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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Subtitle : (Cursed by the gods…….)


TAGS: Werewolves, Vampire, supernatural, Dark Romance, Ill-fated.






💙(THE TRUE LUNA 🔥….) 💙

“You are saying the Alpha’water can save her?” Camila was the first to ask immediately Lucian read what he found in the Arizona book.

“Atticus, is it true?” Olcan turned to Atticus instead, Atticus sighed and look at Phoenix who is lying on the bed unconscious, the more the sword stays in her body, the more lifeless she will become till she die…. Atticus fisted his palm and look at Camila, her sad expression, he had promised her he will bring her back.

“Yes” He kindly reply Olcan and his face lit instantly “then what are we waiting for?” He said but Alpha’s Mother stopped them.
“You can’t….. she is not part of us” Olcan scoffed and turned to carry Phoenix instead yet Alpha’s Mother isn’t backing by blocking them.

“Olcan! Listen to me! She is only going to die!”
“I will do anything to save her” Atticus spoke up this time “Really? You really think you can? Or if you are going to lay your life instead of her to save her” everyone is shocked by this.

“What? What are you talking about? Why will he do that?” Camila moved forward,
“mother, what are you trying to say exactly? I need to save her! She is f-__-king dying!” Olcan yelled out of frustration ad she looked at Atticus.

“The gods won’t save her because she is not part of us instead they will take her instead, so what do you wanna do River gods huh?” She asked Atticus and He smirked “I have the power of the rivers… leave it to me, all I know is I’m going to save her” Atticus still stand on his ground.

They got to the river and of course, the Packs are also there including the Alpha’s Mother… Phoenix was placed on the ground by the river side while Atticus asked the rest including Olcan to move back. He made Phoenix lay down on her tummy and started by summoning the other gods by chanting his strange words, he did the first time but he failed, he kept trying until the third but what they got in returned is a heavy wind.. Olcan heart skipped, Won’t they help him? Is she going to die?

Different thoughts found their way into his mind including Camila who looks so nervous.

“You can take my powers, Please save her, Make her live as the mate of the Alpha” Atticus cried out which amazed others, Even Camila… did he just say that? No….

Her eyes widened the necklace on her neck sparkle blue same goes to the one on his neck.
“Atticus! No!” She shouted but it’s late…the necklace disappeared and Phoenix’s cough amazed everyone, which means he was able to save her.

Olcan ran up to Phoenix instantly,
“Phoenix” he called and she looked at him feebly “Olcan” she mumbled, he hugged her to his chest.

Atticus fisted his palm, he lost his power already. He is no longer the river gods..
“Atticus?” Camila called shakily hugging him and he hugged her to himself “I saved her already, I don’t want you to cry” he said but she shook her head “But…but you lost your power, the necklace disappeared” she sobbed but he smirked” it’s fine” he said but deep down, it’s not…

Olcan carried her in his arms and started walking away, he is quite surprised when the Packs started bowing down hail Phoenix as the true Luna. They recognized her now as the Luna, including the Alpha’s Mother, Ameera scoffed asiko when they see the sign on her head
“She really is” She mumbled.


“Here comes the Luna” the door of the hall opened and she walked in majestically in her red long gown with Livia and right beside her, she got to the altar beside Olcan how dressed in his black robe dresses also.

He smile at her and she smile under her veil, “we shall start the ritual” the priest started by placing a bowl in front of them and they did the rituals.

Their blood were mixed inside the one bowl and the everyone awaits for the results. The blood mixed up by itself in the bowl and the next is a white dove came out of the the bowl. Phoenix seems confused at first of what White dove means until everyone scream out in joy.

“She is the true Luna!” They exclaimed in joy.

Olcan turned to Phoenix smiling, “I told you, you were made to be mine” He told her, Phoenix surprises everyone by hugging him tightly.
“Thank you for staying by my side, for everything”


“Camila?” Atticus scoffed but she didn’t stopped and she isn’t ready to back down from pleading every day besides the river for the gods to return his power, he had warned her several times but she is stubborn.

He stomped up to her and pulled her up “Are you dumb? I told you to stop this!” He shouted but she snapped his hand away,
“No, I won’t! Why are they wicked? You are the river god, you can’t lose your power because of us” She mumbled the last part with tears forming in her eyes already which softened his heart.

“I don’t care, as long as I have you with me, if not for you, I won’t be here…you saved me” he told her but she shook her head “ but your powers…you fought for it, They should return it” she sobbed and that made him pulled her closer to his chest.

“I don’t like it when you cry, Camila. Please just stop” but she couldn’t, her heart is heavy. They stayed like that for awhile but suddenly, the necklace appeared on her neck “Atticus?” She pulled back and her eyes met with the same necklace on his neck, he also seems surprised” they returned it” he mumbled, a wide smile spread on Camila’s lips.

“They answered my prayers, they returned it!” She Exclaimed in joy, Atticus chuckled and hug her again ”Thank you so much”.


THE END✨🔥🔥🔥🔥

©® Precious Ifeoluwa

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