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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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TEMPORARY WIFE – Episode 55 & 56

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[ Sweet Surrender…]

Chapter 55🪻56

By,Ella N.

Copy And Dìe Viciously‼️





“Urhhh,Monique!!” Georgia grunted,and Monique laughed out.

She held Geogia’s both hands and put them on her thighs,while staring at her face,as if to remove that stubborness in her.

“It’s time,best friend. Please,the baby needs to feel its Dad too. I’m very sure Caesar has learned his lesson and he’s ready to be the best husband he has never been,please.

“I know he deserves every punishment you’re giving him,but it’s time to put this stubbornes aside and take him back.
If not for anything,at least for the love you have for him and most importantly,the baby you’re carrying.

“Caesar loves you more than you think,babes.
And….just go online to his back up account. He’s live and….” Monique wanted to say,but Georgia took an excuse by raising her pointer finger up,and rushing to the restroom again.

She knelt down near the WC and began to empty her stomach into it.

“I think I’m going to pass out soon,Monique. I feel very weak,and I’m not sure if I can get up from here” She said,sitting on the bare floor of the restroom.

She rested her back and head on the wall with her eyes half shut,her right hand on her tummy,rubbing it gently with the hope of easing herself of the discomfort.

“Sorry,dear” Monique said,squatting and rubbing her shoulder soothingly too.

“Is there nothing I can take to stop me from throwing up?” Georgia asked, breathing abnormally.

“Nope” Monique replied simply.

“Ha,smokes! I can’t wait to have this baby already,I feel like I’m going to dìe soon” She said weakly,and Monique gave a short laugh.

“You can’t wait to have the baby? Jeez! You’re just still in the early signs of pregnancy,you haven’t even gone anywhere” She chuckled at her friend,shaking her head.

“But I’m two months gone already,Monique. I’m not supposed to be experiencing this much puking,right?” She asked with a little frown as she stares at Monique.

“The signs came late. Besides,you’re still very much in your early stage. Sorry,best friend”Monique said and helped her up.

She then flushed the yuk in the toilet and took her out of there to


“Should I get you something to eat?” Monique asked,helping Georgia pull the duvet up,to cover her.

“No,please. I just want to sleep,thanks,babes” She managed to smile.

“I’d love to go back home,but I don’t think I can leave you all alone like this” Monique said.

It’s actually from work she came here straight to check on Georgia. Today’s puking is weakening her so much,so she possibly can’t leave her alone. What if she passes out,and there’s no one to help her? Hmm!

“Are you sure? You know you leave very early for work” Georgia said,worried about her friend.

“Don’t worry about me,I’ll be fine. I can wear your clothes if that would be the case.
This why you need your husband anyway,and not me.
I wasn’t there when you two were f_cking,yunno” Monique smirked,looking at her to see her reaction.

“How you and I became friends,best friends at that,is what I ask google everyday,but I never get answers to that. You suck,Monique” Georgia scoffed,and covered her whole body,leaving just her head.

Monique laughed out loud,and started leaving the room,still laughing.

“I love you,best friend forever” She said,not even turning to look at Georgia.

“I h@ťě you,just get out!” Georgia shouted and she laughed more before completely leaving the room.

“I love you” Georgia later said,chuckling.

“And I love you more” She said,referring to her inside her.

She sat up,and touched her stomach,smiling.

“Should we forgive Daddy and go back to him?” She asked,as if the baby was seated next to her and looking at her.

She sighed out when she got no reply. Well,what was she expecting?

“I miss him a lot” She muttered,and laid back,covering herself again.


“Please tell me you were able to find who did it” Caesar said,getting out of the elevator that just reached the ground floor.

He was breathing so much like he went for a race early this morning. He was even sweating,as a matter of fact.

He and Kyrian have been working on this for days now,trying to get who hacked into his account,but haven’t been able to.

“No,man. Whoever did this is such a smarty. He or she is good,I swear.
You won’t believe I stayed up almost all night,trying to track the person,but well,I did find out it was a lady who did hack into your account.

“The identity of the person is what I have not been able to find” Kyrian said,but Caesar’s mind wasn’t with him anymore,he did not even hear the last thing Kyrian said.

The moment he said it’s a lady who hacked into his account,his mind drifted straight to Cindy.

“Wait a second,it’s a lady that hacked my account? Does this mean…does this mean Cindy is the one who did this nonsense?

“Cindy is the one behind our seperation,she’s the reason Georgia h@ťěs me now?!

“She’s done for! I’m gonna kíll her with my bare hands!” Caesar raged with anger.

And like a wounded bull,he made to leave,but was stopped by Kyrian.

“Calm down,tiger. Are you actually going to Bangkok right now?
I am not supporting her or anything,but we aren’t even sure if she’s the one or not.

“Calm down let’s solve this with sense.
You’ve gone live and told the world that you did not make that post.

“We should focus more on Georgia for now,not Cindy.
She’s not important right now,please” Kyrian said,and Caesar calmed down a bit,staring at Kyrian,absentmindedly.

He has just reminded him of Georgia again,and that makes him remember yesterday when she refused to talk to him in public,humiliating him in a big crowd.

She totally ignored him yesterday like she has never seen him before in her entire life,and that got him real bad.

Even two strangers who don’t know each would at least say “hi” to each other,but Georgia?

Like,her silent treatment is what is kílling and eating Caesar slowly.

She has never spoken to him since that $h|t happened.

She just ignore and walk passs him,without saying a word!

Is it calls,text messages of “I’m sorry”,trying to talk to her physically?

Georgia replies none!

It’s just so crazy.

Well,maybe the pregnancy crazies are adding to her stubborness.

Caesar cleaned the little tears with his thump,and took a deep breath.

“What else should I do,Kyrian? Hasn’t she punished me enough?

“Y’all help me tell her that I’m sorry. I miss her,I want to touch her soft and tender face.
I want to hear her say crazy things.

“I want to hear her call me King of the Jews. I want to see her beautiful smiles,cute giggles,her one sided dimple and all.

“Y’all tell her that I need her,please. I can’t do without her,the house is boring and feels like a graveyard without her.

“I want to taste her sweet food again,same one she once made.

“I miss our little but romantic fights. Please tell her that I’m sorry,and I’ll never treat her like $h|t,ever again. She’s the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

“I love her,and I want her to come back.
I’m sorry,Geo. Deeply and sincerely sorry” Caesar said,and Kyrian was left speechless.

He only was staring at him,without even blinking or moving.

Okay,he has to do something before his friend loses it.

“Don’t worry,my man. I’m here,and always will be here for you. Trust me on this,you’ll have your wife back,okay?” Kyrian placed a hand on his shoulder.


All the journalists ran to Caesar with mics,phones and everything that is transmittable,the moment he stepped his feet out of his car.

It’s as though they heard,or were informed that Caesar would be coming to the theatre today.

“A moment with you,Mr Ruslee.

“Can we have a second of your time,please?

They all tropped in like ants that have just seen a pile of sugar,leaving him with no space to breathe.

Caesar sighed out,and instantly regretted ever coming here.

He shouldn’t have even agreed to take the role.

Aside the rough times he’s facing,it’s because of these people he doesn’t really go out.

He knew they will surely approach and question him for what has been happening in his life lately.

“We’ve been hearing so much about you,Mr. Ruslee.

“Is it true that you and your wife are Divorced now,or it’s still just a rumor?

“If yes,why?
Because according to your live video yesterday,you said your account was hacked. Could it be that your ex is behind this whole thing?

“And if no.
Why is your wife no longer living with you?” One asked.

Caesar looked at them with just one thought on his mind.

“My wife and I are not Divorced” Was all he replied them,and left their side.

Although,they were still following him,but he ignored them.

And his body guards were doing a great job,by keeping them away from getting to him again.


Georgia got out of her car,picked her phones,then took off her heels and wore flat shoes.

She sighed,tiredly,locked her car and began to walk in.

She actually just got back from work,and didn’t bother going to her house.

She decided to come here because she has something to tell everyone,her parents especially.

Her day at work wasn’t a funny one.

Thank goodness she had no case to defend today,because only God knows how it would have been for her,jeez!


“Good evening,Mom” Georgia greeted,kissing her Mom’s hair.

“Aww,you came. How are you,baby” Marisa smiled,holding her soft palm.

Georgia replied warmly,but her Mom frowned.

She actually hasn’t seen her for some days now,so she has noticed that she doesn’t look fine.

“Are you sure you are okay?” Marisa asked,and Georgia smiled.

“When is Dad coming home though?” Georgia asked,dropping her phones on the table.

“He said next month,but I know he still won’t come back next month” Marisa said,and Georgia chuckled.

“You miss him already,just say so” Georgia joked,making Marisa to laugh.

“My gosh,sis!” Alvara exclaimed,immediately hugging Georgia when she got to her.

“I told you she was coming” Alvira said,coming in with her phone.

She’s actually watching something online.

Well,it’s Caesar that has gone live again.

“You need to see this,GiGi. Your husband is publicly apologizing for everything he has done to you” Alvira said,Georgia creased her brows.

She collected the phone from Alvira and just like that,a smile escaped her lips.


“Crap! You’re not falling for that,are you?” Marisa hissed.

“Actually,Mom,hat’s why I’m here. I’ve punished him for too long,I think it’s time I stopped.
I need to go back to my husband” Georgia smiled,and Marisa gasped.

“You can’t be serious,Georgia” She said,unbelievably.

“I am more than serious,Mom. Besides,I’m carrying our first child” Georgia blurted,and Marisa gasped even louder.

The twins looked at each other,and …

“We are gonna be aunts!!” They screamed out happily.


👤 Am I seeing well,or Mrs. Ruslee is actually here?

👤 OMG!

👤Ahhh,my gosh!

The employees screamed happily as Georgia came in.

The joy in them is overflowing and they are hoping her coming is for good.

Well,it is,because she was smiling all through,while she answered their greetings and walk past.


Caesar just had his bath,and had just worn his night trousers. He was about wearing the shirt when Georgia walked in unexpectedly like a ghost.

He actually went live immediately he got home,without bathing or changing his clothes.

Caesar’s raised brows were second to none,as his eyes remained wide open. His shirt fell off his weak hand,and he blinked weakly too,completely weak!!

He was trying to understand if he’s actually dreaming or this is real.


Georgia too,stood still,staring at her husband. His hot body that she had missed seeing,his room,his every f_cking thing!

Neither of them was talking at the moment.

“G…Ge…” Caesar tried to call,but Georgia ran to his side and jumped on him,and Caesar didn’t fail to carry her like a baby.

She wrapped her hands around his neck,and berried her head on his shoulders,shedding tears which were starting to soak Caesar already.

“I’m sorry….I’m very sorry” She cried,and Caesar held her tighter,hugging her to himself,as if to just eat her raw.

“I’m so sorry,Gem….I’m really really really….” Caesar burst into tears.

Both of them now crying seriously.

Gosh! It was too emotional.

“I’ll never hurt you again,never in my life. I won’t even let a fly hurt you,I’m sorry,Geo” He cried more and more,still carrying Georgia.

After the emotional moment that seemed like forever,Caesar put Georgia down to stare at her face. He’s still not sure if she’s actually the one. Lol.

“Gem…?” He called,took her hand and kissed it,kissed her forehead,kissed her nose,hair and then,a light one on the lips.

“I’m…” He paused and chuckled,still not believing it.

“I’m…” He wanted to say again,but Georgia shut him up with herpointer finger.

“Touch it” She giggled,taking Caesar’s hand to her stomach.

Caesar creased his brows again,touching her tummy though.

“What’s that?” He asked,grinning happily.

“It’s our baby” She simply said,and…

“Our what?!!” He asked,eyes widening the more.

Georgia chuckled seriously,staring at his face.

“Our baby. I knew you’d never remember that day” She said. Caesar got more abd more confused.

“What day?” He asked,and she smiled.


“Hey! I told you to leave me,let me sleep there and enjoy myself,but you two coconut heads are too stubborn!” Drunk Caesar yelled at his guards who were trying to help him into the house.

“Where’s my bottle of alcohol,you baboons!” He barked,hitting Alex on the head.

Like that,they managed to get him inside. Georgia was in the sitting room when drunk Caesar was brought in.

“What happened to him?” Georgia got up immediately and asked.

“He’s drunk,ma’am. We tried to stop him from drinking so much,but couldn’t.

“Oh,smokes! What’s wrong with him,why did he drink so much that he’s acting all stūpid?!” Georgia held her head,shaking it.

She sighed and went to them,instantly holding Caesar by the hand.

“You can leave” She said to Jack and Alex. They both nodded and bowed,then left.

“You look like my wife,are you my wife?” He asked stúpidly and Georgia rolled eyes.

“This is where you will sleep if you keep talking nonsense” Georgia shot and he hiccupped.

“How can you be this drunk to the point of acting like a dummy?” Georgia shouted and he laughed.

“My wife” He said. Georgia granted and began to pull him like a goat.


She successfully took him to his room,and got him in bed,pulling the duvet to cover him.

She was about taking her hands off the duvet when Caesar pulled her,still in his drunk state.

She landed on his body,and thier lips met.

She quickly got off his body,but he pulled her back to his body. Mumbling some inaudible words like one who has lost his senses.

“Let’s make love. You said you are my wife,right?” He asked,his drowsy eyes,staring into Georgia’s.

“Let me go,you jerk! You’re drunk,senselessly drunk!” Georgia barked,trying to get up again,but his strong arms pulled her back again.

“I’m drunk,but…” He paused and hiccupped,slightly closing his eyes.

“But my Ďïčk isn’t…it can still stand,see?” He asked,stúpidly,pointing to nowhere exactly.

“What?!” Georgia asked and slapped his mouth,but he was laughing instead.

“Close that alcohol pipe you call a mouth,monkey!” Georgia barked,slapping his mouth again and he still laughed.

He flipped Georgia over before she knew what was going on….he was even still laughing.

“You’re mãd,Caesar. Just wait till I get up from here. I’m gonna pull out the belt on your waist and flog the alcohol in your body out” Georgia said,and the next thing she felt was his tongue on her left nìpple.

She wasn’t even wearing a bra!

Well,she already had her night bath and was in her nightie.

“Caesar…!!” She wanted to push him away abd slap him,but…

“Oh my gawd

“Caesar…I’m gonna kil…

“Oh $h|t! Aww…


And that was it.

She couldn’t help it.

This happened during the period Cindy left and the twins came,it was within the week they left. Because they actually didn’t stay up to a week like Alvira said they were going to stay.

She was only frightening him.

So,yeah. Caesar got himself drunk that day after finding out Cindy was only dating him because of his money.

This is a talk for another day though.

He was so drunk that he never remembered anything as such happened.

This is actually why he suddenly began to feel something for Georgia. He began to feel attracted to her just out of the blues.

And Georgia? That’s why she fell for him even more.

It’s the sêx they had that night. He woke up the next morning and everything was normal,because Georgia made it so.

Well,she did not know it’d result to pregnancy.

This is actually one of the main reason she was so mãd at Caesar till now that she finally came back. She felt stupid to have given him her body.

Well,he’s her husband,so no big deal.

“What?!” Caesar exclaimed,jacking her up again.

“You mean…oh my gawd!!” He exclaimed again. The story is so funny,that they both couldn’t stop laughing.

“I love you….l love you…I love you” He said,crashing his lips on her,instantly as he put her down.

Georgia held his face,while he held her waist,pressing on her @zz a little.

Thier tongues fighting a battle inside thier mouths as they kissed breathedlessly.

Caesar carried her again,heading to the bed,which he gently laid her down and got on top of her without wasting time


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