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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?CHAPTER 5 & 6?


Swane was one of Soal’s best friend, handsome rich Playboy..

He was the middle friend between Vista and Soal which was generally known as the SVS….

He walked towards Kiki , who was waiting for him at the corridor

Kiki was a student fierce and his current gf..

“Hey” Swane said to her calmly, Kiki was happy to see him she tries to hug him but he pushes her away

“I came to tell ya, I don’t need ya anymore” Swane said to Kiki frowning his handsome face

“No baby, what did I do wrong?” Kiki asked falling on her kneels almost in tears

“Nth, just ya no longer sweet” Swane said placing some money on her laps

“That’s for servicing me as ya bf” Swane said as Kiki holds the money

“What?” Kiki exclaimed in shock and tears

“Yeah, so get the f-__-k out of my way OK” Swane said and walks away with style

“f-__-k ya, fool” Kiki shouted at him in tears

“How could he dump me like this?” Kiki said, rising to her feet in tears

{Down the hall}

Vista holds his patience calmly waiting for Swane, he kept pacing up and down

Vista was a kind hearted, handsome young man though he was a play boy but he never risked dating any girl he flirt with…

“Am here bro” Swane said tapping Vista shoulder

“Where have ya been?” Vista asked trying not to be angry

He has been waiting for more than three hours…

Swane smiled at him as if he just won a lottery and cleared his throat

“I ended it with Kiki” Swane said smiling, Vista looked at him in shock

“Weren’t ya the d@mn guy who said he will never leave Kiki cause she is too sweet on bed” Vista said to him folding his arms

“She is no longer sweet bro” Swane said frowning his face

Vista burst into laughter to ridicule Swane…

“So who will ya date now?” Vista asked him in laughter

“I am thinking of Sali” Swane said calmly

Vista couldn’t help it but fell down bursting into uncontrollable laughter, rolling for one corner to another

“Ya mean fat … Ugly..Sali” Vista exclaimed laughing so hard, till the extent of holding his stomach tightly

“I heard fat girls are sweet on bed” Swane said calmly

“Your medulla oblongata is not functioning bro” Vista said in laughter

“Soal must hear this” Vista continued hitting his palm on the floor hardly with great laughter

{Staff office}

Joana walked up to Mr Tila office, she greets other staffs calmly

“You got high scores in maths but failed English according to your test results” Mr Tila said to Joana calmly

Joana was worried she needed English for the university she wanted to attend

“Pls help me sir….I need to be better in English” Joana pleaded with him almost in tears

Soal walked in and summits a paper to another staff, Mr Tila looked at him then to Joana

“Soal come here” Mr Tila ordered Soal

Soal came forwards, looks at Joana and then to Mr Tila

“I want ya to tutor Joana in English from now henceforth” Mr Tila said to Soal, bringing out his documents

“Is it a must?” Soal asked giving Joana a stern look

“Yes a must, Mister Young Soal” Mr Tila said to him firmly

“Follow him” Mr Tila said to Joana calmly

Soal sighed and walked away, Joana had to run to catch up with him


Charles a footballer, not that handsome but has good looks

Crystabel went towards him and taps his shoulder

“What do ya want Crysta?” Charles asked her bringing out his textbook from his locker

“I like ya and I want ya to be my bf” Crystabel said to him smiling brightly

“Why me and not someone else?” Charles asked her in shock

“I am famous and the most beautiful so you must accept my request” Crystabel said biting her lips

“Joana took all that away from ya a long time ago” Charles said to her firmly

Anger was written all over Crystabel face

“Charles but I truly love ya” Crystabel said trying to hug him

Charles pushed her calmly and walked away

“Why him or didn’t ya see any other handsome guys to love” Jennie said as she appeared from no where

“Shut up” Crystabel shouted angrily at Jennie

“Instead of raising your anger on me better raise it on Joana” Jennie said calmly

“He is special, he is the one I want and I must have him” Crystabel shouted at Jennie almost in tears

Crystabel walked away angrily, Jennie ran after her calmly

…… ……

Sugar was having lunch quietly, when Sara sat beside her, dropping her food on the desk

“What did ya wanna tell me?” Sara asked munching her food loudly

“Why did ya drop the call on me the other day?” Sugar replied her with a question

“I was with someone girl” Sara said to her noticing Sugar ugly mood

Before Sara could ask, Flexy & Antonio walked towards them

“Where the f-__-king hell is my money?” Flexy asked Sugar angrily

“I don’t have a dime now dude” Sugar replied him calmly taking her cup of hot chocolate to drink

“Ya think we are here for jokes huh” Antonio said collecting her hot cup of chocolate and poured it on her head

“Ahh, d@mn ya idiots” Sugar shouted as the hot cup of chocolate landed on her

“Guys, pls take it easy on her” Sara pleaded with them calmly

“I give ya just 1 week to pay or else ya d@mn nude will be out” Flexy said angrily and walks away with Antonio

“Why don’t ya pay them?” Sara said cleaning her hair gently

“How do ya expect me to pay up to 600 thousand dollars?” Sugar asked Sugar almost in tears

“600 what?” Sara exclaimed in shock and disbelief with her mouth wide open
….. ……

Cadigo was a tall, attractive young guy, he had a cute blonde hair

He was quiet, gentle and wasn’t that popular but a beat friend to Beauty

Kiki walked towards him in tears

“Why are ya crying?” Cadigo asks her noticing the tears in her eyes

“Can ya imagine Swane dumping me like am nothing?” Kiki said to him angrily in tears

“Let it go Kiki” Cadigo said to her tapping her shoulders

“No, I know its because of that witch” Kiki said wiping her tears

“Which witch are ya talking about?” Cadigo asked her in wonder

“Joana of course, that stupid thing!” Kiki said boiling in great angry

“Joana? But she recently just joined us?” Cadigo exclaimed in shock

“She thinks she is only beautiful girl” Kiki said angrily hissing loudly

“Kiki…don’t fight Joana…pls am sure she has no idea what ya are saying” Cadigo said as he notice the great anger in Kiki

“OK…but If she goes beyond her level I will make her suffer” Kiki said angrily and walks away

“Kiki! Kiki! Don’t harm Joana! Kiki!” Cadigo shouted as he watched her walk away angrily


Joana was in the library with Soal

“Now ya have to repeat anything I say” Soal said to her calmly

He had no idea why he had to tutor Joana

“OK, I will” Joana replied smiling brightly

Soal looks and wonders what makes her happy, him or the tutoring

He opens a textbook and searches for hard words that Joana will find it difficult to pronounce

“Your Medulla oblongata isn’t just functioning” Soal said as he read from the book

“Your Medulla oblongata isn’t functioning” Joana repeated calmly

Soal looked at her in shock, he decides to show her some words

“It has a brain damage” Soal said pointing at the structure

“You have a brain damage” Joana repeated with a smile

Soal was angry, he felt like slapping her but calmed himself

“He had an accident” Soal said showing her some words

“You had an accident” Joana said to him

Soal couldn’t bear her indirectly insulting him

“Are ya insane?” Soal asked her feeling pissed off

“Are ya insane?” Joana asked him thinking he was still tutoring her

“You are f-__-king very d@mn stupid” Soal shouted at her

“You are f-__-king very d@mn stupid” Joana shouted thinking he was teaching her stress

“What’s wrong with ya girl?” Soal said angrily rising on his feet

“What’s wrong with ya girl?” Joana said rising to her feet thinking it was an example

“Your brain has bad signal” Soal shouted slamming the door behind him

“Your brain has bad signal” Joana shouted and sits down

“What type of tutoring is this?” Joana asked herself in shock

Just then outside the Library window, some students from another school tried attacking Seojun

“What the hell is your prob?” Seojun asked as if he could beat up all of them

The leader of the gang, Des came forward he was the most Popular gangster from his school

Seojun and him has always been rivals since their schools were also rivals

“Look at ya Seojun, Temptation Academy has a weak gangster” Des said to Seojun trying to mock both him and Temptation Academy

“His gangs gather round Seojun hurriedly, Seojun behaved as if he was going to beat them up

“Beat him up” Des commanded them

His gangs pushed Seojun to the ground, they beat him up badly with blows and kicks

Seojun protected his face with his hands, he wasn’t ready to loose his handsome face

Joana heard noises, she peeped through the window and watched Seojun been beaten up


Soal was pissed off, he stopped by to buy a hot cup of coffee and a popcorn

Annabella approached him with a big smile on her face

“You look angry” Annabella exclaimed trying to hold his hands

“Mr Tila forced me to tutor Joana and she is a headache” Soal said drinking the hot cup of coffee

“Let’s hang out so you can cool off” Annabella said to him biting her lips

“No, am going back” Soal said throwing the empty cup into the recycle bin and walks away

Annabella felt angry, she stamped her foot twice biting her lips


After beating up Seojun, the gangs left immediately in order not to be apprehended by the school authorities since they were from another school

Joana quickly went outside, she ran towards him

“What do ya want?” Seojun asked her harshly trying to get up to his feet

“Ya are lucky, your handsome face is still perfect” Joana said helping him get up

“Where is my helmet?” Seojun shouted at her

“Psycho, I have to take ya to the hospital so forget your helmet” Joana shouted angrily

“Who are ya calling a Psycho?” Seojun asked her angrily

He felt pains in his head, he gentle levelled his feet

“Are ya alright?” Joana asked in fear, just then Seojun fell on her arms

“Now ya have to carry me to the hospital” Seojun said to her with a smile and faints

“f-__-k ya Psycho” Joana shouted as she tried to carry him but failed

Soal entered the library, he looked through the window and smiled

He came out of the library, looking at Joana

“Soal help me carry him to the hospital” Joana pleaded as she sights him

“No…leave him and let’s continue the tutoring” Soal replied her frowning his face

“Oh…I forgot ya two are enemies” Joana said trying to carry Seojun

Soal sat on a small rock munching his popcorn with a smile

Annabella marched into the classroom ans met only Crystabel and Jennie

“Its a good thing ya are here, Crysta” Jennie said halfway as Annabella sat down hissing loudly

“What happened?” Crystabel asks her calmly

“Can you imagine Soal leaving me to see Joana?” Annabella said frowning her face

“Its seems this Joana is becoming a prob” Jennie said calmly

“That girl I feel like strangling her” Crystabel said hitting the table hard

“Babes no…not yet…that babe still new, let’s endure for a while” Jennie said trying to calm them down

“But if she passes her boundary, I Crystabel will show her my true colour” Crystabel said folding her arm

She felt like devouring Joana if she accidentally sights her that moment

“Pls be calm” Jennie said to them softly

“You know what am capable of but I will let this pass” Annabella said biting her fingers
Flexy and Antonio looked for Seojun after they heard Des and his guys visited

They ran out of the library and sights Joana trying to raise Seojun

“Seojun” Flexy exclaimed running towards them with Antonio

“Pls help carry him, he fainted a while ago” Joana said calmly, the boys noticed Soal presence and gave him an angry look

“Where are you going?” Soal asked as Joana attempts to follow them to the hospital

“I am following them to make sure Seojun is save” Joana said calmly

“What about me… I mean the tutoring?” Soal asked her almost stammering

“I will tutor when am back” Joana said taking her phone and ran after Antonio & Flexy

“You….d@mn…is Seojun more important” Soal exclaimed to himself, he takes his popcorn and ran to catch up with them

To be Continued……

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