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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??The Alpha’s Luna Is A segz Freak ??

Solely penned by ✍️
? Author Kelvin Iwuchukwu ??

This book is strictly 18+ ??

Chapter 29

Orla walked to Logan slowly and he turned away from her, facing the wall like he was avoiding eye contact with her. She took his hand from behind but he still didn’t turn to her, he just kept his gaze locked in the direction of the wall like there was something of interest there.

“Logan, I… I…” she stuttered but he caught her short immediately.

“You want to go? I know, that is what I am saying, lead the way…” he uttered almost immediately.

Orla sighed and hugged him from behind. “Logan, I am really sorry, I don’t know what came over me, I should have never reacted the way I did, at least without hearing your own side of the story first, please forgive me,” she pleaded.

Logan was silent, he was acting like he was there all alone, like he couldn’t hear, feel or see her, and it was really hurting her but she didn’t have a right to be offended, she had brought this upon herself.

Orla hugged him firmer and pressed her body against is back, “Please Logan, I said I am sorry, I know I f-__-ked up, I was just furious when that witch said those words to me, trust me I didn’t believe her at first, I vouched that you would never do such a thing because I believed I knew you too well…”

“Then what happened? Why did you then storm in here, slash me on the face and throw an accusation at me? If you so much believed I wouldn’t do such a thing, why did you act the way you acted? Your actions say different things,” Logan replied and slowly took her hand off him.

Orla walked to his front and tried to caress his face but he resisted by holding her hands and putting them down. “Logan, I can explain… I didn’t believe her until she told me things that only you were supposed to know, how else should I have imagined that she knew about your birthmarks that are hidden on your upper thighs, or even describe your private….” She paused and sighed.

“Logan,” she muttered and looked up at him, “I know I have messed up, I didn’t know that she had breached into your mind space to know those details that she used to get me worked up but that doesn’t justify my actions anyway, I should have given you a chance to explain and defend yourself but I didn’t, please forgive me.” She pleaded in a teary voice.

Logan turned around and walked back to the reading desk, he dropped the car keys and went back to sit on his bed. “I need some space, please let me be alone,” he requested.

“No,” she uttered immediately and rushed to suit by his side. “Please Logan, I wouldn’t be able to have any peace of mind tonight if you don’t forgive me, please don’t push me away, we all make mistakes Logan, I admit mine so please forgive me, tell me that you aren’t mad at me anymore,” she requested in an appealing voice.

Logan sighed and hesitated, and then he turned around to face her. “It is okay, I am not mad at you anymore,” he uttered

“Really?” she asked with a little doubt on her face. “Promise me,” she pleaded with the most beautiful puppy eyes he had ever seen.

“Orla, you know I wouldn’t even be able to stay mad at you for long, but I can’t just pretend like this didn’t happen, you have scarred our relationship today, always bear that in mind because this one is one you,” he replied.

Orla smiled gently and nodded. “I know, and I can’t say sorry enough for that, I just hope we forget this ever happened someday,” she uttered.

Logan nodded. “I hope so too, but for now I need to get some rest, I have work tomorrow,” he said to her and then he began to climb up to the bed to lay down.

“Alright, can I spend the night with you here today, please…? I am scared,” she pleaded with the usual emotional blackmailing eyes, the one she knew he would never say no to.

“I thought you wanted to use the other room,” he asked softly.

“No… I won’t be able to fall asleep on my own, so please let me stay here with you,” she replied in a pleading tone.

Logan groaned and looked away, and then he sighed in defeat. “Fine, you can stay here,” he replied reluctantly before getting himself tucked into the blanket.

Orla smiled happily and jumped under the blanket beside him but he turned the other way, she shook her head with a chuckle and faced the same direction as him, but behind him.

“How was work today?’ she asked softly, trying to start a discussion with him.

“Stressful as you can see, that is why I am trying to get some rest,” he replied with the aim of pushing her away.

“Oh, sorry about that… is there something I could do to make it better?” she asked with a flirty tone, obviously aimed at arousing him.

“I think it is a little too late for that,” he replied and cuddled the blanket to his chest.

Orla didn’t relent or give up, she pushed closer to him and cuddled him from behind, wrapping her arms across his body and pressing her body against his own.

Logan didn’t fight it or resist at first, he just let her do as she pleased like he didn’t care about it, then she went ahead to find a way into his shirt with her hands, rubbing her left palm on his chest and abs, he just groaned but didn’t stop her yet.

Orla didn’t stop there, she knew what she was aiming for, she wanted to initiate intimacy between them tonight, there was no way he would stay mad at her after segz so she thought it was the best thing to do right now.

She slowly massaged his abs and chest and then she slowly went down for his pants, the waistband was made of an elastic material so it didn’t take her long to get into his pants, but just then Logan caught hold of her hand and slowly pulled it off.

“Please Orla, I am tired, I need to get some sleep, let’s do this some other day,” he protested.

Orla sighed and then she let go, she knew it would be foolish to persist, she might end up pissing him off and so she chose to let go. She was sad about it but she hoped that he would be fine in the morning.

To be continued!!

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