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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE BAD BOY’S BABY – Episode 19

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(Neighbor next door)… ??

Theme: Her innocence….

By Terri Savage ?️







Shane looked back at Stanley as Stanley was looking somehow at him.

Could this be the uncle she always talks about?

Stanley was giving him some unfriendly looks which Shane didn’t fail to notice, it’s shocking that he didn’t like him at first sight.

“Who are you?” Stanley asked, standing between the door space.

“I’m Shane” Shane replied.

“What are you doing here?” Stanley asked.

“I’m looking for Rona”.

“Who’s she to you?” Stanley asked, measuring him with his eyes.

Shane was beginning to get angry but he controlled himself and sighed.

“A friend, the neighbor next door” He replied.

“Rona is asleep, you can’t see her now” Stanley said.

Shane looked at him and said nothing before walking away.

Stanley closed the door back and walked straight to his room after sparing Rona a glance.

Rona stood up weakly and pain surging and eating deep into her system, she entered her room and walked to the bathroom.

She squatted, backing the wall as she allowed the water to fall on her, her tears were flowing but the water was taking it away.

When will she be free from his assault? Who will save her?

It’s dangerous involving Shane in her suffering, only if she meets her savior, he’s the only one she thinks can save her from her beast of an uncle. The water was touching her wounds causing a stinging sensation but her mind was far away from her feeling the pain.

“Shane!!” She muttered the word that came to her mind and she continued crying.


Shane was smoking legally in his room but his mind was on Rona. Something seems off with that uncle of hers, his instincts are always correct.

He didn’t like him at first sight, something is fishy and off somewhere.

Why was he looking at him like that? And when he approached the door he thought he was hearing cries of someone being whipped.

“That voice was sounding familiar” He said and turned, then walked to his window. He looked out through the window and started looking at her window, whilst smoking.

“Should I check up on her?” He asked himself but he changed his mind.

“Why am I worried about her?” He said and sat on the bed.

He took his phone and went to his contact list, he almost dialed her number but he stopped himself.

“This is not the best thing to do” He said and closed his eyes.


“Here” Valentino said, dropping a glass of juice on the table.

Angelique took her eyes away from the television and glanced at the glass of juice before taking it.

“Thank you” She said and sipped from the juice.

She looked up from her drink and saw Valentino staring at her.

“Why are you staring at me?” She asked.

“You are pretty” He said and Angelique looked at him seriously.

“Your seductive tactics won’t work on me so stop trying” She said and looked away, facing the television.

Valentino smiled and finished the glass of juice, he dropped the glass on the table and stood up.

“Good night” He said and looked at him.

“You’re leaving already?” She asked.

“Do you want me to sleep here?” He teased and she released a scoff.

“See you tomorrow, pretty @zz.” He smiled and started walking out.

Angelique looked at him till he went out of sight and immediately she started feeling lonely.

“I can’t believe I’m already missing his presence” She said.

“You’re pretty” His words rang in her head.

“I can’t trust his words, all he wants is my p@zzy” She said and stood up.

She remembered the fun they had when they were out on the date, should she call it a date? Wh@ťěver.

“He’s sweet only if he isn’t a player” She bit her lips and started walking upstairs.

Valentino got home and Valentine smiled when he came in.

“Coming from your girlfriend’s house?” Valentine asked and Tino laughed.

“You already know that she’s not my girlfriend” Valentino laughed.

“It takes you a day to get into a girl’s pants, so what’s up bro? Are you in love with Angelique?”.

“I don’t know bro, there’s something unique about her and don’t forget I’m in love with her @zz” Valentino winked.

Valentine laughed shortly.

“Twinnie” Valentino called.

“Yes” Valentine replied.

“Try and get a girlfriend, you have been single for a long time now” Valentino said.

“I will have a girlfriend soon” Valentine smiled.

“Good night twinnie” Valentino said and went upstairs.


Shane finished dressing up and he looked at himself in the mirror.

He is looking extra handsome this morning, it’s like his handsomeness grew up to a million times overnight.

He took his phone on the bed and walked out.

He got out of the house and walked to his car, he stood beside his car and that moment Stanley came out of the house, smoking.

Their eyes shared a contact and Stanley looked at him anyhow before leaving.

“I don’t know why we dislike each other” He said and looked at the house again.

He didn’t see a glimpse of her throughout Sunday, he was very busy that day and he didn’t have the chance to check up on her, maybe he will do that in school.

“I’ll see her in school” He said and entered his car, driving out.


“That is my baby” Erica shouted as Mandy narrated what happened on Saturday to them.

“That’s the spirit, baby girl” Angelique said and Mandy smiled.

“Give violence where it’s needed, no dulling girl” Erica shouted.

“I went out with Valentino on Saturday” Angelique said.

“He careful with that dude, your p@zzy is the target” Erica said.

“I know” Angelique said.

They saw Stella and Rose passing where they were and they broke into a hysterical laughter.

“Raise your hand up if you have ever tasted the toilet water” Angelique said.

Stella and Rose stopped on their tracks and turned to them.

“Eew, I can’t believe it, tasting people’s poo and urine” Erica said, laughing loudly.

Angelique made a disgusted face and Mandy started laughing.

Stella and Rose looked at them angrily before marching away.

“Losers” Mandy said.


Charlotte was smiling as stopped at the door, she looked at the box gift in her hand and smiled widely.

She has planned to confess her feelings to Shane today, it’s today and no other day.

She was about knocking on the door when Shane got there.

“Charlotte” He called and she turned, smiling.

“Why are you here?” He asked.

“I came to give you this” She said blushing.

Why’s she blushing? Shane scoffed in his head.

“You should stop giving me gifts” He said and she pouted.

“But can you collect this one?” She said, looking at him.

“Okay” He said and took the gift from her.

She opened her mouth to say something but no word came out, she started playing with her fingers nervously, where did her courage go?

“Wanna tell me something?” He asked knowingly.


“I will save you the stress, I know you have a strong crush on me” He said and her eyes widened.

“You.. You do?”.

“Yes, but I will advise you to stop crushing on me, I have no feelings for you” He said and her eyes turned misty.

“Focus on your studies to become an excellent doctor and stop crushing on me, I will keep this” Shane said and entered the office.

Charlotte’s eyes produced a tank of tears and it started raining heavily on her cheeks.

She got rejected by the guy she loves so much, he rejected her.

Charlotte broke into loud tears and ran away.

She was still running till she bumped into Stella and Rose who were looking for her.

“Charlotte” Stella called and she looked at them with her red eyes.

Stella and Rose moved back in fear, she’s scary right now.

“Leave me alone” She said coldly and walked away.

“What do you think is wrong with her?” Stella asked.

“I don’t know”.


Shane was restless in his office as his head couldn’t wrap over the fact that Rona wasn’t in school.

He went to the first year class and checked on her but the lecturer in charge of the students didn’t acknowledge a student by name in the class.

He is f-__-king worried and he can’t stop it.

She would have checked on him if she’s in school, what’s wrong?

Shane took his car keys and walked out.

He entered his car and drove straight to the restaurant.

He met Margaret immediately as he walked in.

“Shane” She called.

“Didn’t you give her the papers? She’s not in school” He said.

“I gave her the papers and the phone box, I called her three times this morning but she didn’t pick up” Margaret replied.

“f-__-k” Shane roughed his hair.

“It’s okay” He said and walked out of the restaurant.

He entered his car and headed home. He couldn’t stop thinking about it. The fact that he didn’t trust that uncle of hers, did something happen to her?

Different thoughts crashed on his mind till he got home.

He got out of the car and walked to her window, he didn’t use the main door. He climbed the window again like the other time.

He jumped in and his eyes widened when he saw Rona on the bed shaking.

“Rona” He called and she opened her weak eyes.

She smiled weakly immediately when she saw him.

“Shane” She called.

Though the distance from where he was standing wasn’t long from her, he ran to the bed and got on it.

He touched her body and gasped.

“You’re burning up badly” He said, concern vividly written on his face.

“Shane” She said softly.

“Don’t say anything” He said and she smiled.

“I will get you drugs” He said and got down from the bed, he jumped down the window and walked to his house.

He came back with the drugs and a bottle of water, he helped her to take the drugs.

He touched her forehead and she was still running temperature.

“Where’s the bathroom?” He asked and she pointed at the door.

He stood up and walked into the bathroom, he came back with a towel and a small plastic rubber.

“Lay down” He said and she did.

He dipped the towel in the water and squeezed it, and started pressing it on her forehead.

Rona noticed the concern in his eyes and blushed, her heart kept beating fast.

Shane stopped doing that after five minutes and he felt her body, miraculously her temperature run down.

His eyes on her throughout.

He took the towel away and dropped it in the plastic rubber.

Rona sat up on the bed, staring at him with an amused face.

Shane faced her and surprisingly he cupped her cheeks, Rona almost Mõ@ɲed out, her skin was on a new sensation and the tingling feeling she was getting from his hands. His hands on her feel so unreal but it was real. She was so happy that he was the one doing this.

They held eyes and she continued looking into his beautiful eyes, getting charmed more by it.

“Thank you my professor” She smiled.

“Don’t get sick, okay” He said and pulled her into a hug immediately.

Her eyes widened.



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