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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??The Alpha’s Luna Is A segz Freak ??

Solely penned by ✍️
? Author Kelvin Iwuchukwu? ?

Chapter 7?

Logan returns to the brothel in search of Orla. He went straight to her room but the place was locked from the outside, there was no one there.

He quickly called Bart who gave him directions to their leader’s office. As much as he was disgusted to be here, the Alpha had to do it for the sake of his mate.

He followed the directions that Bartholomew had given him and before long, he was standing in a more quiet quarters. The place was clean and silent, even a pin drop could be heard.

The Alpha found a door, it was green like Bart had mentioned. He knocked on it and heard a feminine voice curse him from the inside.

He shook his head and clenched his fist in anger. He was probably getting cursed by a worthless woman, he thought to himself.

The door opened and an angry looking lady opened it, her expression changed when she saw him.

“Oh… Hi,” she muttered and put on a smile immediately.

At the same time, her eyes were exploring his body, she was checking him out. Logan had gone there dressed in an office suit, not like he ever dressed irresponsibly.

The woman on her own side was more properly clothed than the other women he had met while coming here, and he appreciated that.

It was evening and night was coming real fast. The Alpha werewolf had come here directly from his office.

“Are you Susan?” He asked in a plain voice.

She smiled as he mentioned the name. “Yes, Susy for short,” she replied in a bathroom voice.

Logan sighed. “I was directed to you by my friend, he said you are in charge of this women’s quarters,” Logan uttered.

Once again she smiled, more like blushed. “Yes I am, is there a problem sir?” She asked.

The lady seemed to be a few years older than him or the same age as him. There was no doubt that she was in her late thirties, even though she had a fine stature that made her look younger than her age.

“Not exactly, I am looking for one of the girls who work here, her name is Mona,” he reported.

Susan wrinkled her eyebrows and scratched her head. “Mona? There is no one with such a name here, but why don’t you come in first,” she said and ushered him in.

Alpha Logan hesitated for a while and then he walked in. Not like he was scared of her, he could practically tear her apart in a split second.

She closed the door and joined him on the inside. The room was arranged more in the form of an office.

There was a table with two chairs on each side. A small TV on the wall and pictures of the lady hanging on the wall.

Logan wondered why a Brothel would need an office. Not like they did any documentation here, or did they?

“So… why don’t you describe this lady to me, sir,” she said and touched his hand seductively.

Logan withdrew his hand from the table immediately, he stared at her and a yellow color flashed in his eyes; that happens whenever he was angry.

“Average height, curvy, light skinned, red hair, piercing, rings a bell?” He queried.

“Um…. There is no one called Mona here and your description fits about four girls here, I don’t know which one you are referring to,” the lady said while scratching her head.

“Well, she stays in room 28, the one upstairs on the other part of the building,” he added.

If Mona really worked here, he believed it was enough clue to find her.

“Oh,” the lady muttered and the smile on her face was replaced with a frown. “You mean Orla, that arrogant Ɓîtçh,” she spat in disgust.

Logan clenched his fist and restrained himself from hitting this woman. Was she referring to his mate in that manner?

The lady opened a drawer from the office desk and brought out a picture. “Do you mean this lady?” She queried.

Logan recognized her immediately. “Yes, that’s her… Mona,” he muttered and finally smiled.

He tried to take the picture but the lady withdrew it before he could get to it. He groaned and the color thing with his eyes happened again, luckily she didn’t notice it.

“First of all, you can’t have the picture, secondly… her name isn’t Mona, it’s Orla… so she clearly lied to you about that,” she informed him.

For some reason, Alpha Logan was not surprised to find out. He knew werewolves were always careful with their choice of names, it had to relate to their ancestral lineage.

“Alright… I need to see her,” Logan requested.

The lady chuckled and shook her head. “Unfortunately, you are not the first person who has come here looking for her, she had decided to quit this morning, so you can’t find her here,” she replied.

“What? She quit?” Logan asked in surprise.

“Yeah… apparently, she found herself a rich dude yesterday and decided to go on a honeymoon trip with him,” Susan exaggerated and laughed softly.

Logan groaned softly. What was the lady talking about? If she meant him, then which honeymoon was she speaking of?

“I really need to see her, call her for me,” he requested.

“I don’t think you heard me clearly sir, I said she is gone, she no longer works here and I had deleted her contact this morning.

But if you need a beautiful girl, there are a lot of them here, even more segzy and beautiful than her, I could get them for you, as many as you want.” the lady said with a smile.

“I don’t want any other lady, I want Orla alone,” Logan insisted.

She crumpled her face. “Well I am sorry, but you can’t find her here, she quit, never to return.” Susan replied in finality.

She didn’t want to hear about Orla anymore, that girl had betrayed her and she was losing a lot of money because of her.

“Fine, thanks for your help,” Logan muttered sarcastically and stood up.

“Are you sure that you don’t want another girl? There are a few other red haired ladies here with huge booty if you want, think about it,” she offered, but Logan was already walking out of the door.

This was not why he had come here, he wanted to find Orla and he would do anything to get to her.

To be continued!!

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