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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?? The Alpha’s Luna Is A segz Freak??

Solely penned by ✍️
? Author Kelvin Iwuchukwu ??

Strictly 18+??

Chapter 37

Hazel pulls a straw and uses it to sip her drink stylishly; she stares at Elijah and blushes. “You are going to make me choke on this, why are you glaring at me like that?” she asked and giggled.

Elijah smiled. “Well, it is fascinating to watch a pretty lady sip juice, or don’t you think so?” he said in a manly yet melodious voice and Hazel blushed even more.

Even though the man in question was sitting, anyone could tell that he was about 6,2ft and had the most beautiful blue eyes and they were set on Hazel like an eagle targeting its prey; his smile was contagious and simply breathtaking. He had this sharp jawline that every lady would droll and gush over; his black raven hair was dropping right below his neck and glittered under the bright light.

“Stop it already, you are making me shy,” Hazel confessed and stared down. Even for an extroverted werewolf, she couldn’t keep up with the stare down, his eyes were much more intimidating than her glowing yellow eyes.

She couldn’t understand how this man had completely captivated her, was it his enchanting smile? Or his melodious voice? Perhaps his benevolent attitude? The point was that he had won her over entirely and she was handing her heart to him regardless of his species; he was not like the rest of his kind, they were not known to be this soft and caring and that was why they were the most h@ťěd of the creatures.

She could still remember how they had met…
** * * * * * * * * *
She had just been robbed by a random guy in the streets. Now that was not really a big deal for her, she was a werewolf and could have chased down the guy in seconds, but then she would have exposed her identity and the committee of creatures would have fined her family for her actions.

Hazel thought she would have to let go of the bag rather than going after the burglar because she would need to run at an abnormal speed in order to catch up with his bike, from which he had grabbed the bag. But then, this guy ahead jumped into the streets and took down the biker with one big leap.

The guy was Elijah Salvatore, an Italian-American breed of vampire. He had taken the bag from the thug and returned it to her with a smile on his face and an injury on his left elbow, after letting the thug get away on foot.

Hazel was first cautious around him when she perceived that he was a vampire, his kind was only known for mischief so why did he risk his body for her, vampires were usually very selfish. Even though they had agreed to join in the committee guarding creatures, they only looked out for their own kind and were ever ready to fight back if their kind was bullied.

Elijah and Hazel had started off rough, they had exchanged contacts and he had called her later that night. He confessed to having actually been stalking her before the theft happened and said he had been her secret admirer for three months.

Hazel, even though impressed by his actions, still had doubts about him, she didn’t trust him. Why would anyone trust a d@mn vampire? They were sneaky and mischievous. However, with time, she began to like and get comfortable around him, and here now, months later, she had fallen head over heels for him.
** * * * * * * * * *

Hazel chuckled at the thought of the after scene where she had chased down the burglar later at night and given him the beating he deserved.

“So now you find it funny,” Elijah’s voice jolted her out of her own thoughts and she looked up.

“Oh, no… I was actually smiling at something else,” she replied quickly and giggled.

He groaned and huffed. “Wh@ťěver, your pancakes are getting cold, I still don’t get why you order pancakes whenever we come here,” he grumbled.

Hazel giggled. “Well, they make the best pancakes and pancakes are my favorite, so…” she said and paused with a shy smile.

“Hahaha, I see.” He laughed softly and Hazel smiled, she loved it when he smiled; the energy and electricity radiating from his eyes, it was beautiful.

She only wished things were different, if he was one of their kind, then things would have been less complicated between them, but he was from the tribe of the enemy. Werewolves and Vampires were sworn enemies and even though there hadn’t been any conflicts between them lately, they just h@ťěd each other for no reasons.

“So, any luck?” he asked and the smile on Hazel’s face disappeared.

She knew what he was talking about, or rather asking about. For the past one month, Elijah had been asking to get to meet her family, her father in particular. He wanted to move further in their relationship which was really a bold thing for him to do, given that there was almost no chance that her father would consent to it.

The Stewart family had a history with vampires, they were one of the oldest werewolf families and they had lost a few of their members in the Werewolf-Vampire war a century ago. So now their hatred for Vampires had something to fuel it more than the usual heat between the two creatures.

Hazel hesitated with her face down and then she gathered the courage to look up. “Um, no… I haven’t told him yet, I am sorry Elijah but I know my father too well, he would never say yes to me if I told him that I wanted to bring a nightwalker home, he would never accept a vampire as my mate,” she confessed in a sad tone.

Hmm,” Elijah muttered with a solemn expression, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice, but Hazel was a werewolf, she could still feel it coming off him. “It is alright, I just don’t want to waste your time, I don’t want it to feel like I used you if we eventually go different ways, I don’t even want to be away from you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Hazel, I love you,” he said like trying to convince her.

I already know that, Eli… I know that your feelings are real, I can feel it as well, we are just victims of circumstances. I don’t want to be away from you either, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I don’t want this thing between us to be temporary. I love you as well Eli, I really do,” she replied.

“Then tell your dad about us, convince him,” Elijah requested.

Hazel sighed and looked down. “I won’t be able to convince him,” she said sadly and Elijah looked down in disappointment. “But,” she added, and he looked up again with renewed hope and excitement in his eyes.

“But what?” he asked enthusiastically.

“I know someone who can convince him, his favorite child,” she said with a smirk.

Elijah furrowed his eyebrows like he was expecting something else. “Your brother? The Alpha? You want to tell him? What if he refuses?” he asked curiously with fear flickering in his eyes, probably the fear of losing her.

“He won’t, I am his favorite, even though he acts like I piss him off,” she said and giggled. “I am his favorite and he is my father’s favorite, so if I convince him, I am quite sure he can convince my father, that works for us,” she uttered happily.

“Hmm,” Elijah muttered again, “Okay, if you are sure, not like I have a better idea,” he added and smiled.

“Good, I better drink up so we can leave, too bad they don’t serve blood here, so no drink for you,” she teased.

Elijah chuckled. “You know I take wine,” he muttered and they laughed.

To be continued!!

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