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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE BAD BOY’S BABY – Episode 45

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(Neighbor next door)… 🌺🥀

Theme: Her innocence….

By Terri Savage 🖊️






His eyes produced more tears as he remembered everything that happened that day. He was the one that shot them, he ki||ed the parents of his girlfriend though he wasn’t happy about it but his father forced him to do it.

How can he live with the guilt? How can he face her now? Knowing he’s the reason why she’s an orphan.

His cries weren’t loud but his eyes kept bringing water out of it.

“Baby, please, open the door” Rona banged on the door again.

“Baby” She called this time in a teary voice.

“Open the door, please” She cried, banging harder on the door.

He slowly got to his feet, and faced the door with a guilty look on his face. He can’t ignore her, he h@ťěs seeing her tears but he’s going to be the reason for her tears. How would she react when she gets to know the truth?

“Baby, please” She started crying loudly.

Slowly his hand held the door knob and he twisted it. Immediately the door opened, she rushed in and threw her arms around him hugging him tightly but surprisingly he didn’t return the hug, making her unlock it.

“What happened? Why did you rush out?” She asked but suddenly gasped when she saw his teary face.

“You cried? Baby, please talk to me” She said.

“I’m sorry” He muttered

“For what? Tell me why are you crying?” She asked, grabbing his face into her palms.

“I got emotional when I saw your parents picture, they were happy people and it’s bad I couldn’t meet them, I miss my mum too, if only she was here” He lied but innocent Rona believed his words.

“Please, don’t cry again, I h@ťě it when you are sad”

He pulled her into a hug, hugging her tightly.

“Hope you will forgive me one day” He whispered and silence ensued.

“Baby” She whispered but he didn’t say a thing, the next thing she heard was his cute sleeping noiseless snores.

He slept off on her shoulder.

She smiled and started patting his back.

“I love you Shane, I love you so much, I missed my parents too” She muttered, kissing his hair as they remained in a standing position.

Shaw’s hands were locked up with chains, his hands were spread wide, his knees were close to the ground but they didn’t meet with the ground.

He has received a hell of torture from Luke’s men.

Blood streamed down his face, landing on his shirt.

Luke came in with a Ç0çƙy smile on his face, a roll of weed on his lips.

Shaw looked up immediately he felt a presence with him in the room.

Their eyes met and Luke started laughing mockingly.

“Look at you Shaw, how foolish of you to come to my empire” Luke said and became serious.

Shaw was staring at him with ki||er eyes.

“You will be dying by hands and I prepared a very good death for you”

“To hell with you” Shaw yelled, making the chains to produce a shack sound.

“What about this?” Luke said and went closer to him.

“My son ki||ed your son and you will die by my hands, is it interesting huh?” He asked, his voice filled with mockery.

“Bastard” Shaw spit on his face.

A mean look appeared on Luke’s face and he gave Shaw three punches at the face.

“You will regret betraying me”

“Bring the bag in” He said, and a guy came in with a bag.

“Tear his clothes off” He ordered.

The guy quickly tore off Shaw’s clothes rendering him naked.

Luke gave him a wicked demeanor look before pulling the content of what was in the bag on his body.

“Arrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhh” His yell filled the room.

Sting ants were poured on his body, and they started biting his wounds and his Ďïčk.

“f-__-k…… Ahhhh…. Arrrrghh” His screams filled the room, and that was when Luke started feeling a sweet sensation as he watched him scream in horror.

Some got to his eyes and began biting him.

“Screw you Luke” He said, and the ants entered his mouth.

“No!!!!!!” His body was covered with the ants, he kept struggling, dancing along as the ants dealt with him.

Storm came in and handed a paper to Luke.

“Got the info?” He asked.

“Yes boss” He replied.

“Continue with the torture but don’t ki|| him, he is mine to ki||” He said and walked out.

Shaw’s painful cries could be heard afterward.

Luke tore the envelope away and brought out a paper. His eyes widened when he read what was in the paper.

“She’s the daughter of Mr and Mrs Jimin, Shane ki||ed her parents” He said and started laughing.

“This is interesting, something to separate them, who will still love a guy that ki||ed her parents?”

Shane woke up and saw his head on Rona’s chest, her eyes opened immediately and met with his. She smiled at him, and he faked a smile.

“Baby” He called, looking away.

“What’s wrong?” She asked.

“I love you” He said.

“I know, I love you more” She said, kissing him but he didn’t return it so she broke it.

“What’s up with you? You started acting weird last night!!” She said gently.

He quickly launched his lips on her lips and they started kissing, him taking charge now. He bit her lips and she released a sweet Mõ@ɲ.

He was trying to take the guilty away for a while but it was still there.

How can he possibly tell her he ki||ed her parents? Should he just run away? But she won’t survive it, his head was in a total mess as they kissed blazingly.

“I’m sorry” He said after breaking the kiss.

“Sorry about last night” He smiled.

“Don’t do that again, we have to be strong, tears can’t bring back what happened, we have each other, I won’t ever leave you, don’t think about leaving me too” She hugged him.

“I won’t, love” He hugged her back.

Mandy stepped down from the stairs with a teddy smile on her cheeks, she was ready to return back to school.

“Had breakfast?” Andrew asked behind her.

“No dad” She replied, facing him.

“Then let’s do it” He smiled, and she hugged him.

“I love you daughter” He said lovingly.

“I love you too dad” She smiled.

They were about to go to the dining room when Jessica came in with smiles on her face.

“Mum” Mandy called and left Andrew, running to her.

“My baby” Jessica smiled, hugging her.

“I missed you” Mandy said.

“Get some ski||s on lying” Jessica said and she laughed.

“Jessica” Andrew smiled.

“Andrew” Jessica replied, smiling at him.

“Join us for breakfast” He said.

“Okay, someone is waiting for you outside baby”

“Who?” Mandy blinked.

“Remember the guy who bought you clothes….

Mandy was already running out of the mansion before Jessica could wrap up.

“Daughter” He called.

“Is he that important to her?” He asked.

“She has feelings for him, isn’t it obvious, he’s a nice guy though” She replied, and he smiled.

Mandy came out of the gate and she stopped when she saw Valentine leaning on the car, he was facing another side so he didn’t take notice of her presence. She made to call his name when he suddenly turned and their eyes met.

“Valentine” She screamed and started running to him.

He remained unmoved till she got to him and jumped on his body, clinging her legs tightly on his waist.

“Do you miss me this much?” He asked, smiling.

“So much” She replied.

“You don’t miss me?”

“I don’t, why would I miss you?” He asked, and she came down from his body immediately, a frown settling on her face.

“You don’t….miss me?” She asked slowly, hurt in her voice.

He started staring silently at her face before speaking up.

“I don’t” He replied.

“Ok” She turned and started walking away, she hadn’t taken upto two steps when tears came out of her eyes.

“You really believe my words don’t you?Why won’t I miss you when I’m madly in love with you” He said and she froze.

Valentino held Angelique’s hands as a big guilty look throned his face. He was regretting his action last. The doctor said it was because of shock that she fainted. The fact is that he’s madly in love with her, he hasn’t fallen this deep before.

“I’m sorry Angel, I’m sorry” He muttered gently, caressing her hands.

“Lash at me when you wake, I deserve it” He muttered, and Erica run in.

“What happened to her?” She asked, panting.

He called to tell her.

“It’s my fault”

“What did you do to her?”

“I ignored her last night and she got a shock” He replied guiltily, looking away.

“I know she was wrong but you didn’t have to ignore her, she may seem feist but she’s an emotional type” She said.

“I was… just….

Angelique’s eyes snapped at once, and immediately they fell on Valentino, she quickly sat up.

“Angel…” She was already hugging him.

“Please, I’m sorry…” Valentino broke the hug and immediately captured her lips.

He kissed her slowly before breaking it.

“You should be mad at me” He muttered gently.

“I’m not, I’m sorry”

“Stop saying that, you are adding to my guilt” He said and she smiled.

“I was a fool for ignoring you, I won’t do that again, I love you so, I’m ready to be serious” He said.

“I love you too, don’t leave me , please” She whispered, hugging him tightly.

“Leave you? Not in this life baby” He replied.

Erica smiled, looking at them.

Seth was on his bed when his laptop started making a loud noise. He quickly came down from the bed and rushed to it. He sat, facing it.

The laptop was showing Luke going into a secret room, he pressed a password and a door opened, he walked inside and stood before the computers. He switched the systems on, and inserted a password.

A video popped up on the screen and his eyes widened. The video of that night, he started recording it till the video ended, and another video came up. This time it was a video showing the day Shane ki||ed Rona’s parents.


Tears left his eyes immediately. The door suddenly opened and Shane came in.



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