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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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TEMPORARY WIFE – Episode 77 & 78

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[ Sweet Surrender…]

Chapter 77🪻78

By,Ella N.

Copy And Dìe Viciously‼️





But Lennox smiled instead.

“It’s time,Dudes!” He announced and swiftly got off from where he sat,and trotted towards where he had dropped his laptop bag.

He quickly got it and came back,opening and bringing the laptop out fast.

“Huh….?” Everyone in the living room said,turning to face him,except Kyrian though,because he knew what Lennox was talking about.

What does he mean by “it’s time”?

They’re here worried about Albert’s abduction and he’s saying it’s time? Time for what exactly?

“What do you mean by it’s time,Lennox?”Georgia asked,still totally confused. Everyone was.

Caesar went mute and refused to talk,like…he became too weak to even talk.
He was just staring at them absentmindedly,all what he’s thinking about now is his Dad who is at where he has no clue of.

“Time to take Scorpio down and save your father-in-law” Lennox blurted,signaling Kyrian to please come handle the computer,since he’s good with computers.

“What are you saying,Len? You don’t even the location of where he is” Alvara spoke,also confused about what is going on.

“Chill,baby,I’ve got this. Mr. Albert has a GPS tracker on his body” Lennox said to everyone’s hearing and they all widened their eyes.

Caesar who went mute for a moment,suddenly spoke when he heard what Lennox just said.

“He has a what? How did this happen? Wait,you knew about this?” He asked both Lennox and Kyrian,and they nodded.

“What the f_ck?!!” Caesar almost screamed his lungs out,as he began to vibrate hotly.

“Sorry,man,but we had to do this without letting you know….

“How in the world did you know this was going to happen?” Caesar cut Kyrian off.

He wasn’t màd at anyone,but was a bit happy about it,although his Dad’s life is in much danger as they speak right now,but the fact that he has a tracker on his body,gives him so much joy.

At least,now they will know where that psycho is. Something they,and the cops have been on,for like ever,but haven’t been able to track him down.

This is victoria at last,even though this is just a tip of an ice berg. Because the real battle awaits them all.
This is a good thing to start with,though.

But how did they know Scorpio was going to abduct his Dad?



“Uhm,Dad. This is the Lennox Caesar and I told you about earlier today. He knows almost everything about Scorpio and wants to help” Kyrian introduced Lennox to Albert.

After Lennox visited Caesar’s Mansion (Alvara took him there). They talked about everything they needed to talk,concerning the whole Scorpio’s issue.

With everything being said,Lennox left Caesar’s Mansion,back to school.

But he later came back,not to Caesar’s place though,but to meet up with Kyrian,which they both planned to meet again,after they met at Caesar’s place though.

So,they met and Lennox brought up the idea of using a tracking device to find Scorpio in his secret hideout. But the device has to be planted on someone’s body. That was the only way out.

Now,how are they going to do this? Because someone has to be abducted by Scorpio,before this can work.

Now,this is where Albert came in,after they talked for a very long time,and…

“I will do it,since that’s the only way. And if anyone else is to dìe next,then I should be the one here. I am not going to let anyone dìe again,not when I am alive.
But how do you know he’s really coming for me? What if he changes his mind and come for another person instead?

“That is going to be very dangerous and risky.
I am just so fed up with this whole thing,my family is in serious danger,and I’m just so helpless” Albert sighed in frustration,his both hands,roughening his hair.

This Scorpio of a guy has just put everyone in frustration and totally helpless,and knowing not what to.

This is just to much to handle,everyone is going insane because of him! But it seems Lennox got everything,and he’s as ready for anything as Scorpio is.

“Don’t worry about that,sir. I will know if there’s any change of plans” Lennox spoke confidently,like one who is actually working hand in hand with Scorpio.

“How do you mean,Lennox? How will you know about his change of plans when you are here and not there.
We don’t even know where his location is” Kyrian said,gesticuting,as he wonders how.

“I got someone there who’s gonna do that. One of his boys is gonna help” Lennox said,making both Kyrian and Albert to widen their eyes.

“Whoa,man! You’re just God sent,f_ck! I can’t believe how you do all these” Kyrian smiled joyously,likewise Albert.

“But would it not be better if he sent us the location of where they are? I mean,there won’t be any need of risking anyone’s life first,yunno” Kyrian said happily,but Lennox shook his head.

“The dude doesn’t even know the location of where they are” He replied. Albert and Kyrian were very disappointed to hear that.

This is all Scorpio’s doing. He made sure none of them found the name of the place they are,because he knows the number of enemies who are ready to bring him down,and he knew anyone could betray him.

Before this happened though,since Lennox knows every member of the Black Daggers.

He had talked some sense into the guy real well,told him how Scorpio is just using them for his own selfish reason,and there’s nothing for him to offer them.

But they will only keep shedding innocent bløod for him and nothing else.

The guy is actually one of those who liked Lennox very well,when he was still a member.

So,it didn’t take Lennox much talking before he was able to get him to see the truth about what he said.

The guy decided to help,but he’ll pretend to keep being a member until Scorpio has been apprehended. Because if he decides to quit without using his head,then it means he has used his hands to dig his own grave.

All this happened even before the other night Scorpio heartlessly kílled their member,the guy was there. And was scared to his bones,imagining if that was him that came out like that to tell Scorpio that he’s quiting.


So,this is how it all happened.

The guy had to inform Lennox about Scorpio’s new plan.

He even almost got caught,but thankfully,he scaled through.

Lennox wasn’t sure of when Scorpio was actually coming for Albert,but when the guy informed him,he had to tell Kyrian about it,and they both went to Albert’s to let him know what’s up.

So,Lennox planted the tracker on him immediately,without hesitating,and they left Albert’s Mansion,while he stayed alone and waited for his worse nightmare.

They did all these without telling Caesar,because there was no way he was going to let his Dad take that kind of risk.

No way he was going to let him walk through the road of déath,while he sat and watched him.

Absolutely no way!

“Please track the location as fast as you can. Scorpio is too smart and might find out he has a tracking device on.

“We need to be fast about it,because if he does,then Mr. Albert’s life will be in more danger.
Please inform the cops about this now” Lennox spoke breathlessly,while he got himself ready.

Caesar was doing same,and Kyrian was f_cking busy with the computer.

Jorel and the rest arrived while they were all getting ready.

Alvira actually sent them Caesar’s home address.

“Fracks! Can’t believe you came after all. Thought you said you weren’t coming” Alvira shook her head at James.

Same guy who said he wasn’t ready to dìe yet.

“I just can’t let my school down. We are in this together” James replied. The twins looked at each other and smiled happily.

“Got it,f_ck you!!” Kyrian screamed out in excitement,f_cking the hell out of no one in particular.

Everyone just rushed to him to take a look at the computer.

“It’s in Nimmanhaemin? Right under our nose?” Caesar said,unbelievably.

All this while,the location is in Nimmanhaemin?

The place isn’t far from Nimman Estate at all.

“But in an outskirt of Nimmanhaemin though” Kyrian replied,and Caesar smiled for no reason.

Georgia found herself thinking deep on hearing that Scorpio’s hideout is in Nimmanhaemin.

Why is she thinking?

Welll,Kraisee lives in Nimmanhaemin,and she can remember how he tried to come in between them.

The cops arrived too not quite long,and they were set for the mission they’re about to embark on.

Georgia went to Caesar and hugged him tight,as if she shouldn’t let him go.

If it was in her power to stop him from going,she definitely would do that.

But right now,no amount of pleading will change his mind. Whether or not he likes it,he has to go,this is his battle after all.

Not just his,but every victim of Scorpio’s evil,mostly him though.

“I am so scared,Caesar” She said as she broke from the hug.

“Don’t be,Baby. Just pray and wish us success in capturing that psychopath. Our nightmares will soon be gone,and we’ll have our lives back to normal” Caesar smiled,trying to calm her tensed spirit.

“Promise me and the baby that you’re going to be fine,Babes. Promise you’re coming back home with no scratch on your body” Georgia said,still very scared.

Everything Caesar said,changed nothing,because she was still worried and scared for her husband.

In fact,scared for everyone,because this is no child’s play. It’s a do and díe game in which anyone can lose his life easily.

So,there’s no how she’s going to be okay,until she sees that everyone,especially her husband,is back in one piece.

“I promise,Geo. Cross my heart” He replied and placed his lips on hers,kissing her for seconds before breaking it.

“Take care of you and our baby,okay? We’ll be back before you know it” He added,kissing the baby too (Georgia’s tummy).

Georgia nodded and smiled hoping for success at last.

“Mom will join you guys soon. Alex has gone to get her already,and they both will stay back to protect you all” Caesar said,referring to his guards,and she nodded again.

“I love you. Please be safe” She said.
Caesar smiled and replied same,before going to join the cops where they were.


“Be safe,Baby,please” Alvara said to Lennox,as she felt scared too.

“I sure will,I promise. Don’t forget you’re dating a tough guy” Lennox said,showcasing his big muscles playfully,and that made Alvara to giggle.

“I love you” He said and kissed her forehead,then joined the cops too,after winking and smiling at Alvara though.


“I will never be at rest until I see that you are back and okay” Monique pouted,well,the normal too “scared”.

“I will be fine and back to you,Sweetie. Remember you haven’t said “yes,I do” to me yet,and….we’ve not banged hard yet,so I am f_cking coming back for you” Kyrian replied naughtily,licking his lips and that made Monique to chuckle hard,even when it wasn’t time for anyone to start chuckling hard yet.

But what did he mean by what he said about her not saying “yes,I do” to him yet?

“Hmmm!” She shrugged and watched him as he walked away.


“Be safe,Jo Jo,please y’all be safe” Alvara said,hugging her bestie tight for a while before breaking away.

“I promise,Vira. For your sake,I’ll be safe” Jorel smiled and with that,they all joined the cops.

After Lennox had told them how they’ll go about it. Since of course,he knows Scorpio better,and he sure knows how smart he is.

The cops said what was needed to be said too,and one after the other,they began to step out.

Caesar was the last to leave,and that’s because he wanted to give his wife an air kiss and make an “I love you” sign to her.


The whole lab smells of evil,anger,ruthlessness and a dark heart owned by a being who has sold it to the devil.

Scorpio can be heard smashing something with his boot,raging so very much with anger while he did so.

He’s literally smashing the tracker that was on Albert.

Yes,just as Lennox told Caesar and Kyrian,the devil just found that Albert is with a tracker,not quite long now.
That’s why he’s so mad right now and he’s ready to spill another bløod right here and now.

With Albert having a tracker on,simply means he’s been fòoled and betrayed.

Because how did they know he was coming for Albert?

Nobody knew about the plan,but his boys.

So,this simply means,one of them is a traitor! And he’s ready to fish that person out and chop off his hèad to have dared betray the almighty Scorpio.

But who did?

He did not care,and right in front of everyone he shut two down,right in their eyes,and flew out their sockets. They went limp instantly as blöod gushed out massively out of their eyes.

He kicked them again and added to it.

And for Albert?

The poor man has already been beaten up,and the left side of his face is bleeding seriously.

He doesn’t want to kìll him just yet though,because he wants to use him to get Caesar to enter right in his trap without sweating.

“Bring out your phones and unlock them now!!” He said,gruffly,scaring the small lives left out of his boys who were trembling,if that’s the best word to use.

They all brouht them out,throwing them on the floor,right in his front.

He began to check them out one after the other,going through their call logs and messages.

He didn’t find anything suspicious,until he got to the guy who earlier updated Lennox about everything.

The guy was already dèad as he stood and waited for his life that’ll be taken from him soon.

Scorpio was about going through it when he sudddnly felt something was not right.

He felt that where they are is no longer safe.

He felt they’ve been surrounded.

Slowly like the devil he is,he paused what he was doing and chuckled.

He stood up and darkly walked to the window,where he took a view of what was going,and he indeed saw that they were surrounded.

It’s the cops he got a view of when he checked.

“$h|t! We are surrounded,split now,we need to get out of here!!” He ordered and they all scattered around.


One of the cop members who looked like their leader,gave them signals.

After the countdown,$h00ting began before anyone could “jack”!

Everywhere was sounding with gunshot already as the cops gave no chance for any of them to escape.

They too,began to $h00t,but not all of them.

The guy on Lennox’s side managed to escape,in order to join Lennox and the rest.

Scorpio is already nowhere to be found,together with Albert.

Lennox and the rest separated too.

Caesar and Lennox were actually together,and both shot one of the members rushing towards them,down at a time.

Kyrian and Jorel too,were on their side,battling with theirs.

Then like that,the rest were doing theirs too.


“The coast is clear,I think we should go look for your Dad” Lennox told Caesar,and he nodded.

The guy met them half way to where they were heading to,even though they weren’t sure. So he took them there.


“Ahhhhhh!” A loud scream could be heard,as James was shot down as he tried to $h00t one that was aiming at him.

“f_ck,dude!” Jorel cursed,and rushed to where he laid,half déad.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to the end,but at least,I was brave enough to take a bold step. Wish all of you success at last” He spoke weakly,and before Jorel could say anything else,he breathed his last dying right in his arms.

“Shiiiit!!” Jorel madly roughened his hair,and closed his eyes.

While Jorel was still there,a Black Dagger was about $h00ting him,but he got shot by Kyrian first,thankfully.

“Oh,$h|t!!” Kyrian cursed too,shutting his eyes tight when he saw who was down and déad.


“Dad!! Oh my f_ck! You’re okay,and not even a scratch” Caesar screamed happily,the moment he set his eyes on his Dad whom he thought he’d never see again.

Nothing even happened to him. He thought,he’d be brutally beaten before they get here.

Like a baby,he ran towards his Dad,and hugged him tight.

“I’m so glad you’re okay,Dad. I thought I was gonna lose you” He said,but what his Dad replied,threw him off balance.

“What if I lose you first,son” Came his rough voice,and Caesar pulled away immediately only to meet a smirky face,with a gun pointed at him.

It was Scorpio and not Albert!!

“I actually planned to ki|| you slowly and sweetly,but I guess you just couldn’t wait for that to happen. How about I start by showing you who I really am,then I chop off your head next?” He laughed evily,but he suddenly changed his face to a more wicked one,after the laugh.

Slowly,he took off his mask,and Kraisee came to view.

Caesar’s eyes span consecutively,before rolling to the back of his head.

“Kraisee?!!!” He questioningly asked,his body was completely weakened!!

“Naaa,it is almighty Scorpio there” He said and was about $h00ting when he got knocked on the head with a big stick by Lennox.

He passed out instantly and Caesar almost passed out too.

The guy on Lennox’s side knew where Albert was,so he took Lennox there and they rescued him,after ki||ing three of the Black Daggers that were guarding him.

Okay,so they had to split up,that’s why Caesar was left alone,which wasn’t intentional though.

“Holy $h|t,f_ck me!!! Kraisee?!!” Caesar screamed again,as he still couldn’t believe it.

“So,this is what his face looks like? Handsome,but with a dark heart” Lennox shook his head.

“You know him?” He asked Caesar and he nodded. He just couldn’t speak.


All the Black Daggers have been taken down,and everwhere is flowing with blõod,and dead bodies.

The place is a bit quiet now,because no gun can be heard again.

“All hail the Almighty Scorpio!!!” One of the cops said,and everyone chorused as the cops dragged him on the ground,taking him away. Though,still unconscious.

They’ve taken James’s body too,after everone had taken a look at him with sympathy.

They felt so bad,especially Caesar. He still isn’t himself right now,because of the guy,no one is.

“Dad…I am so sorry you had to go through this because of us” Caesar apologized,but Albert smiled instead even with the pain all over his body.

“Let’s go home,son. We need to celebrate our victory,your wife needs to hear this,everyone needs to hear that we were victorious” Albert said,and Caesar didn’t know he was crying until a tear dropped down his cheek.

He said nothing,but only hugged his real Dad whose face was bruised badly.


It was only Kyrian,Lennox and one of the cops that entered the house as planned.

Georgia and the rest sprang up immediately on seeing them.

“Where is Caesar? He came back with you,right? Georgia asked,already shaking as no one was answering her.

Marisa and the rest began to question too,looking at the door to see if Caesar and the others were coming,but none came in.

“I am asking you three and you aren’t saying anything,where the hell is my husband?!” She asked,about to tear her clothes off and start running around the street to look for him.

“I’m sorry,Georgia. But we….

“Were victorious,Baby!!! We won!!!!!” Caesar finally walked in,smashing a bottle of champagne on the floor and it made a loud puffy sound like a gun shot.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!” They all screamed out joyously.


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