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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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TEMPTED – Episode 21

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?When a play

Boy Falls Inlove ?



Chapter 21

Stay back , Brianna cupped raising her hands slowly signifying him to stay back .

Chris moved back hurtfully, the president noticed and patted his shoulder softly calming him down .

It ok ! She will soon come around, he assured.

Brianna tried moving her right hand but couldn’t then it Dawn on her that Bryan who was seating beside her was holding her hands.

Hey dudu! Let go,she jibbed rudely.

They all looked at her in awe . Bryan stared confusedly at her.

Since when did we because that close that you now have the right to Hold my hands ? You were even caressing it! Brianna yelled accusingly.

Bryan realized immediately then withdraw his hand embarrassingly .

Who brought me here ? She questioned trying to seat up, Bryan immediately stood up trying to help her but a glare from her sent him back.

No one answered, they all kept quiet looking at themselves,

Am asking this for the last time who brought me here? She asked angrily.

It was Bryan,he found you in the restroom unconscious so he had to..

She couldn’t finish when Bryan chipped in.

That’s ok ! I don’t want to hear any of that , that’s by the way.

Mr Savior! The second Christ ! Do you in anyway saw the person who did it ?she questioned rudely .

Yes !it was Tyler and Nikki , he replied slowly.

WTF,!! Nikki again? Oh God let me not set my eyes on her ,cos am gonna strangle her to death ?she baked .

That’s ok for now ,the doctor advised you take so rest , we will all leave you alone now’the president dragging them out .

Slowly the first lady dragged Bryan out ,he was reluctant to follow,she dragged him out as he kept looking back until they finally left the room

Chris was working slowly hoping she calls him back but she didn’t.

He had almost went out when she called him back .

“Hey ! Old man? She called immediately he looked back.

Go get me something to eat hungry, be fast ,o wouldn’t want to wait for anybody,she jibbed authoritively before turning her back on them

What have I done to deserve this kind of treatment from his only daughter.

First it her mom and now her ? Why is everyone against me ? He thought slowly

I hope she forgives me soon cos I survive if anything happens to her. He muttered not knowing when a tear slipped from his eyes,he wiped Immediately before facing Bryan.

He walked out of the room.painfully

What rubbish! Brianna snorted mentally covering her body with the blanket



Brent drove his car heading to the hospital when suddenly he heard a loud noise on his car bonnet

The f-__-k !!! He yelled angrily.

Who dares break my car bonnet? He snorted stoping the car beside the road side before storming out of the car .

He could sight a tomboy standing at the other edge with her hands stuck in her pocket.

So you where the fool who splashed water on me ? She questioned before he could ulter any word ,

He grumpily walked towards her boiling

Hey tomboy! Don’t try to act impulsive with me , you were standing by the road side,while I was driving on the road ,my car splashed water on you so how is that my fault that you had to break my baby’s bonnet,he fired angrily,he couldn’t see her face cos of the hod she was putting on.

She looked closely at him trying to recore where she met him until she remembered he was the guy back at the club

f-__-k ! What was I thinking? She cursed

Hey can’t you speak? or have you suddenly gone dump ? He yelled angrily.

She removed her hod and his eyes widened.

You !! He asked pointing at her ,

So sorry I was rude to you ‘ I was furious when I saw my new baby’s bonnet broken,he admitted holding his chest im a funny way.

It all my fault I shouldn’t have thrown stone on it ,she said in an apologizing tone ‘

Its okey,where are you headed to ? He asked roughing his cute curly hair.

Just taking a stroll,she replied dryly.

Mind taking a ride with me? He asked but noticed her expression changed .

Just a harmless date ! Please don’t say no ,he pleaded .

Okey! Let’s go she agreed walking towards the car but stopped suddenly.

What about your bonnet? She asked worriedly,

It’s okay! I will repair it or better still get another one,he said.

She didn’t ask any further questions,she opened the front seat and entered then he started the car driving off .

Brian signed as a tear dropped from his eyes. He had been watching them from the shop since they all came together but Brent was the last person.

Why her of all people?

Why has he decided to fall for Natasha of all people,

Why her ,? He yelled kicking his car tyre repeatedly.

No ! Never! Now I have finally found her and I can’t just give up now after many years of waiting!

Am sorry Brent but I can’t accept this ! even if it means betraying our friendship! He jibbed clenching his fist angrily.



Bryan walked into the hospital room with a tray of food in his hands .

Hey ! He said calling her attention.

Here is the food , your dad left already he has something important to attend to so he asked me to bring the food for you.he explained handing her the tray by now she had already started up on the bed folding her hands across her Břě@šť .

Why giving it to me?dad was supposed to feed me but you allowed him to leave so you should be the one to do what he was supposed to do ,she jibbed giggling.

What ! Me feed you ? He asked with hid eyes widely opened.

Is there a problem with that ? Or don’t you want to feed me ? She asked childishly pouting her lips .

Bryan blinked repeatedly not knowing what else to do,

No! I never said I won’t feed you , come on open up let me feed you ,he said helping her seat properly.

He digged the fork into the Noddles bringing it to her mouth ,

WTH ! Why Noddles?she questioned.

The doctor said it was you need at the moment” Bryan said slowly before digging the spoon into her mouth while he watched her chew .

The door opened and the doctor walked in.

How are you feeling now? He asked checking her breathing,

Am okay, just feeling a bit weak , she replied slowly.

That’s good …

Wow ! You are the one feeding her ? He asked even after seeing for himself.

This doctor is very annoying,and I wonder why he won’t mind his business” Bryan thought boiling.

You love your girlfriend a lot that I can see! He jibbed.

Bryan twitched his body uncomfortably.

Why can’t he just read the hand writing on the wall!? Bryan thought inwardly glearing h@ťěfully at him .

Did I just hear you say girlfriend? Brianna asked twitching her brows .

Yes isn’t he your boyfriend? The doctor asked adamantly.

Brianna looked at Bryan then back at the doctor,

Don’t tell me you…. she jibbed pointing her finger at Bryan, it better not be what am thinking,she replied slowly loosing consciousness.

What have you done again? Bryan fired dragging the doctor by his collar ready to fight him .

To Be Continued

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