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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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By the time I open my eyes, I stare at two form standing right outside the shrine, I could tell one of them was Thanatos but the other, he looks familiar but yet strangely different

” Telling her now will definitely lessen my problems ”

” Could this be why you choose to send her letters?” Thanatos voice has a hint of anger ” you do know how dangerous forest of knowledge is!!!”

” She is capable of it ”

” Chloe has a heart sickness” he growl ” one mistake and she might die ”

” Don’t you think you’re underestimating her?” He step closer to Thanatos “I blessed her but what did you do? You use your magic to hide it once more ”

” It is not time ”

” Lord Thanatos, you can’t keep hiding her forever ” I look closer and realized it’s clifor ” hades will come for Chloe ”

” He has no right to her ”

” You know fully well who Chloe is ”

” He disowned and even cursed her ” Thanatos turn to my direction, I swiftly close my eyes ” Chloe doesn’t deserve just level of hatred from her own father”

” Keeping her in the dark won’t help issues ”

” All this will end if he just ki|| her right?” Asmodeus walk into the shrine and it was at that moment I decided to end this act, I mean why are they all talking about my life and am not allowed to participate.

” What’s the meaning of all these?” I sit up and three of them look at me ” can someone tell me why I was cursed and disowned!” Growling, Asmodeus and clifor both pointed towards Thanatos who look at me with furrow brows…. His hair, it’s already half white, half black with dark eyes.

” You’re awake?”

I stood up ” indeed and what’s all these about, I thought clifor was to be feared, why are you speaking so casually to him ”

” Hmm” was all the reply I got from Thanatos

” Asmodeus, will you tell me what’s going on?”

” Sorry chloe ” he run his hands through his hair ” that’s not my position ”

” Clifor?”

” Pardon me milady, they are certain things that I can’t simply do” he mumble calmly ” you might be my master but lord Thanatos is the master to all ” my gaze move back to stare at Thanatos who’s gaze have not leave my body even for a minute

” Excuse us ” the moment he said that, they both vanish out of sight and he looks at me, walk close and touch my face ” are you okay? You look tired ”

” Am fine, but …..”

He lift his finger to his lips, cutting me off ” you shouldn’t say unnecessary things ”

” It’s about my life !!!”

” Indeed ”

” Who is my father?” I growl

” Your father?”

” Yes!!!!”

” Hades”

” Hades?”

” Indeed ” Thanatos smile ” the god of underworld is your father…. You were born from a low life human he decided to sleep with and then kept you around as his favorite daughter maid ” I stare at him in shock, how could he say all that like they aren’t hurtful ” you kept on asking who you really are… Are you satisfied now?”

” If am hades daughter why am I here? In human world ”

” A form of punishment”

” What exactly was my sin?”

” Love and envy ”

” Isn’t that a normal feeling?”

” Hmmm” he move close and smile ” are you hungry ” this definitely is a way of him telling me enough is enough, a part of me really don’t want to hear anymore of this, I don’t fully believe him but right now, I have no other person to trust

I will stop asking for now, I will definitely visit the forest of knowledge ” sweet Chloe ” he grab me by the neck ” I know what you are thinking” the look in his eyes, he is both afraid and worried but why? And why is he grabbing my neck that way ” that place is forbidden”

” Am not sure what you’re talking about”

” I need you to remain safe ” he pull me close and kiss me, I had no idea that was why he was holding my neck, the kiss was brutal and rough, he literally bite my tongue, I could even taste my own blood while he grab my arse and pull me close, am literally naked underneath this shirt he gave to me.

His hands lift the shirt and grab my bare arse, I Mõ@ɲ in pleasure, he didn’t even stop the kiss, his hands kept massaging and slightly moving his fingers in to touch my ćƖĩť, my legs move on their own, I separated them just a bit, and enough to feel everything, his touches, the kiss.

I couldn’t get enough.

I was starting to feel good but at that moment, he stopped everything, break the kiss, move his left hand to grab my neck while his right remain on my bare arse ” do you understand, I don’t want you wandering in forest just to find out something stupid ”

” But ”

” Chloe!” He growl ” in this state, I have low tolerance for disobedience ” I just realized that each time something happens to his hair, his behavior always change a bit, he slap my arse and I blink

” Is that understood?”

” Y…y…yes ” I stammer, am both angry and turn on right now

” Good girl ” he lean close, letting go of my neck and touching my Ɲīpplë ” let’s find something to eat ” and then he completely let go of me ” we need to go back to the mansion ” I couldn’t think straight, my heartbeat is just as loud as my breathing.

Is it horrible if I say I like this Thanatos better? I feel it is likely for him to be more honest right now ” Thanatos?” He turn back and look at me.

” Speak ”

” Do you fancy me?”

” Huh ” I watch a smile stain his lips ” can’t you tell from how I kiss you?” My face heat up from his words, before I could say anything else, he exhale” they is a house close by, Asmodeus already secure the whole land with good protection magic, I need you to prepare, we will be running there”

” Another race?”

” Indeed ”

” Why are the demons after you?”

” I ki||ed a lot of them you know” he smile ” am no saint ” he bend down and look at me ” get on ” moving close, I didn’t hesitate to do as he says ” he stood up and look slightly backwards to meet my gaze ” you’re dripping wet, were you that turned on?”

Using my hand, I hit his head ” shut up ” I completely forgot that he is shirtless, of course am wearing his shirt, he can literally feel my body

” Do me a favour Chloe ” he exhale ” unbutton your shirt and relax on my back ”

” What??” I gasp, my face is literally like that of tomato right now

” you don’t want to?” His voice calm

” Is not like that …..” I did exactly what he said, even when we were running, I didn’t even get the chance to be scared, not when all my body is aware of him, I just kept dripping, my head buried on his neck, why am I this turned on.

The moment we got into the house, he use his leg to shut the door ” get off me ” urgency in his voice, I quickly got down, he turn around and crush his lips down on mine while his hands work on taking off my clothes

” Stop!!!!” Hearing that voice, Thanatos stop right there, when he withdraw he look like a starved animal denied of food, quickly buttoning my shirt, I look behind Thanatos and stare at a naked woman, Thanatos wanted turning around but I stop him, hugging him

” What’s wrong?” He asked, confusion in his voice

” They is a very disrespectful young lady right there ” I frown ” being naked to seduce oynes husband is a very shameful act ”

” Oh my!” She cover her mouth ” I had no idea he was married, since he has seen me this way before ” our gaze remain lock on each other, her blond hair very wavy, with blue eyes ” besides I came here for you, not him ” she winked and I even found that more insulting

” Surely you jest ” I wanted speaking more but Thanatos literally lift me off my feet, I wrap my hands around his waist while he kiss my cheek ” milord?” I spoke out of surprise ” they is someone right there”

” Then we should take this to the bed room” Thanatos turn around and look at the woman ” Missouri, I will speak to you later ” he literally stare at her naked body and spoke to her before rushing upstairs.

Dropping me on the bed, I frown, sit up and look at him ” who is she?” He stop zipping down his trouser at my question ” did you have segz with her? I mean last night it wasn’t like you were really a virgin ”

” What are you saying?” He take off his trouser and join me on the bed, our eyes remain lock on each other ” does that mean you enjoyed every display of mine last night ” I couldn’t help but to blush at how close he is.

” You’re not playing fair?”

” Play?” He frown ” I don’t joke around with what’s mine” he is definitely ignoring my question, I could feel his breath so close, god I love this man…. And at that moment, he kissed me and my eyes widen.

Why did I just think about that? Love?

Closing my eyes, I responded to the kiss, he really do know how to make a woman his


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