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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE ALPHA’S OMEGA MATE – Episode 19 & 20

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“Your voice…..” He started and caressed her cheek gently

*oh,I love what he’s doing to me right now* Rowena Mõ@ɲed in Elsa’s head

“Is crazily seductive” he said in a low tone that Elsa could almost feel herself getting f-__-king wet just by doing that

What is he doing to her???

Alpha Wang suddenly released her and moved away,why did he get so carried away??

He cleared his throat and looked out of the window

“It’s raining” He muttered and Elsa nodded

“You can sleep over for tonight” Wang saud and Elsa couldn’t believe her ears

“I can?” She asked again

Alpha Wang ignored her and turned to walk away

“You haven’t eaten” Elsa immediately said

“You ate right?” Alpha Wang asked and she nodded

Wang left the living room after that and Elsa sat down

*We are passing the night with the alpha!!* Rowena rejoiced and Elsa sighed

*what do you think changed?* she asked

*what do you mean?* Rowena asked

*he suddenly became quite nice!* Elsa said

*I guess he’s beginning to see how pretty we are* Rowena chuckled and Elsa nodded

*I will believe that* She said

After a while,Alpha Wang came back to the living room,he looked like he just had his bath,he got changed and now looking even more hot that Elsa couldn’t control her eyes

Wang moved closer to her

“Are you just going to sit down here?” He asked

Elsa stood up

“Can I ask you a question?” She asked and Wang nodded for her to go on,he pushed his two hands into his pocket

“Are you accepting me as your mate or you’re rejecting me??” Elsa asked

Alpha Wang stared at her quietly without speaking up until

“Why are you asking?” He asked

“I want to know where I stand” She muttered

Alpha Wang pointed at the entrance he came out from and Elsa’s eyes followed his hand

“Leads to the bedroom,you can go in and freshen up if you want to,you can sleep after that” he said and walked out of her sight

Elsa bite her bottom lip,did she made a mistake by asking him that question?? She’s just curious to know why he’s suddenly talking to her,and now she’s passing the night with him??

The rain was still falling heavily anyway,maybe that’s an excuse to why he said that.

Elsa sighed and took the route he pointed at,she entered the bedroom and gasped

“Whoa” She muttered seeing the large and well decorated room,just a fit for him as the alpha.

She sat down on the bed and immediately she felt like sleeping on it,she sat up again and began taking off her dress. She walked into the bathroom and smiled

“So amazing” She said and looked at the bathing tub,she didn’t think twice before going in

“Oh gosh” She Mõ@ɲed as the warm water touched her flawless skin.

Minutes later,she came out of the bathroom naked,she was still contemplating whether to wear the gown she took off when suddenly the door opened

“Ahh!!” Elsa screamed and used her hand to cover her chest

Alpha Wang stopped on his track as he saw her

“Don’t look!!” Elsa screamed

Wang didn’t burge,he kept on staring at her

Elsa closed her eyes tightly in embarrassment

“Why are you naked?” Wang asked and she opened her eyes

“Because I just had my bath….. ” Alpha Wang sped closer to her and she stopped

“Look up” He ordered and she did

He grabbed her arm quite harshly and Elsa winced

“Who did this??” He asked,staring at the red scar of knife on her arm

It’s where Moonlight and Twilight cut her with silver knife,even though Jade healed her up,the scar is still there,it’s going to take a while before it clears since it’s silver.

“This was…..”

“Don’t lie” Wang interrupted

“Silver knife” Elsa muttered and Wang remembered that Grey told him once that she was cut with silver

*WHO DARE DO THAT!!* Adolph growled angrily

“You don’t have to worry about me,I’m fine” Elsa muttered

Wang let go of her hand

“Don’t let anyone hurt you….again” he muttered and Elsa maintained eyes contacts with him

“Why?” She asked

“You don’t have to ask me” Wang replied


“Can I get something to wear….”

“No,you look perfect this way. You can sleep like this” Wang said

*YOU PERVERT* Adolph said and Wang cut him off

*THIS IS HOT* Rowena chuckled

Elsa also cut her off

She bite her bottom lip and gently climbed on the bed,Wang’s eyes followed her till she lay down and covered her body with the quilt,their eyes met again,Elsa carefully looked away nervously and closed her eyes,the next minute she opened her eyes Wang was gone.

She sat up immediately

“Where did he go to?” She muttered and lay down again


Jade groaned as she finally opened her eyes,Knight who was pacing round the room immediately moved closer to the bed

“You’re awake” he said

“How long did I slept?” Jade asked

“Let’s say two hours” Knight replied and Jade fold her fist

“That old witch” she muttered

” She must be really powerful….”

“She’s not,I just wasn’t prepared okay?!” Jade Snapped and Knight chuckled

“I will believe that,but are you okay?” He asked amd touched her forehead

“You’re really a witch,I watched your wound healed up” Knight said

“You mean,you opened my clothe?” Jade frowned

“I had no choice,I never knew you have such high healing power,it was cool” Knight nodded

Jade rolled her eyes

“Wang didn’t come to check on me?” She asked

“No” Knight replied and Jade rolled her eyes

“Do you know he got his mate already?” Knight asked

“I know,that weak omega wolf” Jade said

“So,you should stop anything you’re feeling for…”

“You should also stop yours,it won’t work out” Jade cut in

“I’m not crushing on you,I’m doing this because I’m afraid you might get too much broken if the alpha finally reject you if you foolishly confess your love to him” Knight said and Jade appeared in front of him with an angry glare

Her claws appeared and she shoved it toward Knight’s face,he was fast enough to catch her hand and pushed her against the wall

“Let go of me!!” Jade yelled but Knight didn’t

“I’m just stating the fact,you will get hurt” Knight muttered and released her

“Goodnight” He winked and walked out.


Montana was almost about getting on bed with one of his Ɓîtçhes when suddenly the door burst open

“What the f……” The Ɓîtçh wanted to talk but her word hung in her throat when she saw the old Luna

“Get out!!!” Seraphina yelled

She immediately pushed Montana off and grabbed her clothes,she didnt bother putting it on before rushing out


“Stop it right there son” Seraphina raised a finger up and he kept quiet

“How many times have you promised me that you won’t touch any lady in the pack again? How many times!!” Seraphina yelled


“You rejected your mate because you really want to keep on acting stupid right?? Should I just tell the alpha to give you the punishment you deserve??….”

“Mother he’s my kid brother…..”

“He’s your alpha!!” Seraphina yelled

“The moon goddess choose him herself and there’s no f-__-king thing you can do about that,get that into your skull. And if you don’t stop the hatred growing in uoir heart,it will definitely ruin you Montana” Seraphina said and walked out,slamming the door loudly

Montana chuckled

“So now she only see him?? Really?”he muttered


As Seraphina returned to her chamber,she met Moonlight and Twilight waiting at the entrance,they immediately bowed when they saw her

“Good morning old luna” They greeted

“Good,you are here” Seraphina said

“I heard you both bully Elsa at any chance you get” She said

The twins kept quiet

Seraphina wanted to tell them so badly that she’s their future Luna but she would wait for the alpha to announce that on his own,maybe very soon.

“You two act roughly as If you own the castle,your parents are just workers here and just because the alpha favor them doesn’t give you the gut to treat any pack member anyhow” she said

They remained quiet with their face down

“So here’s my judgment” Seraphina started and they looked up immediately

“You will both become Elsa’s personal maids from today” Seraphina said

“Old Luna!” Their eyes widened

“If you don’t want that,then I will send you out of the castle,you have a house before the alpha gave you a chance to join your parents here in the castle” Seraphina said coldly

“Please forgive us old Luna!!” They fell on their knees

“You have a minute to choose one….”

“Rain,prepare their moving out….”

“We will do it!!” Moonlight screamed immediately almost in tears

Seraphina smiled

“Nice,start your work right immediately,Rain take them to Elsa immediately. Inform Elsa to bring report if they ever try anything against my wish,I will know the best punishment for them by then” She said

“Yes Luna” Rain said

“Go” Seraphina saud

Moonlight and Twilight immediately followed Rain

“Let’s see” Seraphina chuckled.


“How are you feeling now?” Alpha Wang asked Jade and she smiled

“I’m perfectly okay” She said and he nodded

“I was busy before you came in,you can leave” Wang said without looking up

“Is there anyhow I can help?” Jade asked

“No,it’s not your job to help me” Wang looked up and Jade swallowed

It’s definitely the Luna who is titled to help the alpha

“Leave” Wang said gently

Jade stood up and bowed

“Be fine” She smiled and walked out of the office

Few seconds later,Alpha Wang felt a strange presence in the office. He looked around and inhaled the air,he remembered that scent somehow and he stood up

“Show yourself” Alpha Wang said and it was followed by a laughter behind him,he quickly turned and there was the old witch

“It’s you Jade was talking about” Wang muttered

“You’re more smarter than I thought” The old witch said

“Who ars you working with?” Wang asked

“You think I’m going to tell you?? Just because you’re the alpha??” She asked

Wang sped over to her and grabbed her neck,he threw her angrily against the wall,he sped to her and grabbed her neck agaun,pinning her to the wall

“How dare you,what gut do you have,coming into this place?” Wang asked,tightening his grip on her neck

The old witch laughed and coughed

“Right now….what do you think is happening to your mate??” She asked and Wang’s eyes widened

His grip loosen from her neck

“What are you talking about?” He asked

The old witch laughed

“Speak up!!!!” Alpha Wang growled angrily

“You can go check for yourself” She said

Wang released her and she disappeared.

Almost immediately,Wang rushed out of the office

The guards bowed but he didnt see them,he began running

“Follow up!!” Grey commanded the guards immediately and they quickly ran after the alpha

They couldn’t match up with his speed but they continue running

Wang ran over to Elsa’s suite directly,Elsa was coming out of her suite and was surprised when she saw Wang running toward her directly

Almost all the maids stopped to see what was going on,seeing the Alpha running that way looks so weird.

Moonlight and Twilight were also coming with Rain and they were confused.

Until the alpha stopped in front of Elsa

“Alpha” Elsa called

“Are you okay?? Tell me did something happen to you?!” Wang asked,holding and checking her body

“No…I’m fine” Elsa said,still looking confused

“Thank goodness” Wang sighed out

“Did something happ…..” Before Elsa could finish,Alpha Wang pulled her into a tight hug

Everyone gasped out

Wang hugged her so tightly,rubbing her hair

“I….I almost….went crazy” Wang muttered,touching and feeling her body repeatedly.


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