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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE BAD BOY’S BABY – Episode 16

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(Neighbor next door)… ??

Theme: Her innocence….

By Terri Savage ?️






“Time to spill blood!! Woah!!!!!” Spider shouted crazily, getting her gun.

Shane’s eyes were calm with an undescribable look on his face.

He looked behind through the windscreen and saw seven guys coming out of the car that was behind them.

He turned his eyes to Spider who was smirking, a dark grin on her face.

“Are you ready for this?” He asked.

“Yes Lucifer, I missed doing this” She replied confidently.

Shane took out his two most dangerous babies.

“There are fifteen in total” Shane said as he heard the sound of guns Ç0çƙling.

“Small piece of task” Spider said dangerously.

The men started advancing towards them, unknown to them that they were advancing towards their worst nightmare.. Towards the most dangerous man, Lucifer, the devil himself.

Shane calculated their moves with his sharp eyes and immediately the men opened fire on them but foolishly the car was completely bulletproofed including the tyres.

Spider laughed at their foolishness till she got satisfied.

The firing stopped and she quickly ignited the car and made a very sharp turn.

“What are you doing?” Jonathan asked.

“Shut up sweetheart” Spider replied and faced an old building.

She began driving there, Shane was quiet, he knew what she was trying to do. Lure them into their trap.

Immediately they got there, they jumped out of the car and ran into the old building.

After them, two cars drove in there and the men came out at once.

“Go in there and find them, if they escape your lives will be on the line” Blue shouted and the men quickly rushed into their death zone.

“Blue is behind this attack, his face got captured” Jonathan spoke to them.

“He’s still stupid and foolish” Spider said.

Shane’s ears picked the sound of the men entering the old building and he faced Spider.

“Let’s split” He said and quickly entered a corner.

Spider was about to enter a corner when two guys caught up with her.

They opened fire at her but she dodged the bullets swiftly.

She made a sharp run on the walls and landed professionally.

“Welcome to my world babies” She smirked and sent two knives towards the guys, the knives entered into their neck, cutting off their throats, their blood splashed and that alone sent a tingling sensation to her skin, it feels good seeing blood again.

She heard movement behind her and before she could turn bullets started coming at her, she dodged but unfortunately for her one of the bullets got in her arm.

“f-__-k” She spatted and wasted the guy immediately before entering another corner.

Meanwhile, at another large space in the building three guys were $h00ting at Shane.

He would have finished them off at once but he decided to play a little game with them.

They kept $h00ting while he kept dodging the bullets, the bullets will only touch him if he wants it.

He did a handstand and his legs collided with the wall, a bullet came for his head but he moved his head to the right and walked quickly on the wall before landing.

The three guys tried $h00ting again but nothing came out of the guns. Their guns ran out of bullets.

Shane looked at them with his devil’s eyes and the guys dropped their guns. The first one came at him and raised his hand to punch him but he grabbed his hand and stuck his customized nail chains into his throat, drawing a circle around his neck.

“Ahhhh!!!!” The guy screamed as his blood pumped out in great numbers.

Shane’s nails went deeper and he destroyed every cell in his neck, he released his limp body and he looked at the two, his hand full of blood.

“Come on boy” He made a gesture.

The second victim came running towards him, when he got to him, he raised his leg to Shane’s face but Shane grabbed his leg and fling him roughly, his back hit on the wall and his backbone broke immediately.


The third guy used the opportunity and punched Shane seven times on the face.

His eyes widened when Shane stood gallantly like he did nothing. His punches were like a leaf touching his body.

His eyes turned red and he grabbed him by the head.

Shane hit his head on the wall and blood splashed with a cracking sound being heard, he hit his head twice on the wall and his brain came out leaving a wide hole in his head.

He let go of his dead body and faced the one with a broken backbone. He took out his gun and finished him off before leaving the spot.

Two guys were at Spider, she succeeded in kicking their guns away from them, despite her wounded arm she was still fighting and bringing them down.

The guys hit her face at the same time and she staggered, her back hitting the wall.

She smiled like nothing happened.

The guys came again with two punches at her face but this time around she grabbed their hands.

“Not again boys” She said and pulled them at the same time, she bent her head low and the guy’s face hit the wall. Their heads made a crack sound and she got her gun, ki||ing them.

Blood splashed on the wall consecutively as Shane ki||ed the rest of the guys.

It only took them five minutes to finish the fifteen guys.


Blue’s eyes moved and he came out of the car when he saw a guy walking out of the building.

“Are they dead?” He asked immediately.

He was curious that he didn’t notice the guy’s dying state. He opened his mouth to talk but instead he fell on the floor with a knife buried into his back and that moment Shane and Spider stepped out.

Blue looked up and his eyes fell on Lucifer.

“Did you really expect them to ki|| me?” Shane asked, his eyes darkened more.

“You’re not above the law of death, even the devil can be ki||ed loser” Blue called him a loser intentionally so as to spit him.

The memories of that night came flashing back to his head and he got his guns $h00ting at him immediately but Blue quickly entered the car and speedily drove out.

Spider and Shane got into their car and the craziest chase began.

Blue looked back and saw their car coming so fast behind him.

He’s tough but facing Shane all alone is the stupidest decision ever.

He stepped on the accelerator so hard, almost marching it to pieces.

Spider was closing up on him despite how his car was speeding.

Blue started entering dangerous alleys and tight corners but Spider kept going head on head with him.

Shane saw a corner at the right side and quickly faced Spider.

“Get off the wheel” He shouted and Spider quickly jumped off the wheel, Shane sat there and entered the corner.

Blue looked back and he was surprised when he didn’t see the car again.

“Did they lose me?” He asked and a smile almost crossed his face but all colors drained from his face and his eyes widened when the car came out of the corner and crashed into his car.

His car tumbled five times before entering a wall creating a big hole there.

Shane came out of the car and started running to him, Blue too stepped out with a big wound on his face.

Shane came colliding into Blue and his body flew far away from Shane.

“You can’t ki|| me Shane” Blue said, standing up with a bleeding mouth.

Shane was determined to ki|| him by his bare hands so he didn’t use a gun.

“Betrayer” Shane said.

“A bloody loser” Blue said and Shane’s devil eyes flashed.

He started running to him again and Blue started running to him too.

Their bodies slammed again and Blue gave him a punch on the face, Shane moved back and Blue kicked his face again.

“Come on, bastard” Blue said, feeling proud.

“I ki||ed your girlfriend and also destroyed your father’s warehouse, what can you really do” Shane said to provoke him and that just did.

In anger Blue came at him blindly but Shane grabbed him by the head and started hitting his head on the door’s windows.

“Arrrrghh!!!” His loud painful cries filled the whole area, and Shane stopped his face was covered with blood.

“Grace has been keeping you this long Blue, you are a devil but I’m more dangerous than you, a betrayal like you don’t deserve to live and I’m doing that just now”.

“You’re a bastard and a loser Shane” Blue spatted h@ťěfully.

Shane gave his shoulder a hit and a dislocation occurred immediately, Blue shouted agonizingly, baring his bloody teeth.

“See you in hell dear old friend” Shane said and raised his nails to his neck but immediately a hammer jeep entered there and started coming speedily at Shane.

“Lucifer!!!!” Spider shouted.

The car was about hitting Shane but he let go of Blue and jumped over the car landing on the other side.

The door opened and a face came to view and it was none other than VD.

“Get in the car boss” She shouted, and quickly Blue jumped into the car and she sped off.

“Are you okay?” Spider asked, running to him.

Without answering, he started walking to the car and she followed.


“Gawd, I’m tired” Angelique said as she came out of the room with Valentino.

They have just finished arranging the mansion and lastly her bedroom.

Valentino pulled her closer and held her waist, smiling charmingly at her.

“What?” She questioned.

“I can make you feel energetic and better” He said, staring at her eyes.

“Get off” She said and pushed his chest, getting out of his grip.

She started walking downstairs and he joined her on the stairs.

“What are we doing next?” She asked.

“Let’s f-__-k” He replied and she stopped, facing him.

“Will you be serious for once? Does your head think about p@zzy all the time?” She said.

“I’m obsessed with it baby, especially when I’m with a big booty girl” He winked and she laughed.

“You’re mad” She said laughing and he spanked her @zz.

“So soft” He grinned and looked at her face to beheld a dangerous glare.

“ki|| me” He said and started running downstairs so fast.

“Bastard, I will chop off your head!!!” She yelled, running downstairs too.


Mandy bought some cooking ingredients that they need at home, her mother gave her the little she has and she picked the things the money could afford. She was walking back to the cashier to pay for the things she bought when she saw a red light gown on the clothes rack in the clothes section.

She slowly walked there and touched the gown, she looked at the price and became sad, it was worth about three thousand dollars.

“I wish I had the money to buy it” She said sadly and touched the gown again, admiring it with sad eyes.

“Only if I was rich” She said.

“You can have it” She heard a voice behind her and she turned to see Valentine smiling at her.

“Valentine” She said.

“You can have the gown” He said.

“I don’t have the money….

“You can pick more, I will pay for everything” He smiled.

“No, you don’t have to, I’m fine, I don’t want to be a parasite… ” She was still talking when he came closer.

“Can you shut up and pick the clothes you want?” He smiled before moving back.

Mandy looked at his face and bashed her eyelashes before looking at the gown.

“You will pay?”.

“Yes, so feel free to pick wh@ťěver you want” He replied and she kept staring at him.

“Come on Mandy” He said and she finally smiled.


“Greet your boyfriend” The manager waved at Rona as she was about to leave.

“He’s not my boyfriend” She pouted.

“But maybe in the future” The manager winked at her.

“Bye, I love you” Rona said and walked out.

“I love you too, Rona” She smiled.

Rona boarded a taxi home and throughout the drive home she couldn’t stop thinking about Shane, she was missing him so much that she thought she was going crazy.

“I can’t wait to see you at home” She mumbled.

She got home and was surprised to meet a strange lady in the house.

Their eyes met and the girl stood staring at her with a look that signifies “Who are you?”

“Hi” Rona smiled but the girl ignored her.

Rona was about to ask her who she was when Stanley walked out of his room shirtless, a cigar on his lips.

“Uncle” She managed to call without stuttering.

“Baby who’s she?” The girl asked.

“My niece” He replied and gave Rona a disdainful look. She quickly looked away.

“Hand over the money you made today” He said and quickly she handed all the money to him.

“Out of my sight now” He said and Rona rushed into her room.

“Baby” The girl said and wrapped her hands around his neck, sharing a kiss with him.

Rona entered her room and sat on the bed, tears almost fell down from her eyes but she wiped it away. At least she’s not whipped nor R@P£D.

She walked to the window and looked outside, expecting to see Shane’s car but the car wasn’t there.

“He’s not back” She muttered and stepped into the bathroom.


“f-__-k, AHHH!!” Spider groaned as Jonathan treated her wounded arm.

“Are you Mõ@ɲing or groaning?” Jonathan smirked.

“Bastard, your hands are making me wet” She replied with a low groan.

“Crazy” He smiled and continued treating her arm.

“You’re so handsome Sweetheart” She said and he looked at her face.

“Are you expecting me to say you are cute?” He asked.

“What? I’m cute but my p@zzy is cuter, wanna see it?” She asked flirtatiously and his eyes widened.

He placed the wool on her wound intentionally and she shouted.

“f-__-k you”.

“Can you two keep quiet?” Shane said and their eyes went to him. He’s smoking.

“You look hotter when fighting” Spider said and he glared at her.

“Admiring him too?”.

“He’s hotter than you but I don’t roll with ice, I love crazy guys” She replied and Jonathan laughed.

“Keep your eyes on Blue, the both of you, he can’t escape next time” Shane said and started leaving.

“Should we keep an eye on that Ɓîtçh?” Spider asked.

Jonathan captured VD’s face when she saved Blue.

“Yes, she’ll be useful, I’m going to the empire” He replied and walked out.

“Let’s f_ck after this” Spider said.

“Can you shut up?” Jonathan said.


Shane got home after past 8 and he entered the bathroom taking a shower before dressing up casually.

He was walking out of his room to smoke when his mind went to Rona and he went in, he stood at his window and he saw it was closed.

“Maybe she’s sleeping already” He said and walked to the living room, he sat down and when he tried lightening the weed, her face appeared in his head and he started thinking about her.

Her smile, her voice and her pretty face.

“What’s going on?” He said trying to get the thoughts off his head but he couldn’t this time.

“Am I missing her now?” He asked himself.

“I’m not hungry nor I’m craving for spaghetti” He said and dropped the weed.

But her face didn’t stop appearing in his head and it was becoming crazy at each passing second.

He knew deep within him that he can’t sleep without seeing her face but he was still fighting it till…

“Should I go to her house? No, that’s a bad idea. What if her uncle is at home?” He said and an idea crossed his mind.

He stood up and started going to the door.

“What are you doing Shane??” He muttered but at this rate he wasn’t in control of the situation.


Rona was tossing on the bed as she was finding it hard to sleep. She didn’t see Shane again since he left her at the restaurant. She stood up and checked through the window again but his window was still closed.

She wanted to check up on him but Stanley being in the house she got scared and discourage herself from getting into the beast’s bad side.

“Is he not back home, did something happen to him?” She said worriedly and was about laying on the bed when her window made a sound, she quickly got alerted.

The window made another sound and started opening, she shifted scaringly, thinking it was an intruder or a thief. She got down from the bed and quickly took a baton that was in her room.

She faced the window, waiting for the person to come in, the window finally opened and the person jumped in. With shaky hands she raised the baton to the person’s head and started bringing it down but his hand grabbed the baton and her eyes widened when she finally saw his face.



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