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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Subtitle : (Cursed by the gods…….)


TAGS: Werewolves, Vampire, supernatural, Dark Romance, Ill-fated.








“She is still breathing right?” The elders moved closer to Phoenix’s mother, checking if she is still alive or not as Layzal dropped her on the ground.

“Where is Phoenix?” Camila asked Layzal pulling his collar but Layzal moved her hand away and shook his head.
“What do you mean? You should save her too!” She shouted in tears as she watched the house burned down completely.

“She is celebrating her birthday today she can’t die! You should save her too!” She screamed at the top of her voice as her knees become wobble and weak.

“My Queen” Edgardo shouted and rushed up to where Phoenix’s mother was laid down.
“What happened to her? What…” he turned back to look at the house burning down.

“Someone should tell me what freaking happened!” he snapped checking Phoenix’s mother but shook his head when he realized she is no more breathing.
“No way, this can’t be happening!” Pulling her closer to his body, he sobbed.

“Where is Phoenix?” He look around asking them but they were unable to answer. His eyes moved to Camila but she only sobbed shaking her head vigorously.

“No…no! This is not happening! I made a promise to my king! I promise to protect them! My Queen” he sobbed tapping her, hoping she will open her eyes but her body looked cold already.

Layzal walked away from the scene and stopped walking immediately he reached the village river. He groaned and fisted his bump in anger.

“How come she is nowhere to be found in the room?” He thought but no answer to his question.
“The fire doesn’t looks natural and by the way, there is a different aura in the room, what is that?” Bending down, he thought clicking his hand together.

His mind suddenly flashed to what happened at the jungle……..


He knew she was following him but hide from her. When he sensed that she was in trouble. He looked for her and on gotten to the scene. He saw something different in her at the moment she watched her made eyes contact with the wolf.

He watched her from afar as her eyeball changes to red, he was quite surprised. He saved her from the wolf though and made her passed out.

Since then, he had been interested to know who she is exactly.


“What is about that girl?” He sighed and finally stood up but stopped as his memory clicked at what Edgardo called Phoenix’s mother.



“She is the choosen one?” Lucian asked and Olcan only nodded while his eyes glued to her.

“Why did she look so untidy? Don’t tell me she a beggar?” Olcan scoffed and eyed Lucian and he kept muted instantly but not for long as he speaks up again.

“What is that aura coming from her?” He asked and Olcan nodded.
“I thought I’m the only one that noticed, I saved her from dying tonight but something definitely seems off about her” Olcan said and pulled the scanting hair from her face.

“What is that?” Lucian asked and Olcan stood up walking to the trail, his eyes roamed around the kingdom he has been ruling for 5 years,so calm and peaceful.

“My first encounter with her, there is something in her eyes. She seems so scared of me but something in her is powerful that I can’t placed my hand upon until a random person saved her, those vampire luring around” he said but Lucian looks totally lost of his speech.

“My mate is supposed to be an ordinary human right?” He turned to Lucian and he nodded Immediately.
“I need to….” His speech was cut short with the opening of the door widely and His Mother walked in with her maids.

“Olcan?” She called and her eyes moved to Phoenix who was still on the bed unconscious.

“Why…did she look so dirty? Is she a pig? You can’t tell me she is your mate?” She scrunched her face in a sternly way but Olcan scoffed and walked away from the trail to her mother.

“She is the one” her mother scoffed and take a look at her again.
“Your mate? Are you sure she is the chosen one?” She asked again but Olcan didn’t bother to answer.

“When she wakes up, they will dress her up” He said and his mother rolled her eyes.
“I don’t like her” Olcan said nothing as she mumbled that. He only stare down at her face.

“By the ways, the elders are requesting for your presence in the hall” she informed him but he only nodded still fixing his gaze on Phoenix.

“She is awake” He said and before anyone could blink. Phoenix sprang up shouting her mother’s name.
“Mom” she breathe out like someone who ran a race.

She looked around balefully, her gaze moved from Olcan’s mother to Lucian then to Olcan.

“Who are you?” She asked in a low voice while Olcan’s mother only scoffed.
Olcan only keep mute and watch but immediately she remember she is supposed to meet Layzal to celebrate her birthday. She sprang down from the bed surprising everyone.

“Who are you people? What did you do to me? Where is my mother? Wait, you kidnapped me?” She ranted but no one said a words.

“She even acts crazy, I will leave you to handle her” with that Olcan’s mother left.
Lucian shook his head at how weird Phoenix looks.

“You can’t remember what happened?” Olcan asked but she only scratched her head trying to remember what exactly happened or how she got here but nothing is coming up.

“What have you done to me? Who are you people? What have you done to me?” She yelled and her eyes moved to the sword beside Olcan’s bed.

She pulled it out and poiny it at him.
Lucian scoffed and was about to move closer to her but Olcan stopped him.
“Let her be” he told him and Lucian scoffed.

“I will just leave you to handle her” he said politely and walked away as well.
Phoenix hold firm the sword tightly not like she has ever held one before but she just need to save herself from wh@ťěver is coming.

“What is your name?” Olcan asked calmly with his hand rested behind him. Phoenix looks kinda surprised at how calm he is, despite her holding sword towards him.
“What is he?” She thought but Olcan scoffed.

Obviously, he can read her thoughts but he only chose to remain silent.

“I’m not going to tell you my name, tell me how I ended up here? Where are my people?” She asked instead and that is when Olcan take a step closer to her but unconsciously and because of the fear within her, she moved back.

“I will love to admit to you that you are not going to see your people again and that you belong here now” he said and she shook her head and draw the sword up his neck.

“I don’t belong here!” She snapped, Olcan become impatient as he needs to attend the elders meetings.
“I don’t have all time” Phoenix almost pass out immediately the sword left her hand itself and return back to its position.

“Next time, touching that sword will hurt you” But She is far from wh@ťěver he is saying.

“what…what are…are you?” Her eyelashes blinks on their own as she mumbled.

“I’m your husband and you are my wife”……

AWWNN 🤭 but it will be so hard for olcan o because our baby has who she love already and she is stubborn too
Oya what is your thoughts??

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