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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE BAD BOY’S BABY – Episode 32

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(Neighbor next door)… 🌺🥀

Theme: Her innocence….

By Terri Savage 🖊️






Jonathan smirked and came closer to Harry, he squatted before him and grabbed his hair, forcefully making him look at his face.

“I’m not nice when it comes to what belongs to me” He said cruelly and let go of his hair.

“One eye Mafia..” Harry muttered and Jonathan smirked, landing a punch on his lips, blood splashed out of his mouth.

Spider was looking at Jonathan with a proud smile plastered on her lips.

“Baby Spider” Jonathan called sweetly when he climbed the bed.

“My sweetheart” She replied and he took out a knife, cutting off all the ropes.

Spider got down from the bed and flexed her hands and fingers.

“Wow!!” She screamed and collected the knife from Jonathan.

She walked to the guy who was lying helplessly on the ground and sat on him.

A cruel look appeared on her face as she brought it closer to him.

“Told you I will pluck out your eyes when I’m free” She smirked and the guy’s eyes widened in fear.

Spider immediately dipped the knife into his eyes, plucking out his eyes.

“Ahhhhhh…!!!!!” The guy gave out a loud scream of agony as his eyes socket popped out blood, some splash on Spider’s face. She smiled widely, she just did what she promised to do to him. Hearing him scream in pain sent a tingling sensation to her skin, she loves the screams of agony.

“I don’t joke with my words” She said and stabbed his chest thrice before standing up.

She turned her eyes to Harry and a more vicious thick expression appeared on her face.

Harry fixed his scary eyes on her as she walked to him, he was looking at her till she got to him and bent a bit to his level.

“I told you right?” She said, smirking.

Harry swallowed hard as no words formed in his mouth.

“Should I bless your other eye with a bullet?” Spider said and Harry started shaking his head.

“This will serve as a big lifetime lesson to you” Spider said and stood straight. Jonathan came over there and pulled her to himself. He smiled at her and she smiled back.

He cupped her cheeks and slammed his lips on her, she responded fastly and the rough kiss started, his hands grabbed her @zz squeezing it hard.

“f-__-k” Spider Mõ@ɲed, adding more energy in the kiss.

Jonathan suddenly broke the kiss and she gave him a disappointed look.

“What?” He asked.

“I’m horny” She pouted.

“You want us to f-__-k here?” He smiled.

“Yes” She replied and he laughed.

“You’re crazy, we have the whole house to ourselves, let’s go” He said and started walking out with her but he suddenly stopped and faced Harry. He gave him a blank look.

“Bye one eye drug lord” He said, finally walking out with her.

Rona’s body is covered up in sweat as she finishes fighting the punching bag.

She felt Shane’s presence behind her, and when she tried turning, he hugged her from behind, his hands crossing around her stomach.

She smiled, feeling his fresh breath on her skin as his chin was lying on her shoulder. She felt her heart beating fast.

“Shane” She called in a whisper.

“You’re doing great, I love that, keep it up” He said gently and she smiled.

“What should I do next?” She asked, feeling hyper that he appreciated her effort, she wanted to impress him more.

“No, this is enough for today, we can continue tomorrow” He said, slowly unlocking his hands around her stomach. Rona felt sad as she felt his body leaving hers.

“You need a bath now” He said and she faced him.

“Carry me” She pouted.

“You’re not a baby” He said.

“But I’m your baby” She pouted before taking in her lips. Shane looked at her lips blinking severally before looking away.

“Please, please” She started begging while acting so cute.

“Ok” He replied and carried her up. Rona smiled, crossing her hands on his neck.

“What’s the essence of you eating when you are so lightweight? Even a leaf has more weight than you” He said and she frowned as he started taking her out of the training room.

“I eat to look pretty” She said, rolling eyes.

“Keep looking pretty” He said without looking at her, and she smiled till he dropped her in the bedroom.

“Take your bath, I will be in the living room” He said and she stepped into the bathroom but she came back shortly and hugged him from behind.

“Thank you Shane” She said.

“For what?” He questioned.

“For everything” She replied and placed a kiss on his back before stepping into the bathroom again.

Blue was smoking in his room, the smoke was reaching the door as it circulated the whole room almost blinding it. He has been this way since VD got missing. His instincts had been telling him that she’s alive and he wants to believe that. He didn’t expect himself to be down but he had come to realize she’s important to him.

A long line of smoke erupted from his lips and he gave out a loud sigh.

A soft knock suddenly came on the door and thinking it would be Shaw, he gave out a hiss.

“Go back I’m not in the mood to see you father” Blue said.

“Boss” He heard a different voice talked.

He waited for a long time before answering the person.

“Come in” He said, and the door opened.

A girl with red hair and black dangerous scorpion tattoos on her hands came in and bowed.


“Who are you?” He asked.

“A new recruit, Spice by name” She replied.

“Why are you here?”.

“I brought something that might be of your interest but I have a condition attached to it” She said and he looked into her eyes. He expected her to look away but to his surprise she looked back into his eyes without looking away.

He smirked and stood up, coming closer. He walked around her before facing her.

“What is it?” He asked, returning his weed to his lips.

She raised a black envelope up to his face. He gave the envelope a spare before looking at her.

He took the envelope from her and opened it, bringing out the contents, a photo of a girl looking so innocent.

“What’s the meaning of this?” He asked, getting angry.

“Calm down boss, that’s Lucifer’s little girl, she has been hanging out with him lately, I heard he ki||ed your girlfriend. What about you returning the same energy huh? That’s her picture, a student in the same university he lectures in” She said, giving him that fearless look.

Blue gave the picture a second glance and a smile slowly crept on his lips.

“Are you sure about this?”

“I bet my life on this, I don’t give out fake info, I took my time to bring this up” She replied and he smiled again.

He has been looking for a way to strike Lucifer in the most painful way and he hasn’t been finding it but now that there’s a possibility of him falling in love again, he would do what he did to him too.

“What’s your condition?” He asked.

“To become your personal Ɓîtçh” She replied with no sign of fear in her eyes.

“Get on the bed and take off your clothes” Blue said and she smiled, getting on the bed immediately.

Janette’s fingers were working on her laptop when a strange number call rang on her phone. She stopped what she was doing and picked the call.

“Yes, this is Janette, who am I speaking to?” She said.

“Wanna know who knows about your secrets!” The voice asked.

“Excuse me?” She said.

“What if someone knows about the truth surrounding your daughter’s real birth?” The voice said again and her eyes widened with a loud bang.

“Who are you?” She asked, her lips shaking.

“If you want to know who I am, come to FESIII mansion sixteen at exactly 7pm” The voice replied and hung up.

Janette’s fingers started shaking as she kept looking at the strange number. How did he get to find out about her deadly secret? Who exactly is he?

Sweats covered her forehead despite the air conditioner in the office.

She returned her fingers to the laptop and started typing but when she looked at the screen her eyes widened, she was typing rubbish. She dropped her hands and her mind went to the call.

Right now she was impatient for 7pm.

Janette’s car stopped in the driveway and she hurriedly came out of the car, walking to the door. She stopped at the door and rang the doorbell. The door opened shortly and a guard stepped out.

“This is mansion sixteen right?” She asked.

“Yes, the boss is waiting for you already” He replied.

Janette released a loud sigh before following him in. The mansion was heavenly but she didn’t have the time to admire it this isn’t what she’s here for.

The guard led her to a couch and she sat down.

“Where’s the boss?” She asked impatiently.

“She will be downstairs soon” He replied.

“She? Your boss is a female? But the person that called me was a man” Janette said and the guard gave her a side smile before climbing the stairs.

He stopped at Helen’s door and knocked gently.

“Come in” She said and he went in.

“Boss, she’s here” He said.

“Good, you can leave” She replied with a wave and he walked out.

Helen stood up from her dressing table and walked out of the room.

Janette was waiting downstairs impatiently and curiously, she started picking on her nails when she started hearing the sound of heels coming downstairs.

She fixed her eyes there till the person came to view and her eyes widened in horror as she saw her.

“Ahhhhh!!!!!” Janette screamed and fell from the couch.

“Ghost!! Ghost!” She started shouting, covering her eyes till Helen stood before her.

“Long time Janette” She said and Janette slowly removed her hands from her face and slowly looked at her with terrified eyes.

Helen smiled mischievously with her side cheek.

“Brandy” Janette said.

“I’m not dead as you thought, I survived Janette” Brandy said.

“It can be possible, I ki||ed you myself, it must be someone else pretending to be you” Janette said and a slap landed on her face.

“What!” She gasped and Brandy bent to her level, a vicious look appearing on her face.

“You thought I died but I didn’t die that night fool, I survived and flew out of the country. I went to Paris and changed my name to Helen, I’m now a billionaire with big cosmetics companies in the world and I’m back to set things straight”.

“No, you are dead, you are dead Brandy, I shot you dead” Janette said and another slap landed on her face.

That cheek became red.

“Ahhh” She cried out as Brandy grabbed her hair.

“This is my mansion. What if I ki|| you here? No one will know or suspect me but I won’t do that I’m not you”

“You have been fooling Andrew for years, he has been taking care of another man’s child, the bastard child of yours is not Andrew’s child” Brandy said.

“Yes, Charlotte is not Andrew’s daughter but what can you do? You have no evidence Brandy and you can’t take him away from me, I will ki|| you again” Janette said and Brandy pulled her hair hard.

“f-__-k you” Janette groaned.

“Listen” Brandy brought her face closer, making Janette face her.

“I’m here to destroy you, I will do that after finding my child” She said and janette’s eyes widened.

“Oh! You thought she died, she is alive and I’m going to find her” Brandy said and pushed her.

“Your end is near, try coming against me and you will be dead, I’m not the same brandy, I’m so dangerous and rich now more than Andrew” Brandy said.

“Now get out of my house” Brandy said and started walking upstairs.

“You can’t destroy me, you have no evidence against me” Janette screamed as the guards took her out.

Brandy looked at the camera that was installed on the wall and smiled.

“She’s so daft”.

Storm made his way into the room and dropped an envelope on the table. Luke looked up instantly.

“Did he see you?” Luke asked.

“Yes boss, he’s so sensitive” Storm replied and Luke flashed him an angry look

“Talking about the devil and you expect him to be dumb, you have to be careful now cos he might come after you at any time, how could you be so careless?” Luke yelled.

“I’m sorry boss…

“Get out” Luke cut him off.

Luke brought out the content in the envelope and started looking at the pictures Storm took of them.

“He’s becoming soft” He muttered and his eyes suddenly turned red when he saw a particular picture.

Rona pecked his lips in the picture.

“What!!!” He yelled angrily.

“He’s falling in love with her, I can’t allow this, she will become a weakness to him, I’m going to his house tomorrow and I swear I will ki|| that girl myself if I set my eyes on her, he destroyed the cobra cartel because of this same girl” Luke said, his jaw hardening.

A black car stopped outside Shane’s house and Luke came out of the car wearing a black cap which covered part of his face.

Shane heard the sound of the engine outside and stood up immediately.

The door kicked open and Luke came in looking angry and furious.

His eyes met with Shane and he came closer, immediately he got to Shane he slapped him across the face.

“What are you doing here?” Shane asked, trying to calm himself.

“Where’s that little girl?” Luke yelled, looking around the living room.

“Who are you talking about?” Shane asked.

Luke took out the pictures and threw it at his face, scattering it on the ground.

Shane bent and picked the pictures, he looked at the pictures and Then faced him..

“What’s your beef about this?” Shane asked.

“You’re not allowed to fall in love, a mafia can’t fall in love” Luke replied.

“You can’t tell me how to live my life, I have been obeying everything you tell since I was born but not anymore Luke” Shane yelled back.

“If a mafia can’t fall in love then how the f-__-k did you meet my mum?” Shane asked.

“I wasn’t in love with her, I only needed a son” Luke replied.

Shane looked at him with the devil eyes and Luke returned it. The devil against the devil, both men stood glaring at each other.

“I will fall in love if I want and no one can stop me” Shane said.

“She will be a distraction to you, she will become your weakness Shane, don’t tell me you are in love with her?” Luke shouted.

“What if I’m?” Shane muttered.

“What?” He gasped.


“Yes, I’m crazy about her, I love her” Shane said and his eyes widened.

“Say that again…” Luke said and immediately the door opened. Their eyes went there and Rona stepped in.

Luke’s eyes caught up with her and he looked dangerously at her.

Rona stopped as her eyes landed on Luke and she moved back in fear as his deadly gazes settled on her.

“This is the little thing you’re in love with” Luke said and without wasting more time, Shane started walking towards Rona.

He got to her and pulled her to his chest, Rona gasped.

“Yes, I love her, I’m madly in love with her” Shane said loud and clear before cupping her cheeks and slamming his lips on her.



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