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Friday, October 18, 2024
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{ War Of Hearts… }

THEME: In His Poems


BY: Naomi Cindy B.




“Tell me you’re ok, please” his sweet voice whispered.


“She got caught! She didn’t fall! Someone caught her!” Leslie shouted from the top.

“Jenn!!” Miranda shouted, and they were the first two to run down the stairs, followed by the other students.

Jennifer was still laying shockingly on her savior, and her pounding heart persisted cos of the shock she just experienced.

She’d have lost all the components of her small head if she had landed earlier, she’d have died!

That thought alone almost made her pee on herself as she kept laying there.

She hasn’t even met her soulmate, she hasn’t done things with the love of her life, she hasn’t walked the aisle with her husband, and she hasn’t given birth to her two kids! What if she had died?

“Are you ok?” The voice came again, and it was this time the students finally got to them, and eyes widened once again when they saw who it is.

“Seth?” Cindy said shockingly.

“It’s really him, Seth! My crush!!!!” Miranda screamed.

?️ Seth!!!!

?️ Seth is back?

?️ It’s really him!

?️ f-__-k! His hair!!

?️ My baby is finally back!!!

Jennifer finally stood slowly from him, wanting to behold the face of her savior too.

Seth sat up, then he shook his head once, making the strands of long gelled hair on his face fall back to his forehead. He’s freaking handsome!

?️ Awww!!!!

?️ Still as handsome as ever!!!

?️ I love you Seth!

He stood and didn’t bother to dust his white shirt before stretching his hand to Jennifer who was still sitting on the ground.

Jennifer looked at the hand, then at his face which got a slight cut.

“I’ll help you up” he smiled charmingly.

?️ He’s ki||ing me!

?️ Oh my gosh!

Jennifer looked at the hand again, then she faced the ground, imagining her cracked head on it.

If Seth was one minute late, she’d be dead right now, and that thought… It made tears come out of her eyes.

She started crying like a baby, and Seth squatted in front of her with a big smile.

“Sorry about the fall” he said, but she only cried more.

“I almost died!!! Your face is bruised!!! I was so scared!!!”

“You’re fine now, and my face will be ok, so stop crying, please cutie” he said and made to start stroking her hair, but an hand caught his hand immediately, and he stood to see Aaron glaring h@ťěfully at him.

“Hey, Aaron” he smiled.

Miranda and Leslie helped Jennifer up, and they took her away.

Without a word, Aaron pulled Seth away from the crowd of students, but the lover girls kept running after them without stopping, screaming his name till they entered the billiard hall together.

“Bud!” Pascal stood immediately, giving him a big hug.

“You said you’d be arriving in the evening”

“I actually arrived since yesterday, surprise!” Seth replied, and Pascal laughed, hugging him again.

“I missed you”

“So… You knew about it?” Aaron spoke, and they broke the hug to see him glaring at the two of them.

“Tommorow is my birthday, he has never missed it” Pascal smiled.

“And he had the guts to step in the school?” Aaron questioned, and Seth went closer to him, but Aaron pushed him away.

“Don’t come closer! Betrayer!”

“Aaron please…” Pascal got between them.

“And why the hell are you back?” Vance came in, and guilt covered Seth’s expression immediately.

“V, I’m…

“Get out! Your sight irritates me!” Vance shouted, coming closer.

He pushed Seth’s chest, his eyes burning fire as he pushed again and again.

“Get out!!!” He screamed, and Seth started crying.

“What more should I do to earn your forgiveness? I’ve been begging since last year, V I’m sorry, I….

“Sorry?” Vance scoffed at the verge of tears. “Sorry can’t mend my broken heart bastard! You stole Tessa away from me! She was my first love! I was already imagining myself in a wedding hall with her, but you were actually dating her behind my back! You f-__-ked with my girl and made a big fool out of me! She broke up with me to be with you idiot! Do you know how many nights I cried for? Do you know how many days I wailed for? To think that my friend did all that to me! What did I do to deserve that!!” Vance cried loudly, tears filling his eyes just like Seth’s.

“V, I’m, I’m really…

“Leave! Leave I don’t even wanna see you! Leave!!” Vance shouted, and Seth went on his knees immediately.

“V, please, I’m begging, just… I can explain, you haven’t heard my own side of the story” he sniffed.

“Do I look like I wanna listen? Get the f-__-k away!” Vance shouted and walked out of the hall.

Aaron smirked at Seth before following him out, running after him.

“V! Wait V!” He shouted, but Vance kept going till he almost caught up with him at the edge of the stairs.

Vance started walking faster, climbing down the stairs, and immediately he followed him, his eyes turned sharply, and he imagined himself falling off the stairs just like he did some years ago.

He quickly held the rails, gumming his body to the metal as he began shaking, sweating so much.

“No….no… No don’t push me…” He muttered fearfully, looking back.

He could imagine a smaller version of himself on the stairs edge with numerous kids like himself behind him, laughing and making jest of him as he stood.

An hand suddenly pushed him, making him fall on the stairs, then he began rolling down.

“No!! No!!!” He screamed, but an hand held him, bringing him back to reality.

“Vance” he muttered, still sweating so much.

“You ok?” Vance asked worriedly.

” Let’s go” he smiled nervously and held Vance’s hand so tight till they climbed down the whole stairs.

They went to the swimming hall together, and Vance faced him.

“That wasn’t your first time” he said.

“Of what?” Aaron asked.

“Of holding my hand so tight anytime we’re going down the stairs together” Vance replied, and Aaron avoided his eyes immediately.

“It’s nothing”

“When did you start getting scared of stairs? When did you change from being a leftie to right handed? When did you start taking syrup and when did you start using the perfume you h@ťě most? You h@ťěd colour black but now you love it! You only bullied the bullies back then, but now you bully the innocent!” Vance shouted, and Aaron shifted back.

Vance suddenly grabbed his shoulders, leaning in.

“Who exactly are you? You’re not the Aaron I know! What the f-__-k happened to you! Why the crazy changes it’s driving me mad!” He yelled, and Aaron pushed him away immediately.

“Don’t shout at me” he muttered, and Vance scoffed.

“Another one, you were a lover of loud sounds and noice before, you loved loud blasts of music and screams, you even loved it when I screamed into your ear, but now you can’t even stand getting shouted at, what exactly happened? Tell me everything!” Vance shouted.

“I told you not to shout at me!!!” Aaron shouted, and Vance swallowed hard.

“I followed you so i could console you, but seems you don’t need it, I’m tired of hearing crap” Aaron glared and walked out.

Vance sighed and got his phone, sliding to Tessa’s picture.

Tears dropped from his eyes and fell on the screen. He squatted and backed the wall, crying again.

Jennifer came out of her hiding place and sighed, peeping in to look at crying Vance.

“Why is he crying? Seth returned, shouldn’t he be happy? Why were they shouting at each other too?” She wondered, but she quickly shook it off and sighed.

She has actually been checking their fingers one by one, and they all have the ring on.

“So… Whose ring did Teddy get?” She muttered, pulling her chin with her thumb and index.

“Wait! I haven’t checked Seth’s finger! But he only just came back, it’s impossible for him to save Teddy last night” she muttered.

“Jenn!” Miranda’s voice made her turn.

“Mira!” She smiled, rushing to her.

“Let’s go eat lunch! Star of the day!” Miranda grabbed her hand.

“Star of the day? All because I fell from the rooftop and almost lost my life?” Jennifer rolled eyes.

“It’s worth it babe! The whole website is bubbling about it, Seth made a grand entry, and he saved you so romantically, I wish I was the one who fell into his arms, my crush!” Miranda hugged herself.

“Crazy girl, never knew he’s the one you’re crushing on” Jennifer laughed.

“Of course he is, now that I think about it, his long hair reminds me of Teddy’s” Miranda replied.

“Nope! There’s a difference! Seth’s hair shampoo smells like strawberries, but Teddy’s smells like rosewater! Teddy’s long hair is full and cute, but Seth’s long hair is barbed and shaped on the sides” Jennifer quickly said.

“Wait!” Miranda faced her.

“You’re crushing on Teddy?”

“No!” Jennifer denied.

“I wasn’t expecting you to admit it” Miranda laughed.

“So… Alexa left school” Jennifer smirked, changing the topic.

“We can just storm her house tonight and ki|| her, that’s murder attempt” Miranda replied.

“Was planning to do that” Jennifer replied as they entered the cafeteria together.

“When is Leslie coming?” Miranda said.

She went to professor Ethan’s office actually.

“Soon, maybe they’re kissing” Jennifer replied, and they laughed as their orders arrived.

Fried chicken and beer!

“Can’t wait for Kiss’s party tommorow” Miranda said.

“Me too!” Jennifer gushed, and they clinked their glasses of beer, tearing the chicken into their mouths before drinking.

“Ride Or Die!” They shouted and laughed.

?️ OMG it’s Seth!

?️ Seth!!

?️ Seth!!!!

?️ Baby so hot!

?️ Beefcake!!!

Girls wowed, screaming as expected as he made his was straight to Jennifer’s table.

Miranda started blushing immediately.

“Hey, miss rooftop” he smiled at Jennifer.

“It’s Jennifer” she smiled back.

“Can I sit with you guys?” He said.

“Of course!” Jennifer replied, and he sat.

Cameras from girls flashed their lights on his face as they snapped his pictures repeatedly, and he smiled at them for a moment.

?️ Awww!!!!

Jennifer’s eyes suddenly widened when she noticed his finger! No ring!

“No f-__-king way, it’s him” she said, and he faced her.

“Huh?” He blinked questioningly.

“I was saying… i’m sorry about your face, you got hurt because of me, and I really need to thank you for saving me, my future husband would have died single” she said quickly, and Seth laughed.

“You’re funny”

“I’m serious” she replied, and he nodded.

“It’s fine, my face will heal before tommorow” he replied.

“Showing off?” She said funnily, and he laughed again.

“Miranda, you haven’t been talking” Jennifer noticed, and she finally raised her head. Her whole face is already so red.

“Wait! Why are you blushing so hard!” Jennifer blinked.

“f-__-k!” Miranda covered her full face and stood, running out of the cafeteria.

“What!” Seth suddenly gasped, and Jennifer turned to see him looking at his phone.

Everyone else are looking at their phones too, seems something popped up again.

She got her phone and went to the website…

“The f-__-k!” She gasped.


Leslie was fidgeting as she stood in front of professor Ethan’s office, thinking of a way to present herself. She’s gonna confess to him today.

She has been standing in front of the office for minutes. She adjusted her skirt, flipped her hair and made to go in…

“Leslie?” His voice said from behind, and she turned to him with a smile, but the smile vanished when she saw him with a lady.

“Prof..” she smiled nervously.

“What are you doing here?” He asked.

“I came to see you… But I guess I’d come back” she replied quickly and made to leave.

“No I think I should introduce you… meet my girlfriend” he said, and she froze, swallowing nothing as her eyes met with the beautiful lady’s.

“Her name is Claire. Claire, meet Leslie Cruz, my student whom i always talk about” he said.

“Oh, Leslie, it’s nice to see you, I…

Claire hasn’t finished speaking when Leslie ran down the hall.

She was already in tears when she got out, and she bumped directly into Pascal who was coming in.

“Leslie! Why the tears?”

She pushed him out of the way and continued running away without looking back.

“Leslie!” He made to run after her, but he got a call from Seth immediately.

“Dude, where are you?”

“That’s not important right now, did you see the news? Veronica McDonnell divorced her husband, and she’s getting married to The Mayor at the end of this month. Elite holdings and Sunrise conglomerates will be merging!” Seth announced.



“Mum!” Cindy kicked the door open with her heels, coming in angrily.

“Mum!!!” She screamed, climbing the stairs to go to her room.

She opened Veronica’s room roughly, but she’s not in.

“Mum!!!!!!” She screamed louder, taking off her shoes.

She threw them at the mirror, breaking it into shatters before pushing down the dressing table.

“Veronica!!!” She screamed, and she finally came out of the bathroom in her bathrobe.

She’s going on a date with the Mayor, so she had a cold shower.

“What’s that garbage in the news? You divorced dad? Why!!!!! And that’s not all? You’re getting married to The Mayor? What do you think you’re doing!!!” She screamed again.

“You’ll never get it no matter what I say, so I’d rather not say” Veronica replied.

” Do you even care about my happiness? Huh? Do you care? I can’t stand a broken family!!” She screamed, and Veronica sighed.

Without a single reply, she walked away from her.

“Cool, I’m following dad!’ Cindy thr_@tened, and Veronica laughed.

“We both know that’s not possible. You can’t stand not getting what you want, and there’s no way you’ll get what you want if you stay with your poor dad, so I have nothing to worry about, you can’t leave” Veronica smirked and walked out.

Cindy continued standing, breathing heavily as her teeth shivered on each other.


Aaron walked in weakly, looking so tired and powerless as he looked up the stairs.

Be heard the news first even before anybody. Mayor called him first to inform him, and since then, he hasn’t been himself.

Normally, he should have come home immediately to shout at him and thr_@ten him, but it won’t work for sure.

He knows The Mayor well, no one can stop him once he makes a decision, that’s what has been working concerning his mum too.

Now there’s no chance at all that his mum will come back, he’s gonna marry Veronica, Regina will be useless.

His tears fell as he kept standing on a spot, and a maid came out.

“The Mayor went out some minutes ago” she reported with a bow, and he rushed out of the house immediately, tears rushing out of his brown eyes as he got in his car and drove out of the house

Where to go? No idea, he just kept driving blindly, thinking about everything.

His mum, his life, his past!

“f-__-k! I’m suck a wreck” he laughed and cried at a time.

The bumping of his car into another car made him come back to reality, and when the owner of the other car came out, it turned out to be Jennifer.

She’s actually on her way to meet Teddy at the hospital.

“Are you blind or something? Hey you ruined my car get out!” She hit his car bonnet, and he stepped out.

“Wait… Aaron?” She blinked, but shock took over her expression when she saw his tears.

She remembered the news and what Teddy told her about lady Regina, and she stood still, looking at him as he cried.

He suddenly walked to her and hugged her, resting his head on her shoulder as his tears fell without stopping.

“Hey, wanna die?” Jennifer said.

“Please…I think I need you tonight” he replied, closing his eyes.

Almost immediately, her phone rang in her pocket.


Mr Tiffin left the hospital already, thinking that Jennifer will come stay with Teddy as promised, but she hasn’t showed up.

Teddy stood by his ward window as he dialled her line repeatedly, but she’s not picking up.

He stopped calling after the fifth unpicked call, and he sighed.

“Is she not coming again?” He wondered, feeling lonely already.

He can’t possibly sleep in this ward alone till daybreak.

He bit his lip hard and got his phone to dial her line again, but that was when the door opened, and he quickly turned to see Jennifer coming in.

He smiled widely immediately, and she rushed into his arms, hugging him so tight.

“Thought you wouldn’t be coming anymore” he whispered, wrapping his arms securely on her figure.

“I’ll never leave you for anyone else” she replied, tightening the hug, and at that moment, she felt a dum! In her heart.


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