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HomeTHE ASSASINATORS (The Bloody Lesbians)THE ASSASINATORS (The Bloody Lesbians) - Episode 15 & 16

THE ASSASINATORS (The Bloody Lesbians) – Episode 15 & 16

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Chapter 15✰16

𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐲: Merit .N.

ⒸCopy rights reserved ⚠️

This book isn’t meant for plagiarism, don’t think of it, else… You’d regret doing it, idiot😒




“Cuz I’m crippled!”Mikhail uttered, making her to stagger back in shock.

What the f-__-k did she just hear?? Her hole was screwed by this d@mn cripple? Aish!!!

Mikhail only smiled More as he blinked his lashes,his hand still stretched out to Ogla who was glaring murderously at him.

“Help me….”

“Don’t f-__-king say a word! Wh@ťěver thing you have in mind,get it off cuz it’s never gonna happen. I’m Ogla Vladimir,the leader of the Furies group and also a member of the Red Bravta!!”Ogla blurted out, making Mikhail to click his tongue as he slowly brought down his hand.

“So you’re a lesbian?”He asked,his voice showing how much disappointed he was.

“Now you know,open the d@mn door and f-__-king let me go. I’m completely out of your league”Ogla snapped but was disappointed when Mikhail smiled.

“Well I can change you from being a lesbian to a slut! My own personal slut cuz you know pretty well how to ride my Ç0çƙ, sending me to heavenly paradise”A smirk was plastered on his face as he spoke, making Ogla to scoff.

“And you think I’ll ever let you have your way??”She quired angrily.

“What would happen when the sisters find out the oath maker already broke the sisterhood oath? Or wait.. should I go tell them? That’s obviously a good idea”he grinned,making Ogla to gasp.

“Don’t you dare Motherf-__-ker!!!”She spat deviously, glaring hard at Mikhail who only chuckled.

“They’d ki|| you! That’s the penalty!! So why don’t you f-__-king stay here and I’ll protect you from them”Mikhail grimaced, hoping to convince her to stay.

“And how are my sure that I’ll be safe under the custody of a Man who can’t walk? Isn’t that digging my own grave?”Ogla taunted and and Mikhail sighed.

“Then, suite yourself”He muttered icily before using the automatic remote in his hand to open the door.

“Pray we never crosses path again,cuz I’d keep to my promise of ki||ing you”She turned to him with a smirk and said. Mikhail only chuckled.

“I’ll love to see you try”he snickered.



“You’d never change,will you?”Xander asked Svetlana who was busy, selecting a designer’s outfit.

Mikhail instructed him to excort her to the shopping mall,since she insisted.

“Which way is that?”She turned to him and ask, folding her hands under her chest.

“Well,I mean your craziness”He shrugged, earning a scoff from Svetlana who turned to continue selecting the dresses.

“Did you actually apologize to the worker?”Still yet,Xander asked trying to start another conversation with her.

The silence between them was awkward and he was trying to stir the intense atmosphere.

“I did,on brother’s insistence”She heaved, bringing out a diamond gown which she turned to Xander with a smile.

“Looks cool right?”She smiled and Xander chuckled.

“I’ll only know if you put it on”Xander told her, beaming in all smiles and she shrugged before going to the dressing room.

She came back few minutes, Looking so gorgeous that Xander’s lips parted in bewilderment.

He made to talk,but no word formed in his head,all he could do was stare at her like she’ve grown two head’s.

Svetlana walked closer to him and poked his forehead.

“Cat gat your tongue? How do I look?”She snapped and Xander swallowed hard as he looked away from her.

“In one word… You’re astonishing”He complimented and Svetlana smirked.

“Cool then”She shrugged and made to go and pay,when Xander pulled her back.

“I’ll pay in your stead”he smiled and she only shrugged lightly.

Xander looked at her and chuckled lowly.



Xander and Svetlana walked into the clan,with Xander carrying all the shopping bags while Svetlana kept giggling behind him.

🗣️”Are they both dating?”

🗣️”I don’t think so!”

🗣️”But what if they’re??”

🗣️”They looks good together,no doubt”The workers brought down their voice and muttered.

“Mario,what are you looking at?”One of the workers tapped him gently on the back and he turned to him.

Mario is the worker Svetlana almost rendered impotent.

“Uhmmm…. Nothing”He chuckled,still stylishly looking at Svetlana.

His friend who noticed were he was focused on,cleared his throat thereby getting Mario’s attention once again.

“Don’t tell me you’re interested in little Miss….”

“Hell no!!!”Mario cut him off,even before he could round up his statement.

“As you please then!”He smirked, concentrating back on his work.

Mario turned to take another glance at Svetlana,but got disappointed when he couldn’t catch a glimpse of her.

“Are they really dating?”He couldn’t help but think.



The door squeaked open and Ogla walked into the spacious room,only to meet six dangerous eyes piercing at her.

Her heartbeat accelerated and she began sweating. The look they were giving her was sure enough to send her to an early grave. It wasn’t a friendly gaze,it only screams of danger.

Clearing her throat and twitching her neck,she approached them.

“Hi ladies….”

“Why Ogla!! Why did you choose to betray us? Why did you choose to break the sisterhood oath? Just tell me why??!”Irina began slowly as she stood up, Ogla took few steps backwards.

“And where the hell is that coming from?”She retorted, sounding bold as ever.

“You trying to feign ignorance?”Lena asked, standing up too as she began taking slow strides towards her.

“What the f-__-k has gotten into y’all? Why would I choose to betray y’all huh? Just tell me why would I?”Ogla tried defending herself but was welcomed by rounds of clapping.

“Bravo boss Lady!! Bravo!!!”Klara chirped,still clapping her hands angrily.

“You betrayed us and still have the nerves to lie to us? How could you?? How???”Yulia too spoke and Ogla sighed as she roughed her hair.

“Okay,can someone tell me what’s happening? Can y’all tell me what’s going on??”

“Few weeks back,we all were making out but what did you do? You yelled at us Ogla. You Did!! When did that ever start?”Galina asked as she stood up too.

“She was actually sounding like we were doing some kind of disgusting act Yunno!!”Katya shook her head as she stood up too,by now they already surrounded Ogla in a circle form.

“And when we thought she was just acting up,we found out the reason behind her odd behavior! We found out why she’s been acting strange!!!”Lena cussed, nodding her head slowly.

“You’re going to face the penalty of what you did!! We’re not sparing you cuz you’re the Boss lady. So far you betrayed our loyalty, you’d also get ready to face the penalty of your act,and I guess you already know what it is!! Death!!!”As Irina spoke,she drew out her gun and pointed it at Ogla whose eyes went wide immediately.

Was she really going to do that? Was… Was she really going to put that bullet into her skull?

“Irina bring the gun down!!!”Ogla warned, picking on her words but her heart flew into her stomach when the rest of the sisters all pulled out their gun, directing it at her icily.



“No baby!! No!! You can’t do this! You can’t!!”The elderly woman cried as she shook the little child vigorously who was lying motionless on the bare floor,lips cracked and eyes white.

Seems like convulsion kicked in,the child was literally burning. His temperature was enough to boil water.

“Honey do something!! Please!!”She turned to the husband and pleaded,but he only smiled out tears as he turned to the wife.

“What should I do? We are all locked up here, so what are my expected to do?”He asked with a bitter smile and the wife shook her head countlessly.

“There’s got to be a way honey. I can’t possibly fold my hand and watch this happen!!”She sniffed and stood up.

She carried the little child in her arms and began staggering towards the door.

“You’re taking a step so risky!!”The husband cautioned.

“I’d risk my life to make sure this child lives. That’s all I’ve got to do as a mother”She shot back and continued walking.

She was weak,but she needed to save her dying child! She really needs to.

Just as she was about opening the door,the door got open and she was forced to froze on her spot.

“Trying to escape?”The hoarse voice asked and she shook her head as she began taking steps backwards.

“No… I… I.. only… Wanted… I…”She began stuttering,the evil looking Man only let out a dark smile as he brought out a poisoned dagger.

“This will do!!!”He uttered as he raised the dagger up.






➪… 𝗧𝗕𝗖🩶…➪

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