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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??The Alpha’s Luna Is A segz Freak ??

Solely penned by ✍️
?Author Kelvin Iwuchukwu ??

Chapter 51

Logan hurries out to the guards at the main entrance and instructs them to go after Elijah; hopefully they might be able to catch up with him before he gets far from the last gate. If he was still within the walls of the long drive-in, then he would have been stopped at the final gate, but the guards reported that he had left the last gate minutes ago.

Logan kept cursing as he walked out of the computer and CCTV monitor room; he bumped into Hazel who had been following him in anxiety and curiosity.

“Logan, why aren’t you talking to me? Tell me what is wrong,” she pleaded and held his arm.

Logan growled angrily and slid off his arm, he paced from one end to the other and then he headed back for their quarters cursing vehemently.

From how he was cursing, Hazel could tell that he was pissed beyond measure, which means something very serious had happened. She followed him back to their chambers immediately.

“Logan,” she called and he turned around to her angrily.

“I knew it, I said it, and I warned that we shouldn’t trust that vampire, I told you he was the enemy but you wouldn’t listen.” He yelled

“Just tell me what happened already,” Hazel yelled back.

“Oh, you want to know? Well, what happened was that your so-loving boyfriend was a fraud after all, he was a con-artist and he was playing us the whole time, pretending to be the good guy just to get access into our home, then he took off after stealing from us,” he retorted.

“What?” Hazel muttered with wide eyes, “That is impossible, Elijah would never do that,” she replied with doubt in her eyes.

“Well he already did, I had a feeling that this was going to happen, I tried my best to be cautious but it looks like he outsmarted me… d@mn it!!” Logan spat and kicked the wall in frustration.

“What are you talking about?” Hazel asked in disbelief and took a step closer to him. “What did he steal and why do you even think it was him?” she asked.

“Your boyfriend was here as a mercenary and he left here with a very important file; he took the file which contained all the names of our pack members and their movement since the pack was created. Their past and current locations, every single Pack branch and relationship shared, every child born and adopted into the pack.” Logan announced.

“What?” Hazel muttered and muffled her mouth in shock. “No, it is not true, I don’t believe you… Elijah wouldn’t do that, why would he do that?” she queried as tears were already forming in her eyes.

She didn’t want to accept this, she didn’t want to believe it was true, she wouldn’t be able to handle the betrayal. After a very long while, she finally opened up to another man only to be betrayed? No, it can’t be.

“Why would he do it?” Logan asked in sarcasm. “Well, let’s start with the fact that he is a d@mn freaking vampire and it just the way they are, and what he took was vital to them because now they know everything about us, our whereabouts; they are probably going to get prepared to wipe us out next week when the lunar eclipse renders us powerless, they will probably ki|| all of us in cold blood. Do you know why? It is because that is what Vampires do!!” Logan spat.

Hazel rushed back to her room and picked her phone, she knew that this was wrong, Logan was probably accusing Elijah wrongly, he wouldn’t do such a thing to her, would he?

She dialed Elijah’s number immediately but he did not answer it, she tried two more times and then she was informed that the number was no longer able to connect, he had either turned off his phone or blocked her number.

Hazel slumped down on the bed and broke down in tears, her heart was shattered at that moment and even though she still wanted to have faith that the man she loved with everything in her was not the betrayal that Logan was making him to look like, she knew that having hope was useless.

She had been played, not just deceived but her feelings were toyed with. She had not ever suspected that Elijah would do such a thing, based on how they met and his behavior ever since then. Now she understood why he had been urging her to bring him home to their family house, he had planned the whole thing from day one and only needed her trust to implement it.

Logan walked into the room with a sober and solemn face; he was obviously trying to hide his anger in order to console his sister because he knew that she was facing more pain than him right now. Yes, their entire pack was at risk of being eliminated by those bloodsucking nightwalkers, but his sister’s tender and loving heart had been crushed.

Logan walked to her on the bed and consoled her; he gave her a side hug and pulled her closer to him. It was his responsibility to protect her and he failed. Elijah had played a trick on him last night.

First the vampire had made him come outside by getting his attention with footsteps, and then when he had gone to check on his sister, Elijah must have taken the opportunity to go into his room and steal the file.

“It is alright, Hazel… I will find him, and I will make him suffer, I promise,” he said to her.

Hazel couldn’t help but cry in his arms; she was so hurt right now that her heart was bleeding on the inside. What had she done to deserve this? All her relationships had ended terribly and she believed she had finally found the one, only if she knew how wrong she was.

A part of her wanted to watch Elijah suffer for hurting and using her that way, but another side of her wanted Logan to not hurt him, she didn’t want to see him in pain as she was still very much in love with him.

To be continued!!

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