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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??The Alpha’s Luna Is A segz Freak ??

Solely penned by ✍️
?Author Kelvin Iwuchukwu ??

Strictly 18+??

Chapter 56

Logan paces around impatiently in the waiting room, he had come to the rehabilitation center to see Orla for the first time since she left, it was already two weeks like he had planned and he was really excited to finally be close to her again, even if it was just for a few minutes.

The room was very wide and almost empty aside from the waiting chairs in it, there was a TV on the wall but it wasn’t turned on, the only other electronic stuff there was the light bulb and security cameras; not like he saw what they were protecting.

Surprisingly, he was the only one in the waiting room and it made him wonder if the other patients here didn’t have visitors. Maybe people here didn’t like getting visited or maybe they had no one to visit them.

After the most excruciating five minutes of his life, the door opened and a lady in uniform led Orla into the room. Orla paused the moment she saw Logan, she had just stepped into the room and looked like she had seen a ghost.

The lady in uniform smiled at Logan before walking away, leaving them all alone. Neither of them moved for a few seconds, it was as if they had been rooted to the floor, and then a broad smile appeared on Orla’s face and she took off in his direction.

She screamed as she ran into his awaiting arms in excitement, Logan swept her off her feet like the old times and swung her around happily. She threw her arms around his neck and locked their lips in a hungry kiss immediately.

The kiss went on for two minutes before he broke it and put her down on her feet. “I have missed you so much,” they both said simultaneously.

Then they both smiled and Orla looked down shyly, she was blushing with her cheeks flushed red. “You go first,” she muttered.

“No, you first.” He grinned happily.

“Alright,” she said and looked up with an angry face. “So tell me, why have you not come to see me in two weeks? You said you were going to come every three days, but you didn’t. you lied to me, I thought you had abandoned me here and I cried a lot, they wouldn’t even let me use the phone or contact anyone, how could you?” she yelled and pushed him hard on the chest.

Logan staggered back and smiled, then he came closer to her and out his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. “Did you really think I would just abandon you here? No, I would never leave you, Orla. Staying away for two weeks was just as difficult for me as it was for you, but I had to do it for our own good. The lady in charge said it would be best if we didn’t see or contact each other for a long while. She told me that you will heal faster without me.

Also, she said that if I showed up here in your first week, that you would plead with me to take you back home and I wouldn’t be able to say no, I don’t know why she said so but I just had to trust her.”

“Hmm,” Orla said and rolled her eyes. “Anyway, the lady was right, my first week here was horrible, I thought I was going to lose my mind and I even asked to be let out but they wouldn’t do that without your signature. If you had showed up in the first week, then I would have definitely asked you to take me home, and I would have to go back to my old life.”

Logan smiled on hearing that. “Hmm… you sound really mature, what happened to you?” he asked and she chuckled, and then punched him in the chest.

“Well, a lot has changed in two weeks, Logan.” She said with a smile.

“I can see that for myself, how are you holding up? Are you alright?” he asked with genuine concern in his eyes.

“Yes, I am fine… I believe you are trying to ask about my cravings without hurting my feelings, you don’t have to be so formal with me, do that only with your clothes,” she said and they both laughed.

“Anyway, I am getting better. I mean, I have gained more control over my body and its urges. I mean, except around you, I feel like riding you to the moon and beyond right now,” she joked. “I haven’t done anything segzual for a week and four days but as you can see, I am still alive,” she teased and giggled.

He smiled. “I am glad to see that you are getting better, just two more weeks and we will be back together. I hope you are completely fine by then,” Logan exclaimed in an excited voice.

Orla’s expression changed immediately he said that and she looked down with a solemn face.

“What is wrong?” Logan asked.

“Oh, um… I won’t be coming back in two weeks’ time,” she announced.

“Wait, what? Why?” he asked in a rush

Orla sighed and looked away. “I am sorry Logan, I spoke to the therapist and she said that I would need to stay about ten or fifteen days longer than originally intended if I want to be perfectly over my addiction by the time I leave here, and so I decided to stay. I had my release date postponed,” she said and then turned back to him. “I am sorry Logan, I just don’t want my stay here to be a waste, I have already survived the difficult time, I just need a little more time to heal mentally,” she requested.

“It is okay Orla, you don’t need to worry. I am not mad that you choose to stay longer, in fact I am glad that you made such a choice on your own decision because I would have suggested you do the same if I learnt about it. I am going to come and check on you after another two weeks and then maybe one more time before you are out,” he replied.

Orla waved her head in disapproval. “No Logan, I think that you should not visit till I am out, I don’t want your family getting suspicious about where I have been. They would want to know why you keep visiting instead of bringing me home and they might request to come with you one day, so please let me stay till then.” She requested.

Logan seemed to not like her idea, he wanted to object but he saw the appealing look in her eyes, he couldn’t say no to that. He just had to respect her decision.

“Alright, I am going to miss you a lot but if this is what you want, then no problem.” He said and forced a smile.

“Thank you, now please come and let’s get a seat, my waist hurts already. Tell me everything that has been happening in my absence. Are the servants back? How is Hazel and her handsome boyfriend? Your parents? What did you get for me?” she threw a bunch of questions at him.

Logan smiled and took her hands, and then he led her towards the seats. “Well, I do have a lot to tell you, just tell me when you get bored or tired from listening,” he said and she smiled. “Also, I did get you something very special, but let’s save the best for the last, right?” he asked and grinned from ear to ear.

From the looks of things, this was going to be a very long discussion and reunion for the couple, only if they had that much time. Alpha Logan would eventually have to go back and sadly this time, he won’t see her for another four weeks.

To be continued!!

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