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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE END: THE BADBOY’S LOVE – Episode 37 & 38

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The badboy’s
Love ❤️

Chapter 37 and 38:final

By royal library

‼️ Don’t copy or repost ‼️


The siblings where laughing and gushing about how lovie will look in wedding outfit

“Seriously lovie how will you look “Liam said

“Gorgeous of course”lovie said

“Even though she looks ugly , David will still love her”lyric said

“He better or I will beat him “Liam said and they all laughed

“You and your fist “lovie said,then Mr and Mrs hart walk in and the kids only greeted their dad and welcomed him home but they didn’t say a word to their mom

“Kids I have some things to say to you all”Mr hart said

“We are all ears dad”lovie said

“Your mom isn’t the one that sent the guys to beat up David and Tyson”Mr hart said

“Dad we know you will like to support your wife but she is the one”liam said

“I know your mom did some bad stuff in the past but she isn’t the one that sent those guys, your mom was with me for days without using her phone or anything,so I decided to ask the police to beat those guys till they confess, and it was bella “Mr hart said and everywhere became calm,lyric didn’t even waste a second,she ran and hug her mom

“Am sorry kids ,I have been the worst mother in the planet,I know,I want to make up for it “Mrs hart said

“I don’t care mom,I am just happy you where not the one that did it”lyric said

“Liam am sorry,you lost the love of your life because of my mistakes in the past and I know I am at fault ,if you want to be mad at me ,you can go ahead “Mrs hart said and Liam didn’t say anything

“Lovie am sorry for being the worst mother to you ,I should have taught you and your sister about segz education, it’s my fault you got R@P£D,I wasn’t even their for you through out the pregnancy,I only gave you hard time and you have every right to h@ťě me for that”Mrs hart said

“Lyric am sorry for holding too tight,for forcing you to do things you don’t wanna do ,for chasing you far away from me , telling you where to be and where not to be ,not teaching about segz education and trying to choose guys for you,I want to be close to the three of you,I want you all to share your problems with me,am sorry”Mrs hart said

“I forgive you mom,I accept you are not the word best mom but you where just doing what you thought was right for us ,but I am happy you know that we will have to face our battles alone sometimes”lyric said

“And who cares about soul mate, if jessy was really meant to be mine ,she won’t have left ,just happy I have you , and to me you are the word best mom”Liam said walking close to his mom and he hugged her,they looked at lovie who just stood there

“I don’t blame you for my rape ,I only wanted you to be with me ,buy anyways even though you aren’t the best mom you can start being one and start making up for your mistakes,I will like to see you smiling in my wedding day and I want you to do my makeup”lovie said and she hugged her mom crying

“I will surely do that,now where is my grand son”Mrs hart said

“Sleeping,hope the have arrested bella and jessy”lovie said

“Yes ,now family hug”Mr hart said and they all hugged…..


“Am so nervous”lovie said

“Cool your nerves, remember am here and I will always be”Mrs hart said,the music started and lyric with blue and rosy rush

“It’s time”lyric said

“Am ready”lovie said,the girls walk out and they started going down the aisle,then followed by Mr hart and lovie ,they reach the alter and Mr hart hugged his daughter then talked to David before leaving, David looked at lovie with a smile bigger than the sun

“Let’s begin”the priest said,he did some chants and then ask the couple to say their promise to each other

“I, David Peterson promise to always stand by lovie hart ,no matter the situation,we shall fight together, I shall cry when you cry and laugh when you laugh,I will always be your best friend and your partner,I will always love her with all my heart,till I take my last breath”David said as he slip the ring into lovie’s finger

“I ,lovie hart promise to be by your side ,hold you when you cry ,I will forever be your best friend,I will share your sorrows and happiness with you,we share grow old together and die together,I won’t stop loving you, we shall be like peanut butter and jam , sticking together, till death do us part “lovie said as she slip the ring into his finger

“I pronounce the two of you husband and wife,Mr and Mrs David ,you may now kiss you bride”the priest said, David remove her veil and slam his lips on her as everyone started clapping and cheering for them

they hug and it was time for lovie to throw her flower to who so ever caught it ,she threw it and she landed on Liam’s laps

“Guess you are the next to get married in our family”lovie chuckled and David carried her away.


Mr han came back from his 2 months business trip,he step in side to see the first lady using her heels to pierce on the hands of the love of his life

“Janet , what’s it with you “Mr han shouted sending shivers to the whole building

“My Lord”the first lady said going to meet him

“Stop right there”Mr han said,then he walk to where Lia (Tyson’s mom)was and he picked her up then he hugged her

“Why are you like this “Mr han said then he looked the first lady

“You have been maltreating her wrongly,you know I don’t like when anything happen to her even a little bit of stain shouldn’t be on her but you when ahead and disobeyed me “Mr han said

“My Lord hear me out,this woman son took the girl our son likes away from him now our son has travelled “the first lady said

“Do I look like I care at all ,look at me you spoiled that your good for nothing son ,he can’t even do anything on his own, even though I am not in support of Tyson being an artist,I will accept him , and I know you spent my money on your good for nothing son cos I have lost a lot ,now look at me , can I get everyone’s attention”Mr said and all the maids,guards , chiefs, Gardener and so on came

“From now henceforth,Janet is no longer the first lady,she can go do what ever she wants,my first lady and your first lady is Lia my one and only love “Mr han said

“You can’t do this to me”Janet said

“Watch me”Mr han said and took the key from Janet and hand it over to Lia then he kissed Lia right in front of everyone and the servants cheer with joy …..

The next day

Lovie, David, lyric ,Liam ,Tyson ,blue and rosy went on a vacation after David and lovie’s honeymoon

“Finally we are all together”David said

“Tyson see if you ever make my sis cry ,you won’t like what will become of you”lovie said

“I promise to never hurt lyric “Tyson said

“You better not”everyone said and they all giggled

“Still proud of you guys on how you all took the shame and kept on going as a couple”Liam said

“It’s strength, people then to look down on what someone want to do with their lifes,the looks they where giving I and rosy was not good “blue said

“But of course we still kept on pushing Harder”rosy said

“Proud of you guys , people like judging,that is how no one helped me when I need it the most they only judge “lovie said

“The world will be a better place if the world stop judging”lyric said

“Enough of the sorrows,let’s enjoy we are here to enjoy after all “David said

“Your right,so bro we will be waiting for our sister in-law”lyric said

“Still searching”Liam said

“The two bad boys are with the two good girls”Tyson said

“That’s right”David said

“Any how we will always stand by you,that is why we are the 3 L’s,let’s go with that “lyric said

“Nice “Liam said as he hugged his sisters

“Friends forever”they all shouted and kiss their partners

“Wow am the only one that isn’t kissing”Liam said and they all laughed…

It has ended babies,the main reason I wrote the story is for those people out there who judge others,stop judging,let us live our life’s on our terms , stop judging people ,I learnt that the hard way .

Secondly,for those mom’s out their Trying to control their daughters,let the girls and the boys be equal in your eyes , those of you insulting single moms, calling them prostitute or they lack home training,no this isn’t about home training,this can really happen to lots of people out there, let’s try supporting them not judging them .

And those who h@ťě lesbians and gay ,I won’t force you to like it but I won’t stop writing about it either,if I have idea about them I will add it to my story, let’s stop judging and make the world a better place by supporting.

What is your happiest moment 🥳

What is your saddest moments 😔

Which chapter made you cry 😭

What is the lesson you will say you have learnt from the story 🌚

A word of encouragement for your authoress 💜

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