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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Get It Right Or Get ki||ed… )

??????? 5 ➪ 6

??, ????? ?.


” Alex, Chloe, come back to your senses, please!!” Havana cried loudly like a little girl.

Four.. three…

Kurr’s brain started malfunctioning cos he had two answers in mind. He bit his lower lips hard as he fidgeted.

Nike was already holding unto him ( Kurr ) tight as the count down got to zero.

” f-__-k you Chloe! I h@ťě you seriously” Franca muttered in tears but it stopped when they saw another Alex and Chloe from behind the one in front of them.

” Alex? Chloe? ” Havana called in tears and the rest looked at the direction, but it was too late already.

” Wait, these Monsters can shape-shift?” Nike panicked.

The Chloe in front of them, raised her hands and the knife vanished but it was immediately replaced by a very large sword. She raised it at Havana without warning and Havana parted into halves.

” Anna!!” Kurr screamed, tears leaving his eyes.

” No! No! No! No! ” Pinky screamed but she was cut short when her waist separated from her upper body.

She fell down dead.

” What’s the riddle?” Alex asked in tears.

Tears wouldn’t stop leaving Chloe’s eyes after witnessing the death of Havana.

Thierry quickly recited the riddle to Alex and Alex, the shape-shifter Infront of them, aimed his knife at Theiry but somehow, luck was on Thierry’s side cos he managed to use his hand to block the knife and the knife went dip into his hands such that it was showing at the other end.

He winced in pain.

” Darkness.. It’s Darkness” Alex said in tears and the two possessed being turned back to their real self before vanishing.

Chloe immediately rushed to Havana’s body and started crying loudly.

” Vana..” She cried like a baby.

Thierry held his hand which was bleeding profusely.

” What were you both doing huh? Why did those people have your faces?” Franca shouted.

” My friends are all dead ” She laughed maniacally.

” Now, I hope you know how it feels to loose someone..” She said and Chloe stood on her feet. She went to Franca and landed her two deafening slaps.

” I’ve had enough of your bull$h|t and I’m d@mn tired of you now” She shouted.

“Did you just slap me?” Franca asked and made to return the slap but Kurr held her hands before it came down.

” You ki||ed her…. You f-__-king ki||ed Havana ” Kurr said.

“ I wish you get ki||ed next”. you said those f-__-king words remember?” He shouted this time, finally tearing up.

He let go of Franca’s hands and shifted backwards.

” It hurts, I wasn’t privilege to tell her how much I loved her. I couldn’t even tell her about my feelings.. I was hoping we survived this so we could be together later but now…. ” He trailed off, tears trickling down his eyes like a burst pipe.

He clutched his chest tight as he stared at Havana’s body.

” I didn’t ki|| her ” Franca shouted in tears.

” She did… Chloe did.. like why the hell did those people take their faces? Huh?” She shouted again and Immediately the statement left her mouth, Chloe’s head started spinning.

“ Sixth rule; Players can’t get intimate with each other else the other players will be haunted by their shadows” The word rang in Chloe’s head and her eyes dilated. Fresh hot tears started leaving her eyes.

If only she didn’t share a kiss with Alex, then Havana wouldn’t have died.

” Quiet!! all of you!!” Alex screamed, trying to calm the students.

” True, I ki||ed her.. I hope we end it here so no one else diés because of me” Chloe said and with that, she began walking out of the office in tears.

Thierry held her back and turned her around.
” I hope we all survive this on our own.. like she said, I ki|| Havana and truly, I did ki|| my friend. I’m a murderer and I won’t want to ki|| any one of you, so I’ll leave” She said, releasing her hands from Thierry’s grip before heading for the door again.

” Chloe..” Elodie, who’s been next to Havana’s body called. Her eyes were very red already due to much tears.

” Please don’t leave” She said, sniffing but Chloe didn’t look back as she walked out of the office completely.

” Chloe!!” Elodie burst into tears once more.

“Why are those with empty brains still alive?? I wished you were the one who got ki||ed ” A student said to Franca’s face before walking out of the office too.

Soon, the office was empty and it was left just Franca and Havana and Pinky’s bodies.

” I’m so scared right now..” She muttered, walking out of the office too. She was surprised to see no single soul on the hallway.

” Where did they go?” She wondered in tears, leaving the place to anywhere her legs took her.



The police had been talking about the calls received from the students of Paradise high so they decided to visit the school Incase something was wrong.

” If something was wrong, then they should at least leave school right?” A cop asked.

” One of the students said something about the other kids ki||ing each other and asking us to bring either a shaman, Father or wh@ťěver.. why do I feel like something isn’t right?” A second Cop wondered aloud.

” C’mon Bobby, you’re just being paranoid.. you believe that?” Another cop asked.

” I don’t know but.. anyway let’s just go see things for ourselves..” Bobby said and the other cops shrugged

” Alright, do give us a call if anything strange happens”

” Yes boss ” Bobby saluted.

Two cops were appointed with Bobby, and they left immediately.


Bobby stood in front of the gate, staring at it. He could hear loud cries from within so he exhaled before pushing the gate open.

” What the f-__-k!” Steve, one of the cop with him exclaimed at the bloodshed. Bobby frowned, wondering what was wrong yet he couldn’t get an appropriate answer to his questions.

” Are the students really possessed?” Bold, another cop asked.

They were three in number.

Bobby held his short gun and started proceeding into the school, looking around. They kept going into the school till they saw a group of students shaking sightly as another girl stood Infront of them with a knife.

” Hey kid, That’s dangerous” Steve said, walking to the girl and the others followed behind. They stopped when they got to the girl.

” That knife is dangerous, calm down and give it to me” Steve said and the girl stared at him instead. It was like an opportunity for the students so they wanted to make use of it, but the count down already got to Zero.

The students took to their heels, but unfortunately, none of them was able to make it out of the place cos every joint of their body started dislocating from it’s rightful place.

It went on untill all the five students died. Bobby, Steve and Bold had their mouths wide open in shock.

The girl laughed loudly, taking few steps to them and that was when they noticed the black veins on her face and her white eyes.

” What’s wrong with her?” Steve asked, confused.

Bold immediately brought out his gun and Ç0çƙed it, ready to $h00t the girl.

” No, No, don’t do that ” Bobby cautioned but Bold already aimed at the girl but surprisingly, it didn’t affect her. He wasted all the bullet on her, but still, nothing happened, so they took to their heels, heading to the gate.

The possessed girl smirked creepily.

They ran out of the gates but they were surprised to see themselves still in front of the witch..

” What is happening!” Bobby and Bold exclaimed at once.

“Why are we still here?” Steve wondered.





WHAT AM I?? The girl asked.

” What the hell is she saying??” Steve asked.

” It must be a riddle cos she just ended it “ what am I” Bold replied.

” What? Why the hell will I want to play such childish games? Look here kiddo, I’m a cop, I studied criminology not some godforsaken riddles” Steve said and the girl laughed.

The next thing they saw, was the girl’s knife, in his forehead.

” Jesus!!” Bobby screamed.

” Do something Bobby. you know I’m your superior right?” Bold said in shaky voice, then they heard the ticking sound.

Bobby’s eyes dilated when he noticed it was the time ticking..

Ten.. Nine.. eight.. seven.. six.. five.. four..

” We should have just brought a shaman like those kids said, I don’t wanna dié” Bold whimpered.

Three…Two.. one….

” CANNON ” They heard someone say from behind and the possessed girl vanished. They turned and beheld a girl who’s uniform was covered in blood.

” Thanks kid” Bold ran over to her and the girl didn’t bother to say anything. She started walking back into the school but Bobby held her hand.

” What’s happening in here? And why are the kids ki||ing each other?” Bobby asked.

” They’re possessed and we’re stuck in here. If you wanna live, get the riddles right. You get it wrong, you die”

“Your name” Bold asked.

” Chloe ” She replied and started leaving again.

” Can we come with you?” Bold asked and her steps faltered.

“You can’t.. except you want to end up like your friend” She replied and resumed walking. She actually came to the gate to see if Mitchell was there before she saw the cops instead and she was privileged to hear the riddle.

” Dumb@zz cops” She scoffed.

” What should we do?” Bold asked.

” Answer riddles since we’re here too” Bobby replied and started to leave..

“Wait for me!” Bold screamed and ran after Bobby.


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