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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE ALPHA’S OMEGA MATE – Episode 15 & 16

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{ Dearest Of Desires… }

THEME; A Moonlight Path.



By: Summer Gold R.







“Stop talking about him!!!” Alpha Wang yelled

“No I won’t!!!” Elsa yelled back and there was total silence as they both stared directly into each others eyes,Elsa was trying her best to keep on to his height,standing in front of him makes her look even more small and tiny.

Alpha Wang is a man of both tall height and broad feature,he’s really huge and staring at him could be dangerous for any of the moon pack members,right now Elsa is doing more than she should but she doesn’t care,even though she’s scared,still she wouldn’t mind.

“How dare you yell back at me?” Alpha Wang asked in a slow but deep voice as he began walking closer to Elsa

She also moved backward as he gets more closer

“What guts” He muttered

Elsa swallowed but she still spoke up

“You can’t stop me from having a friend at least,you are not going to talk to me,I need someone to talk to,why can’t I do that……”

“Then why must it be a guy??” Alpha Wang snapped

“Why can’t it be a guy?? Huh?” Elsa asked and Wang kept quiet

“If you don’t have an answer to that then please stop bothering me,you can just give a straight order and chase me out of the castle…then reject me like you want,goodnight” Elsa said and walked out on him.

She let out a deep breath as soon as she left his sight,her whole body was almost shaking,she still can’t believe herself. Maybe if she hasn’t shut Rowena off,she would have thought it was her but then Rowena is too in love with him to yell at him that way so definitely it was Elsa who stood Her ground not Rowena.

*Rowena,talk to me….please* Elsa said when she finally entered her suite and locked the door

*you made our mate angry even after my warnings,what else do you want me to say? Not like you will listen to me* Rowena said and Elsa sighed

She aat down on the bed

*I shouldn’t have shouted at him,but then…I couldn’t control myself,I couldn’t* Elsa said in regret

*now do you think he will even h@ťě us more?* Rowena asked sadly

*I don’t know,but I hope not* Elsa muttered

Her mind went to Wang’s face when she yelled at him and she bite her lip,how could she yell at the Alpha like that? Just what was she thinking??.

“It’s okay,stop thinking and just take a rest’ she muttered to herself and began taking off her dress

She undressed and stared at her naked self through the mirror,so many things she started enjoying the moment she arrived here. She checked herself out in the mirror and she could see the difference,even if it’s just a little.

She’s different from the old Elsa who hardly eats,and even when she eat,it’s not a good one. But now she’s getting fed to her satisfaction with good food,she’s got countless dresses in her closet. Her eyes went to the dressing table and it was also filled up with numbers of body lotions,treatments and ointment just for her body,hair and face especially,like the old Luna said when she was telling her the use of everything.

Elsa touched her long hair which was getting more thicker and black,back in the Meadow,she never washed her hair specially,maybe only when she’s taking her bath but now it’s all different. She thought about her mom and other omegas still in bondage and she let out a sad sigh.

“I can do this….I promise” She muttered and slowly walked into the bathroom,the tub was filled up by the maids already. She smiled and entered the tub of warm refreshing water.

“Hmm” She let out a Mõ@ɲ and closed her eyes enjoying the moment.


The maids all watched in total silence as Wang played with the food they served him,he seems lost in thought.

*I guess you don’t want to talk about it because this time you have no excuse* Adolph said in Alpha Wang’s head

*What are you talking about?* Wang asked

*everything was you,you got so mad when you saw our mate with your guard,you were angry even before I could react so stop reacting and start getting close to our mate,she was clearly angry with you* Adolph said and Wang scoffed

He just couldn’t stop thinking about Elsa’s voice and the way she raised her voice at him,it was so unexpected for an omega,she really hurt his pride but he couldn’t do a thing because of their bond.

Alpha Wang suddenly looked up at once and the maids bowed

“Get out” He muttered

They didn’t allow the next second to click before they all ran out

Wang stood up and let out a crazy chuckle before frowning back,he was filled up with sudden anger

*you should control yourself,you’re getting angry for no reason,it’s all your fault that she disobeyed your order* Adolph said but Wang shut him off

He was wishing that no one comes in at that moment but almost immediately Knight entered and Wang turned,his eyes became full black colors.

Knight stopped on his track immediately

“Alpha…….” Before he could finish,Wang sped over to him

He grabbed his neck and hit his back hardly on the wall,Knight winced and Wang’s hand tightened around his neck

“Are you…..okay??” Knight managed to speak up,looking straight into Alpha Wang’s eyes

Wang released his neck and breathe out loudly,his eyes changed back to normal.

Knight touched his neck and twisted it a bit before looking at Wang whose back was now facing him

“Did anything happened?” He asked

“Why are you here?” Alpha Wang questioned

“Sorry I’m bringing the news quite late,the city wall has been sealed” Knight said and Wang nodded

He faced Knight

“Have you eaten?” He asked

“No,I’m just about going to my suite….”

“You can eat my food” Wang muttered

“Oh,you want us to eat together?” Knight smiled

“I lost my appetite” Alpha Wang said coldly and walked away still looking totally pissed.

“What’s with him?” Knight muttered.


Amazon entered Helena’s room and met her staring out of the window,her eyes looking so dull as usual,since the moment Elsa was taken away,she was never the same.

Nobody knows if her only child is dead or living at the moment but most people believe she’s dead.

“Mother” Amazon called and Helena turned

“Hey” She managed to smile

Amazon’s parents were both ki||ed on the same day years ago,she was barely two years of age. According to Helena,she was born on the same day with Elsa,Amazon’s parents got ki||ed because they spoke up for themselves. Since then,nobody dare question the authority why the omegas are treated this way and also Helena has been taking care of both Amazon and Elsa.

They both grew up believing they are sisters until Helena decided to give credit to Amazon’s parents,she explained everything to them.

“Are you okay?” Amazon asked,finally sitting next to Helena

“I’m fine Amazon,you should be resting” Helena said

“I just wanted to check maybe you’re sleeping already,mother you need to sleep. You’ve been skipping night rests,I’m very sure Elsa is okay…” Amazon touched her chest

“I can feel her right here mother,trust me….please” She muttered

Helena smiled and roughed Amazon’s hair

“Then…I will sleep” she said and Amazon sighed out

“Thanks mother” She said

She watched ad Helena laid down and seconds later she joined her too

“I’m sleeping beside you tonight,I’m afraid you might get up again after my departure” Amazon said and Helena chuckled

She started rubbing her hair slowly till Amazon fell asleep,she also closed her eyes and slept off.


Knight stared at Alpha Wang carefully as he write on the reports he brought,he looked up when Wang sighed for the umpteenth time.

“Can you at least tell me what’s going on?” He demanded

Alpha Wang dropped the pen in his hand and looked up,he was so restless and couldn’t even sleep throughout the night because all he was thinking about is Elsa.

“It’s crazy” Alpha Wang muttered

“What?” Knight asked

Wang called a guard inside and he came in almost immediately while Knight waited patiently for what He’s about doing.

“What’s her name?” He asked Knight and he raised his brows

“Elsa?” He said and Wang faced the guard again

“Report right now to Elsa…..that I summon her over to my chamber tonight” He said

“Yes Alpha” The guard bowed and walked out of the office

“Really? That’s it? Did something happen?” Knight smiled

Alpha Wang smirked and explained everything to him

“Wow,that’s crazy” Knight chuckled

“Let’s see tonight….maybe it’s going to be crazy or not” Alpha Wang muttered and Knight nodded with a smile.


Elsa was just waking up from her afternoon nap after her time with her tutor,she ate and slept off so soundly. Waking up right now,she felt hungry again

At that moment,she heard a knock on the door and she guessed its the maids

“Come in” she said

The door opened and a maid entered

“Good afternoon my lady” she bowed and Elsa smiled at her

“You have been summoned by the alpha to come over to his chamber tonight my lady” The maid said and Elsa’s eyes widened

*what?!! Tell me she’s not lying!!* Rowena screamed in Elsa’s head

“Are you sure about this?” Elsa asked the maid

“Of course my lady”

“Then quickly….inform the old Luna and tell her about it,hurry up” Elsa said

The maid bowed and immediately walked out of the suite

*Our mate wants us tonight!! Finally!!* Rowena continue singing while Elsa waited impatiently for the maid she sent a message but to her surprise,few minutes later,The Old Luna showed up with her maids

“Mother” Elsa called

Seraphina smiled

“I couldn’t resist coming here when I heard the news,and the thing is….you need a total make over” She said

“Huh?” Elsa asked

“Our goal is……making you irresistible for the alpha…tonight” Seraphina winked and gave a sign to the maids

*I love old Luna!!* Rowena screamed

“We shall help you take your bath My lady” The maids bowed

“Oh….okay” Elsa muttered

She could see some maids coming in with a total new dress,wait,what is she going to be doing with all those dresses in her closet?? And now a new one again? Just because the alpha summoned her??



“All done” The maids chorused and Elsa faced the mirror

A gasp escaped her lips immediately,she was changed totally.

The dress she was putting on was only a short mini dress one which covered up to her thighs,it’s an off shoulder,the dressed fitted around her slim figure revealing her tiny segzy waist and glowing skin.

Elsa touched her exposed thighs and smiled inwardly

“I knew it….they made this for you” Seraphina said touching Elsa’s hair which got tangled totally,the long hair dropped on one shoulder.

She was looking like a doll…a segzy one.

“Thank you mother” Elsa muttered and Seraphina nodded

“You’re good to go” She said and Elsa nodded.

“This dress will make things more easier too” Seraphina said and Elsa looked at her

“Make what easier??” She asked

“You will find out soon” Seraphina smirked

“Take her to the alpha’s chamber” She ordered

“Yes Old Luna” The maids chorused and led the way

Elsa smiled at Seraphina once again before following.


Alpha Wang sipped from his wine,he was already sitting in the dinning hall waiting patiently for his so called mate to show up,Adolph was quiet all through.

Soon,a guard showed up

“Lady Elsa is here alpha” he bowed

“Let her in” Wang replied without looking up

The guard bowed again and went out.

A minute later,he started hearing the footsteps,the scent also covered the air and Wang looked up.

The moment his eyes caught with Elsa,his eyes almost popped out of the sockets

*oh lala* Adolph muttered hornily

Alpha Wang stared at Elsa from her head down to her legs then back as she continue walking closer,he could feel his Ďïčk sprang up in his p**t and he was like,not now!!

He grabbed the wine glass and gulped down everything at once,not looking at Elsa again

“You called for me….Alpha” Elsa’s soft tiny voice came and he looked up again

She bowed and then raised her head,their eyes met

“f-__-k” Wang cursed under his breath

He only want them to have dinner together,that’s all!!

*Don’t just sit down there,we are marking her tonight!!* Adolph snapped

Alpha Wang tightened his grip on the glass cup,his eyeballs changed to gold ring color,he was crazily aroused more than he would ever imagine. He knew a day like this would definitely come but never expected it this soon.

Elsa was still standing,waiting for his response,Wang looked up and her eyes connected with his golden eyes and her eyes grew wide

*Rowena what’s that?* she asked

*Mate is in heat Elsa!* Rowena replied excitedly and Elsa gasped

She watched as Alpha Wang got up from his seat and she tried moving back but he caught her almost immediately and grabbed her waist

“Ahh!” Elsa gasped and she was forced to look up into his eyes as his grip tightened around her waist.

“Don’t move” Wang said and Elsa swallowed hard,her heart beating so fast.


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