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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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TEMPORARY WIFE – Episode 69 & 70

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[ Sweet Surrender…]

Chapter 69🪻70

By,Ella N.

Copy And Dìe Viciously‼️



••••✨PAINFUL EXIT✨••••

His very first kiss with her since they started dating!

That was the only thing he could think of doing to calm and shut her up,as she was starting to act crazy and wasn’t listening to anything he was saying.

Alvara was still trying to free herself from him,she was even crying in his mouth whilst he kissed,but she suddenly gave in just when he was about to break from it.

She began to kiss him back in the same pace and sweet way he was kissing her.

Wait! She just responded to the kiss?!

What Alvara did gladdened Lennox’s heart so much,that he deepened the kiss.

He was expecting her to slap him or kick him,probably on his groin,or even bite his lips,but she didn’t.

Somehow he thought Alvara was going to breakup with him after learning the truth,but the fact that she just kissed him back,is giving Lennox a little hope that their relationship will still be.

Lennox opened his eyes,slowly taking his wet lips off Alvara’s,and began to stare at her.

Alvara quickly looked away and he sighed.

“Look at me,baby” He said,but she refused to.

“Vara,please” He said. He tenderly held her chin,and slowly turning her face to him.

Her eyes met with his,and they both felt a spark of light in their hearts.

Yes,their hearts raced in excitement for each other.

Like that,he rubbed her chin for seconds,then tucked her hair behind her ear.

“Please forgive me,Vara. You have every right to be mad at me for not letting you know who I really am.
I am sorry,baby.

“And like I said earlier,I’m no longer a cúltist. I quit being one because of you,I am not a dangerous guy,okay?
Please don’t see me as one,I’m still your Le.

“And hey….we just had our first kiss together” He said with a smile,trying to make her happy.

Alvara smiled a little and that gladened Lennox’s heart so much.

He pulled her to his huge body,hugging her warmly.

“You can keep being màd at me,if that will make you feel better. But please,don’t be mad for too long or stop talking to me,because I won’t survive it” He said,giving her hair a long kiss.

Alvara wrapped her hands around his body,hugging him tight.

“I’m scared,Len. Our lives,including yours are in so much danger and I’m scared” She spoke lowly,her voice cracking a little due to fear.

“I know,baby. But I’ll make sure to protect you both. Don’t be scared,because nothing will happen to you” He replied,reassuringly.

“But what about you…who’s gonna protect you?” She cooed,raising her head that had been resting on his chest all the while,to look at his face.

“Don’t worry about me,I’ll be fine.
Your lives need more protection” He replied and she nodded even though she wasn’t okay with what he just told her.

“We didn’t ràpe his sister,Len. Why is he after our lives?” Alvara asked,staring at his face.

“He’s just a psycho with people’s blood tormenting his head,but I can take care of him,don’t worry.

“You should call your sister,I bet she must be very worried about you” He said. She nodded and began to look for her phone.

“Are you gonna tell her?” He suddenly asked and she paused to look at him.

“I should tell her,not only her,but my entire family.

“This isn’t something to be taken for granted” She replied and he nodded in affirmative.


“Shouldn’t we just stay home and…

“And what? You better go get dressed for work that we are already late for,breakfast is almost ready” Georgia cut in,chuckling at Caesar who just hugged her from behind.

He stylishly slid his hands beneath Georgia’s top and began to play with her Břě@šťs,giving them light squeezes.

Georgia is actually in the kitchen making breakfast.

She asked the chefs not to help her,so she was alone in the kitchen,not until Caesar came in to do naughty things to her.

They are going to work though,but it’s obvious they will be going late,because they woke up late too.

“We are in the kitchen,Caesar and not in the room” Georgia half yelled and almost møaned.

“It’s our kitchen,and no anyone else’s.
We can have it here and no one can question us.

“Wait,does this mean we could go another round if we were in the room?” Caesar smirked,squeezing them a little hard now,and she gasped.

“Are you crazy? Do you have any to cripple me completely? Smokes! I am still trying to refer from last night’s and you’re here talking about another round” Georgia shot and her laughed out heartily.

“What is Wifey making though” He asked and pinched her nìpples intentionally with a smirk,whilst kissing her neck.

“Mmm,Caesar!” She mõaned. She wanted to slap his hands that were still inside,playing naughty with her Břě@šť,but d@mn! It felt so good,so she just let him do his thing.

“I’m making your favorite,since you chose sêx over food last night and slept without eating. I decided to make your favorite,so you can eat before going to work” She replied.

“Don’t I just have the best wife ever” He said and she giggled.

“But who said I didn’t eat last night” He suddenly asked,and she immediately turned to look at him.

“If I’m not mistaking,I remember you only took tea which I personally made for you” Georgia scoffed.

“Actually,I felt very hungry after exhausting all my energy last night,so I ate while you were tiredly sleeping” He told her.

“I see,naughty man. After rendering me useless on the bed,you decided to eat after all,huh?

“Smokes,Babes! I thought I was going to run màd yesterday,like…that $h|t crazily got into my brain that I almost ran out of the bed like a mad woman” Georgia said,and they both laughed.

“I saw how crazy you were acting and shaking” Caesar chuckled.

“Hope you aren’t sore though” He said,squatting.

“Not so much,you weren’t rough,yunno” She smiled,staring at him while he kissed her tummy.

“How’s the baby doing?” He asked,tracing his forefinger on the long dark line on Georgia’s tummy.

“That tickles” She giggled and he smiled before kissing her tummy again.

“She’s awesomely fine” She replied and he nodded,rubbed her tummy then got up.

“Wait isn’t that Mom’s voice?” Caesar suddenly asked,listening attentively to be sure.

“Sounds like hers. But did she say she was coming?” Georgia shrugged.

“She never tells when she’s coming” Caesar replied.

Georgia chuckled and turned the gas cooker off before they both left the kitchen together.

“Good morning,Mom. You didn’t say you were coming” Caesar said.

“Be quiet,Caesar. I didn’t come here for you,but my daughter-in-law” Brenda snapped,making Wifey and Hubby to chuckle.

“How are you,my love?” She asked,hugging Georgia.

“I’m okay,Mother” Georgia replied with a smile,then kissed Brenda’s cheek.

“Mom,aren’t you gonna ask how I am doing too?” Caesar asked jealously.

“I told you I didn’t come here for you,you’re not the one carrying my grandchild anyway” Brenda replied,holding Georgia by the hand as she went to sit.

“But I put the grandchild in there,jeez!” Caesar replied dramatically,and they all laughed.

“Hope you no longer puke?” Brenda turned to Georgia and asked.

“I do,Mom. But not so bad like before” She replied,and Brenda smiled.

She shoved her hand into her handbag and brought out a very beautiful and obviously an expensive bracelet,handing it to Georgia who reluctantly collected it.

“Whoa! This is beautiful,Mother” Georgia said in admiration.

“I know,right? It was Caesar’s when he was still a baby,though he h@ťěd it because he always fought with it while in his cot. Always taking it off his tiny chubby hand” Brenda replied and Georgia chuckled,turning to look at Caesar who was smiling but rolling eyes like an owl.

“But this is for girls though,why was he wearing girls stuff?” Georgia asked curiously.

“You’re right. Yunno,I thought I was going to have a baby girl,but nope.
Besides,the bracelet was just too beautiful to let go,so I couldn’t help but to buy it for him” Brenda replied.

“Keep it for the baby you’re expecting. This is a special gift from me to her yet” Brenda said strangely,causing both Georgia and Caesar to frown.

“Why are you sounding like you’re traveling out of the country with no plans of coming back,Mom?” Caesar asked confusedly.

Because why is she suddenly acting weird?

“Well,Caesar. I don’t want to misplace it before the baby is born” Brenda replied simply.

“Uhm…Mom,you’ve had that for the past twenty five years now,and you didn’t misplace it. Is it in less than seven months you’re gonna lose it?

“Hmm. I hope Dad’s good though?” Caesar said,and she replied positively.

“I’ll be on my way soon,but I want to make something yummy for you,specially for pregnant women” Brenda said to Georgia.

“Smokes! I’m already late for work,can I eat it when I come back,please?” Georgia pouted,and Brenda chuckled,rubbing her cheeks like a baby’s.

“Of course,dear. I’ll make,then refrigerate it for you” She told her,and Georgia nodded.

“Can I have my Wife back now?” Caesar said and stood up.

“Bye,Mom. The chefs will assist you in the kitchen,and go meet your husband once you’re done,he’s missing you already” He smirked and held Georgia’s hand as they began walking up the stairs.

“I’ll call you later,Mom” He added,and Brenda chuckled,feeling so happy about everything.


“Caesar,please. How many times do I have to beg,before you release Cindy?” Unhappy Jade asked,and Caesar scoffed.

“I already told you she’s innocent,I don’t know why you’re still keeping and punishing her for someone else’s sin” Jade continued,and Caesar scoffed.

“Can you stop nagging already? You’re not even sure if she’s innocent or not” Caesar answered,grudgingly.

“This is the same Cindy you were once in love with,madly in love,Caesar. Why are you treating her like a total stranger?” She said,and that got Caesar mad.

“You want to tell me about love? Well,go ahead,I’m all ears.
Now tell me,do you betray the ones you love?

“Do you love them because of the things they have?
Just go ahead and tell me what love is,nonsense!

“Your friend was dating me because of my money. You know the funny part of it?
I wasn’t the only one she was dating,she was dating other men too for the same money,do you have any idea how that hurts?

“I provided her with every f_cking thing she needed,I f_cking did! Humph!”He chuckled and stood up from his seat.

“You know what? I don’t give a d@mn about that anymore,because she’s in my past now.

“And all thanks to her,now I know what it really feels like to love someone and be loved back in return.
All thanks to her,I know what true love is.

“I’m gonna let your friend go,but if I find out she did it after all,what I did to her will be double of what I will do next” Caesar spoke with all seriouness.

Jade only let out a deep sigh as she was not sure of exactly what to say at the moment.

She had no idea Caesar knew about it.


“How could you do this to me,Georgia? How could you just throw me away like an old rag?” Kraisee said,the moment he walked into Georgia’s Office,not looking happy at all.

He couldn’t sleep last night,after finding out that Georgia and Caesar are back together.

He couldn’t and still doesn’t want to accept the fact that they really have.

“Uhm…Kraisee? What happened,what have I done?” Georgia asked in absolute confusion,wondering what she has possibly done to make him say that.

Wait,what in the world is he even talking about?

“I can’t believe you went back to him after he treated you like $h|t.

“I thought you were Divorced and you no longer love him.
I love you,Georgia,crazily still in love with you.
Why did you do this to me?” He asked,and Georgia frowned,dropping her pen to take a good look at him.

She was even writing something down when he came and began to talk like a crazy person.

Did he just say in love with her?

Is this guy mad or something…wait,was he happy that she and Caesar were having issues?

“Kraisee…? What the hell is going on with you,because I don’t seem to understand anything you’re saying.

“Why are you angry at the fact that Caesar and I are back together.
Wait,when did you and I have this conversation and I told you I no longer love Caesar?

“As a friend,shouldn’t you be happy that my husband and I were able to sort out the problem we were having? Smokes!” Georgia exclaimed unbelievably,staring at him in disappointment.

“Did you say friend? Like,I am just a friend to you and nothing more? And why should I be happy that another man has the woman I love,huh?” He asked,a bit upset.

“You’re my ex,for crying out loud,Kraisee. I am married now,you and I have nothing together anymore,I am someone else’s wife” Georgia almost yelled out.

“I don’t care if you are married now or not.
I love you,Georgia…mádly and still much in love with you.
You’re my ex,yes. But I was going to make things if you gave me the chance to.

“To think I had succeeded in getting you two Divorced,now I’ve gone back to square one?” He spoke blatantly,and Georgia’s mouth was in complete agape.

“Hold on a sec,let me get something straight. So,what you are trying to tell me right now is that you made…” Georgia paused and stood up from her chair and started chuckling.

“You were the one who hacked into Caesar’s account and made that….

“Yes,I did! I f_cking did and I’m not gonna hide nor lie about it,because that’s how much I love and want to be with you. I love you,Georgia. Please” Kraisee calmed a bit.

“No,Kraisse. You don’t love me,but obssessed with me. This is pure obssesion! I can’t believe you could stoop so low to do a thing like that,how could you?!” Georgia asked out loud,breathing so hard and angry at the same time.

Like what the f_ck?!

So,Cindy is innocent after all,and Caesar has been pinning the blame on her.

This is so unbelievable!


“Fracks! Where have you been,Vara. You got me very worried. Are you okay?” Alvira asked,hugging her sister tight and felt like not letting her go.

“I am fine,Vira. I was at Lennox’s house” Alvara replied as they broke away.

“Are you sure? I called you severally,but couldn’t reach you” Alvira stared at her twin keenly.

“I am fine,Alvira” Alvara breathed out.

“You look tensed,Vara. What’s going on?
” She asked worriedy.

“I’ll tell you about it later” Alvara replied.

Alvira averted her gaze to Lennox,wondering what happened between the two.

“I should be going now,baby. I’ll be having a class in five minutes. See you guys later” Lennox kissed Alvara’s forehead,and with that,he left them both.

“Okay,I know you said you’re gonna tell me about it later,but I don’t think I can wait any longer.

“What’s going on?
Is it Lennox?

“Wait,did he touch you….have you lost your virginity?” Alvira asked,sounding crazy.

“Jeez,Vira! Is this the first time I’ve gone to Lennox’s?
He didn’t and I have not lost my virginity” Alvara replied sharply.

“Then what is it,I’m going crazy already” Alvira pulled her face frustratedly.

“Our lives are in gràve danger,Vira” She finally said.



“So,what did Mom make for you?” Caesar asked,lying on his back on the bed.

He raised his legs off the floor and placed them on the bed,pulled the duvet up,and turned to face Georgia who is lying on the bed too.

He came back from work late again as usual,though he came back a bit early.
And well,Georgia came back early as always.

It’s been on her mind to tell Caesar about what Kraisee said,but she just wants to let it be for now.

“None of your business,you’re not pregnant” Georgia replied jokingly,pulling the duvet away from Caesar.

He chuckled and shook his head.

“Forgive me,Mrs. Pregnant. I only asked a harmless question that required a harmless answer,jeez!

“I’m gonna have to start spanking your @zz for always not giving me straight forward answers to my questions” Caesar joked too and they both laughed.

“She made Pad Thai,though. Smokes! So much of it” Georgia replied and Caesar chuckled.

“I haven’t even tasted it. I’ll go microwave some,once I leave here” She said.

“You know you can ask Lisa or Claire to do that for you. I’ve told you to stop stressing yourself and the bab,but you’re listening.
I am really gonna spank you hard” He smirked,knowing what he meant,but Georgia didn’t understand though,she only giggled.

“I am not complaining,and I am not lazy either,Mr. Pamper” Georgia replied and he smiled handsomely.

“Oh! Did you call Mother like you said you would?” Georgia suddenly asked and Caesar slapped his face immediately.

“f_ck it! You won’t believe I totally forgot” Caesar replied.

Georgia slapped his chest too,eyeing him seriously.

Caesar laughed shortly,and sat up,then picked his phone from the lamp stan.

He unlocked and was about dialing his Mom when his Dad’s call came in that instance.

“Dad…? What a coincidence” He smiled before swiping green.

“Hey,Dad….good evenin…

“Your Mom is déad” Came Albert’s breaking and low cries voice before Caesar could complete his sentence.

Caesar’s body completely went limp instantly. His whole blood dried up,and his phone slipped out of his weak hand,landing on the bed with a tud.

He remained stagnant,as he could hear the sound his crumbling walls were making,right in his ears.

His eyes instantly became very red and filled with tears that were ready to start gushing out.

“Babes? What is it…what’s the matter?!” Georgia sprang up immediately and turned his face to her,only to see red teary eyes.

“Smokes! What happened?” She asked shakily,staring at her husband in confusion.

“My….m…my Mom…nooo!!!!


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