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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE ALPHA’S DOOM MATE – Episode 8 & 9

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Subtitle : (Cursed by the gods…….)


TAGS: Werewolves, Vampire, supernatural, Dark Romance, Ill-fated.







“You will regret this” Phoenix mumbled crawling back and that got Ameera cracked into laughter.

“Regret? No one cares you know, if I ki|| you, your dead body will only rot away” she said and that got Phoenix scoffed unbelievably “Why so wicked? I never wanted to be here but then I have to suffer because I’m here” she uttered and Ameera huffed.

“Enough of chit chat, say goodbye already” she raised the knife to stab her to death but she found her hand hanging in air which surprises Phoenix and the next thing us a heavy force pushed her away..

“What the hell?” Phoenix mumbled as Olcan walked up to her but his sparkling green eyeball got her wowed exactly like the wolf she encountered as the jungle back then.

“Why can’t you save yourself?” He asked and pulled her up. Her gaze moved to Ameera who groaned trying to regained herself from the heavy push.

Olcan look at her also briefly but didn’t say a word.
“Come with me” he told Phoenix and she did without them glancing back at Ameera.

She sat at the edge of the bed and hissed at the pain of her leg, her eyes moved to Olcan who looks unbothered.

“You dragged me here, must I get ki||ed because of it?” she asked almost yelling but he responded nothing.

“Let me go, It’s so obvious that your people h@ťě me, your mother, this random girl, almost everyone don’t want me so why am I still here?!” her voice become louder than before and that is when Olcan turned to her.

“And I never said I don’t want you, I’m so interested in you” Phoenix couldn’t help but scoffed as he said that.

“And why are you interested in me?” She groaned and he shrugged.

“You don’t have to know, the maids will be here soon to escort you to where will be your bedroom” he told her and in no moment, the door to his chamber opened as two maids entered and bowed politely.

“Alpha” they chorused and Phoenix’s eyes moved to them in surprise, how did he summons them?” She thought and Alpha decided to answer her thought.

“Because we are gifted” he told her,
“You should follow them, they will escort you to your chamber” he said and Phoenix is totally speechless, she stood up slowly and follow them quietly out of the room.

They made their way to a different chamber entirely which is like five rooms distance from the Alpha’s chamber.

“We will be at your service, Luna” they both choruses with a bow.
Phoenix look around the chamber totally Different from where she comes from,
She sighed and sat quietly on the bed, staring at the bed without making a sound,

“How did I ended up here? just how?? I never dreamed of my twenty- five birthday to be like this, I only want A happy life with my people. I missed my mother, Camila, but I’m just stucked here” the next thing we heard is her sobs.

The maids didn’t know what to say, when they realized her sobs is becoming too much, they had to move closer to her.

“Luna” they stood in front of her trying to comfort her.

“If you are not here, our Alpha will be lonely, he needs you as his mate” one of them said but Phoenix shook her head vigorously, still in tears.

“I don’t want to here! I don’t want to!” She snapped back in anger and they choose to remains silent instead.


Ameera coughed out as she tried to heal herself from the inner hit she got from the Alpha.
“My lady, I told you it’s dangerous, what do you think will happen if your parents heard what happened tonight?” She said and helped her out of her disguised outfit.

“Why did he saved her? Why did he care about him? Why???” She growled in anger but Daisy, shook her head.

“You shouldn’t be doing this to yourself my lady” She said but Ameera shook her head
“No way, I won’t let the wedding happen!”….


Alpha keeps a straight face as the elders in the hall speaks but he didn’t respond to any of the issue as they were expecting him to say something about it.

“Last night…” he started
“Someone tried to ki|| my mate” his words seems cool but held a lot of anger and coldness.

“||??” Elder Humbert and some elders shuttered but when Alpha’s gaze moved to Elder Guan, his heart skipped twice but he looked away.

“If anyone tries to hurt what is mine, I won’t be sure the person who see the next day sun” he stood up and folded his arms behind him.

“Tonight, we will have the coupled night, prepare all rituals to be followed” he said and walked away. The elders look at one another still whispering about what Alpha said about his mate.

Who would tried do such a thing??


“Camila, are you okay?” She finally opened her eyes after being unconsciously for a whole day.

She turned to look at her grandpa and she furrowed “what…what happened?” She asked and her grandpa sighed “I told you not to go alone to the Goodness riverside alone” he scolded while Camila tries to remember exactly what is wrong or going on with her.

“I can’t really remember what happened? How did I ended up here?” She asked trying to remember exactly what happened but nothing is coming.


The red moon stood alone on the sky and the people bowed worshipping and reciting some chants as everyone in the Kingdom echoed the chants and as they chants, the red moon grew bigger and bigger.

Phoenix almost become scared of the chanting she is hearing from outside the war.

“Luna” she turned to one of her maids named Mira who entered.

“Mira, what is going on? Why the loud noise?” She asked and Mira bowed.
“It’s your wedding, Luna” she said and Phoenix scoffed, “my wedding?” She asked, it’s really happening! This is becoming reality to her.

“Luna?” Mira called back her attention seems she zoned out.
“It’s happening!” She mumbled almost falling but Mira held her quickly.

“Luna” Livia, her second maid entered and was surprised to see her the way she is.
“We need to dress you up, it will soon be time for the wedding rituals” Livia informed her and Mira assisted her to the edge of the bed.

“We should dress her up” Mira said and they started but Phoenix said nothing but just stare in space as they started dressing her up.


“Alpha, it will soon be time” Lucian entered into his chamber as he is already dressed up but just stood in front of the trail of his chamber, where he can view everything that is going on in the Palace.

“What about her?” He asked turning back and Lucian nodded.

“She is the fire princess of the Arizona kingdom” that rings a bell quickly in his head.
“Fire princess? Arizona?” he questioned and Lucian nodded.

“d@mn! I thought there is no survival of what happened from what my mother told me” he said and Lucian nodded.

“I found out this necklace in the house and I remember the same from the one I saw in the history book connected to the Arizona kingdom and that is how I found out, her mother escaped while in her pregnancy” he told him and he scoffed.

“This is really crazy, but why did the gods picked her? The last time I checked both kingdom have always been enemies for 15years” he thought and Lucian shrugged, no one knows.

“Alpha, it’s time for the rituals”’ one of the maids came to informed him.
“Alright” he replied.
“We need to go” Lucian told him and he sighed.

Why did the gods choose her mate to be the fire princess? Why not ordinary human as it has always been?

He got to the hall and brace himself up, he walked up to the alter set apart for them as the people stopped the chanting, now bowing before their Alpha. “Now let’s the Luna come in” one of the elder announced.

Phoenix was escorted by Mira and Livia as she is dressed up in a long red gown, her long hair has been styled and curled.

The whole place become silent as she made her way to the alter to stand beside Olcan. Olcan was mesmerized by her new look, she look more different now, like one the goodness that had existed in their Kingdom before.

After she got to where Olcan is, they both stood beside each other. The entrance of the Alpha’s mother got the people bowed as a way of respecting her.

Soon, the coupled night rites began.

Lucian as the Beta of the wolves kingdom was asked to dip his hand on the blue water placed on the table and mark it on both the couples head, the Alpha’s mother also did that.

Phoenix mind is really going insane as the whole rites is going on, she can’t still believe she is becoming part of the wolves kingdom or even become the Queen. How did she ended up here?

Olcan looked at her with the corner of his eyes and couldn’t believe she is the fire princess of the Arizona kingdom.

Is it like she isn’t aware or not? And why is she the chosen one for him?

“It’s time” one of the elders said and everyone stood up, this is the the special part of the rites. The people started the chanting again but makes sure their voice is not loud like the earlier.

The red moon shine more brighter and bigger, some people started transforming into their real shapes which kinda shocked Phoenix. What is going on?

The elder picked up a knife and hand it over to Alpha while Phoenix blinks her eyes of what the knife will be use for.
“It’s time for the Oath” they announced and Phoenix was asked to face Olcan which she did.

“Your right hand” he requested but she refused at first, which made some people whisper not until Olcan called her name. “Phoenix” he called calmly and she finally stretched forth her hand to him.
She is yet to understand why all this is necessary?

He cut her hand slightly with the knife just for blood to come out and that is it, she gasped at the pain that ran through her body.

“$h|t!” She cussed and her blood was dripping inside a bowl, Olcan handed the knife to her, it’s her turn. He gave her his hand and Phoenix breath in, ready to do the same thing but an heavy wind blew from nowhere scattering things. In the cause the knife hurt Phoenix cut again which made her groaned.

“What is going on?” People started to murmured as the elders and Olcan are trying to find out what is going on but Alpha found out already.

“Luring vampire is here for her but no way” he grabbed Phoenix’s other hand tightly but her eyes glued to the blood that ooze out of her hand which started making something in her to awake.

A fire started attacking the palace that the people transformed into shapes to fight against wh@ťěver that is coming.

Olcan felt something different like a powerful aura skin lingering around him.
He turned to Phoenix and was so surprised to see her eyeball changed to red.

“No way, Phoenix” he called her name but she seems far from here.
“Phoenix” he called and just like a magic, a fire formation formed at the entrance of the hall entrance which shocked everyone. The heavy winds die down and everything calmed as the fire formation blocks anything thing that tries to attack the palace.

Olcan seems shocked too but no one should find out, she formed the formation, he have to stop her.

The Alpha’s mother seems shocked just like everyone else in the hall.
She seems to recognized the power,
“No way” she looked around the hall, to recognized where the power come from. Her eyes landed on Alpha, the moment he covered Phoenix’s face and called her name, the formation breaks.

And the next thing is she passed out….

TBC🔥🔥🔥ọmọ this is serious and hot
What do you think??? Phoenix is not natural at all

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