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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“You’re mad, Aaron” Teddy muttered, and he immediately snapped out of his friggin imagination.

He was actually still standing beside Jennifer after helping her up.

He looked at Aaron one more time and grabbed Jennifer’s wrist, taking her away.

Aaron made to follow again, but Vance stopped him.

“Why suddenly acting like this? You lose your mind at the sight of her, what the hell is wrong with you!” He shouted.

“Don’t shout at me” Aaron replied and left him, going back to the shed where his bicycle is.

“Are you hurt?” Teddy asked when he got back to Jennifer’s bicycle with her.

“No. I’m fine, thanks for coming” she replied with a cheeky smile.

“Is that all?” He replied, and she came closer.

“You look hot” she whispered in his ear, and he smiled.

“This is my last day with long hair, so I made it memorable”

“You’re getting an haircut?” She replied, and he nodded.

“But I love your long hair better” she pouted.

“You haven’t even seen me with short hair before” he replied, and she shrugged.

“Let’s wait, I might love it too”

“You will” he replied, and someone coughed beside them.

They turned to see Miranda and Alexa eyeing them.

“What?” Jennifer laughed.

“You both sounded like couples just now” Alexa replied.

“Stop it” Jennifer replied, and Teddy got on the bicycle.

Jennifer tried wearing her plastic helmet, but she kept struggling.

“You don’t only look like a baby, you act like one too” Teddy said, taking it from her.

“Don’t taunt me” she replied, and he pulled her closer, wearing the helmet for her.

He clipped it below her chin, and she mounted beside him.

He was the first to chose a lane, then Miranda and Alexa. Pascal and Leslie went next, then Seven and Vernon.

Aaron is still in the shed, staring at Teddy and Jennifer angrily as he took frequent sips from a bottled water.

“You riding?” Vance asked him, but he ignored.

“was auch imma (wh@ťěver)” Vance replied in German before pedalling away.

Cindy is also still in the shed, drinking from a bottled water too as she stared at Teddy and Jennifer too.

She suddenly threw the bottled water away and got her bag from the chair, walking angrily out of the place.

“Faster, if we don’t come first after the six laps, then I’mma regret riding with you” Leslie said behind Pascal, and he smiled, his lips glossing s*xily.

“Faster… I love hearing that more in bed” he replied.

“You’re really a pervert” Leslie replied, rolling eyes.

“I can imagine you rolling eyes” he laughed, and she stopped, then she pulled his hair.

His head got thrown back, and the bicycle almost rode into another lane, but he quickly pedaled it back as fast as possible, making Leslie hold him so tight.

“Soft B-__-bs you’ve got” he commented when he felt it press on him.

“I bet you only think of f-__-king with that awfully big head of yours” she replied.

“My head is the second biggest component of my body,guess the first” he said, turning his head to wink at her.

“Your Ďïčk?” She replied naughtily.

“Wow! You talk dirty too!” He laughed.

“Sometimes” she replied.

“But honestly… You’re pretty, i wonder why I haven’t been talking to you” he said.

“You saved me from Vernon at the cafeteria, remember?” She replied

“Yeah, but it’s what I’d do for any girl. I’m talking about specially, we can be friends” he said.

“Are you flirting with me right now? I have a crush on someone else so forget it” she rolled eyes.

“I’d have asked for f-__-k directly if that’s the case, I really wanna be your friend” he replied.

“Let’s see about it”

“Is that a yes?” He smiled.

“Maybe” he replied, and he pedalled fast again. She held him tighter, pressing her B-__-bs on him.

“Gawd! Heaven!” Pascal shouted.

“I h@ťě you!” She screamed, and he laughed so hard.

“What’s so funny?” Miranda asked, looking at Leslie.

She was expecting Alexa to reply behind her, but no reply came since she’s busy staring at Aaron.

“Alexa?” Miranda called, and that brought her back.


“What were you thinking? Are you ok?” Miranda asked worriedly.

“I’m fine, I was actually thinking about you assignment” Alexa lied.

“Now that I think about it, I think it’s better if we create a reading group and meet tonight at any available library” Miranda suggested.

“I second that” Alexa replied.

“I’ll inform the girls” Miranda smiled.

“What’s the name of your perfume?” Jennifer asked behind Teddy. Her arms were wrapped tightly around him.

“Dove” he replied, and she inhaled.

“It smells so nice, I’m addicted” she said.

“Angel deposited for lifelong supply when she was still alive, so the store delivers it to me every week” he replied.

“You both must have loved each other so much” she replied after a long silence.

Teddy didn’t talk about it, so she assumed he doesn’t want to, she decided to change topic.

“What are you doing tommorow?” She asked.

“No plans” he replied.

“Can I change that? Let’s go out” she said.


“Well…” She gave her lip a slight bite.

“Ok” he replied, and she smiled, holding him tighter.

He suddenly stopped the bicycle, and her eyes widened when she saw they’re at the end already. They finished first!

“OMG we won!” She shouted, getting down from the bicycle.

“The prize!” Teddy shouted, and her eyes widened.

“Is there a price?”

“That teddy bear!” He shouted, pointing at the far end where a box is sitting.

She ran quickly to it and grabbed the box, opening it to behold a cute pink teddy bear!

“OMG my favorite color!” She jumped, hugging the teddy so tight.

“Can’t believe you got the prize” Seven hissed, arriving with Vernon.

“Are you pained? Cry a river and drown yourself my dear” Jennifer said flatly, and Seven rolled eyes.

“You guys got the prize I’m so jealous!” Leslie said immediately she arrived with Pascal.

“I can buy you a bigger one if you want” Pascal replied.

“No, thanks pervert” she rolled eyes, and he smiled as he watched her walk away from him.

“Jennifer can’t you give me the teddy? It’s so cute!” Miranda gushed.

Jennifer hid the teddy behind, then she grabbed Teddy’s hand and started walking back to the shed with him.

“Are they dating or something?” Vernon said with a disgustful face.

“Go ask them if you’re curious” Leslie replied, following them.

“Wait for me baby!” Pascal ran after her.

They all returned to the shed where Aaron is still standing, and they started taking off their helmets.

“Come here” Teddy pulled Jennifer closer and started unclipping hers.

Aaron started staring again, and as he stared, Alexa stared at him.

“Thanks” Jennifer said with a wink after Teddy finished removing it.

Aaron looked at him h@ťěfully and turned away from them, then he caught Alexa staring at him.

He poured the bottled water on her face immediately, but that wasn’t all, he grabbed her neck afterwards, pushing her to the wall as he choked her hard.

“Aaron!” Everyone screamed.

Pascal made to go intervene, but the ringing of his phone stopped him.

Immediately he saw Seth on the ID, he walked out of the shed to pick the call.

“Aaron what are you doing!” Vance pulled him away from Alexa, and she fell on the ground with red neck and wet face.

“Alexa are you ok?” Miranda and Leslie rushed to her .

Aaron looked at Alexa, then at Jennifer.

The disappointed look on her face should be less of a bother to him, but it did bother him as he walked out of the shed angrily.

He met Pascal talking on phone in front of it, and immediately he heard Seth, he snatched the phone from him, smashing it.

“Didn’t I say that no one is allowed to talk to that betrayer?” He shouted.

“That’ll be the second phone you smashed from me this month” Pascal replied slowly.

“I’ll smash more if you keep this up” Aaron replied, and Pascal came closer to him.

“You were Seth’s best friend Aaron! He was closer to you than any of us! Up till last year we were still begging Vance together to allow him back, but now you joined Vance in going against it? What the hell changed bastard! Why the f-__-k are you suddenly like this!” Pascal shouted.

“I h@ťě when anyone shouts at me, and you know it!” Aaron replied.

“Yes I shouted at you! What the hell will you do, f-__-ker!” Pascal shouted again, and Aaron made to grab his shirt, but Vance appeared between them.

“We have a photo$h00t today, this ain’t the time for this $h|t!” He said.

They both glared at each other before walking away.

“f-__-k” Vance muttered frustratedly.


Aaron barged into his room and stripped himself off his clothes, wrapping a towel on his waist before entering the bathroom.

He went under the shower and released water on himself, allowing it to wash through him without touching his own body.

He rested his palm on the glass wall and looked at himself on the wall as the water streamed.

Jennifer on the bicycle with Teddy, arms wrapped on him. That scene is haunting him right now, and he doesn’t even know why.

He closed his eyes, and the look in her eyes the other time when he hurt Alexa came to his head.

“$h|t!” He spat and stepped out without stopping the water flow

He put on his bath robe before walking back into the bedroom, drying his hair, but remembering how he mistakenly pushed her earlier… He pushed all the facials on the dressing table away.

“Aish!!” He grunted, and a maid knocked on his door.

“Young master, The Mayor wants you in his study”

“I’m not coming, tell him not to bother waiting” he replied stubbornly.

“But, young master…

“Leave!!!” He shouted, and the maid rushed away from his door.


Cindy is on her bed, eyes closed as she replayed the scene at the ride in her head.

Her body was already shaking, and her veins are out on her neck, displaying her anger as usual as she reminisced.

She suddenly opened her red eyes and jumped down from the bed.

She left her room and descended the stairs as fast as lightening, then she entered the kitchen and picked a knife to the maids bewilderment.

She ran out of the kitchen and started going for the main door, but Veronica stopped her by pushing her back.

“Where do you think you’re going with that knife?”

“Jennifer!, I’m gonna ki|| her I swear! I’ll ki|| that Ɓîtçh!” She shouted, and Veronica held her shoulders with her bandaged hand

“Get back to your senses Cindy! This ain’t the right time to behave this way!”

“Then when the hell is the right time!!! Is it when she takes everything from me? First was the most popular girl in school, and now she stole the guy I love! Why always her!!!! I have nothing anymore!!!” Cindy cried loudly, tears falling from her eyes for real.

Veronica hugged her tightly, stroking her hair and allowing her to cry on her shoulder.

“Trust me, I’ll take care of everything…

Cindy pushed her away before she could finish, and she ended up falling on her butt.


“Stop the fake promises you can’t even face her mum! You almost lost an hand so stop talking!!! I’ll do my things my way!” Cindy retorted and went back upstairs with the knife.

“Cindy!” Veronica stood, running after her, but she shut the door on her face.


Alexa entered the BA hall secretly, and she looked around for any sign of a security, but she found none.

She tiptoed into the building and made her way to Cindy’s cello room.

She slithered in and smiled lightly, sitting in front of it.

Thankfully, the room is soundproof, so she began playing freely, getting lost in the sweet melodies as memories of the sweet rich past of their family began hitting her.

Before she knew it, she began crying, but it was interrupted when her phone rang, and she stopped playing to pick. It’s Jennifer.

“Alexa, aren’t you coming anymore? We’re on our way to the library for the reading” she said.

“I’ll join you guys soon” Alexa replied and hung up quickly.

She dropped the phone and started staring into space.

“How do I get prettier than Jennifer Sanders? Will Aaron look at me then?”


“Aaron isn’t here yet again?” Manager Sadie said as he entered the dressing room in a hurry.

“I’ll try calling him again” Vance replied, going to his contacts. His makeup is done, but Pascal is still getting his makeover.

Vance dialled Aaron, but he didn’t pick again.

“Same as before” he said.

“Kiss, try his line too” manager Sadie said.

“Don’t even talk about it” Pascal replied, standing up.

“You guys had a fight again?” Sadie asked shockingly.

“Aaron started it as usual” Vance replied.

“How the hell can the leader of a modelling crew be as bad as this? I can’t handle him anymore!” Sadie held his head, pacing the room.

“I and Kiss should do it then” Vance replied.

“Don’t you understand? The brand wants your three expensive faces on the magazine, how can two represent three? You want his fans to tear this studio down? And also, The Mayor wants him to do a personal photo$h00t as the face of Sunrise” Sadie said.

“Then what the hell is gonna happen? Should we postpone it?” Pascal replied.

“No! Keep trying his line” Sadie snapped.


The girls were already in, reading the assignment when Teddy came in looking adorable with his new haircut.

“You came!” Jennifer stood immediately, walking to him.

“Yeah” he smiled.

“You look cute with the new haircut too” she said, taking him to his seat.

“If I wasn’t crushing on prof Ethan, I’d have dated you seriously” Leslie said immediately.

“Stop it!” Jennifer said.

“Why? You crushing on him?” Miranda replied, and Jennifer went silent.

“Why would you assume that?” She finally talked

“He could have walked to his seat himself, but you stood and walked him to his seat” Leslie smiled.

“He’s my friend duhh!” Jennifer replied, and they all laughed.

“I don’t have the textbook though” Teddy spoke up.

“We can share mine” Jennifer quickly replied, shifting closer to him.

They started reading together silently, and after three minutes, he was done with a page.

“Just like that?” She blinked.

“I assimilate fast” he replied, and she smiled as they returned to it, but she suddenly looked up and began staring at his face unconsciously, till he read six pages and left her behind.

“Did I get more handsome?” He suddenly said.

“I wasn’t staring” she replied.

“I never said you were staring” he said, and she bit her lip, grabbing the juice bottle on the table.

She drank from it, and he smiled secretly.

Two hours later, they left the library together.

Miranda and Leslie drove off together.

“I’ll drop you” Jennifer told Teddy.

“No, baby face, I’ll ride a taxi” he replied, waving down one.

“See ya tommorow!” He winked before getting in.

Jennifer smiled and entered her car. She drove herself home.

A twenty minutes drive brought her to her house, and immediately she got down, Aaron was the first person she saw, waiting beside his car in front of the house.

“Aaron Walker?” She said surprisingly, walking to him.

“What are you doing here? How did you even know my house?” She asked, but she suddenly sighed and nodded.

“I don’t even need an answer, you should leave” she said and started going in, but he pulled her back, pinning her on his car

“Pushing you down earlier was unintentional, I came to say that” he said seriously.

“Wait… Are you apologizing right now? The mighty Aaron Walker?” She blinked unbelievably.

“If that’s what it is, then… Fine” he replied softly, and she sighed.

“Fine, let me go if you’re done” she said, but he kept staring at her instead.

Her lips are dangerously pink right now, and he couldn’t help but think about his first kiss with her.

Jennifer slowly looked up at his face.

Immediately she met her hard gaze on her, she blinked her eyes.

“What?” She muttered, and he smiled.

“This is the first time we’ll be talking this close without you shouting at me”

“Aren’t you gonna… Let me go?” She said slowly.

“You have seductive lips” he replied, and her eyes widened.

She tried to fight the blush, but it crept treacherously to her cheek, and she bit her lip.

Is this the first time a guy is complimenting her lips? Yes.

She looked away from his gaze, and he said the next shocking words…

“Can I kiss your lips again?”


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