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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??The Alpha’s Luna Is A segz Freak ??

? Solely penned by ✍️
❤️ Author Kelvin Iwuchukwu ??

Chapter 4

After a few minutes of silence, Alpha Logan felt a movement on the bed. Even though his eyes were closed, he could tell that Mona was trying to lie down properly.

He smiled inwards, knowing that his actions had pissed her off. She was not talking to him, so what was he supposed to do?

Maybe she would feel better when she wakes up in the morning, and then… he would talk some sense into her.

Logan knew he had no right to judge her for the life she lived before now, but henceforth, he had a say in her life as her mate, and he was not going to let her ruin it by being a segz worker.

If money was her problem, he would offer her as much money as she wanted and if she needed a job, then he would find her a decent one with his connections, or he could even get her employed in the family business.

Suddenly the sound of movements stopped and the room became quiet, apart from the sound of their breath. Logan believed that she had gone to bed as well, it’s not like there was something else she could do other than sleep.

But the Alpha wolf’s assumption was wrong, she didn’t go to bed, she had other things in mind.

It wasn’t long before he felt her hand climb slowly on top of his body, he was lying on his sides with his back to her, so he couldn’t see her even if he opened his eyes.

He remained quiet, trying to understand what she had in mind. She moved her hand up till it was at his shirt’s buttons and then he felt her body against his back.

He could tell that she was lying right behind him because he felt her pointed Ɲīpplës against his back; they were erect.

He still didn’t blink or make a move as he was confused. Why was she suddenly clinging to him? She was upset with him a minute ago and didn’t even want to hear a word he said.

Now she was hugging him from behind, was this a show of affection or was she just doing her job?

She pushed even closer to him that he was forced to open his eyes, he couldn’t pretend to be asleep anymore but he still didn’t move, he just wanted to observe her further before acting.

Logan soon saw her shadow closing over him and he shut his eyes in pretense again, he knew she was checking to see if he was asleep; or at least, that is what he thought, but he was wrong.

He could hear her breath very close to his ears but he remained still, his eyes were however forced open when he felt her lips on his cheek; he felt these sparkles erupt on his body and his eyes widened in surprise.

“I know you are awake,” she whispered in his ears and his body shivered.

He couldn’t understand what she was doing to him, no woman had ever made him feel the things this lady made him feel with just her lips.

He was forced to lie on his back and look up to her, she was hovering over him with her hands bracketing him and their eyes locked on each other’s.

“Mona… what are you doing?” He asked softly, pretending to be naive.

“Quit the act and make love to me,” she requested, with lust in her voice.

He was surprised by her boldness. He had already paid her so wasn’t she supposed to be happy that he had no interest in f-__-king her.

He had expected her to gladly sleep and pray for dawn to come quickly so that the pay would no longer be relevant. He might not be a regular client to these segz workers but he knew how their business works.

“I understand that I paid to spend the night with you, but It’s alright, you can go to bed, I won’t bother you and you don’t have to return the money,” he replied.

“No,” she said almost immediately.

He looked at her with surprise and she looked away, a look of desire and regret in her eyes. He could sense the emotions coming off her but he could not explain or understand it.

He noticed her groan softly and pulled the bed sheets like she was in some sort of pain. “Please don’t say no, make love to me,” she requested again.

Logan found this surprising, why was she insisting even when he promised not to ask for a refund? Among the mixed emotions in her eyes, he could describe one as desire, she really wanted to do this.

“But… But why?” He queried with a puzzled expression on his face. He couldn’t understand why she was adamant on having segz with him.

Could it be as a result of the mate pull? Maybe she couldn’t fight the urge to be in his arms, to have him in her. But why wasn’t the mate pull affecting him that much as well?

Yes, he felt different with her, a desire to mate as well, but it was something he could resist. Maybe she just wasn’t as strong as him, he was the reason she was feeling this way.

Logan’s question was answered with a kiss to his lips, it had come so suddenly that he didn’t expect it. His whole being vibrated as a sudden surge of electricity flooded his body

The feeling was indescribable. Her lips crushing on his was generating a sudden rush of adrenaline. That was it! He lost his control as his hormones kicked into action.

Without thinking twice, he curled his right arm around her waist and flipped her over. Now he was on top and she was below, they had broken the kiss during the little stunt and she now had her eyes fixed on him.

She was breathing amidst Mõ@ɲs and that alone was a turn on for him. It was like his mind stopped working and his brain was only working in one direction.

He brushed his lips against hers hungrily, while they both struggled to take off each other’s clothes in a hurry. It was strange; one minute they were not talking and the next they were devouring each other’s lips.

Two minutes later, their clothes were all on the floor and Logan was between her thighs with her legs hanging on his firm shoulders, lost in their own little world.

Moans and groans filled the air as he th-ru_st into her, it was not just segz, it was love making, emotions and feelings flowing between the two.

Nobody, who saw them right now would believe that these two had just met each other two hours ago, but that was the thing about creatures and mates, they were not like humans who took forever to get there.
** * * * * * * * * *

Logan yawned tiredly and blinked his eyes twice, trying to get it used to the daylight coming from the window. He was just waking up from sleep after a long crazy night.

He yawned a second time and finally opened his eyes, that scent struck his nose and he smiled, the amazing scent of his mate, she smelled like strawberries.

He turned to his right to see how beautiful she looked in her sleep, but he was shocked to see an empty bed. I mean, apart from him.

He was still unclad apart from the short white underwear on his waist.

He sprang up immediately and looked around but she was not there. He thought she might have gone to use the bathroom and so he got down from the bed.

He walked sluggishly to the bathroom door and knocked, but there was no response. He knocked two more times, just in case she did not hear it the first time, yet no response.

At this point, he decided to push it open. Lo and behold, it was empty!! She wasn’t there either. The Alpha wolf got confused, it was still early in the morning, where could she have gone?

He walked back to the bed and noticed that all of her stuff was gone as well, he looked towards the counter where she had dropped her bag last night but it wasn’t there.

Then his eyes caught something, a note on the counter. Was it there all along or did she keep it there? Well there was only one way to find out.

He crossed to that side of the bed and picked up the note, it wasn’t the only thing there… His one thousand dollars note was also on it.

He was confused, why did she leave the money behind? And where did she even go so early in the morning?

He unfolded the note and it read…

“Hey… Logan Smith right? (Smiles). Thanks for last night, I left your money close by, please don’t come looking for me, find someone else!”

Alpha Logan was confused. Was she crazy? She haves really good segz with him and then she runs away, leaving a note and her pay behind.

Didn’t she say she was doing this for the money, or was she on promo last night?

And if it wasn’t for the money last night, if she did it because of the feelings she had, if she did it because they were mates, why then would she run this morning?

He couldn’t understand her at all. Were all women this complicated?

Well, wh@ťěver her game was, he hoped to find out when he met her again. He was not going to listen to her and stay away and she didn’t have the right to tell him who to be with

He wanted her and he would stop at nothing to get her. The previous night was special, he wanted more of those nights with her, his destined soulmate!!

He was still lost in thoughts when his phone rang, jolting him back to the real world. He found the phone by the bedside locker where he had dropped it the previous night.

He took it immediately, it was Bartholomew calling. “Son of a bitvh,” he muttered a curse before answering the call.

“If it wasn’t for one reason, I would break your arm the moment I set my eyes on you!” He fired almost immediately.

To be continued

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