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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??The Alpha’sLuna Is A segz Freak ??

Solely penned by ✍️
? Author Kelvin Iwuchukwu ??

This story is strictly 18+??

Chapter 28

Logan stood there dumbfounded, staring at her. He was both happy and sad with the way she was reacting to the information she had gotten. He was happy because now he was assured that she loved him a lot, why else would she get so hurt and jealous by the news of him being intimate with another person?

But then on the other hand, he was sad because she didn’t trust him enough to know that he wouldn’t do such a thing, she had openly thrown the accusation at his face and believed what the witch had to say without hearing from him first, she had jumped to conclusion without caring to hear his own side of the story.

“Why are you so quiet?” Orla yelled, “You are surprised, aren’t you? You didn’t think I would ever find out about your little fun night with that old hag, tell me Logan, did you do it because you found her so attractive that you wanted to f-__-k her so badly, was she that hot that you couldn’t resist?

In fact, you know what? I don’t want to know!! Just take me back to where you found me, I want to go home so just take me away from here, I can’t stay with a liar and a cheat!!” she screamed.

Logan sighed and stepped backwards; he sat on the edges of the bed and looked up at her. “Is this what you want?” he asked softly.

“Yes, take me back home immediately or I would leave on my own, and if you have any respect left for me, then you won’t try to stop me,” she replied while trying to fight back the tears.

Logan closed his eyes and took a deep breath in and then he let it out, he was trying to stay calm in this situation, the Alpha looked up to her again and this time he wore a serious face. “I will take you back to your house if it is what you want, but before then… why don’t you know the full truth, come,” he said to her softly.

Orla didn’t move from the spot, she just stared at him from the door with her hands folded. “You didn’t tell me the truth all this while so why should I even listen to anything you say now, why should I believe you?” she queried.

“Because I don’t intend to tell you anything, I intend to show you… I am going to let you into my mind so that you can see for yourself, why not visit the memory yourself and find out what really happened,” Logan offered.

The expression on Orla’s face changed immediately, perhaps she was not expecting him to let her into his mind, especially when she was certain that he had lied to her, when she believed that Susan was telling the truth… What could he possibly show her to defend himself?

“Come on Orla, at least have some trust in me… I won’t bite you while you are in my mind, you will be in complete control of everything and you can find the truth you are seeking down there,” he uttered.

“I already know the truth and anything you would show me now would be just a confirmation, if you think you can somehow manipulate your mind to show me something else then you should better rethink, I know my way around memories and I have good experience at it so you wouldn’t be able to deceive me if you tried,” she muttered back.

Logan felt hurt to hear those words. Was that what she really thought of him? She felt he was going to manipulate the mind reading to fool her? When did her standards of him go down that much? Honestly, he was hurt by those words but he chose not to show it.

“So why are you hesitating? Why not come and clear your doubts once and for all?” Logan offered and then he bent his neck and turned his face downwards.

Orla walked reluctantly to him and stood beside him, she took a deep breath in and then she extracted her claws immediately. Logan closed his eyes as he expected the pain that accompanied the process, he knew what he had signed up for and he was ready for it.

Orla hesitated a bit before she curved her fingers and dug them into Logan’s neck from behind, the Alpha gasped and groaned in pain and then his eyes turned red, Orla’s eyes glowed yellow immediately.

She was dragged in by a force of wind and she found herself in a very large white space, she knew she was in his mind mentally but their bodies were still out there half-conscious in his room; she just needed to find the right scene. She imagined Susan’s presence and all the scenes between Logan and Susan began to come up as she found herself shifting from one to the other.

It didn’t take long before she found the scene she was looking for because there were just a few memories that had to do with Susan. In fact Logan had only met her two times in his life and they were both after he met Orla.

Orla found herself in Susan’s office as she watched everything that had happened between them from Logan’s point of view. She got to the point where Logan jacked Susan and put her on the table and she furrowed her face, she didn’t want to watch anymore, she already knew that this was what happened, Susan was telling the truth so why did Logan let her in here again?

Obviously, he was trying to hurt her the most, she thought. Orla turned and was about to leave in disappointment when she heard a scream, it was Susan. She turned back and watched as Logan had driven his claws into her neck in order to access her memory but he had left a door in his mind open that gave the witch the opportunity to piggyback in his own head.

Orla gasped and covered her mouth, it felt like her heart had stopped beating. What had she done? She had blindly accused Logan without caring to hear his own side of the story. Susan was only able to learn the things she learnt about Logan because she got in his head as well for a few seconds, not because Logan had told her while riding her to the moon like she had claimed.

Orla was very embarrassed with herself, as per the old law guarding the creatures; one species was not allowed to use their abilities on another without their consent. Even though no one enforced those laws these days, Logan had still gone against the principles and rules that he was trained with, just to find her and all she could do to pay him back was accuse him without good evidence.

Orla watched Susan curse Logan as he stormed out of her office and then the scene vanished, she gasped and opened her eyes in the real world and then she pulled her claws off his neck and stepped backwards.

Logan was already bleeding from the neck and nose, she had spent too long in his mind and must have broken some tissues medically as well, but he wasn’t bothered, it would heal in a little while. The Alpha just stood up and grabbed some tissue paper from his cupboard to clean the black blood.

“So can I take you home now?” he asked softly and picked his keys from the reading desk before turning to face Orla. She had a guilty expression on her face as she stared at him.

To be continued!!

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