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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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TEMPORARY WIFE – Episode 9 & 10

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[ Sweet Surrender…]

Chapter 9 🍒🪻10

By,Ella N.

Copy And Dìe Viciously‼️



“Grandmother” Georgia replied stubbornly. She folded her arms,scoffing and rolling eyes at Caesar who felt like strangling her to dèath,right that instance.

But,he wouldn’t dare lay a finger on her. Besides,he’s not a woman bèater. So,the only thing he can do is to ignore her.

They are both insulting each other,after all.

“I will not repeat myself over this again. Leave my girlfriend alone,Georgia…

“Singto. Georgia Singto,you should call that name with great respect” Georgia completed the name for him.

“Look,Caesar. My life is a very simple one,with simple rules. Follow them and have a peaceful life.
You step on my toe,you get what you deserve. Even more.

“Tell your wítch girlfriend to stop crossing my path,because I am not always normal” She added,slamming the door at Caesar’s face.

“I hope I don’t dìe before I get to have kids. Am I really destined to díe this way?” Caesar frustratedly said. He walked back to his room,looking every upset.


“I wonder how my baby is doing today”Marisa sighed out heavily,as she laid beside her husband. She and Damian are in their bedroom right now,just chatting.

“We should call to know how she’s doing,then”Damian replied her.

“Yeah,will do just that” Marisa smiled,getting her phone from near the side lamp.
She suddenly paused when a thought ran through her mind.

A thought about her daughter’s well-being.

“Sweetheart,do you think Georgia is happy? You know she and Caesar have never gotten along. I’m just worried about my baby,yunno” Masisa sat upwright,saying.

“She’s fine and they will eventually get along,trust me”Damian replied,holding his wife’s hand and smiling lovingly.

“I just hope so”Marisa smiled and finally got her phone to call Georgia,but Alvira and Alvara came in that moment. After they were given the permision to,by their parents,though.

They were on a video call with Georgia.

“See Mom and Dad here “Alvara chirped. She walked closer and sat on the bed with her Mom and Dad,then turned the camera to them.

“Awww. See my baby” Marisa smiled broadly.

She feels so happy seeing Georgia’s face,even though they spoke yesterday. Though,it wasn’t on a video call,she feels like she hasn’t seen Georgia for long.

“Hey,Mom…..Hey,Dad” Georgia smiled beautifully as always.

“How are you,dear?” Damian asked, smiling at his daughter who was smiling too.

“All good,Dad. I hope y’all are good, and Alvira isn’t causing any trouble” She inquired. Alvira rolled eyes from where she was started, and Alvara chuckled.

“Not so much,sis” Alvara eyed her twin,after remembering her burger that she ate at school.

“I miss you so much,Gi Gi. Can I come visit already? Eish!” Alvira collected the phone,and spoke.

“You can come when I am ready to have a headache,until then,stay in your father’s house” Georgia replied negatively. They all looked at Alvira and started chuckling.

“How is your husband doing,honey?” Marisa further asked.

She intentionally asked,to hear Georgia’s reply.

“Caesar,Mom. His name is Caesar”Georgia replied sharply,making Alvira to chuckle.

Both Marisa and Damian sighed at a time after hearing what Georgia said.

Can those two ever get along? And will that marriage really work?


“Young,Miss. Your tea is ready” A maid walked in smiling. She’s with the cup of tea Alvira asked for. The weather is bit cold,so she asked the maid for a hot cup of tea.

She and Alvara are in their room,working on the assignment they were given in school.

“Is it very hot?” Alvira asked,collecting it from her.

The maid nodded her head,positively.

“Thanks,you can leave” Alvira adjusted and sat well on the bed.

“Gosh! This assignment we were given,sucks like hell” Alvara complained seriously with a loud hiss.

“But,it’s not so hard,yunno” Alvira replied as she takes a sip from the tea. She dropped the tea on the nearest table afterwards,to start her work.

“Speak for yourself,jeez!” Alvara scoffed and Alvira chuckled.

“That’s why we are twins,wh@ťěver you can’t do,your sister will help. Let’s get this done,please. I kind of feel sleepy already” Alvira yawned,drinking from her tea again.
Alvara smiled and sat closer.

Truth be told, Alvira may be playful,but she is a bit more brilliant than she is,and she wouldn’t deny that.

Alvira is the one who does most of their projects and assignents.


“Who were those guys at the cafeteria,Alvara?” Alvira asked again.

“Gosh,I already told you I do not know them. Why are you still thinking about them,anyway?” Alvara scoffed.

“I don’t know. Never seen them in school before,and they looked kinda strange to me. I’m just worried about my sister,that’s all” Alvira shrugged.

“Tsk! Are you seriously working yourself up because of those guys?” Alvara scoffed for the hundreth time.

Scoffing is more like a hobby to her. Lol.

“Just be careful,Alvara. Do you want some tea?” Alvira asked,picking it up from where she had dropped it.

“I definitely want. I think I should just ask for mine,you’ve almost finished it” Alvara replied,collecting the cup of tea from her sister immediately.


“Baby,can I ask you a question?” Cindy asked,lying and resting her head on Caesar’s body.

“Okay,what’s that?” Caesar asked back momentarily.

“You knew about the contract marriage,right? So,why didn’t you tell me about it?” She queried.

Hearing that,Caesar took a deep breath and sat up to stare at her face.

“I didn’t want to hurt your feelings,okay? I thought about how that would make you feel,and decided not to tell you”Caesar explained to her.

“And what difference did it make,after I found out about it myself,huh?

“I hope you…

“I’m sorry,Baby. It is nothing to worry about,okay? I am divorcing her when I feel like,then marry you”Caesar cut in,saying.

“For reals? You mean,you’re gonna divorce her for real?”
Cindy’s heart jumped to her head,hearing what Caesar just said.

She seriously cannot wait for that to happen. The day she’d finally be called Mrs. Ruslee. That,has always been her dream and it’s definitely going to come true soon.

She cannot wait for the world to know that she married a Billionaire. Not just any Billionaire,but also the handsome and popular actor everyone knows.

“Of course,Baby. Look, I love you and it’s you I want to marry,not some insane lady”Caesar rolled eyes. He leaned in and kissed her lips

“I wonder how people cope with her,she’s so d@mn crazy and I h@ťě her”Cindy made faces.

She’s crazy,alright” Caesar chuckled and moved closer to her.

“Did you see what k sent you” He added, and Cindy shook her head,meaning, no.

She picked her phone from the bed,and her eyes widened when she saw that he has sent her a huge sum of money for upkeep.

3M Thai baht! Just for her one month upkeep.

Well,that’s what he does all the the time.

“Awww. Thank you,Baby.
You know you’re the best, right?” Cindy gushed, getting on top of him instantly.

She slowly started taking his shirt off,throwing it to the other side.

Gently, she pushed him down the bed,making him lay on his back.

The rest that could be heard were Caesar’s groans, and Cindy’s mòans, as they bang the hell out of themselves.


“Wow,man! These are new arrivals and I’m guessing they arrived last night,right? Because I didn’t see any of them here,yesterday” Kyrian said,as he and Caesar walked around,checking out the news cars that were brought down to his Company last night.

Caesar smiled triumphantly. They had been on this for some time now,but thank goodness they finally achieved it.

He has another place where the cars are actually produced,before bringing them here for sale. It’s not far from the main Company,though.

Well,his Company doesn’t only sell cars. Power bikes and other electronics are sold too.
Yes,the Company isn’t just any one that sells cars only,it’s a very big one.

“$h|t! Look at this baby,it’s so beautiful” Kyrian gushed seriously,when his eyes caught a beautiful and an expensively looking Avalon car.

“I know,right? They are lots of them inside,yunno” Caesar chuckled,putting his hands behind his back,as they kept walking.

After they were done admiring the cars,they walked back into the elevator.

“So,how is Georgia your wife doing?” Kyrian intentionally asked,as the elevator took them up.

“I have told you to always put your sense in the bag,so you don’t forget it at home. Which wife are you talking about?” Caesar glared. His happy and smiley face turned to an angry one instantly,after Kyrian made mentioned of Georgia’s name.

Kyrian cackled loudly at his words.
This friend of his is so badmouthed that one who doesn’t know him would want to beàt him to déath.

“Stop passing the aggression on me,díckheàd. You are married to her,whether or not you like it.

“You both said ” I do ” to each other and exchanged vows,didn’t you?

“So,you see?
You are both legally married,she’s your lawful and wedded wife,till dèath do you path.

“Gawd! You’re even wearing your wedding ring,how sweet”Kyrian mocked,and that got him more upset.

“Even a parrot takes some time to breathe. I swear,you are the worse friend anyone could ask for.

“One minute,you have sense. The next minute,it has left you entirely. Instead of being a good friend, you’re busy talking nonsense” Caesar berated.

“I do not support cheating,man. You’re cheating on Georgia with Cindy and rubbing it on her face.

“Don’t forget Georgia was there before you stupìdly went ahead to date Cindy. I like her,anyway,more than I do to Cindy. And I will always tell you the truth” Kyrian rolled eyes.

“You like her,right? Feel free to go date her,you can marry her as well. You have my permission,dude” Caesar replied immediately, talking and gesticulating.

“I have your permission, as the father or mother of Georgia?” Kyrian laughed hard.

“You’re crazy, swears” He added. While Caesar sighed heavily.

To him,kyrian is the most annoying friend in the whole wide world.

The elevator dinged, and they both walked out of it.


“Hey,I brought lunch for you” Jorel said,as he brought forth the lunch he got for Alvira.

“I went to have lunch at the cafe,so I should get for you,too” He continued.

“Awww. That’s so nice of you,Jorel” Alvara and Michal chroused. Alvira made an annoying and and funny face at them,causing them to giggle.

Jorel is actually their course mate,and he’s more like Alvira’s friend.
Because they spend time together, studying most times. Even do their assignments and projects together.

Well,he’s the most brilliant among all of them.

“Uhm….thank you…?” Alvira said,all surprised. She wasn’t expecting and never asked him to get lunch for her. She collected the lunch pack from him,anyway.

“You’re welcome. I’ll be at the library, mind joining me?” He asked, waiting in alacrity for what she might say.

“Ugh….okay. I’ll join you,soon” She replied,with a a cute smile.

“Awww. I think Jorel really likes you,Alvira” Alvara started,after Jorel was gone.

“Stop talking $h|t. He bought me lunch doesn’t automally mean he really likes me” Alvira repeated what Alvara said,intendedly.

“Wh@ťěver! Just bring the lunch let’s eat” Alvara made an eye roll,gesturing her to hand over the lunch pack to her.

“Huh?” Alvira curved her lips to a corner.

“The lunch was specifically bought for me,not you” She eyed her sister. She hid the pack behind her back and began opening it slowly.

“I swear,you’re a joker. Not after eating all my burger yesterday.

“Bring it now that I am still being nice…” Alvara smiled for no reason.

“Eish! Can’t believe you’re still talking about yesterday’s burger. Well,catch me if you can” Alvira said,and was about running away,but Alvara was quick to grab her pant before she could do so.

“Oops,no luck today !” She blurted as Alvara sat her back on the chair like a criminal that has just been caught by the cops.

They all bursted out laughing.

“Can’t wait for tomorrow’s soccer game,though” Michal said,as she munched on her snack slowly.

Alvara scoffed,eating hers,too.

“It’s not like you can even play. Yours is just to be running around the field like a confused clown. And will never touch the ball till the game is over” Alvara mocked. Michal pouted her lips,after which,they all started laughing.

And who said Alvara is not crazy like her sisters? Although,what she said is actually true.

Michal sucks at soccer game.

“Thirty minutes to our next class,see you” Alvira said,and with that,she hung bag pack and left them.



An extremely exhausted Georgia can be seen in her room,yawning and stretching her body tiredly.

She’s been working on her laptop for hours now.
That’s the least she can do,to keep herself busy before she díes of boredom,anyway.

“Even prisoners go out to see the outside world,what kind of bondage is this?” She muttered. She got off the bed,then shut her laptop down before returning the laptop to where she keeps it.

She wore her bunny slippers,then walked out of her room to get some fresh air.

She actually just wants to walk around the big mansion,and enjoy the cool breeze from mother nature.

“Ooh,roses!” She excitedly said when she saw a bush of roses.

She shut her eyes and sniffed in the scents. She then opened them and caught sight of a beautiful butterfly.

“Awww. It’s so beautiful with many colors” She gushed,as the butterfly perched on her hand. But it flew away almost immediately,and she pouted like a baby.

Yes! Georgia can be this sweet and tender when she decides to be so. And extremely crazy when she wants to be,too.

She carefully plucked one of the roses,sniffing it as she continued walking.

She was now heading towards the swimming pool,still enjoying her tour around the Mansion.

But,her tour turned sour when she saw Caesar and Cindy at the pool,swimming and acting all lovey dovey.

Caesar actually came home early today.
At first,she cared less. But for unknown reasons,she had this kind of feeling in her heart.

I wouldn’t say jealous,but she sort of felt that way,seeing them swimming,playing and kissíng in the pool.

Is this how it is supposed to be?
Shouldn’t marriage be sweet?

At least,for the first few months,or years in marriage. It is supposed to be sweet,right?

This wasn’t the kind marriage she had envisaged.
She wanted to marry someone she loves,and one who loves her too.

Anyway,she can decide to quit the marriage when she feels like,and that’s through a divorce.

But,for now. She wants to stay because of the signed contract,and the Company,which she doesn’t want crashing.

She turned and started walking back into the house,trying so much not to remember Caesar and Cindy’s scene at the pool.

Her phone started ringing while she slowly walked in.

She paused,then checked it and saw it’s an unknown number.
After contemplating for a while,she swiped green,then placed the phone on her left ear.

“Hello…?” Her sweet voic echoed at the other end.

The moment the person who called,spoke,she recognized the voice immediately.

“Kraisee…?” She called,totally shocked and confused.



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