nothing” Leslie replied.

“What were you expecting from a playboy?” Miranda smirked.

“I dunno” Leslie sighed, and Miranda faced Jennifer.

She was about to ask her what’s up when Jennifer spranged up and rushed out of the room.

“Jenn!” They shouted at a time.

Luckily for Jennifer, she met Alex outside his room when she got out. They’re in the same floor.

“Alex! Where’s Teddy?” She asked breathlessly.

“I’m also looking for him, he dropped his bag and left the room” he replied.

“Huh?” She replied and left him, rushing to check all the balconies in the floor.

There are six balconies in total, and he didn’t see him till she got to the last one and finally saw him.

He’s standing beside the rails, staring at the beautiful city silently.

She began walking to him, and just when she was a step away, he turned to see her, and her eyes widened when she saw tears in his eyes.

“Teddy!” She gasped, wanting to hold his hand, but he stepped back.

His turtle neck is gone now, so his neck bruises are exposed.

“What’s… what’s… What happened to your … neck…

He turned around and started leaving for the second door,but she ran to him and hugged him from behind, stopping him by wrapping her arms so tightly on him.

“You can’t leave again, not after ignoring my texts and calls, you even avoided me in the plane, and now you’re here crying with a bruised neck. You can’t leave, you can’t” she sniffed, unaware of when her tears started pouring too.


“We both agreed that we enjoyed the kiss, so why…

“That was a lie” he intruded, and her arms loosened on his tummy.

She let him go, and he faced her.

“Huh?” She asked almost inaudibly.

“I said that to make you feel good, I only kissed you to make Aaron mad, not because I wanted to, so there’s no reason to enjoy it” he said, and more tears poured from her eyes.

He started leaving again, and her tears got louder as she said the next words.

“Teddy, I love you!!”

He stopped walking, and his tears fell in torrents as his heart skipped beats incessantly.

His emotions is on a mad rush right now, he’s running insane with the words he just heard, but he said the next words without thinking.

“I don’t deserve you, so please… Get over it… Jennifer” he muttered without looking back, then he finally left, and Jennifer squatted on her spot.

Her tears dropped on the ground as she cried more, and Aaron came out of his hiding place.

He has been watching them from the beginning.

He walked to her and squatted in front of her, then he drew her close and placed her face on his chest, allowing him to cry there.

“I love.. Teddy much, I…I love him…” She was hiccupping as she cried on him, and Aaron began stroking her hair gently.

“Stop crying… please” he whispered.

This is the first time he’d be seeing her like this, and to think she’s like this because of… Teddy of all people.

It’s infuriating and hurtful at the same time, and he couldn’t help but feel angry and hurt.

“I love…him…a…lot” Jennifer cried again.

“Stop saying that… please” he whispered, fighting back his own tears as her tears soaked his shirt.


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