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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Chloe, stood still panic swell in her heart, she couldn’t see a single thing, everywhere looks so dark ” I can’t see ” my voice came out shaken, filled with fear ” please, someone….” a hand on mine stop me from speaking further.

” Miss, calm down ” he hold my hand and we started walking, I had no idea where he is taking me to but for some reason, am not scared ” it is just a side effect of you looking at Cindy red eyes ”

” Cindy’s?”

” Yes the paintings earlier”

” What is that?” I asked ” and who are you?”

” They call me Trevor” he mumble, his voice calm ” am lord Thanatos butler”

” Butler?”

” Indeed ” he mumble and help me sit somewhere, the texture was rather soft which let me know it’s a bed ” he told me about your stay here before leaving for work ”

” What do he do?” I mumble, my hands interlock with each other, the fear of not being able to see terrifies me, if a demon is to show up, am sure we both will be in danger ” I mean lord Thanatos” but same time, I do not wish to be left alone.

” He escort people to the land of the dead, the moment your time on earth is over ”

” Oh ” do angels do that? That is really weird ” when will he be back?”

” Late at night ” Trevor mumble ” will you like something else?”

I nod ” a cup of coffee please ” mumbling, I blink my eyes but I still could not see anything ” I will really appreciate something cold right now, so make it cold ”

” As you wish milady ” I listen to the sound of his feet vanish, the sound of door opening and closing…I turn my head left and flinch at the cold aura coming from the window, tiny voice that I can’t understand.

Exhaling, I try to calm myself and listen to the voice properly

” she can’t see ” they mumble ” that doesn’t mean we can ki|| her easily either ”

I tried getting more from them but it’s like they all went silent and I listen to the door open ” your coffee ” he guilded my hand slowly to hold the cup

” Thank you ” drinking from it, I could feel the ice down my throat ” Trevor ?”

” Yes milady ”

” Do you hear anything coming from my left?”

” Not at all ”

Dropping the cup, I smile ” when do you think I will regain my sight?”

” In three days time milady” he replied ” but am sure lord Thanatos can revert the curse if he fancy you ”

” Fancy me ” mumbling, I gasp ” what did Cindy mean by Thanatos having a wife collection?”

” I believe is not my place to say ”

” I will like to be alone ”

” As you wish milady ”

The door close shut and I release my back, fall to the bed and close my eyelids, I wish I can just sleep through out the three days and just start seeing again, I know they is alot of things I wish to see around here.

Why do I meet all kinds of bad luck?

Even here, I still hear voices of people planing to ki|| me, my life is already short as it is, so why can’t I just live a peaceful one?

My thoughts move back to Thanatos, I just can’t figure him out, he keeps changing as the days passes by, cold, kind, happy, less bothered, honest, dishonest.

He keeps doing wh@ťěver he wishes, how is that supposed to make any sense? Why will he not even wish to touch someone, am sure women go crazy for him, but he held back to the extent of people referring him as gay.

What a strange man.

All am sure of, is the fact that I wish to touch him and get intimate.

I had no idea how long I lay down quiet but what made me jolt up was the shock of pain in my chest, I knew something was wrong when I didn’t feel any chest pain all these time, right now I can’t see a thing, how do I get the herbs?

Falling down from the bed, I clench my hands to my chest, it felt like my heart was about to explode, the sound of the door opening made me lift my head but I couldn’t see anything, I have no idea who was in the room but from his scent.

” Lord Thanatos?” I choke out the words but no sign of footsteps approach me ” please, help me ”

” Do it yourself ” that voice, no doubt, it’s Thanatos ” or cry” I frown at that ” cry and I will ease your pain”

” What are you saying?” I frown ” am going to die ”

” Hmmmmm ”

Thanatos walk back into his mansion, his gaze look around before stopping on Asmodeus walking into Freya bedroom for the third time, rape…..that’s his speciality, I really do think he needs to change his way of life

” Milord ”

I look at him” Trevor ”

” Miss Chloe has lost her sight”

” Hmmm”

” She look into Cindy’s eyes ” always straight to point.

” What is her condition”

” She look rather calm, I did expect her to shed few tears but nothing, she just sat on the bed and appears to be waiting for you ”

” Where is she?”

” In your bedroom ”

” Ask the maids to prepare dinner ” I mumble ” I want it as fast as possible”

” As you wish milord ”

Walking back to my chamber, I stop at Cindy paint ” what did I say to you “i frown, she roll her eyes.

” I told you I h@ťě it when people stare at me ”

” Will you prefer it if I throw you back into that room?” I watch how fear appear in her eyes ” that’s what I thought, behave yourself Cindy”

” I do not like her ” she growl ” that girl will be the end of you ” ignoring those words, I move back to my chamber, open the door and stare at Chloe on the floor, hands clench to her chest, she must be passing through horrible pains right now but why is they no tears?

Why won’t she cry?

” Lord Thanatos” she called out my name even when she can’t see ” please, help me ” I watch her carefully, how her face look directly at mine, one will think she can see right through me

” Do it yourself” I retorted” or cry, cry and I will ease your pain”

” What are you saying?” She frown ” am going to die!!!”

” Hmmm” I bend down next to her, even when no tears drop from her eyes, you could see how much pain she is passing through, veins appear on her forehead, sweats begin to form.

Deciding to help out, I touch her hand and after few minutes, she calm down, breathing slowly and calmly ” what is wrong with you!!!” She yell ” I was in serious pain!!!”

” Forgive me ” I touch her cheek and she flinch, that didn’t make me retreat my hands ” when I wish to see something, I will go to any miles, just to see it ”

” What do you mean?”

” I want to see your tears ” I move my fingers and touch her ears ” why won’t you just cry, how will you look and how will they taste ” she slap my hands off her face

” What are you?” I frown at her question” a psychopath? Why will any rational person think that way? You must really be happy that I can’t see right now or else” she use her hands to demonstrate how they cut someone neck off, I know she can’t see me but still yet….I retreated back and clear my throat.

She really scares me most times.

” You should bath ”

” I can’t ” she slowly stood up and face the other side, she must really think, am standing there, as if someone spoke to her, she turn around and face me ” will you bath me? I can’t really see right now ”

” What?”

” Am your wife, am sure you can wash me off ” she smile ” right?” I look at her, I know fully well that she is trying to tease me and won’t permit me to bath her, so I decide to move with it.

” Fine ” I move closer to her direction, then place my hand on her shoulder ” let me help you take it off ” I notice how her cheek got red, that’s it, she is starting to feel embarrassed, am sure she will retreat back now.

” Let me ” I gasp when she lose the rope from behind, the dress fall to her waist level, I drop my hands and step back, my eyes couldn’t leave her chest, she slowly unhook her bra and I swallow ” what is it?” She lick her lower lip ” won’t you help? ”

Deciding not to go this far, I clap my hands once and she could finally see ” not fair ” her eyes meet mine after she blink thrice ” I was getting excited ” those words made my whole face flushed.

Why do I react this way to her?

” Come” she hold my hand ” don’t you want to?” She pout her lips after biting on them…how can I say no to this?


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