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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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TEMPORARY WIFE – Episode 59 & 60

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[ Sweet Surrender…]

Chapter 59🪻60

By,Ella N.

Copy And Dìe Viciously‼️






“Objection,your majesty!!” Georgia said,banging her hand on the desk in front of her.

Yep! They’re in the courtroom right now,arguing and judging a case.

It’s a new case she’s got to defend.

A case about a man whom his ex has been stalking for a long time now,and doesn’t want to let go.

He ended up harming the lady in question.

The man who harmed the lady in the process of defending himself,is who Georgia is defending in court right now.

She left very early for work,and yes!

Caesar didn’t let her go back to where she has been staying this one month.

He didn’t even let her leave his side!

Georgia insisted on going to get her things,at least. But he refused.

He literally sent his body guards instead.

Crazy and possessive husband. Lol.

And yes,they share the same room now.

“My client only did what he had to do,to defend himself.

“He could have been kílled if he didn’t use that for defence” Georgia said,the other Lawyer objected too.

“My client is the one who got harmed here. It was his intention to use that weapon on my client. There are many other ways he could have defended himself” The other Lawyer spoke too.

And in no time,the courtroom got so noisy,with the audience and witnesses murmuring.

Some were talking and supporting the lady who is stalking her ex,while some were supporting the guy being stalked.

Everywhere was just so noisy that you could barely hear what the other person is saying.

The courtroom suddenly went silent after the Judge called everyone back to order.

“This case has been adjourned till next week” Was all the he Judge said,hitting her hammer on the desk.


They all stood up,as the Judge walk past,till he went out of sight.

Little by little,the noise came again,but it wasn’t as much as because people already leaving the courtroom.

Georgia got out too,with her client by her side.

“Why do you look so worried and tensed?” She asked him,and he sighed.

“I’m scared I might lose this case,judging from the way things are going already” He said worriedly.

Wait,hasn’t he heard that Georgia has magical ways of winning cases for people,no matter how tough it is?

Georgia smiled and placed a hand on the guy’s shoulder.

He’s not the first person she has defended in court,that very worried about losing even before the case started.

So,it’s not new to her that this one too is starting to panic already.

“Do you trust me?” Georgia asked.

“Maybe” He replied,and Georgia smiled again.

“I understand your fears,but I’ve got this.
Just rest your mind on this case,and let me handle it. I’ve got you covered,okay?” Georgia to him,trying to calm his tensed soul.

“Okay,I really trust you. I’m just so worried and scared at the same time” He said,but with a smile this time.

After that,Georgia left to her Office.

All what she was doing back there in the courtroom,was with every strength in her left.

She’s tired…she’s dizzy…she feels very lazy and just wants to sleep right now.

See what Caesar has caused her now.

He has made her a lazy person by planting his seed inside her,and that seed has been showing her no mercy.

She took off her cap immediately she entered her Office,and sank into her chair.

“Hey there,baby. Can you stop frustrating Mummy a little,please?” She asked her foetus,as if it could actually hear her.

“Smokes!” She exclaimed,and like that,she rested her head on her desk and instantly dozed off.

Few minutes into the sleep,her phone starited ringing,waking her up from the beauty nap she was having already.

“I am not available,please try again” Georgia funnily and drowsily said,not raising her head at all to check who is calling.

It rang again,till the third time,before she finally checked her phone,and “Hubby” was the name that appeared.

“Hubby” She muttered with a smile,then swiped green.

“Hey,King of the Jews” She called him,and he chuckled immediately.

“I love it when you call me that,Caesar’s wife” He replied and she giggled.

“How are you my rare Gem?” He asked.

“Well,your baby said I should be lazy and just dozz around” Georgia replied,making Caesar to chuckle again.

“Hubby is sincerely sorry for what he’s done” Caesar said,and they both laughed lightly.

“Will you be back early from work?” Georgia asked,biting her lower lip,with a little grin.

“Why did you ask,are you missing me already?”Caesar teased.

“If I say yes,will you say you love me?”Georgia asked like a baby,relaxing her back very well on the chair.

“I definitely will” Caesar replied sharply.

“Then I miss you madly” Georgia said before Caesar could complete his statement.

“I don’t love you,sorry” Caesar teased,trying to get her angry.

If only he could see that cute angry face right now. It’d be so sweet to look at.

“Hey,that’s cheating!” She snapped.

Caesar burst out laughing hard from the other end,while Georgia was busy chuckling lowly,so Caesar wouldn’t hear her.

“I’m not sure if I’ll be home early,but I will try and come back early. I promise” He said after he had laughed to his satisfaction.

“Hope you don’t feel weak?” He inquired.

“Not so much,I’m fine. Gone for your meeting already?” She asked too,and he replied with “not yet”.

“Alright,Baby. I Just called to check and know how you’re doing. Just try and go home early,so you can rest yourself.

“Take care of you two,I’ll check on you again later,okay?
Love You” Caesar said.

“I will. Love You, Hubby” Georgia replied same,after which the call disconnected.

“That man” She chuckled and dropped her phone on the desk,then went back to sleeping.


“Ahhhhhh!!” The agonizing screams came out of his lips again and again.

You already know who that is,right?

Yes! It’s him,the member of the Black Daggers who got caught.

He’s been tied to an electric chair,shocking the broad daylight out of him.

Well,he still has not said anything,despite the hell he’s seeing on earth.

Anyone who sees him right now,would rather wish him a good dèath,than to beg for his release.

He looks like a déad person already,but still…he does not want to talk.

“He still hasn’t said anything?” One of the most feared and strict Officers,walked in gallantly and asked.

“Still nothing,he’s too stubborn” The other Officer who has been in there with the guy,said.

“Then I guess the torture isn’t severe enough” Officer Jones said,moving closer to where the guy is tied to the chair.

Without asking him questions,because he knew the guy still won’t give answers to what they are asking him. Officer Jones turned it back on,and the whole room was rendered with his cries.

Well,what he’s facing right now is nothing compared to what he faced on the day of his initiation into the cūlt.

So,he definitely isn’t going to speak.

“Do you still value your family?….

“No,no,no…please” He pleaded immediately as he already knew where the Officer was driving at.

“Then,speak!!” He thundered and his voice echoed.

“He’s taking revenge for his sister. A late student of BEGGLETON who was ràped to déath horrificly,and the school did nothing about it. Rather,the leader of who ràped her,thr_@tened and destroyed everything he had,when he tried to report the case.

“He doesn’t only want to kíll those who were involved,but also every female student in BEGGLETON and anyone else who tries to get in the way.

“His main target now is the twins,whom he was told were his sister’s friends.
He’s angry at the fact that they couldn’t protect her and it had to be his sister and neither of them.

“He’s a sychopath who is obssessed with shedding blòod. It gets worse when he remembers what happened.

“Most cûlt members are also taking revenge.

“It will almost be impossible to get him,because….

The guy suddenly passed out as he became too weak.

“Whoa!” Was all the Officers could say.


“So,I heard the guy is still in their custody,and hasn’t said anything” A student in Alvira’s class,said.

They just finished writing their test,and they are just cooling off before their lecture begins.

“How do you even know about all these things?” Another one asked funnily,and some other students started laughing.

“Rumors spread easily. Besides,I am not the newscaster of the class for nothing” The girl said,and everyone laughed.

“She’s right though,heard he has refused to talk” Alvara said too,and everyone sighed.

Alvira is actually by the door,trying to call Niran,but he isn’t picking.

And Michal?

She’s sitting right next to Alvara,finding it difficult to say what she saw.

It’s not like she’s scared of of what Niran might do,she’s just worried about her friend’s feelings.

“Vira…? Let’s go have lunch,please” Alvara said as she and Michal walked to her.

“Where the hell is he?” Alvira asked,dropping her hand down.

“Who?”Alvara curved her brows.

“Niran of course. Haven’t seen him the whole of today,and I miss him” Alvira said,tucking her short hair behind her ear.

“Uhm…tomboy in love,that’s Niran over there,coming” Alvara mocked her sister,poking her nose.

Alvira chuckled immediately as she saw him actually coming just as Alvara said.

Michal got angry instantly the moment she sighted him too.

She felt like strangling hím to dèath once he’s close enough.

Look at him acting and even smiling at Alvira,like he hasn’t done anything.

What’s even wrong with this guy?

Is it that he just wants to get in between Alvira’s legs,or he has other ulterior motives?

Because she doesn’t seem to understand what he’s dating her friend for when it’s clear that he doesn’t love her.

“Michal? Are you…okay?” Alvara pulled Michal to a corner and asked.

Niran already got to Alvira,and the fact that he shàmelessly kisséd Alvira when he got to her,got Michal very angry.

She tightened her fist and grunted inwardly,but Alvara noticed it.

“Why are you suddenly angry,seeing Niran?” She asked calmly.

“He’s a cheat! He’s f_cking cheating on Vira” Michal spoke out,blatantly.

“Michal?! How can you say that about him? You know how much she loves him,and seriously won’t be happy if she hears what you are accusing him of” Alvara innocently yelled,but Michal was still very much angry.

“Wait,you’re serious?” She chilled down,when she noticed Michal’s “still angry” expression.

“You better believe me,because I’m not joking. Why would I even joke about such?” She said and took out her phone from her backpack to show her.

Thank goodness she was sensible enouh to not just take pictures of them,but she made a short video. Because there is no f_cking way Alvira would have believed her.

Even Alvara was starting to doubt her already.

Alvira would have probly thought Michal is just jealous of her relationship.

“Oh my gawd!” Alvara exclaimed,holding her mouth in disbelief.

“So,this idiot is just deceiving my sister and playing with her heart?” Alvara gritted.

She turned to look at her sister,but they were gone already.

“We have to tell her about this. She’ll be hurt badly for sure,but she has to know that Niran is just toying with her heart.
Oh,$h|t! I don’t even want to imagine how broken she’ll be” Alvara roughened her hair in frustration.

“Just send me the video,I’ll…ha!” She sighed.

“I’ll find a way to tell her” She said,and Michal nodded.


“How are you,love?” Lennox asked. He held Alvara into a tight hug,kissing her hair as she stayed in his huge body like a little baby.

Uhm…yeah! They are a thing now.

“I’m fine,baby. I missed you” She replied,still hugging him tight.

“I missed you too” He replied,tightening the hug.

“Okay. Now I know how much you missed me,this hug tells it all” Alvara giggled,and he smiled.

“Don’t complain,baby. Just hug me” Lennox said. Alvara nodded and stayed just as he requested.

He pulled away after few minutes,staring at her eyes with a smile.

The smile suddenly vanished,just like that,the moment he remembered something.

“I have to tell you something” He said,and Alvara frowned a little.

“Okay,Le. What is it?” Alvara asked eagerly.

Lennox took a deep breathe and was about saying what he wanted to tell her,when his phone rang.

He excused himself and went to answer it.

Few seconds later,he was done and he came back to meet Alvara.

“I have to go now,okay? We’ll talk about it,baby. I promise,I love you” He kissed her hair again. Alvara nodded and with that,he left.


“How are you,Doctor Monique?” Kyrian asked playfully,while Monique giggled.

Well,I don’t need to tell you what’s up,you should know already.

“I am not talking to you!” Monique barked,making Kyrian to laugh.

“So,why did you pick my call if you don’t want to talk to me?” He asked,still chuckling lowly.

“It was a mistake,okay? My finger mistakenly swiped green,so don’t stress it” Monique lied,and he laughed out.

“f_ck! You need lying lessons. You’re so bad at lying” Kyrian said,and they both laughed out.

“I am fine. How are you?” She finally answered his question.

“I am good,sweetie. We have a dinner date at my place tonight,ay?” He said,and she happily replied with a “yep”.

“I should let you be for,so don’t use the wrong knife on your patient” He joked and she giggled.

They spoke for a little more time before the call ended.

Immediately the call ended,Caesar walked into Kyrian’s Office.

“Oh,you’re back already” Kyrian stood up from his chair,and leaned on his desk instead.

“So,when do I get to meet your woman?” Caesar asked,loosening his tie a little.

“Soon,man. Very soon” He smirked,and Caesar chuckled,shaking his head.

“How did it go?” Kyrian asked,and he replied positively.

“You were telling me about something before you left” kyrian started.

“Yeah,I want to plan a surprise for Georgia. I know that’s your thing,so you’re gonna help me plan. I want her to be clueless about this” Caesar explained.

“Ooh,I love this already” Kyrian grinned happily.

“He-goat” Caesar joked and they both laughed.


Jade tiredly entered the house,and slumped on the chair.

“I need food,I’m so hugry” She groaned out.

She stood up and went to her room to drop her handbag and the rest.

After that,she came back to the living room.

Immediately she came,something knocked her brain. It was then she remembered Cindy was not in the living room when she came.

“Cindy…?” She called,questioningly.

She walked straight to her room,but found it empty with no Cindy inside.

“Uhm…Cindy?” She called again,checking the toilet and bathroom,still,she wasn’t there.

“Okay,this unlike her. Where the hell did she go?” Jade momentarily started getting worried.

She swiped her phone,instantly unlocking it and she dialed Cindy right away.


Was all she was told as she tried over and over.

“This isn’t cool at all” She started pacing about.

She checked Cindy’s closet,to see if she actually left the house,for advising her,but her clothes were still there.

“Cindy…where are you!?” She shouted,getting out of her room quickly.

She dialed her number again and again,but same” Not reachable”.


” Good evening,Master.


The workers greeted,as Caesar walked in.

He nodded and smiled at them,before going up,heading to his room where he expects Georgia to be sleeping peacefully and soundly.

👤 I can’t believe how happy Master has become. Jeez! Master who was always grumpy.

👤 Marry right,and live happily.

👤 Then,let’s get married.

The last person,that’s Brandon,said.

He was referring to Claire who chuckled and rolled eyes.

“Keep dreaming” She hissed,and went back into the kitchen.

They were actually setting the table for dinner.


And just as he thought,he saw Georgia sleeping when he entered.

Gawd! She looks so cute!

He smiled,and loosened his tie completely,but did not take it off.

He walked up to the bed and covered her well,then brushed her hair (The one that was covering her face) to the back,nicely.

“I’m sorry,you know I promised to try and come back early,but…whoo!” He breathed out.

He smiled again,then kissed her forehead,slid down his hand beneath the duvet and rubbed her tummy a little.

He then leaned in,and kissed her on the lips for few seconds,and was about pulling away when Georgia suddenly opened her eyes.

“Gotcha!” She said,and pulled him back,kissing him madly.

“Oh My Gawd!!” Caesar muttered in her mouth.


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