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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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??The Alpha’s Luna Is A segz Freak ??

Solely penned by ✍️
? Author Kelvin Iwuchukwu ??

This book is strictly 18+ ??

Chapter 27

Logan sat in his study room, trying to get some work done. The room was just at one end of his bedroom, it was like a mini library but it was hidden away and concealed in the disguise of an old wardrobe which was no longer of use.

The yellow bulb in the room illuminated a poor light but bright enough for him to see through, not like he even needed light to see, he was a creature of the night, with eyes that glow red in the darkness like that of the devil.

Logan thought of running out into the woods tonight, he had not shifted in a very long while and his wolf was getting pissed about it. The animal would not stop howling in his head, begging to be let out.

The werewolf creatures were slowly going into extinction because the majority of them spellbound their powers in order to live a normal life like humans, they had to blend in, in order to mate with humans. Only a few of them could trust their human mates with their identities but those who wouldn’t risk losing the humans they fell in love with, were forced to get rid of their powers in order to be with the ones they love.

Logan was one of those men who never intended to get rid of his abilities, he knew that he might not find a female werewolf to marry in future but he would rather be single than destroy his identity and family’s legacy.

Once a werewolf becomes human, they lose everything that makes them up and feel incomplete for the rest of their goddamn awful lives. There is a hole created in their heart that can never be filed by anything, not love, not food, not segzual pleasure, not even peace of mind… an everlasting hole that remains with them for the few years they have left.

Yes, werewolves at their best were able to live for centuries, but when they give up this immortality, they age just like regular humans and die when they are old.

Logan’s attention was called up by a knock at the door, he looked up and smiled immediately; it was Orla!! Yes, he knew that it was her… he could literally smell her from across the room, she was at the door.

Logan was glad that she had changed her mind, he didn’t know what was really wrong with her but he was glad that she had finally come around and wanted to see him. He jumped up from the reading chair and rushed out of the secret room, forgetting to close the secret door behind.

He was excited that she had changed her mind, he had not been himself ever since she rejected his request to spend the night together because he knew that there was something else to her rejection; there was something bothering her which he was not aware of.

As Logan got to the door and touched the handle, he paused immediately; something was wrong, it wasn’t about the person… he was certain that it was Orla, he could hear her heartbeat and he could sense her emotion… that was what was wrong!!

Orla had left here feeling bad about something he guessed, but now she wasn’t just feeling bad, she was angry and infuriated. In fact, her anger was as hot as a furnace ready to combust and he wondered what had gone wrong. The excitement on his face disappeared and he opened the door slowly.

Logan came to face her on the other side with a stern expression on her face, her eyes were glowing yellow and he knew what that meant, she was about to shift form, she was transforming into her wolf side.

“Orla, are you okay?” he asked immediately.

The full moon was still weeks away so Logan knew that she wasn’t under the influence of the werewolf moon, she was pissed about something else and it was making her lose her mind.

“Why did you do it?” she asked amidst gritted teeth; her canines had elongated and her ears were gradually straightening like that of a rabbit.

“Okay, you are blowing up… calm down Orla, there are humans here, let’s talk this out calmly,” Logan muttered with hands up to pacify her.

“Don’t ask me to calm down,” she growled and slapped him across the face. “How dare you!!” she burst out and pushed him hard on the chest, making him stagger backwards, and then she walked in.

Logan regained his balance and touched his cheeks, it was bleeding from four scars, he then stared at her fingers and noticed that her claws were out, she had scratched him with them. He stared at the blood on his fingers and his wolf howled in his head, itching to be let out.

Logan closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, and then he let it out. “I don’t know what has gotten over you but if you think hitting me will make you feel better, then go ahead with it, Orla… go on and hit me, scratch and bite me, I wouldn’t stop you,” he muttered softly and opened his eyes.

Orla rushed at him with her claws in the air, she was going to slash him on the throat but then she paused and broke down in tears, Logan caught her in his arms immediately and pulled her to his chest.

“Why Logan why?” she cried while hitting him gently on the chest.

“It is alright, just let it out,” he said softly and hugged her while soothing her hair like that of a baby.

She cried on his chest for a while and then she pushed him away. “You slept with that hag, why? Were you that desperate to find me or did you just enjoy doing it? Don’t tell me you had no other choice, you are an Alpha, there are a million other ways you could have found me!!” she yelled in tears.

Logan froze immediately he heard that. “What?” he muttered in disbelief, and then it all dawned on him, the reason why she was mad, he didn’t need her to explain further, he knew exactly what had happened; the hag had called her, she had told her!!

To be continued!!

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