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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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TEMPORARY WIFE – Episode 65 & 66

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[ Sweet Surrender…]

Chapter 65🪻66

By,Ella N.

Copy And Dìe Viciously‼️






“Uhm…Lisa? That’s Master’s food,and you were supposed to serve him the food.
Why are you back with it?”Claire asked Lisa,confusedly.

Although Caesar said he was okay only with the tea he took.

But earlier when Georgia came downstairs to make the tea for him,she had asked the chefs to bring Caesar’s food to their room,once they were done serving it.

So,that’s exactly what Lisa did,but….

“I don’t think Master still needs the food” She chuckled,dropping the food on the kitchen island.

“What are you saying,why are you even chuckling at that?…Mrs. Ruslee is sure not gonna be happy with you” Claire said,and Lisa smiled.

“Mrs. Ruslee’s crazy mòans slappéd me back here” Lisa walked to Claire and whispered in her ear.

“Awww,does that mean they are….

“Yep! It’s their wedding night,and I am so happy! I guess we should be expecting twins” Lisa said,naughtily and they both laughed happily.

“Gosh! This has always been my wish. I am so happy Master came back to his senses”Claire smiled afterwards.

“Seriously. Let’s clean up,please. I’m tired and I need to rest” Lisa said and Claire nodded.

“Where’s Brandon though?” Claire asked.

“Probably in his room” Lisa replied.

“Lazy áss” Claire stated and they laughed.



“Vira… There’s something I really need to tell you,and….I’m scared this is gonna break you real bad” Alvara held her sister’s hands,scared to tell her already.

Alvira was actually studying. So,Vara collected the book and held her hands instead.

“Okay. What could possibly be so bàd to break me that much. I hope you are okay,did something happen to you?”Alvira innocently asked with a frown,already getting worried over her sister’s words.

“This isn’t about me,twin sis. It’s about you and your relationship.

“Niran is a fake. He’s bee deceiving you all this while,Vira. Niran doesn’t love you” Alvara swallowed hard and blew it all up.

Alvira took her hands off hers,immediately.

Her brows curved more,as she unbelievably stared at her sister,confusedly.

Like,how can she say such about her boyfriend?

If only she knew that her sister has seen things far ahead of her.

“Vara…? How can you say a thing like that about Niran? Is everything okay,because I seriously don’t get it” Alvira spoke calmly.

Well,her sister possibly can’t just start spewing rubbish,so something is definitely up. That’s why she’s calm.

If not that this is her sister,she would have probably slapped her first,out of anger,for saying such about someone she’s so very much in love with.

“I know this is hard to believe and knew you were not going to believe me,because he has never acted like a cheat to your face.

“Niran is a big time cheat,and he’s been using you all this while. I just hope you’ve not done anything stūpid with him already” Alvara said,taking her phone from the reading table.

They are in their study room,but inside their room actual though.

She picked it and unlocked it,going straight to the video Michal sent her.

“I’m sorry,Vira. But don’t let this hurt you,he doesn’t deserve your tears,okay?” Alvara said as she showed Alvira the video.

Little tears were formed in her eyes already,as she showed her the video.

How much this $h|t is hurting her. If this is what she feels,how much more will Alvira be?

Alvira went dumb and lame instantly.

She couldn’t move nor talk,her whole body was weak.

The only think that was functioning on her body that moment,were the tears that began to rush out profusely.

It took her minutes before she even blinked.

Like,she was totally knocked out…completely and weakly!

Is thisis what heartbreak feels like?
Is this how hurting it feels when you find out that the person you love so much was only playing with you?

This is her first boyfriend for f_ck sake!!

Why did it have to end this way?

Has she been a fool all this while without knowing?

Wait,she literally has been dating herself?

Alvara quickly hugged her tight,because she was still in that same position,not saying a word!

Only tears were still rushing out,as she began to cry out,and that hurt Alvara really bad. Because she has never seen her sister cry before.

Nothing has made Alvira cry,absolutely nothing!

Maybe she has cried before,but she has never seen her cry.

This side of Alvira got her so emotional that she began to cry too.

“Am I a fool,Vara? Was I being too serious with the whole relationship thing?”

“Am I not beautiful enough? Don’t I possess the qualities of a girl? Oh,I get it! Because I dress like a boy?…I get it” Alvira finally spoke. She began to laugh like one who has lost it.

“,Vira. Don’t say that. He’s the fool here who doesn’t know what or who he has. He’s the fõol and the stupidest person here” Alvara hugged her tighter,making her rest her head on her chest,as she cried more.

“No,I’m a fõol,Alvara. I am stūpid to have not known that he was only playing with my heart.

“I loved him,Vira. He’s the first and only guy I e ever fell in love with,why did he do this to me?

“He is my f_cking first boyfriend…argh!” Alvira growled angrily.

She got off the chair and entered her room,slamming the door after her,and angrily locking Alvara out.

She landed on the bed and put her face down,crying the hurt out of her chest.

“Alvira…please open up! Don’t do anything stupid,please” Alvara begged from the inner part of their room,because that’s where their study room is.

Alvira’s anger is what all of them in the house try to avoid.

She isn’t even destroying anything,at least that’s calm enough.

“Vi….? Please,open the door” Alvara pleaded,but still,she didn’t answer her.


“You need to wash up,Geo. But guess I have to let you sleep for a while.

“f_ck! She’s so tired…she just slept off within a blink” Caesar chuckled,rubbing and kissing sleeping Georgia’s shoulder.

He has taken his own bath already for the second time this night and he’s just in bed,with Georgia sleeping on his body.

Well,she’s still very much nakéd,but Caesar covered her up with the duvet though.

“Okay. I think I’m hungry now”He said,picking his phone to call the chefs.

“Bring me something to eat,please”He said to Lisa who actually brought his food earlier,but…

Lisa brought the food almost immediately,and left. But not without looking at sleeping Georgia and smiling.

“Master has broken her completely” She thought as she exited the room with low giggles.

Anyway,while Caesar began to eat,his thought went back to earlier at the Office.

“Though I don’t believe Cindy didn’t do it.
But if she truly didn’t make that post,then,who did?” He got himself thinking hard.


“I’ll be at the library” Alvira said,almost like a whisper.

She left the class immediately without saying anything else.

She hasn’t seen Niran,and at this moment,doesn’t want to see him. Because might just kìll with the anger still in her.

Alvara slept in the study room,because Alvira never opened the door for her.

She (Alvira) cried until she slept off like that till the next morning when she woke up with swollen eyes.

Although she’s seriously hurt,but she’s so very happy at the fact that she did not give Niran her body. Because the hurt would have been worst,if she eventually did.

Now she gets it!

She gets why,just one week and some days into the relationship and Niran was already trying to have séx with her.

Why didn’t she see that and know that that’s the only thing he wants. Her body.

She was so fòoled and blinded by the love she has for him.

Is this how stúpid and unlucky other girls are,with the first time they fall in love.

Because she doesn’t understand why Niran chose to break her heart this way,despite knowing how much she loves him.

No wonder he never replied to her “I love you”. He usually just smiled.

Why didn’t she figure all these out?!

“I was a total fõol!” She insulted herself again,bringing out her headphones from her backpack and wearing it over her head.

“Hey…Vi” Came Jorel’s voice as he met her leaving the class.

“Hey…” She smiled dryly and walked away,leaving Jorel in confusion.

He stood still and watched her until he could see her no more.

“What’s up with her,hope she’s alright?” Jorel spoke to himself.

“Does she know already? Because I’ve never seen her this moody,and she has been like that since she came to school” Michal asked Alvara.

“Yeah,she does. I told her last night” She sighed,turning to look at Alvara’s direction.

“I can imagine how hurt she feels right now” Michal said,sadly.

“Yeah….she loved him very much,yunno. It hurts” Alvara replied,gloomily.

“Has she seen him though?” Michal further asked,and Alvara shook her head.

“Gosh!” They both sighed at a time.

“Is it just me,or you also feel somehow today?” Michal asked,making faces.

“I don’t know,but I don’t feel like it today. I have this weird feeling that something….ha!” Never mind,Vara” She paused and sighed out.

“Is everything okay?” Alvara curiously asked.

“Not exactly,but I’m fine. How are you,anyway?
What are you two going to be doing in the school concert coming up soon?” She asked instead.

“Gosh! Haven’t even thought about that.
Well,until Alvira recovers from the $h|t.
So,what about you?” Alvara asked back.

“Anything you two are doing,baby” Michal replied,and they chuckled lightly.

“I should go check in my sister,can’t possibly leave her alone” Alvara said.

“I bet she’d want to be left alone,Vara. Let her be for now” Michal suggested,and Alvara nodded.

“Hey,Alvara…is your sister okay? I saw her leave the class,but was all moody. Hope she’s alright” Jorel asked,concerned.

“Not really,Jorel. Uhm…well,she’s heartbroken” Alvara told him without hiding.

What’s there to hide anyway? Jorel is her male best friend,so why would she hide it from him.

“Oh,$h|t! What?” Jorel frowned.

He knew all along that that Niran of a guy is a fake.

He’s a guy like him and knows when they are only playing with a girl’s heart.

He could tell that Niran wasn’t serious with Alvira. He just chose not to interfer in her relationship,because he didn’t want to look like jerk and a spoiler.

“Where do you think she’s heading to right now?” He asked worriedly.

“She said she’d be in the library” Alvara replied.

“I’ll advise you let her be for now,Jorel. I think she needs to be alone” She added when Jorel was about heading there too.


“How are you,baby? I’ve been calling,but you aren’t picking?” Niran asked.

He just met her on the way to the library.

Alvira wasn’t smiling with him at all,but he was stúpidly still smiling.

“So….for how long did you intend to toy with my heart?” Alvira started.

She folded her arms and stood,starìng at the jerk before her.

“Erm…what are you talking about,is everything okay?” He asked,trying to touch her,but she slapped his hand off.

“Don’t you dare lay your filthy cheating hands on me.
Did you have any single feeling for me?
How dare you cheat on me,and were still acting like a saint,Niran?” Alvira still spoke calmly despite the anger in her.

“Oh,you already found out” He spoke shamelessly,obviously not sorry for what he did.

Alvira creased her brows,her mouth slightly opened in shocks.

“Oh,you already found out? Are you seriously kidding?

“Wait,you aren’t remorseful for what you did? Fracks!” Alvira roughened her hair and began to chuckle for no reason.

“Uhm…see,Alvira. I had already planned to tell you this.
The truth is,I got no feelings for you…I feel nothing at all” He spewed out,and Alvira’s mouth widened more.

The f_ck?!

“What?!” She exclaimed in utter disbelief.

She started chuckling again…for no darn reason,roughening her hair while she did so.

“You know what’s funny about this whole thing?
The fact that you f_cking asked me out!
You stúpidly asked if we could be in a relationship,Niran!
So,why did you ask me out if you really felt nothing for me?” She asked,not keeping it cool this time.

Niran said nothing!

“f_cking answer me,I’m going nuts here!!” She yelled.

“I wanted nothing but your body!! I just wanted to get in-between your legs,that’s all. But I never saw it coming.
You’re not my kind of girl,okay? You should be glad we at least dated, f_cking stop yelling!” He yelled back and….


Twice at the same time,right on his face.

He wanted to talk again,but…


Again on the face,then got a hard punch on the face.

“How dare you play with my heart,you fõol!
How dare you see me as one of those girls you sleep around with?!

“You idiot! My heart is not to be toyed with,fõol.
Yes,idiot! I am not your kind of girl,because I’m not a wh-_-re…let that sink into your brainless skull” Alvira thundered aloud,but the hurt just made her to start shedding tears again.

“I h@ťě you,Niran! With everything in me!” She spat and left there immediately,before she cries more than that in front of him.


“I’ll be right there,Le” Alvara said over the phone.

Lennox just called and asked to see her at his place,urgently.

Michal and Jorel left,so she’s right now alone.

Hurriedly,she left. With the way he was talking,it sounded very urgent.


She finally reached his place which is not far from the school.

“Hey,baby. What’s the matter? You sounded so troubled on the phone” She said worriedly,but he didn’t answer her question.

“Come in” He replied instead.

He didn’t even hug her back like he usually does.

“Le…? Are you sure you’re okay?” She asked,but he still didn’t reply.

He only walked to a corner and picked up something,shoving it into his pocket.

“Lennox..?! You’re scaring me,what’s going on,why aren’t you saying anything?” She asked again,breathing fast now.

“Just shut the f_ck!” He yelled,and she shivered at the tone his voice.

He began to walk back to her,creepily,and omnious smirks.

What the hell has gotten over him,why is he acting this way?!

Sensing that she might be in danger,she started retracting her steps back.

“Where are you going? It’s just you and me in the room. And guess what? We are gonna have so much fun” He chuckled wickedly.

“Lennox! What has gotten over you? Why the hell are you creeping me out?!” She shouted,trying to open the door,but it was locked.

Wait!! When did he lock the door. She was the one who closed the door behind her,right?


“I asked you to shut the f_ck up!” He yelled,bringing out a dagger.

“What…Lennox?! What are you doing?!!” She asked,instantly freaking out.

“What I was sent to do a long time ago. I’m gonna f_ck you till you breathe your last” He laughed,hysterically,caressing his chin with the dagger.

“Lennox…!!! Let me go,please!!” Alvira began to beg,but he wasn’t listening.

He grabbed her abruptly,and started caressing her body with the dagger.


An unconscious body can be seen on the floor.

He was on that spot like that for some minutes,before he regained consciousness.

It’s Lennox!!

“Ahh!” He groaned in pains as he tried to get up.

His head is banging so hard,that he held it.

“Vara…?! Alvara….?!! Oh my f_ck! Alvara is in danger!” He sprang up immediately he remembered what happened,and his girlfriend’s life is in danger.


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