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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE BAD BOY’S BABY – Episode 51

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(Neighbor next door)… 🌺🥀

Theme: Her innocence….

By Terri Savage 🖊️







Shane knelt as the tears from his eyes kept wetting the floor, making that spot soon turned slippery. It was hard for him to say that but that was the only thing he could think of, he doesn’t deserve her, she deserves to be happy with someone better than him..His heart is filled up to the brim with guilt. He knows what he’s doing now will hurt him forever but he’s ready to live with the pain if she’s going to be happy with someone better…He will forever regret this decision and this day would live rent-free in his head but he’d be happy if she finds someone better.

“Really?” He suddenly heard a voice and he looked up to see Seth, standing just two steps away from him, his arms crossed together on his chest.

“You think that’s the best? Pushing her away?” He asked.

Shane looked at him and sniffed, swallowing nothing. What would he say? He knows that isn’t the best but he has no option.

“Do you think breaking up with her will erase the guilt in your heart? Do you Jun-ho? I’m sorry to disappoint you, you will regret it forever and the guilt won’t go away because of this, face your fears, you are the devil people feared in the mafia world” Seth said, taking a step closer.

Shane looked at him again but his lips couldn’t form a single utterance.

“You heard what she said right? That once she steps out of this house you should forget about her , her existence. Are you really going to let her go just like that? Tell me are you? Talk to me” Seth raised his voice.

More tears gathered in Shane’s eyes and he was about to let it out but Seth’s next words stopped him.

“I won’t forgive you ever if you let that girl go Shane, you broke her heart more” He said seriously.

Shane swallowed hard, looking at him.

When Seth saw no reaction from him, he closed the distance and grabbed him, making him stand straight.

“What is wrong with you? You want her to go? Are you even thinking at all?” Seth yelled.

“I ki||ed her parents Seth….

“Then what?? Yes, we are not denying that but it wasn’t intentional, Luke pushed you into doing that, the video clearly showed how hesitant you were in pulling the trigger, she knows that but she’s ready to forgive you and forget about everything but what do you do? You shattered her heart more. She was in tears when she left this house. I saw everything. She was waiting and expecting to hold her back, to stop her from leaving but instead you allowed your emotions to control, pushing her away won’t stop the guilt in your heart. She needs you, we can’t stop somethings from happening, this is the fate for you two, go to her now that’s not late or you will regret it for the rest of your life, her love is divine and pure like a bliss, please” Seth said.

“Seth” Shane called tearfully.

“Don’t even let that tears fall or I will punch you for real, go to her now” Seth said.

Maybe Seth really brought him back to his senses, he was really selfish and thinking about it tripled his guilt. What was he thinking when he made that utterance? Can he really live without her? The answer is no! He was wrong in ki||ing her parents but she’s ready to put all these behind and face their love, he didn’t ask for forgiveness that much but still she came to him herself and wanted to patch up things but he pushed her away. He’s a Ďïčk, a jerk.

What more validation does he need? Her love is rare. How can…

“Thank you” Shane said and Seth began wiping the tears with his thumb.

“Go now” He smiled and Shane went for the door, leaving the house.

Seth sighed and started smiling.



“Yes” He called himself and answered. He fell on the couch and started laughing.

“When did you turn from terminator to motivator? Seriously I need to open a motivational organization, I need to become one” He said and laughed again.

“Love is no respecter of anyone being it poor, rich or a devil, who would believe it that the most feared person would be crying for love, the man that ki||ed five hundred men in three hours, all these is over time to focus on my music career fully” He said and stood.

Rona stood in the middle of the living room crying a river, her heart is in shatters right now, it’s like the cells in her are all cut off. He broke her more, she is ready to put everything behind her and move on. She has never loved anyone like the way she loves him. He pushed her away when she was ready to forgive him.

She was staring at her parents’ picture as shed painful and hot tears.

“Mum, dad, I’m sorry, forgive me for falling in love with your ki||er, he broke up with me, I should be happy right? But I’m not, I’m rather sad and broken, forgive me for being a bad daughter, I’m sorry, I know you are hearing me from there, I’m sorry sweet parents ever.

Shane got to the house a minute ago and he stopped at the door as he heard her sorrowful words and that triggered the cells in his eyes to release tears. He really added salt to her wound.

“I h@ťě you Shane!! I h@ťě you!!” She cried, her whole body shaking.

He couldn’t take it and he took a step in, his shoes making a sound which her ears got the signal that another person is in the room with her, she turned and their eyes met. She gave him a hard and h@ťěful look. He swallowed guilty, and she started going in, but he didn’t allow her to take more than three steps, he took four long steps and got to her. He hugged her from behind immediately.

“I’m sorry” He said softly, his voice lacing with tears.

“What are you doing here?” She asked sternly, struggling to break free from him but he hugged tighter.

“I’m sorry please, Rona, I’m sorry” He cried.

“You broke up with me right? So what are you saying sorry for?” She asked coldly.

“No!, I wasn’t thinking when I said that, I was lost when I made those utterances, I love you Rona, so much that I realized I was only being selfish” He replied.

“Let go of me, I’m doing what you want” She said and broke free from him but he rushed at her and hugged her again, this time going on his knees as he hugged her waist.

“I’m sorry for breaking your heart more, I’m not scared to face my fear, please don’t go” He begged, tightening his hands around her waist.

Tears poured like a river down Rona’s eyes as she remained mute, he kept holding like that for almost an hour, and she uttered no word.

“Do you know how shattered I was when you confidently said those words? I was broken beyond repair, I h@ťě you!!” She yelled and he turned her around like that, still hugging her waist.

“Look at me please” He said gently.

She hesitated before facing him.

“I’m sorry, please” He said with sincerity.

“I h@ťě you” She broke down in tears and went on her knees too, she began hitting him on the chest as she cursed him, he didn’t stop her till she got tired.

“Rona” He whispered and she sniffed.

“Let’s build memories together, I won’t hide anything from you again, I will tell you everything, I love you” He said.

She hugged him without a word and she started crying on his chest, she wrapped her hands around his body.

“Stop crying, my beloved” He said sweetly, and she started calming down bit by bit.

She broke the hug and they held gazes, he took his thumb to her eyes and started cleaning the tears.

“Sorry for being behind your tears, I won’t make you shed tears ago, I promise with the love I have for you” He said and she smiled.

“I love you” She said.

“I love you more, let’s forget about everything” He replied and she smiled.

“Anytime you look at me, think about how much you love me ok?” She muttered and he smiled.

“Yes, my queen” He said.

She took her lips to his eyes and kissed the tears there, licking it away.

He giggled cutely.

“Do you have to do that?”

“Shut up” She snapped and he smiled.

“Bossy girlfriend”

“I’m a baddie” She said proudly.

“You are for sure” He said and stole a kiss from her lips.

“Baby” She pouted.

“You want more?” He smiled.

She grabbed his face and slammed her lips on his. She missed these lips, both of them do. They missed being in each other’s arms.

He broke the kiss, caressing her lips.

“I want you baby” She said.

“I’m at your command” He said and they stood together. He carried her up and stared at her with passionate affection before he walked into her room.

“Seriously, love, they were enemies and now they are back to being the power couple, you owe me one Shane, I helped you”

“Can’t believe they didn’t take notice of me” Seth smiled displaying his cute dimples.

“Single life, I kept getting oppressed” He said and turned towards the door, he stopped at the door when he saw Erica, she stopped when she saw him too.

“Prof Shane” She said.

He smiled and hit her head with a finger.


“It’s Seth” He smiled and she gasped.

“Sorry” She said.

“Cute” He said.


“You are cute” He replied and she started blushing.

“So you can’t differentiate between me and my twin? What if we are dating? You would keep mistaking?” He asked with a smiley face.

Erica blinked and kept staring at his face, she was lost obviously.

“Erica” he called, bringing her back.


“What were…

“Where is Rona?” She asked to prevent further explanation.

“She’s inside with…” He replied and scratched the back of his head.

“What?” She eyed him.

“They are reading together”

Erica couldn’t say a word when they heard a loud sound.

“Ahhh Shane” A voice came.

“What is that?” She asked.

Seth quickly pushed her out and closed the door.

“Let’s go to my house” He said and took her hand.

“Is that the reading process?” She asked knowingly.

“Hey, let’s go” He said and she smiled as he took her in.

“Wow!! It’s cool” She looked around.

“What can I offer you?” He asked.

“Your face”

“I don’t understand”

“Keep smiling for me, I want to keep seeing your dimples” She replied , and he laughed, revealing his dimples more. She swore she fell more for him.

“Will you be a vixen in my video?” He suddenly asked.

“You are a singer?” She asked.

“Yes but I haven’t debuted” He smiled.

“Yes” She said and he smiled.

Four occupants could be seen in the luxurious pool. The twins, Mandy and Angelique.

Two bottles of wine and four cups.

The girls were in the pool having fun while the guys turned the fishes on the grill, it’s done now. They are having a barbecue party in the pool.

Valentino took two sticks and walked back to the pool.

“Baby” Angelique smiled.

“Come closer” He gestured and she did.

He gave it to her and she smiled.

“I love you” He said.

“I love you too” She replied.

“Will you two stop?” Mandy pouted and they faced her.

“Are you jealous?”

“I have a boyfriend too” She rolled eyes.

“So what is taking him….

“I’m here” Valentine appeared with two sticks.

“Darling” She called happily and he gave her a stick before entering the pool with her. He kissed her lips immediately and she started blushing.

“I love you” She said affectionately.

“I love you too” He replied, caressing her hair.

Valentino was feeding Angelique using his mouth and she kept blushing and laughing.

“A picture together” Mandy suggested and they faced each other.

They came together and Angelique got her phone, they posed and she snapped.

“Best couples in Miami” Valentino said.

“Another selfie” Mandy said.

“Let’s kiss” Valentine said and each partners’ lips gummed before Angelique snapped again.

“We are so adorable” Mandy gushed.

Rona woke up with a bright smile on her rosy cheeks, everything happened so fast but she is happy about one thing, the fact that she’s able to forgive him.

She raised the sheets and looked at her body, she saw hickeys and bite on her skin and she smiled, taking her eyes to her p@zzy, he pleasured her last night till she lost her voice, he was so amazing!!

He wasn’t beside her but she wasn’t yet to notice it and when she did she sat up.

It wasn’t a dream right? He was with her last night right? He did leave her right? He didn’t go away?

She started getting scared at the thoughts when the door opened and he came in. He stopped as their eyes met. He walked to her.

“What’s that look on your face?” He asked.

“I thought you….

“Left you?” He interrupted and she nodded cutely.

He sighed and sat down.

“Why would I do that? I stuck with you forever, Love” He said and she smiled.

“I was making breakfast for you” He said..

“Really? But you can’t cook”

“Seth helped” He replied.

“Ok, I can’t wait” She said and came down from the bed naked.

“Take me to the bathroom” She said and he came close.

“You are tempting” He accessed her body.

“Do you want to f-__-k yes or yes?” He whispered.

“Cheat, we will do that after we’re back from visiting Margaret” She replied and he groaned.

“Be patient, I’m yours” She winked.


He spanked her @zz and she giggled cutely, biting her lips.

“Stop that or I might change my mind” He said carrying her.

“I love you” She uttered.

“I love you love” He started.

“My cutest couple” Margaret gushed when Shane and Rona walked in.

“Mum” Rona smiled as she came closer and hugged them both.

Rona returned the hug but Shane didn’t so she gave him an eye signal and he hugged her.

“I miss you baby, I miss you two” Margaret said.

“I miss you more mum”

“Can you keep calling me that?” She smiled.

“Sure forever”

“Mother-in-law” Shane said and Margaret smiled at him.

“Shane I’m sorry she found out somehow” Margaret said.

“No need for that” He smiled.

“I can’t wait for you two to get married, seriously I can’t wait” Margaret said.

“You are that eager?” He chuckled.

“Love is really wonderful, professor Shane is smiling” Margaret said shockingly.

“Thanks to Rona, she’s stubborn”

“You are more stubborn” She said.

“And both of you are cute” Margaret said and they faced each other smiling.

“Come let me serve you” She took their hands each and started walking to a table.


The day went well for them as they had fun to the brim, they went out on a special date, cuddled, kissed and many more things together.

Currently they are in Rona’s house since Seth is now living with him, for privacy reasons.

He entered the room and saw his little lovely bride on the bed. He smiled, thanking the most high for blessing him with such an amazing creature.

Life without her is meaningless.

“Love” He called.

“Baby” She smiled.

He got on the bed with her.

“What are you doing?” He asked.

“Reading, exams are coming up in the next three weeks” She replied.

“I’m anxious, can’t wait for Seth to debut” He smiled.

“He will take the music industry, his vocals are mad and his raps”

“His flow, mad” He said and they smiled.

“I tracked down the man that paid Luke to ki|| your parents, Storm helped, he was your dad’s business enemy, I got back your dad’s wealth which he took, the papers are with me, when are you taking over? Mr Jason, Sky company, he changed the name but it rightfully belongs to you, he used your dad’s money to build it up” He said.

“You did that for me?” She asked.

“Yes, I will do more” He smiled.

“We are taking over” She said and hugged him.

“Let’s visit Korea after the exams” She suddenly said.

“I want to resign”

“Don’t even try it, I will stop going to school if you resign, I want to keep seeing you everyday in school”

“You will be seeing me at home”

“I want you to be the one to train me” She said and he smiled.

“Your parents were buried in Korea?” He asked.

“Yes” She replied.

“Let’s go to Korea after your exams, I want to properly apologize to them” He muttered gently and she broke the hug.

“Do you want to f-__-k yes or yes” She asked naughtily.

“Your naughty side is so gorgeous” He whispered.

“I’m yours” She smiled.



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